The Good Earth Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATION$ Trth Will va STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. . TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN HOLTZER Criticism of 'U' Budget Information: A Neat rolitical Dodge LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Campus UN Gives False Impressions r EVEN WITH broad stretch of the imagina- tion, it is difficult to believe State Rep. Ed- ward Hutchinson's claim that the Legislature wants only "a detailed financial statement, and not control over the educational pro- grams" of Michigan's colleges and universities. Rep. Hutchinson is part of a growing group of legislators which increasingly in the last several years has criticized the University and MSU for inadequate reports of appropriation disbursement. Although the Legislators' criticisms are often inconsistent, they are so prevalent that Elmer Porter, Senate appropriations committee chair- man, has confidently claimed, "We'll get in- formation this year or they won't get any money." IT IS NOT CLEAR, however, just what in- formation the legislators want..With the ex- ception of individual faculty salaries, Univer- sity administrators claim all. information is available for the asking. Agreement is lacking even on what facts are received in Lansing. Who is to be believed when Rep. Arnell Engstrom, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, says the University and MSU provide all*the informa- tion the committee needs, and Sen. Porter says just the opposite? Perhaps the Senator would benefit from a caucus with the Representative. The legislators can take issue over specific salary information, but their other requests need elucidation. Even. Rep. Hutchinson has contradicted his. own claim to non-interference in the school's affairs by another remark: "I-want the Legis- lature to dictate, in broad terms, how (the schools) shall use their funds." This is far from just wanting a detailed financial statement. ONCE THE Legislature gains any explicit power tt direct educational funds, adding or eliminating specific items would be easy. It could result in planning the state's higher educational program in the halls of the capitol rather than in the offices of deans and faculty, members where considerably more qualified individuals may be found. It is disquieting to read another of Sen. Hutchinson's remarks and consider what he and some like-minded legislators would do to Michigan's schools. He said that the schools reportedly are favoring "professors with cer- tain political philosophies." "There are certain professors who have run for public office and have gone back to the campuses to do research or something. We couldn't find out what they were doing." SIMPLE PRACTICAL considerations are an- other objection to legislative direction of funds. It would require a staff much larger than that of any department, agency or legis- lative committee in Lansing to analyze and wisely alter a budget as big and complex as those of Michigan's schools. The Legislature's approach more likely would be to eliminate, here and there, items that do not particularly appeal to certain legislators. Centralized and detailed control over uni- versity funds is apparently the basic objective of the Legislature. But beyond this, the issue has become a political scapegoat mixed with an element of sincere concern over misuse of funds and poor economy at the schools. In a year of extreme monetary difficulties, vocal criticism of financial accounting has served to divert public attention from the amazing lack of leadership in a Legislature- which should be finding new immediate and long-range revenue sources. It is a dodge that not even all the legislators can stomach. -DAVID TARR Associate Editor NORMALITY RETURNS: AEC, Lawmakers Resume Warfare JUST INQUIRING. . . by Michael Kraft TIMINGS at the University of Michigan, Is a the traditional town-vs.-gown conflicts. Typical wonderful thing. Even the lowest freshman perhaps was last week's article in a national has ittl trublemissngmagazine which charged colleges are becoming Take Sunday's panty raid for example. The playgrounds. Raids only add to the feeling that w_ i-o The all.d Immediate reactions from veterans of other thyre wel equipped-. raids, including last spring's, last fall's, etc., But perhaps most ironical was that just the etc., was "what a he-- of a time. There's still day before the raid, an informal survey by snow on the ground." United Press International, seeking student and But nothing like variety . .. since previous faculty reaction to the article, found one major raids have stemmed from pep rallies, demon- theme running throughout almost every com- strations against food, and just plain romantic inent. The article may be true at other schools, Ann Arbor spring evenings, perhaps it was time but certainly not at Michigan. for a snowball fight to start things rolling. Only at Michigan, can timing be so appro- Where things of this sort stop, it's really hard priate. to tell. In this age of garbage disposals, news.- papers have little staying power. BUT FOR THOSE who do not enjoy raids and that sort of thing, there is a brighter side. BUT AS ONE rather disheartened University At last Markley is a full-fledged women's dorm, B employe said, "if I was in the Legislature having undergone its first siege, and the girls and hadn't already been wondering about what behaved "beatifully." goes on in the colleges, this would certainly And perhaps Markley can provide a solution make me wonder." And currently, during the to the raiding problem that has long plagued weeks before the April 6th election when Legis- University officials. If they can find all the laiors obviously aren't going to do anything bricks destined for Markley but now supporting concrete about the state's lack of money, they'll book shelves in hundreds of campus apart- have plenty of time for wondering about what's ments, they could build a wall big enough to tappening to the few funds they can apprpi- retain the residents of West and South Quads.o ate. Such a wall will serve two purpioses. It'll keep But seldom does word of the latest college the raiders fenced in and it'll provide an outlet prank, especially at a "serious" school like when they feel exhubriant. They can beat their Michigan, stop at the state's borders. heads against it and everyone will feel much The anti-college reaction is notconfined to better when they stop. p NTERPRETING THE NEWS-:d More MiastConfrsion By PHILIP POWER Daily Staff Writers NORMALITY, that is, a state of open war, has returned to re- lations between the Atomic En- ergy Commission and the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy. The two groups had gotten along with anything but harmony and mutual trust during Adm. Lewis Strauss' ten- ure as chairman of the Commis- sion. And it is quite probable that Admiral Strauss' inability to get along with liberal members of the Congressional committee, which is supposed to supervise his com- mission, played some part in his decision to resign. It had been expected that John A. McCone's appointment last summer as chairman of the com- mission would have a pacifying effect on the Congressmen who had been especially vocal in their criticism of Admiral Strauss. Hos- tilitie3, however, have been re- sumed lately. * * * For McCor e, the casus belli in this case was his irritation with the "arbitrary and perfunctory" way in which the committee, like many other Congressional com- mittees, conducts its business. For the committee, the renewal of hostilities was due to its feeling of disappointment with McCone's ideas about the optimumt rapid development of nuclear reactors in the United States for industrial purposes. THE COMMITTEE was further piqued by MVIcCone's assertion that "remarkable progress" has been made in this field during the past few years. The liberals on the committee, mainly Democrats, hold that the commission has "failed miserably" in this regard, largely because it has left the job up to private industry and has been unwilling to bring in the re- sources of the federal government. McCone wants to make the cost of electric power generated from nuclear reactors competitive with that generated by other means within ten years. He had hoped to win the support of the com- mittee by announcing that the government would pay half the cost of building prototype reac- tors. Before, it had financed only research and fuel. The commission plans to spend $115 million in the coming fiscal year for six new prototype plants. -'his As, however, only about one third of the average spent in re- cent years, and the new projects are not all gain, as some others have been suspended. * * * SUCH A reduction in outlay may be due to pressure from the Budget Bureau rather than from the cgmmission itself. But, re- gardless of the cost, the develop- ment of industrial and practical atomic sources of power is too im- portant a task, for the country's position both economically and internationally, to be sacrificed to incompletely validated fears over a balanced budget and inflation. The cost of developing atomic re- actors is clearly out of proportion to the strictly business profit they might bring in. Their importance, both as scientific projects, and as a sign of this country's progress in the internationally prestigious field of atomic energy makes it imperative that progress be accel- erated. It is exactly in situations such as this, where business is unable, because of lack of suffi- cient profit, to support the cost of development of a new process which has national importance, that the government should rightly step into the breach. In the past, the government has virtually ignored its important responsibility in the field of atom- ic energy. It is to be hoped that it will take the rather obvious hints offered by the Congressional com- mittee and develop a constructive, forward-looking, effective pro- gram. To the Editor: THE ACCOUNT you published Sunday of the mock UN ses- sion is fair and objective. But all your readers who did not attend the meeting did not get the same impression that the few who did attend: that this whole show was a big propaganda effort of the Arab countries. They admitted it privately and one of the delegates even told me, rather naively: "I would have been a fool not to use such an opportunity to make oropaganda." I can understand very well why Arab peoples can be so emotional when Algeria is con- cerned; some Frenchmen are. But this is the best way toprevent any possibility of an agreement; and your readers should know it. Still, the debate has been very useful in proving beyond evidence how difficult it is for France to be understood. The French posi- tion is this: it is obvious to every- one that a peaceful solution in Al- geria is imperative as quickly as possible. But it is not simply by shouting the magic word "inde- pendence" that all the terribly in- tricated problems of Algeria will be solved. What France is trying to do now, is to find the best way to give the Algerians (all of them) the status they want; to make them sure that the rights of the large French minority (one-tenth of the population) will be respect- ed; to maintain the economic re- lations between the two countries -and not because Algeria is es- sential to the French economic balance (ask Mr. Pinay's opin- ion!) but on the contrary because today, independent or not, Algeria simply cannot live without French aid. The other Arab states seem to ignore entirely the Algerian situ- ation; they are evading the true problems by talking about geno- cide (?), 6onquest, illiteracy .. . These monotonous incantations of insults and menaces seem de- signed to prevent any rational and democratic solution of the problem. Only the Tunisians and the Moroccans know the real problems of North Africa; that is why the only way to advance to- ward a settlement of this dread- ful war is to use the good offices of those countries. President Bourguiba and His Majesty Mo- hammed V are working in this di- rection. A meeting between Gen- eral de Gaulle and the Sultan is now in preparation. This proves once more that France is working to solve herself her own problems. The Algerians (some of them at least) know that their noisiest friends are their worst enemies; that is why they are thinking now of moving the siege of their "pro- visional government" away from Cairo. The day this will happen, peace in Algeria will be in sight. -Jean Carduner Dept. of Romance Languages Health Service . . To the Editor: IN WRITING this letter I feel that I am expressing the opin- ions of many other students on this campus - concerning the "wonderful" institution named Health Service. Having had the need for medical treatment sev- eral times this year, I went to Health Service, and found myself leaving there with the same need. As a matter of fact, the informa- tion I was led to believe and the. treatment I was given were detri- mental, not helpful, or should I say healthful! I could cite many examples of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) agement, Trust Administration, Bond Merchandising, Operations and Admin- istration. City of Detroit, Detroit, Mich. Grad- uates: June, Aug. The Kroger Co., Livonia, Mich. Loca- tion of work: Midwest and South. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with a de- gree in Liberal arts or Business Ad- ministration for Training Program. Roche Laboratories, Orchard Lake, Mich. Location of work: Great Lakes Div. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with any degree, science background would be helpful, for Medical Service Rep- resentative. YWCA, Lansing, Mich. Graduates: June, Aug. women with any degree in Liberal Arts or Education. Summer Personnel Requests: S. S. Aquarama. If you are 21 or over and want to work 7 days a week on a pleasure boat, contact the Summer Placement Bureau. Tues., or Thurs., from 1-5 or Fri.from 8:30-12 noon. Nurses. Camp Sherwood, private camp for boys in Boyne City. Mich., needs a Registered Nurse for this summer. Personnel Requests: Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, Va., Thermo-Chemist, Research Engr., Chmists, Mech. Engr., Materials Engr., Pyrotechnic Engr., Research Aerody- namicist, Exp. Physicist, Propellant Process Engr., plus other Engineering and Chemistry openings. Dewey and Almy Chemical Division, of . R. Grace & Co., Cambridge, Mass., Staff Asst. to Dir. of Research. Devel- similar treatment: one that I know of occurring last week, to my roommate. She went in with a sore throathoping to find some relief, besides the conventional salt pill that Health Service hands out like gum-drops. She told the physician she was allergic to peni- cillin, and asked for something else - in particular. aureomycin. The doctor told her she had a "virus infection" and could do nothing for her! So she then had a sample of blood taken from her finger under very unsanitary con- ditions to no avail. Her "infec- tion" became worse, and so now she's going to a private M.D. in Ann Arbor - where something is being done for her! I would just like to know why, in this world-renowned university, such actions are permitted to go on. It certainly seems to me, with the wonderful medical center we have here, that something could and definitely should be done! I'm sure if an health inspector or a doctor went into Health Service. unannounced (posing as a pa- tient) he would -certainly find that something was wrong. How about a little action some- one! -Name Withheld by Request Bruckner To the Editor: AFTER attending the concert of the Pittsburgh Symphony Or- chestra and reading the review of Mr. Gordon Mumma which ap- peared in The Michigan Daily, I should like to make the follow- ing observations. In essence I do not wish to dispute the reviewer's criticism of the inadequacy of the performance; I agree that there was much to be desired in the playing of the Bruckner sympho- ny. But I do disagree with the conclusion that Bruckner's music should, therefore, be consigned to oblivion in the United States. Bruckner's music, in my opinion, contains some of the most moving passages in symphonic literature. Because of its length, complexity, anddepth, it still remains vastly unappreciated in this country. If America's orchestras are largely unable to cope with the undertak- ing, this is all the more reason for increased playing and interest in Bruckner's symphonies. I am sure that there are and will be many who never will count Bruckner among the greatest of composers, but I feel his music has so much to offer that it would indeed be a great tragedy to see it disappear completely from Ameri- ca's musical life. -Donald Thomas, '60 AT THE STATE: Fractured' .Flat Filma " HE SHERIFF of Fractured Jaw" is billed hs a very funny movie made only for people who like to laugh. It should cure most of them of the, habit. Those who go expecting a comedy will be disappointed, but those who go for a pleasant waste of two hours will pleasantly waste two hours. The story is the oft-told narra- tive of a naive, meek man who goes out to the wild west and through odd pircumstances be- comes a hero, Marries the beauti- ful girl, saves the town, etc. But this movie is not primarily an ad- venture, but rather a satire on the familiar theme, much as "Many Rivers To Cross" was a satire on frontier movies. "Sheriff of Frac- tured Jaw" is more conventional and hence less humorous. THE MOVIE is generally trite, although it could be called toler- able. The hero (even Englishmen can be western heroes) is an Eng- lish scion who goes to the wild west to sell guns and save the family fortune. The two perennial rival ranches think Tibbs (Ken- neth More) is a gunman, which he is, in one sense. And so the tale continues, until the Indians, with the guns More sold them, save the day for all. In recent years westerns have sought to distinguish themselves by adding suspense, drama, pa- thos, etc. "Sheriff of Fractured Jaw" tries humor."The humor is partly situational - the English- man suddenly finding himself sheriff of a western town split by the two rival factions; partly iron- ic - the Indians seem to/ be the "good guys;" and mostly corny - the town undertaker, for example. * * * BUT AS A WHOLE all this hu- mor is for naught. It is too diver- sified and sporadic to really make the grade as a comedy. There are no wholly humorou rcharacters, either situational, like the late Lou Costello, or subtle, like the two aunts in "Arsenic and Old Lace." The humor does not flow, and its absence leaves a rather dull thud. ' ". r r e . CAPITAL COMMENTARY: 3.Businessmen Fail at Pentagon By WILLIAM S. WRITE By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THERE ARE so many divergent forces at work in the Middle East that every new de- velopment brings confusion as to its own mean- ing as well as adding to the uncertainties of the whole. A British spokesman, discussing the new re- bellion in Iraq Sunday, obviously was oblivious to the humor and yet very accurate meaning in his own 'words. He said the situation was "clearly very confused." On the surface, the rebellion of army fac- tions in the Mosul area is pro-Nasser and against the influence of Communism on the Kassem revolutionary government in Baghdad. In this connection the term pro-Nasser refers to Arab Nationalism of the international type the Cairo leader supports. Yet there is Arab nationalism throughout the Middle East which is not pro-Nasser. The Baghdad government appears to be more -nationalist than communist, yet in com- petition with Nasser for Arab leadership in the traditional Iraqi fashion. International Communism, which for a time against western interests, now continues to do so in issues directly involving Middle East and Western conflicts, but undercuts it on more direct Communist interests. For instance, while supporting the Baghdad government, the international Communists continue to stir up trouble with their promises of a national state for the Kurds, who live in a. belt extending from northeastern Turkey across northern Iraq into Iran. The Kurds, always a dissident element in the countries where they live ,are thick around Mosul, cen- ter of the new rebellion. THE REBELLION, however, appears to be an army manifestation, and 'may explain reports current eight months ago, at the time of the Kassem revolt against the monarchy, that northern troops remained loyal and might take things into their own hands. Kassem has apparently relied upon the Com- munists to help protect him from Cairo. The new rebels prefer Cairo to Moscow. One of the difficulties in assessing all of these situations is the internal conflicts which arise between the Communists as well as the Nationalists of the Middle East. THE CHERISHED legend that any and all large public affairs are best directed "by businessmen with businesslike methods" is col- lapsing before our eyes. The notion's bankruptcy is being shown in the very agency which is the largest buyer and affords the greatest opportunity for a certain managerial skill. But it is a skill quite different from that required in business, and this is where the the /rub comes. This agency is the Department of Defense. In spending forty bil- lion dollars a year it dwarfs our biggest private corporations. And on its proper functioning rests the physical survival of the United States. The second of the big business- men to head Defense in the Eisen- hower Administration, Neil McEl- roy, has given notice that he is unlikely to last out the Adminis tration's own tenure. He is under- stood to feel that he must fairly soon return to private life unless he is to sacrifice an income run- ning to six figures for the $25,000 pay of the Secretary of Defense. MR. McELROY has been one of the country's great business suc- cess stories-soap and allied pro- ducts in his case. So, too, was his predecessor here, Charles E. Wil- son, the former president of Gen- eral Motors. Much has been soundly said that handing the Defense post about from one corporation executive to another is a poor way to run a most clearly illustrating why busi- nessman methods will not work in most governmental affairs. The great trouble, in a word, is not simply a too-rapid turnover in the business heads of Defense. It is that these are not the right heads in the first place. THE RELATIONSHIP between running the Pentagon and running an industrial concern is more ap- parent than real. The fundamental problems of industry are produc- tion and sales. The proper method is prudence for ultimate profit. The fundamental problems of the Defense Department are the uses of production. These uses are not and cannot be prudent; indeed they are essentially imprudent-- that is, daring and full of costly innovations. What are required are unavoid- ably wasteful and consciously com- petitive and overlapping produc- tion systems, the ultimate goal of which is not profit or even order as such but simply military strength. By law we cannot, and we should not, have a Secretary of Defense who is a professional military man. All the same, the Secretary of De- fense must have at bottom the same single overmastering con- cern of any field commander: to have plenty of weapons to shoot and trained men to shoot them in the most efficient, but not neces- sarily the least costly and most prudent, way. It is at this vital point that no typical big businessman, however private enterprise, they are like all professionals everywhere. It is the art that comes first-and last, too-and in this case it is the art of war. Not even the most sound of normally businesslike considera- tions must get into the way of this. The real job of a Secretary of Defense, in short, is this: (1.) To get the services the money they really need, or resign ,in the at- tempt. (2.) To crack down on them constantly when they try to in- trude beyond their own profes- sional sphere. (3.) But to stay out of their way on matters of strategy and tactics and the employment of weapons, which these professionals have devoted lifetime careers to learning. It is a .job not for a businessman but for a master politician. A poli- tician who can lead and persuade; keep a hard grip upon policy but a very relaxed grip upon opera- tions. Good politicians are no more and no less noble than busi- nessmen. It just happens that they don't care much about money but are endlessly interested in power and policy. This is the kind of drive that is needed at the civilian top in the Pentagon. '+i I A. -/- - - - -K'm mime