SIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1959 IEM U!ANI IX - OM ...CKHAM, FACULTY° RESEARCH FUNDS:'-,fi 0~. 4:.) its totalling $82,0100 have et for faculty research, ac H.y s, Dean Robert R. WhiteFainti to dean of the graduate par'ty o03 announced recently. ture and are to come from the Hor- Detroit °. ; >'. ,; : Fpq Y A. fyy Rackham Fund and the! of fasmily size and family plan- the Biosynthesis Qf Allantoic Research ,Fund. Included ning, changes occuring during Acid."? year's, projects: political heart lung bypass and industrial Funds were also given to Rob- Erganizatio~n, social struc- mold sylstwems for -sculpture. 1 er~t R."Miller -of the zoology de- I political behavior in the Faculty members will receive parttnent for "Genetic.-, and Evo- area, social''determinants1 $471,770 from the Horace H. Rack- lution of the Fish G: -us Poecili- _ -"ham 'Fund. opsis" and to Prof. Ftephen H. AnalsisSpurr, of the natural resources W.C Tiow of techool for "Frmation of the An- S~- . C.Bigeow o theengineer- nual Zylem Ring in the, Boles of k'"'~> ing departmecnt will do an analy- Pihus." sis of thZe particle distribution in Warren H. Wagner, Jr.,'of the sa precipi'tation strengthened alloy botany~ department wil~l study "The r b ; s 'yst ^. Chister E. NoiTrdman of Evergreen (. apeferns of Eastern jw ork on "X-Ray CrystallographicNotAmrc. Stdis f haerrasiios n Grants Given Social Scientists Hydrogen Bonded C r y s t a 1 s." In the social sciences - Robert Richard H. Sands of the physics . Crane of the l sto~y department elf r ' department will study "Biophysi- received a. grant to evaluate the cal Applications of Magnetic growth of nationalism in India Resonance"and R. Martin Mtiles 10-99 and Prof. Daniel Katz ' of the chemistry department will of the psychology- department and .tf 7study "Snuhesis of Imidazopyri- Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of th e da s political science department-re- Erin C. Stummn of the geology ceived a;rant to study. party or- S.... . department will -work \On "dem Olr ganization, social structure an~d of the Fossil Coral Reef at the political behavior in the Detroit 'Falls; of the Oi'"and Milton a.Asoatprgmdicorf r Camres of thle chemnistry depart- Asoitprga dreorf mnent, "Further Studie~s of the' the Surviey Research Center War- 'ion E. Mriller will do "A Study, of influence,-of Ring ize on Lie ithe Combined Use of Longitudinal Properties of Molecules." ad Cos.etoa oiia $iTo,,Study Gxluds Dta.' A.natol' Rapap ort of th~e j, ht engineerilng, group. Funds have' been given to John Mental 'Health Research Institute is teamed with experienced M. Allen of the zoology depart- will do research on "Use of Micro- best field: To broaden ment for "An Experimental Ab- languages in Psycholinguistic Ex- 1ward advanced degrees, a proa ~h to the Phaysiological Func- per'iments." tion of the Mlammalian Epidii- Recipients of grants for: study sentative how Vought's dymis," to Maynard M. Dewey of in the finer arts are: Oleg Grabar you're younlg.' the medical school for "The Ultra- of the fine arts department for FR PLACEMENT OFFICE structure of the Submnandibular "History of Islamic Architecture"# Gland in Normal and Castrated and James A. Miller of the flile EBRUARY 12-13 Rats" and to Bruce Levenberg of i arts departmentfr"ndsra la CW14 Z7the biochemistry departmnent for' Mold Systems for Sculpture." 4JA S. r fA A"Enz.ymat'ic U tilizat .ion of Urea for Research Financed in Medicine Research is also being financed in medicine. Walter S. Callahan of the medical school will study r"Experimental Mouse Collitis" and Edward A. Carr, Jr., of the md- mei-cal school will do "A Study of the Transferability of Human Drug IAllergy." SOUTH UNIVERSITY__________ William W. Coon of 'the medical kschool will study "Serum Protein j [ kAlterations in Response to Hor-' "\ 'TE , f o 11 Ff mroal Ablation 'in Metastic Car- cinoma of the Breast" and. Prof. nd ELECTRON IC SERVICE -lywiPvsgthedna sc :hool will investiate "Standard- :KlT~ V ; +k AD~ '~ization' and Specification Testing .nY.. __:_ ~ WANT RECOG I Neophytes don't stay neophytes long in a Void From the start, the young engineer is recognized. He~ mien. He is methodically assisted in finding his his potential, there's companiy-sponsored work to' rotational training program. Ask our repres, recognition can help you advance while OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE IN YOU fiNOQ P4FtATrgO * 1317: STUDENT'HE) COMPONENTSa LARGEST INV[ L- I1 %J./ux 1I t 1ItLI 6: /I1 r\ L.. ----, Sp ecial Selection of Stock J1nsures. Highest Q9iality' DISTRIBU)TOR of "BST BUYS"/ such as: oA (Aco7vth c serch) h3 :. u Ly f' i. . :AVrD OGl o E;LK- - Aft l y -yl y ^ b, ^. 0 E1C oi A 9 U~~eLne of TOP .UALITY KITS One Block East of Campus Theatre Hi Fi Studio for SALES Ann Arbor Radio (1217 S. University) for SERVICE 1 1, 1 , Make hearts go "PIT-A-'PAT." See our selection. 723 N. University NO 3-4514 ; ,_ 6i#IIIl NOM AIfR NI ---- ---G -- x f i I Vo Lv" f r r A"" x y _ ; ,k J a, E' . ;.f ,l .; 1 c9 j ' J '. '<°U r i i i : n' i YI G, r . i 4 )_ I: t'. _ c i k E g i W e d n V s e,' O.a [ h pR ?'' Group 1-700 Group a2-7:0 Group 3-7:00 Group 4-7:00 !Group 5-7:00 Group b6-7:00 Group 7-8:30 Group 8830 Group Group Group 10-83 11- ,8:30 V4a :; 11 " V4 0 71 Group12-700 Group 13-7:00 Group 116-7:00 Grocup 17-7.0 Group 20-8:30 Group 21 -8-30 Group 22-8:30 I' Grou 14-7:0 Group 15-7:00 Group 1 9-8:3-j E F r t #S-i