"Peace! Separate Peace! Piece by Piece!" (14r Adrigan Daily Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Preosail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE the Professor's Charge: Colleges Are Becoming 'Playgrounds' I '"".."n, wwlMMwr IA t It F CAMPUS THEATRE 'Hoe' M h 'orse 's Mouth Opens on Campus LATEST of the new assortment of imported goodies is "The Horse's Mouth," out of Britain by Joyce Cary, with Alec Guinness as screenwriter and star. This is, more than anything, the story of artist Gulley Jimson, extortionist-impressionist, and a dangerous man when there are murals to be painted. At film's start, Jimson is fresh out of prison after some minor crime against humanity, and he'strikes out for his house-boat studio for new adventure. An art student now appears on the scene; he is to Jimson as Nicklausse is to Hoffman, only nearly not so much. After a quick money-raising phone threat to one of his patrons, Jimson starts all over again fighting the d-dirty fffphilistines with canvas and oils. S. . . BY DEVIOUS subterfuge, Jimson invades the posh apartment of Sir William Beeder who is leaving for the colonies to shoot pheasant. One' wall of this palace cries out for a mural of the raising of Lazarus, and so the family silver is pawned and the paints and models pour in. Meanwhile, a seedy sculptor drops his slab of °. ' Exaggerted ... COLLEGE LIFE has numerous -faults but an article in a recent national magazine has few valid points. The author neatly treats some campus activities as both causes and effects. The Saturday Evening Post article tries to show that pranks, contests, automobiles, and marriage are responsible for anti-intellectual- Ism, the United States' scientific demise, and the possible extinction of man. Unfortunately the article, because of its exaggeration will probably serve only to arouse anti-collegiate feelings among some public minded, but ill-informed citizenry and aid the cause of those unwilling to help finance public education. 0 SAY that "status hunger, tradition, lust, stereotyped dissipation, love, solid achieve- ment, and-.plain good fun" can be sometimes called "college life" is a misnomer. (Voodoo was also included in the above list but the applicability escapes one). The list might also be applied to American life in general . . . in fact to life in general. The student union comes in for its share of criticism and is neatly dumped in the trash with a paragraph of blares, clinks, clatters, clicks, creaks and splashes that aparently de- scribe the "morning until night" activities of most or all or lots of students. Perhaps the most ridiculous point in the article is that married students somehow are at fault for tear-stained pillows, predatory single females and a myriad of, other sins. The author asks that "cheap, pleasant, sub- sidized living" for married students be with- held until the head of the family reaches senior status. This would serve two purposes. It would remove this "cheap subsidized living - an abnormal condition which the young couple cannot expect to find later on as a tempta- tion to Impulsive teenage marriage" It would also, according to the author, not "obstruct love so deep and true, although young, that it is determined to find a way." It was not mentioned in the article that married students have higher point averages and tend to be much more serious in their academic efforts than their single contem- poraries. THE ARTICLE looks at the current scientific education crisis and points out that we are getting left behind. The nation needs motivation and it Is doubt- ful if the answer lies in merely disbanding fra- ternities and sororities, banning cars, or mak- ing young married couples live in tents. The author, who now teaches at Indiana University, blames the lack of spelling and literacy and motivation in some college stu- dents on those who "knocked their brains out the night before the Sophomore Twitch, the Winter Willies, the Monumental Maul, the Greek Tweak, or in short, goofing off." The author takes activities from half a dozen campuses and groups them together with their clever names in such a manner as to infer that all campuses have all of them and that college life is one big circle of Dad's Days, First Flings, Mammoth Brawls, Hawaiian-hoop contests, Chereokee Chugalugs and Pajama Parties. NUMEROUS solutions have been proposed to solve the education crisis. Many of the an- swers are valid. It is unfortunate that one of the greatest mass circulation magazines in the world has disseminated such a shallow and imperceptive article. It is doubtful if the public interest has been served. For some reason, in his listing of the ills at the other Big Ten schools, the author failed to mention Michigan even though he was a student here and also a Gargoyle editor. Ap- parently the University isn't a playground ... and perhaps writing styles do become habit forming. , RALPH LANGER Cou gh, Cough, Goo, Goo BABY FOOD companies ought to pay ex- pectant mothers for not smoking while pregnant. Women who smoke when they are pregnant are likely to have smaller babies, medical re- searchers at Birmingham University in Eng- land reported recently. Of 1,000 new mothers questioned, one-third smoked throughout their pregnancy. "The third who smoked, however little, had babies nearly half a pound lighter than those of mothers who did not smoke, which is a lot considering the average weight is seven and one-half pounds," Dr. R. C. Lowe, in charge of research, said. He said it appeared to be a question of nu- trition, with smoking upsetting the exchange If, smoking mothers mean smaller babies, smaller babies have smaller digestive tracs, Justified.. . A BIG TEN university professor has struck at the basis of the current crisis in higher education with an effective argument for re- turning large state supported institutions to their original status, that of providing educa- tion. The author's main objection to current Big Ten university life concerns the great stress given the "second" curriculum, extracurricular activities, affiliated groups, and "goofing off." His plea is for a return to a stress on education and eliminating many of the distractions which hinder academic achievement at Universities. His article is significant for Its failure to mention the University. He does not complain that the University, like most of the Big Ten schools, supports students driving automobiles, elects a profusion of campus kings and queens or engages in the more frivolous pursuits of college life. B1UT HIS ARTICLE does implicitly condemn .the University on other points: its mainte- nance, of a fraternity and sorority system, its dances and extracurricular activities, its Union, its snap courses. A general condemnation of this type can serve a useful purpose: it can point out facets of University life which have outlived their usefulness. In these days of ever-growing pressure for college educations among all classes and levels of American society, the universities must cater to only the serious college student. There is no room for the student who desires four years of parties, activities, and as little work as possible when there are thousands of serious students who could better utilize the academic facilities The University, or any university, supports campus foppery when it recognizes and sup- ports needless diversive activities. The serious student should come first in the university's thinking, and planning. Everyone recognizes, of course, that certain extracurricular activities are worthwhile. Any activitiy which is educa- tional or contributes to development of judge- ment and maturity can be justified. And a cer- tain number of dances, celebrations and the like are needed to make student life more thani a concentration camp experience. Yet justifiable criticism can be leveled against those areas which have outlived their usefulness in the modern concept of a university. FRATERNITIES and sororities are such ana- chronisms. There is validity in his obser- vations about fraternities which isolate top men (actually, just some of them) in an atmosphere of "drinking, dating and Don Juanism." Im- mediate critics will point to all-campus averages in which fraternities are approximately equal to residence halls. But this comparison fails to note that residence halls are largely composed of freshmen whose averages are somewhat lower than those of upperclassmen, and upperclass- men comprise the fraternities. The strong emphasis fraternities place on joining activities, on social events, cultivation of the proper "graces" and occasionally, drink- ing, all take time which could be spent further- ing intellectual growth, in pursuing the pleas- ures, more than occasionally sensual, of life. The primary reason for maintaining greek organization seems to be lack of suitable hous- ing to replace them, for their emphasis is not on furthering academic life. They do have one point in their favor, offering living arrange- ments for a small, compatible group. But as fraternities exist now, this benefit is far out- weighed by the time-consuming, anti-intellec- tual pursuits which seem to be their raison d'etre. The professor is worried about the ability of the nation's colleges to develop competent scientists and intellectuals for the world strug- gle with Russia. A look at a Big Ten college on any weekend easily justifies his fears. -ROBERT JUNKER Elsewhere NATIONAL AFFILIATION of the Dartmouth Fraternities was declared not valuable in the recent poll conducted by The Dartmouth. We fully agree with this position and hope that discussion of this issue .will be initiated by the houses concerned. In 1937, a committee of the Board of Trustees reported to President Hopkins that in its opin- ion national affiliations were not a constructive force in the life of the undergraduate and therefore should be abolished. There were only two dissenters to this report, and they were significantly the oldest members of the com- mittee. This demonstrates that there has been a great change in the role of national fraterni- ties within a lifetime. And it cannot be said that the vote of 1,614 students is not a true indica- tion of the support of the undergraduate body The fact that the percentage for disaffiliation grew with each class is probably the most im- portant outcome of the poll. The young fresh- man is still reeling in illusions of "Joe College" ,1 ,, 4 4 .'i t o,'' ', stone through the floor and be- gins work on a statue of Earth, jMourning for her Sons in the apartment below. Shortly after, the entire establishment begins to resemble Art School on Sunday afternoon before projects are due, with concurrent chiseling and painting going on and the slab of stone gets smaller and smaller while the mural gets bigger and bigger. The Beeders come home to a most curious surprise, but Gulley is by then after bigger game: the immense wall of a decrepit church seems to need a mural, too. Al- though the wrecking crew is standing by, Jimson recruits every available artist to pitch in and help race the demolition crew. * : IN SO MANY ways, "Horse's Mouth" is a far better weapon against the d-dirty, fffphilistines than Tati's "Mon Oncle" which all too often makes its points at the expense of story and humor. Cary and Guinness are effective forces for the argument that indi- viduality is the thing and beyond that lies the "Sovereign People and Common Humanity and the Average and the Public and the brainless eyeless wicked spawn of the universal toad . ." So the cunning reader should be able to deduce that "The Horse's Mouth" is for artists, craftsmen, carpet-baggers, the Duchess of Blackpool and me, but not for housemothers, sorority alumnae, or the E R.I. -David Kessel BELL, BOOK: I Vr CAPITAL COMMENTARY: New Liberals :, X >y WILLI POLITICAL liberalism in both at any rate, he is serv parties is long on good ideas and something else as for spending public money for the giving valuable warnir public good, and sometimes for the liberals that more and public safety as well. who are not necessari But political liberalism generally aetionaries are tiring o is short indeed on willingness to notion of trying to d face up to a plain, if unhappy, most everybody with fact: when money goes out money anybody much to pa has also got to come in, unless much back. government is to become a kind of * * * spending-happy, grinning farce. A DEMOCRATIC This built-in tendency toward Washington, Sen. Rich irresponsibility is the greatest ger of Oregon, is hav single long-term weakness of the try for similar motives liberals, whether Democratic or has asked Congress to Republican liberals. And it is, to by about three billion reasonably detached people, the fore it approves mo best single argument for preserv- more unemployment b ing conservatism a as counter- other inherently desira force. Neuberger wants to * * body at least a little bi LIBERALISM, in a word, often raise Federal gasoline comes close to the classic defini- he would allow the tion of the demagogue. This fel- Department to life pos low, being bravely consistent, al- sensible levels. And h ways votes for all appropriations hit some of "the in and against all taxes-except, of proposes excess-profit course, those on corporations and the rich.K This small lecture having been KURDISTAN: duly entered into the record, it is' possible to report that two youngN politicians are now trying to do something about it all. And while they no doubt will fail in their By TOM HENS ultimate objectives they are mak- Associated Press Newsfea ing genuine contributions to rea- son in the current budget debate. THE NEXT major c A liberal Republican, Governor chronically crisis-r Nelson Rockefeller of New York, is die East may1well cen trying to persuade the New York- shadowy mountain lan legislature to put on large new never existed as a sove state taxes to pay for the new It's called Kurdistan welfare programs he is proposing. the Kurds. He is having very hard going. But, What is Kurdistan? Pay Own ay [AM S. WHITE ving candor, well. He is ng to fellow more voters ly black re- f the liberal o much for iout asking ay anything liberal in ard Neuber- ing his own s. Neuberger raise taxes dollars be- )re housing, benefits and able things. soak every- it. He would taxes and Post Office 3stal rates to he wants to terests." He s levies on the arms makers and reductions in the tax write-offs long guaran- teed the oil industry because of the highly chancy nature of its operations. Congress is perhaps even less likely to do all this than the New York legislature is likely to let Rockefeller slap on new taxes to the degree he wishes. But Neuber- ger, a liberal of the liberals, is determined at all events to force his own fellow liberals into some self-examination. If he is able to do only this much he will be con- tent. His view, and it seems perfectly sound here as in Albany, is that the voters have pretty well come to know a hack from handsaw; or that anything that is any good will cost somebody something. He even suspects that the people know that consistently supporting in Con- gress the most madly "liberal" programs, and simultaneously cry- ing out for lower taxes on "the little man," is not really liberal. Sid-East Crisis? HAW atures Writer risis in the idden Mid- ter about a nd that has ereign state. - land of LABOR LAWS: Compromise. Required (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of four articles dealing with past and present national labor legislation.) By RALPH LANGER and ADELE BECKER Daily Staff Writers THAT OLD political standby, the compromise, may be called on in the current fight to get a labor reform bill through congress dur- ing this session. In order for either the Demo- crats or the Republicans to get any kind of a measure through Con- gress they will probably have to water-down the bills they really want. Acceptability will be the keynote. Without it there may be no legislation at all and to some congressmen's way of thinking a mediocre bill is better than none. The proposed legislation, which wRil soon receive judgment in the nation's capital, falls into two main areas which are represented by two opposing bills. One, the "Administration's bill," as Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) spon- sor of the bill, calls it, would revise parts of the Taft-Hartley Act. Goldwater's bill calls for protec- tion for employers against black- mail picketing by hoodlums to force shop owners to recognize an unwanted union. This measure also proposes greater powers for the Labor Department which at pres- an+ ha n arnhnriytoarr Yet Goldwater has been notably unsuccessful and Mitchell has in- dicated that if a compromise is necessary he will not insist on having picketing and boycott measures in the bill. Kennedy too has indicated that he is not inflexible. Appealing to the hesitant Republicans, he an- nounced that he will present an- other bill to Congress this year. This one will deal exclusively with proposed amendments to the high- ly controversial Taft-Hartley Act. Labor has attempted to throw a balance of power too. Andrew Bie- miller, AFL-CIO legislative direc- tor, testified in front of the Senate labor sub-committee on labor- management reform legislation-a committee which is headed by Kennedy-charging that the pro- posed Goldwater bill is "evidence of the same anti-union hand which appears in the Taft-Hartley Act." STILL ANOTHER alternative proposal may come from Senator John L. McClellan, Arkansas Democrat. McClellan indicated that he may propose a measure somewhat stronger than that of his Democratic contemporary, whom he supported last year, but weaker than that suggested by the administration. Known as the "Taft of today's A-p. " PIffnf1nnla t. ,ramn- Kurdistan is about 50,000 square miles of snow-capped peaks and fertile valleys sprawled across northern Iraq, northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey and in- cluding a corner of Syria. A line, slightly bent to the out- side, drawn from Mt. Ararat, past Diyarbakir in Turkey, down to Kermanshah in Iran and back to Ararat would be as good a boun- dary for Kirdistan as any yet de- vised. The Kurds are a fierce, proud and independent people who have inhabited the land for more than 4,000 years. They are devoted Moslems but non-Arab. There are perhaps four million of them. * * * THEY'VE been fighting foreign domination since the Biblical days of Sumer and Assyria. There have been about a dozen Kurdish re- volts against Turkey, Iran and Iraq since World War I. The Kurdish tribesmen, short. stocky and fiercely mustached, will have no truck with Arab nationalism. Their consuming pas- sion is an independent Kurdistan, carved out of Iraq, Iran and Tur- key. How could the Kurds provoke a Middle East crisis? Communist influence is strong amor.g the Kurds. The vast ma- jority of them, of course, are not concerned with Communist ideol- ogy. But they are willing to accept help from most any source in the drive for independence. SOVIET RUSSIA was behind the abortive "Kurdish People's Republic," set up at Mahabad in Iran during the hectic days that followed World War II. Iran, with western support, erased the pup- pet state. The Kurdish national hero, Mustapha Barzani, probably is a Communist. When the "People's Republic" failed in 1946, he fled to the UTS.S.R. and became an Bothered, Bewildered WHEN ONE goes to the theatre to see James Stewart, Kim Novak, Ernie Kovacs, Hermione Gingold, Jack Lemmon, and Elsa Lanchester in Hollywood's version of a successful John Van Druten comedy, he goes expecting at very least an upper-mediocre film. "Bell, Book, and Candle" tries to give him the least he expects. The basic plot situation is one that could very easily be developed into scintillating comedy: a bulg- ing underground of witches in Manhattan occupies itself with hexing telephones and selling remedies for "female troubles, male troubles, hollow heels, and thrumps." One of the crew of hags-well, hardly a hag-is Gil- lian Holroyd (Kim Novak), who feels she is getting into a rut by being different, wants to meet someone with whom she can be hum-drum. So she conjures up Shep Henderson (James Stewart), a book publisher; and for the rest of the evening, Gil is precisely what she desired to be. Those who go to the movies to see Kim Novak will and will not be disappointed; she is in most of the scenes, but the audience Sees very little of the real her. MR. VAN DRUTEN, and the Hollywood script i men, however, were not interested in making their play or movie into comedy. As they see it, "Bell, Book, and Candle" is another love story in pictures, dedicated to the thesis that witches are human. Gillian pays no attention to her witch- craft except to spellbind Hender- son. Of much more comic interest is the sub-plot centering about an alcoholic author (Ernie Kovaks) writing a book on Manhattan witches. The author and Gil's brother Nicky (Jack Lemmon), a male witch-called a warlock, as we are told at least five times- manage to relieve a great deal of the boredom caused by the boy- meets-witch plot. Kovacs brings much more to the part than he contributes to television, Hermione - Gingold and Elsa Lanchester, as two of the most weirdly wonderful perfectly-cast] witches possible, carry the ma- jority of the film on their brooms -and they sweep us off our sleep- ing feet. Miss Lanchester is given ample time to display her talents, and she does so superbly; the job done by Miss Gingold is so bril- liant one wmises she hadi aDneared DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 111 General Notices Summer Housing applications for graduate and undergraduate women's housing will be accepted from women now registered on campus beginning at noon, Mon., March 9, at the Office of the Dean of Women on the first floor of the Student Activities Bldg. Appli- cations will be accepted for residence halls and supplementary housing, Lectures University Lecture in Journalism: Ted Smits, general sports editor of The As- sociated Press, Mon., March 9, 3 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre, "The Chang- ing Face of Sports." rgrmConcerts Proam of American Music Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota annual program of American Music, Aud. A, Angell Hall, March 8, 8:30 p.m. Com- positions by Bernard Rodgers, Aaron Copland, walter Piston, Don Gulls, Bernhard Hleden, and Florian Mueller. Student Recital: Dean DePoy, bass- clarinet, Aud. A, Angell Hall, Mon., March 9, 8:30rp.m., in partial fulfil- mnent .of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. Assisted at the piano by Ruth Biggerstaff, by clarinetists Joan Austin, Malcolm Dan- forth and Sharon Anderson. Compo- sitions by Beon, Gade, Driessler, Lad- nirault, and "Suite for Four in D minor" by Florian Mueller will be per- formed for the first time, Student Recital: Alexander Lesueur, flute, Sun., March 8, 4:15 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music (Wind Instruments.) Accompanied by Ann Staniski, pianist, Kenneth Holm, English horn. Compo- sitions by Hoiby, Schubert, Honegger, Loellet, and Prokofieff. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Clinton Frank Jefferson, Mineralogy; thesis: An Investigation of Reactions Involved in the Preparation of Ferrites," Mon.. March 9, 4065 Natural Science Bldg. 3:00 p.m. Chairman, L. S. Ramsdell. Placement Notices Mon., Tues. and Wed., March 9-l1: Hardware Mutuals Casualty Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., has immediate openings for Claims Aduster and Sales position for the Ann Arbor area. Pre- fer law background, but not necessary. Fri., March 13: State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of America, Worcester, Mass. Location of work: Midwest. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Midwest Group Sales Offices - Group Con- sultants. Mon., March 16: The University -orMichigan Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich. Location of work: Ann Arbor. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with an M.S. or Ph.D. in Physics, or Ph.D. in Mathematics. Tues., March 17: Northern Trust Co., Chicago, I11. Lo- cation of work: Chicago, Ill. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts (especially Economics,) or Law for work in the following departments: Commercial Banking, Investment Portfolio Man. agement, Trust Administration, Bond Merchandising, Operations and Admin- istration. The Kroger Co., Livonia, Mich. Loca- tion of work: Midwest and South. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with a de- gree in Liberal Arts or Business Ad- ministration for Training Program. Roche Laboratories, Orchard Lake, Mich. Location of work: Great Lakes Div. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with any degree, science background would be helpful, for Medical Service Rep- resentative. YWCA, Lansing, Mich. Graduates: June, Aug. women with any degree in Liberal Arts or Education. Buffalo, N. Y. - The Buffalo Board of Education has authorized admin- istrative and supervisory examinations to be given to at proved candidates in Buffalo on- Sat., May 9, 1959. Applica- tions will be accepted until March 20, 1959. The vacancies are: Supervisor of Education for Mentally Retarded; Su- pervisor of Music, Science, Foreign Language, or School Food Services; Principal of Elementary School; Assist- ant Principal of Secondary School (General); Assistant Principal of _Ele- mentary School; Assistant Principal of Secondary School (Technical). In ad- dition to listing all required courses, semester hours, and grades on his ap- plication, each candidate must have complete transcripts forwarded by his college or university to reach the Su- nerenenof Schools ienot later than A { -4 A e