8, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC 'M' Cagers Win Finale As Varsity Records Fall DAil AY CLASS FIE (Continued from Page 1) Ten scoring race was cut only to 10. However, he only hauled iui 12 rebounds in his last game in Mich- igan uniform, and his rebounding lead of three over MSU's Johnny .Green is in. jeopardy pending the release of the final Conference statistics next week. Burton's 14 points also fell short of the 22 he needed to crack Kra- mer's Michigan career scoring rec- ord of 1,123. The second varsity record that fell last night was the season team scoring record of 1,745 set in 1955. It was fitting that Lee, the other graduating starter, put in a free throw for Michigan's 24th point- the one that broke the record. The 1959 season total reached 1,790 by game's end. Lee Scores 10 However, Lee-along with Bur- ton-failed to have a "great" final night in Michigan uniform. The burly forward-guard, who plays his best under the boards, was forced to battle the larger Minnesota players all night He scored only 10 points, well off his 18.3 aver- age, and lost the rebound battle to Gopher Dick Erickson, 17-15. While Burton and Lee were at- tempting to stand off the rugged Gophers at their slow game, sopho- more John Tidwell tossed in 20 points to provide the blow that Minnesota could not withstand. He was the only one that could score on Michigan's infrequent fast-breaks, and his fine jump- shot was working, as usual. Robbins Fills In Rich Robbins, filling in again for injured Terry Miller at the other 'M' guard spot, showed that he, too, has a fine outside shot, although he could not handle the fastbreak as well as Miller. Another key to the victory was burly Lovell Farris, who tossed in 12 valuable points from his center slot, although he was four and five inches shorter than his op- ponents.E It was ironic that Minnesotax coach Ozzie Cowles should losef this game, since it provided a final touch to Michigan's best cage team ALTERATIONS JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Wait 118% E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )P1 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )WI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CARI is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty college. Days, afternoons, and evening classes. Forstudent beautician. For more in- formation write or call Ann Arbor Beauty College, 4567 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti or NO 5-7500. )CC1 BUSINESS PERSONAL MAN, LIKE IT'S WAY OUT! Make your apogee at Lumbard's. 1225 S. Univ. FF5 HAVE YOUR SWEATERS knitted espe- cially for you, designed to fit you ex- actly. Choose colors, style. NO 3-9260. FF1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LINES 2 4 ONE-DAY .80 .96 1.12 SPECIAL TEN-DAY RATE .39 .47 .54 Big savings on STEREO andHI FI Record Players Figure 5 average words to a line: Call Classified between I :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 300 South Thayer -Daily-Alan Winder A TOUGH FINALE-M. C. Burton (24) had a rough night battling Minnesota's huge forward wall of Ron Johnson (left), Dick Erick- son (20) and Jerry Butler (right). Here he tries to add to his Big Ten and varsity record point totals, while John Tidwell (43) watches. Spartans Finish Big Ten Season by Beating Iowa By The Associated Press Time to buy that new rain or shine coat - Place to buy is the DILLON SHOP on Forest Ave. See the new, beautiful prints with hats and umbrellas to match from $17.95. FF4 BUSINESS SERVICES GOOD MORNING! For this morning's breakfast we have lox, bagels, cream cheese, onion rolls and assorted danish pastry. And for later in the week-smoked whitefish, gefilte fish, kosher soups, pastrami and corn beef. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just 2 doors from the Blue Front" J40 TYPING-NO 5-3511, evenings or ma- terials accepted 12 noon at U High office. Gladys Smith, J4 TYPING: Thesis, Term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. J42 USED CARS '51 MERCURY. Radio, heater, good tires, clean. Runs like new. It will get you to the Arb and back and back again. $227. NO 2-8923 any time. N28 WANTED We pay top dollars for good used cars. GENE'S AUTO SALES 544 Detroit St. NO 3-8141 )N2 '49 CHEVROLET. Absolutely no rust! Excellent interior. Recent motor over- haul. Radio, heater, defroster. Ex- cellent tires. New battery. $425. NO 5-6555. N29 HILLMAN 1958 Four-door wagon heat- er. Like new. HU 2-7140. N10 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Priced very low, ladies' gray wool coat, fur lined. Size 12-14. In excellent condition. NO 2-0741. B18 35 FOOT 8561MARLETTE, excellent condition, fully equipped. air con- ditioned. Call NO 3-2294 after 5. B2 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished 2 bedroom home on picturesque end of Geddes Avenue near Huron River, for 2 Professionals. References. Phone NO 8-6293 evenings. C84 NICE SLEEPING, ROOM, double bed, for working man or quiet student. Reasonable rent, private home, lin- ens furnished, west side. NO 2-6540. C85 YPSI. NEAR CAMPUS: 2 unfurnished heated apartments, private baths. Two rooms-$55, four rooms-$80: Ga- rage available, stove and refrigerator optional. HU 2-0844 after 6 P.M. C83 ACROSS FROM RACKHAM - Single room for male graduate student $8.50 weekly. Also furnished apartment for 2 or 3 men. $110 including utilities and linen. NO 2-4911. C82 since Cowles himself the title in 1948. MINNESOTA Ron Johnson Erickson Butler Roger Johnsonr Lehman Jeppsen Benson 1M. Miller r, Skadeland TOTALS MICHIGAN Burton Tidwell Farris Lee T. Miller Robins TOTALS.Z MINNESOTA Michigan led them to G F P T 9 3-3 3 21 4 1-3 3 9 1 1-1 3 3 4 2-2 5 10 4 1-1 4 9 1 0-0 1 2 2 0-0 0 4 2 2-2 0 6 1 0-0 3 2 28 10-12 22 66 6 2-4 3 14 8 4-6 1 20 3 6-10 2 12 3 4-5 3 10 3 0-1 0 6 2 2-2 3 6 25 18-28 12 68 36-30--66 38-30--68 i t t c c s C EAST LANSING - Big Ten bas- ketball titlist Michigan State avenged an earlier metback last night by cutting down Iowa, 84-74, and killing any Hawkeye hopes for a share for second in the final standings. Co-captain Bob Anderegg, a sen- ior playing his last game before the home fans, hit for 32 points, the highest single game of his career. His former high was 29 against Purdue. * . * The MSU Spartans, due next to go into the NCAA tournament, closed their regular season with 12-2 conference and 18-2 overall record. * * * NU 84, Illini 81 CHAMPAIGN - Northwestern, paced by Joe Ruklick's 28 points, defeated Illinois, 84-81, yesterday to assure itself a second place tie in the Big Ten basketball race. Indiana 97, Wisconsin 71 BLOOMINGTON - Indiana spoiled veteran Bud Foster's final appearance as coach of the Wis- consin basketball team last night 97-71. * , * Purdue 93, OSU 87 COLUMBUS - Purdue won a second-place tie in the Big Ten basketball race last night, stretch- ing a two-point halftime lead to a 93-87 victory over Ohio State. FINAL STANDINGS W L Pct. Michigan State 12 2 .859 Michigan s 6 .577 Northwestern 8 6 .577 Purdue 8 6 .577 Illinois 7 7 .500 Iowa 7 7 .500 Ohio State 7 7 .500 Indiana 7 7 .500 Minnesota 5 9 .357 Wisconsin 1 13 .071 RITZ BEAUTY SALON Complete line of Beauty work j 605 E. Williams Phone NO 8-7066 J5 TOM McCAH ILL Picks 10 Best Buys In" Economy Cars-March issue of Mechanics Il- lustrated. 1stt-VOLVO FOR RENT CAMPUS AREA - 3 clean convenient rooms, private bath, unfurnished ex- cept2stove, basement privileges. NO 8-6529. )C26 STUDY UNDISTURBED. Large quiet rooms for men. Near campus. NO 3-4747, )C3 BOYS' ROOMS available next semes- ter. 617 E. University. Contact Jim Booth, Rm. 10 or call 3-7159. )C15 FURNISHED APTS. for rent for 3 or 4. Call NO 3-4402. )C12 HELP WANTED Male and Female DANCING INSTRU- TORS 18-35 years of age. Experience preferred but not necessary. Training classes beginning Sat., March 7th, Applications accepted in person at 1311 S. University. H14 INCOME TAX SERVICE INCOME TAX SERVICE In your home by appointment CALL E. S. WEISS HU 2-0572. 12 INCOME TAX SERVICE Notary Public M. J. Thurber - Phone NO 2-3455 11 LOST AND FOUND LOST-A gold wedding ring sometime Monday morning. If found call Mike Barie at NO 3-7064. A13 MISCELLANEOUS GOOD MEALS: Frat. five minutes from Engineering Building. Reasonable. Any or all meals. Steward NO 3-2600. )MI FOX MOTEL Room Phones Free TV 2805 E. Michigan HU 2-2204 )M3 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS RARE Violins & String Instrument repairs. Pianos (Baldwin, Ivers & Pond, Estey) and Organs (Baldwin, Estey, Thomas) New and Used. Terms. MADDY MUSIC 508 E. William NO 3-3223 )XI POPULAR L.P. HIT ALBUMS $3.98 values to $2.79 includes: STILL MORE-Mitch Miller STARDUST - Pat Boone BILLY VAUGHN plays the Million Sellers REVERIE and Songs of the South -N. Luboff Choir and many others GRINNELL BROS. 323 South Main NO 8-7312 X9 PIANOS - ORGANS Best offer Keyboard Service WURLITZER e SOHMER KIMBALL Dealer ANN ARBOR PIANO CO. 213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109 )X3 Complete line of HiFi components including Kits: complete Service on radio, phonographs and HiFi equip- ments. IHI Fl STUDIO 1317 South University 1 block east at Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-7942 )X2 BURR: tures Patt, BURR: tures Patt.. SLEEP LATE and eat late. Pancake breakfast served home style. Pan- cakes with bacon, ham or sausage. LUMBARD'S 1225 S. University F36 LOST: One Petticoat. When found re- turn to Petticoat Platoon of J.G.P. F66 :NITTERS REJOICE ! Real imported Shetland yarn now available for 65c an o2.;\25 colors including leathers. NO 3-0877. F14 GUITAR LESSONS: Guitars, qualified instructor, Call Maddy Music for details. NO 3-3395 508 E. Williams )F1 PORTRAITS SKETCHED--at Cousin's store, 309'S. State Tuesdays only. P43 BURR: Let's have a look at the official Michigan ring. Patt. 1209 South Uni- versityE47 CAR .SERVICE, ACCESSORIES BOARD TWO BLOCKS from Campus. Male or Female at Osterweil Coop, 338 E. Jefferson, 2-4440 or 2-4449. E16 ROOMS: for both men and graduate women. Doubles and triples. Approx. $20 per mo. Must also board at house. Total cost for room and board approx. $60 per mo. Contact Inter coop Coun- cil. 2546 SAB 9-12; 2-5 daily, 9-12 Sat. NO 8-6872. E3 ROOM AND BOARD for men near Bus. Ad. School. Free Parking, T.V., Wash- er and Dryer provided. 1108 Hill. NO 3-1767. Ask for Dean Nelson. )EI PERSONAL ONLY IN MICHIGAN . ..Can a con- formist go unnoticed! P67 WOULD THE GENTLEMAN who stole my bike in front of Alice Lloyd kind- ly return same. I would like to have my bike back! F68 FIJI PLEDGES proudly announce can- cellation of the Phi Gam block of Kingston Trio tickets - Pledge Prank No. 1. F69 Have you seen the special fea- of the official Michigan ring? 1209 s. University. F48 Have you seen the special fea- of the official Michigan ring? 1209 S. University. F44 CHOKE OUTSIDE FUNDS: 2nd-SAAB We sell both. MICHIGAN EUROPEANt CORPORATION NO 5-5861 -303 S. Ashley NO Big Ten Tightens Recruiting Policy 1. ** CAR 5-5800 J53 ari MADISON, Wis. (JP)-A special committee recommended yest'erday that Big Ten regulations governing recruiting be buttoned up tighter with particular attention to chok- ing off so-called outside funds. An 11-page revision submitted by- the special committee provides for just one university-paid cam- pus visit by a prospective athlete and sets up machinery outlawing recruiting funds not deposited with and controlled by the uni- versity. The joint group rejected a rec- ommendation to permit off-cam- pus personal contact of a prospect by coaches. The committee hopes to dry up funds other than those under direct control of member univer- sities with this proviso: "Any person (other than an em- ploye of a conference member who is acting as a representative of its athletic interests) may pay from his own personal resources directly to a prospective athlete the costs of visiting the campus of a Con- ference member." In other words, the rewritten rule would permit any individual to pay the cost of an athlete's uni- versity sponsored visit but would bar use of outside pooled money. In requiring the section govern- ing recruiting, the committee set down each rule as a separate en- tity so that each would be voted on separately rather than as a single package. This procedure, the committee feels, would avoid the possibility of having the whole regulation vetoed by the, full Con- ference as happened last August. Badger Cage Coach Quits MADISON, WIS. () - Harold "Bud" Foster, closing out 25 years as head basketball coach at Wis- consin with the Badgers' worst sea- son in history, has called it quits. His resignation was announced yesterday by the University Board, of Regents. Classical Guit HOUSE TRAILER. 1956, clean, 2 bed- rooms, full bath, U-shaped kitchen, oil drum, storm windows, screens. Terms 5%, interest, $3000. NO 3-9575. C81 ROOM FOR BOY-Lge., quiet, single. 10 min walk from campus. $8.00 wk. Phone NO 5-6822. Eve. NO 5-3211. C80 ACROSS from Ferry Field, 2 rooms, private bath, partially furnished. 1st floor. Inquire Phil Spear, 1216 S. University. C99 520 SOUTH DIVISION. 1st floor fur- nished apt., best in this area, avail- able March 14. A bargain at $100 a month. Including utilities and park- ing. A couple with one child accept- able. Call NO 5-5621 for appointment. C76 COOKING FACILITIES, T.V., Linens, laundry facilities. $8/wk-single, or $6 wk-double. Phone HA 6-2321. C75 CLOSE TO CAMPUS, newly remodeled attractively furnished and moderately priced. Two large rooms and bath for single person. Three rooms and bath for married couple. Phone NO 8-6075. C71 NEAR CAMPUS - 5 rooms furnished suitable for 4 men students or couple. Automatic gas heat. $130. NO 2-3600 -or NO 8-7891 after 6 P.M. C65 APARTMENT-for Rent. 3 rooms with bath. Furnished, clean and quiet. $80 per month. NO 2-4727 after 4:30 -C66 NOW AVAILABLE-very large room for 2. Fireplace, private entrance, $8 per week each. NO 3-1511, Ext. -2911 daily, evenings NO 3-4316. C67 NEWLY FURNISHED and remodeled apartment for four adults. Tiled bath and garage disposal. % block from St. Joseph's Hospital. NO 2-0671. C69 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS: House- keeping room. Also efficiency apart- ment-private bath. 514 S. Forest, NO 2-1443. C52 fy Lessons SEGOVIA METHOD UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE 340 Maynard NO 8-7515 J47 I CFOR ADULT MINDS Of ALL AGES Any of these three new Avalon Hill games is an entertain- ing challenge to play a subtle compli- ment to- give! Realis- tically and authentic- ally presented . with chess-like prob- lems at every turn! GETTYSBURG Refight this astounding battle with you in command." Gettysburg as it was in 1863. Realistic, challenging sit.. uations played on 22 : 28-inch mapboard. Troop count- ers, situation cards, 32-page Battle 1\anual included. Only TACTICS II DISPATCHER Command Armor, Infantry, U Schedule trains over 3-track Parachute Divisions in re- mainlines as a railroad dis- alistic combat situations. " patcher. Huge 44 x 14-inch Played on 22 x 28-inch map- : apboard, train counters board. Troop counters, sit- * timetables, 16-page System uation cards, 32-page Battle Manual. $4.93 Manual included. $4.95 - 49 w Eddie's Paint Store White paint......... $1.98 per gal. Colors. ..........$2.48 per gal. 117 E. Ann NO 8-6966 )J15 ONE-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SANFORDS . Shoe Repairing ' Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6961 )J2 PAPERS EDITED and Typed. Quick service. Spelling, punctuation need correction? NO 8-6276. J30 LADIES BARBER SHOP 1108% S. University Only barber in town who is a trained and licensed Ladies' Hair Stylist. )J17 Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Advertising 1 STUDENT ROOMS for rent, U block from campus, Several rooms and suites to select from. Reasonable rates, Phone NO 8-7942. 1218 Wash - tenaw. )C291 2 ROOM furnished apt., all utilities except gas for cooking. Married couple -no children. NO 8-8900. C57 SINGLE ROOMS for men, attractive. Linens & cleaning. As low as $6 wk. NO 3-6039, call after 6 P.M. C31 Greek Week Mass Meeting Tuesday, March 10 . .. 7:30 P.M. ' 3003 S.A.B. V KEEP AHEAD OF YOUR HAIR * NO WAITING * 10HAIRSTYLISTS "Headquarters for Collegians" DASCOLA BARBERS Near Michigan Theatre I .1 Don't Miss MELODY ON ICE Presented by Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club March 14...,8 P*M. GO FLTA KITE! But you'd better get it first I 11 II I