"You've Got To Pull More of the Load", Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The ,Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mcst be noted in all reprints. AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Bad Play Filled With Much Good Fun Y, MARCH 6, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JUNKER Looking Ahead: A Preventative For Preventive War AS AMERICAN and Russian rockets come closer and closer to raching the moon, the question of what will happen when the first nation reaches it looms larger and larger. Of course, there will be important scientific consequences, but political questions of the gravest import must also be raised. In introductory astronomy classes they joke that when freshmen first look at the lunar landscape through a big telescope, all they can see are Russian flags. It raises the question, however, of whether the moon will become a "political football." Will there be a race for lu- nar territory as there was for African terri- tory during the late Victorian era, and what will be the results of the current race? It is argued that the side- reaching the moon will gain an upper hand in the present mili- tary struggle. The moon would furnish an ex- cellent vantage point for observation of the earth, and could be used as a missile base. IDiscounting possible military factors, the least that would be earned would be a profound propaganda and moral victory,'a victory so complete as to reverse or deeply affect the world's political balance. In either case, the side losing might be tempted to'launch a pre- ventive war before the other side could fully exploit its superiority. The United States ac- tually might endanger itself by reaching the moon first and taking sole possession of the satellite. The Communists have never rejected war as an instrument of policy and they might be tempted to use it, despite the risks, in a desperation move. The conquest of the moon represents poten- tial threats to world peace. The United States should, therefore, immediately propose that the United Nations be given sole sovereignty over the sphere while men are still equally earthbound. Being as close to reaching the; moon as the Russians, the United States would not be arguing as a "sore loser" desiring a free gift. United Nations rule, agreed upon before man reached the moon would eliminate the danger of war for possession of the terri- tory; following the pattern of the struggles for the new world 'and Africa. Man has a chance to learn from past mistakes: possibly his last opportunity. -PHILIP SHERMAN DEATH is generally not an amusing subject except when it is administered in tea by nice old ladies. In John Patrick's "The Hasty Heart," comedy of the fun and games type is mixed with the tragic story of a man who dis- covers the joy of life a few weeks before he is to die. Aristotle would be distressed, but the audience in the Lydia Men-. delssohn Theatre last night did not seem to be. Credit for this pleasure in the incongrous is due not so much to the skill of the playwright so much as to that of the cast. Set in a British convalescent hospital during World War II, the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre produc-. tion concerns the winning of a private war between a Scot who is dying and does not know it and, his wardmates who try to' give him friendship he refuses. Friend- ship in a coalition of Australia, New Zealand, England, America, and Bazutoland wins. WHAT THE PLAY is attempting to prove is vague, but the cast manages to prove that an out- dated, somewhat inconsistent, sen- timental play can be enjoyable sheerly for good characterization. Carl Gingles as the stubborn Scot gives a fine performance com- bining the right quantity of fierce pride and humble eagerness for love that is necessary to sustain the believeability of his character. Mary Ann Stevenson is comfort- able as the nurse, but lacks a subtle warmth and tenderness es- sential to the part. "Yank" (John Kokales) is total- ly at ease on stage and appears to realize that humor rests not in volume but in timing and nuance. "Obese" and lovable Tommy (John Mathews) provides the most con- sistently amusing characterization. LESS POLISHED, but equally competent characters were por- trayed by Ron Sossi (Digger), Bob Green (the Colonel), and William Taylor (Kiwi), Charles Sleet with his one word line expresses beauti- fully the notion that a single ges- ture is often worth a thousand words. Theunfortunate performance of the evening was that 'of Herbert Schefline as the Orderly. His over- use of gestures and his lack of subtlety jarred the audience into a first act notable for general poor timing by all cast members. Julian Stienon has designed a remarkably realistic set, but one which generally limits movement to walks across the front of the stage. There are moments when the audience feels it is watching a tennis match rather than a play. "The Hasty Heart" is truly en- joyable so long as it manages to separate its themes of humor and tenderness from the harsher real- ity of premature death. In the last scene these themes merge to the embarassment of the audience which has difficulty deciding whether to laugh, weep, or just remain bewildered. -Jo Hardee I1 Crumbling Concrete [HE AGE-OLD cry for a demilitarized zone in central Europe, has been heard once gain during the Macmillan-Khrushchev talks. ver the years such a plan has occasionally rved to deter nations that were tempted to istigate ,a war. But this was all in the time of conventional eapons. No longer are nations limited to the se of men on foot or small plane-carried :mbs in their attempts to destroy one an- ther. This is a period in which guided missiles rmed with atomic warheads can span any lanned restricted zone in a few seconds. Even with only conventional weapons the ggressor would still retain the advantage if art of Europe should become de-militarized. Vith the high speed transportation now avail- ble to the armed forces of countries such s Russia, troops could storm across any re- tricted zone and most of Western Europe be- ore the West, grown complacent through de- endence on the zone, could muster up its eager forces. For the moment, considering that the de- militarized zone would have a constructive effect, one more problem, stands out blocking its adoption. The basic conflicts between the West and Russia would make adoption of any plan requiring nations to give up their means of protection next to impossible. End- less arguing over where the lines should be drawn would only increase the high level of tension that exists today. A demilitarized zone, in fact, does not really offer any sort of a solution to the problem of Berlin as it exists today. The whole thing sounds as if it might have been a last-minute attempt to get something concrete out of the Macmillan-Khrushchev talks, after the two men discovered they could not agree on any- thing of positive value. Even if weapons are outlawed from parts of Europe, the underlying problems of Berlin and the unification of Ger- many would remain. -KENNETH McELDOWNEY SGC IN REVIEW: To Debate Rush Under Big-Top' To The Editor TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Pe of o Softness 'r By WALTER LIPPMANN By JEAN HARTWIG Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council' members were an especially congenial group at Wednesday's meeting. , Mellowed by a satiating dinner at President Hatcher's house, the group managed to stumble through a messy tangle of parliamentary procedure snags with a minimum of verbal in-fighting. Even David Kessel, hiding behind a 15-inch cigarette holder, was carried away by the convivality and reduced to convulsions of laughter by his own. joke. * * * ONE OF THE most intriguing points of business concerns the formidable 70 pages Rushing Study Report. The Council ex- amined the data presented in the volume this week, and a motion to abolish spring rush in favor of fall may be forthcoming during next week's gathering. Because spring rush is already "on the books," any further pro- posal must advocate a specific change in the rushing time, re- turning it to the traditional fall period. Council President Maynard' Goldman said a motion simply to abolish spring rush without a stipulation for a change in time will not be recognized. This is obviously to protect the sororities from a possible motion leaving them completely without any rushing period. Such a move could abolish rush altogether, leav- ing everyone in the lurch. Although the debate on the de- tailed report promises to be long and loud, with Council members, committee members and constitu- ents each adding their comments, the whole procedure ought to 'be quite jolly. As several Council members pointed out, it has the potential of developing into something uncom- fortably close to a three-ring cir- cus. In one ring, glaring women will deliver their three-minute platforms, with affirmative and negative factions giving an hour of alternate performances. Attention will then focus on another circle where Council mem- bers will go through their forma- tions, with one of the troupe speaking for the motion and his fellow-performers haggling over its pros and cons, finally settling the controversy with a vote. In the center of the ring, ring- master Goldman will hold the chair and the whip, attempting to keep the performers on their re- spective "stools." A cheering crowd attracted by the meaty issue will surround the entire proceedings, adding 'their bit to the 'festive occasion. * * * The procedure itself, established by the Council's executive com- mittee, is probably the most effi- cient under the circumstances. All factions will get an equal chance to express their opinions and everyone will be able to observe the proceedings. But the choice of arena seems an extreme measure. Any such gathering, whether it be a rushing or a study meeting forum seems to lose its "around the table" feel- ing in the echoing ballroom's emp- tiness. Come Again? From a recent British admiralty instruction: "It is necessary that these warheads be stored with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top. In order that there be no doubt which is the bottom for storage purposes, it will, be seen that the bottom of each head has been labelled 'Top ' " -National Review Somehow, the whole concept is just not conducive to serious de- liberation and rings of a political rally or a freshman mixer. Al- though, as Goldman explained, a show is a show whether it is in the Lydia Mendelssohn or on Broadway, it slpuld also be pointed out actors can communi- cate quite a bit more softly and freely in the former. Naturally, the present Council chamber would not be nearly ade- quate for a meeting of such wide interest, but it seems that more "personal" quarters could have been found. that would not invite such a party atmosphere. A precedent may come from the policy, however. There would be just enough time at the intermis- sion for a brisk fox-trot or two. ** * ONE OF THE most academically worthwhile activities of its career was also implemented by SGC this week. With a total allocation of $600 of its precious funds, the Council will bring six or seven experts in various fields to the campus to spend a day visiting classes, talk- ing in residence at meals and in general, making theniselves avail- able to students. Although some objections arose over the merits of such a program in addition to the University's al- ready existing lecture program, the SGC plan is intended to reach the "man on the street" student. Since the visitors will speak to undergraduate classes and in a more relaxed atmosphere than the special graduate seminars and lec- tures presented by the University series, the program should prove to be of much value and well worth, the sum. * * * A SPECIAL "welcome back, you made it" is also in order for the revamped J-Hop-one of the last Mohicans of University tradition. Counseling To the Editor: REJECTION of student respon- sibility by the student himself is the most disturbing aspect of the Literary College Steering Com- mittee's refusal to cooperate in the coming student-faculty-adminis- tration conference on counseling. The committee obviously has grounds for maintaining that their body has spent enough time in the area of counseling. But they are in far shakier territory when they assume the defeatist attitude that no student or student group can accomplish anything in this area. The recent report of the Univer- sity Counseling Committee makes it clear that in the future, the student shall have to take the initiative on matters concerning counseling and its problems. It is true that much should be improved on the counselor's side; the counselor must be better in- formed, better trained, and, less prcused for time. However, all this will be to no avail if students do not take advantage of such im- proved counseling facilities. Thus, a conference on counseling must encourage the student to fulfill his responsibility in thii area. This responsibility is a dual one. First, the student is, person- ally responsible as he maps out his academic career: he must make the decisions; the counselor can only guide. Second, the student must take the initiative in improving the counseling system. Through the Counseling Report, the University officials are now aware of student discontent in this area. In such a conference, they would have a chance to hear student suggestions for specific improvements in the counseling setup. Furthermore, the student would also learn adminis- trative and faculty viewpoints con- cerning counseling. Hence, the conference would be- come a meeting place in which information could be disseminated and ideas exchanged by three groups -faculty, administration, and students - desiring improve- ment in the counseling area. If this would be a "pooling of ignorance" as one Steering Com- mittee member so blandly put it, one might as well forget the edu. cational process. -Roger Seasonwein HE PRESIDENT'S budget is now a football in a political scrimmage. Both parties are pretending that they are struggling to balance the budget. In fact neither the Administration nor the Congress shows any sign of being willing to vote the taxes which are absolutely essential if the budget is to be balanced. As of now, both parties regard as untouchable the income tax rates which were fixed in 1954, the date of the Eisenhower reduction of taxes. The President's budget plan, if we accept some rather fancy calculations, can be brought into balance - but only if Congress will raise postal rates and increase the gasoline taxes. As Con- gress is certain to reject the new taxes, the of- ficial theory of the Democrats seems to be that they can balance the budget by cutting down on what the President has asked for in foreign aid. BOTH PARTIES have now worked themselves into a jam which, considering the state of the world, is not an inspiring thing to look at. The Republicans have gotten themselves into a position where they must "save" on spending for native American needs-such as education and public facilities, almost certainly also the national defense" But the Republicans, as the great savers, are implored by the President to spend abroad on foreign aid the sums they would like to spend here at home. The Democrats on the other hand have worked themselves into the embarrassing posi- tion where they, the party of Wilson, Roose- velt, Truman and Stevenson, are threatening to save on foreign aid in order to spend more at ists. Could such a topsy-turvy situation have de- veloped if politicians iin both parties had not forgotten the realities of our national needs while they play politics with the budget and with taxes? W HAT HAS HAPPENED to all these earnest and patriotic men? They have become en- tangled in a dogma which few of the members of Congress and none of the leaders in Wash- ington have the courage to challenge. What is the dogma? Is it that the budget should be balanced? No. The budget should if possible be balanced, and if that is impossible, there should nevertheless be a serious attempt made to bal- ance it. The dogma which confuses the whole situa- tion and the position of both parties is that the budget must be balanced without raising the income tax rates. The crux of the matter is the acceptance by both sets of political leaders of the dogma that the income tax rates of 1954 are sacrosanct. Once that dogma is accepted, the budget can- not be balanced except by two equally unac- ceptable methods. One is to balance it by taxes on consumption. This is something that Con- gress will not now do. The other method is to balance the budget at the expense of our na- tional defense and of our foreign policy, and of our internal public needs and development. This is something that the country cannot afford to- do. Here, having accepted the dogma about the 1954 income tax rates, we have locked ourselves in a room from which there is no decent exit. SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, 'before 2 p.m. the dlay preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1959' VOL. LXIX, NO. 110 General Notices Summer Housing applications for graduate and undergraduate women's housing will be accepted from women now registered on campus beginning at noon, Mon~, March 9, at the Office, of the Dean of Women on the first floor of the Student Activities Bldg. Appli. cations will be accepted for residencs halls and supplementary housing. Summary action taken by Student Government Council at its meeting March 4, 1959. Approved minutes previous.meeting. Appointed Scott Chrysler to work with the National and International Committee to evaluate the relationship (Continued on Page 8) LABOR LEGISLATION: Act Prohibits Six 'Unfair' Practices in Unions Surely, there is something inherent in a situation where the Republican. globalists and the Democrats are the9 ly absurd WHAT IS in prospect now, unless there is a s are the T revival of national leadership at both ends isolation- of Pennsylvania Avenue is, first, a budget which does not balance because Congress and the President between them will not produce the taxes necessary to balance it; second, a budget k d which does not support our national interests at home and abroad, and will, therefore, have to be supplemented in the near future by extra- ordinary appropriations. While this is going on we shall have to pay 9Editor the price of having neglected our national needs because we were too soft and too timid to tax ourselves enough, e0 irectonr(c) 1959 New York Herald Tribune Inc. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Today's article Us the third in a series of four deal- ing with labor legislation. Yesterday's story discussed the effects of the Taft-Hartley Act on employers, and tomorrow's will be concerned with the probable shape of such legislation during the current Congressional ses- sion.) By RALPH LANGER Daily Staff Writer AFTER 11 YEARS of sunny gov- ernmental skies, clouds gath- ered and unions in 1947, found themselves the target of many of the Taft-Hartley Act's restrictive clauses. Aimed at re-balancing the one- sidedness of the Wagner Act, which restricted employers and left workers free to strike and picket, the 1947 law placed six main prohibitions on unions. Most of the previous restrictive clauses on employers were also retained, but the unions howled anyway.' Unions were now forbidden to force or restrain employees in matters connected with joining or refusing to join collective bargain- ing organizations, although this operation. The prohibition has had little enforcement backing it, how- ever, and closed-shop industries have, for the most part, either downright ignored it or found ways to circumvent it. Union were also forbidden to strike or encourage any strike de- signed to requireran employer or self-employed person to join an organization, or to force an em- ployer to stop dealing with any other person or business concern. The latter was designed to prevent the "secondary boycott," in which strikers picket or strike against one company in hopes of bringing pressure on another firm. Controversy has raged over this provision and over just where the distinction between primary and secondary actions is to be drawn. The Act also regarded it an un- fair practice for strikers to force an employer to recognize or bar- gain with a union other than the certified bargaining agent. This clause was aimed at protecting employers from strikes by a union Senimore Says . ** job. The Taft-Hartley Act resulted in the development of a definite procedure to settle these jurisdic- tional disputes. Excessive initiative fees and "featherbedding" or forcing em- ployers to pay for service unper- formed or not to be performed were also declared unfair. One of the most highly criticized sections of the Act has been that concerning the loyalty affidavit. Under this provision, a labor or- ganization was not a recognized bargaining agent unless each offi- cer of the local and of the national organization certifies that he is not a member of the Communist Party or affiliated with or a be- liever or contributor to it. SOME LARGE unions only ini- tially refused to comply with this regulation. Others, however, lost membership by their non-com- pliance. The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers and others were severely crippled by membership losses to AFL-CIO unions. Two organizations, the Metal Workers of America, and the United Office and Professional Workers of America allegedly re- moved officers with Communist connections and placed puppets in their place. This move effectively circumvented the provision and regained MLRB recognition. The Taft-Hartley Act also made 4 Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor HAEL KRAFT JO orial Director DAVID TARR Associate Editor IHN City ALE CANTOR ............Personn ZAM * T 4TV .2Y A t .. . a, lA1ifnri. AN WILLO7UBX .... Associate Edtoria irector jAN JONESs..........................Sports Editor EATA JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor IZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director COLEMANL.............Associate Sports Editor AVID. ARNOLD .........Chief Photographer (EDITOR'S NOTE: This will be the last Lipp- mann column until he returns in about a month from a visit to London, Paris and the other Western capitals.) I." _: .Y x:r:: U :aiĀ°SEi i 3;;V::' 5:..:; :: J:, 7 : I :::_:::i:..:. 1. ':x