"Look-Things Are Pieking Up" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Lien Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Tr~thWiU ~ STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This rncs t be noted in all reprints. Y, MARCH 5, 1959 * NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ Proposed Requiremnents Chane WouRestrict Students8 .4 . 4t'To4~A~~ 0~ AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Sibelius H ighlights THE NATIONAL Symphony Orchestra last night gave a concert which improved decidedly as it progressed. Those who were patient enough to wait were well rewarded. Opening with the "Lenore" Overture No. 3 of Beethoven, the orchestra soon displayed the troubles which were to plague it during most of the first part of the concert.. The flutes seemed to be the weakest part of the orchestra and even relatively exposed solo passages were often not projiected enough to be heard. The wdodwinds differed with the strings throughout the first three numbers as to pitch and rhythmic interpretation, and the trum- 'HE EMPHASIS is on control in 4the recent Srecommendations to change literary college iurses and methodology. . Perhaps the outstanding facet of both the cial Science. and the Natural Science corn-- ittee reports is the trend toward spelling out, most item by item, precisely what every well- Lucated student must know, with a precision at apparently leaves no room for individual dlnatlons. Students who enter the University under the oposed requirements will have limited free- >m of ehoice even within the distribution oupings. And, after accounting for concentra- m requirements, they will probably have less Lance to take "fun courses"-less chance to Ern something just because they've always ten curious about It. But increases in the Natural Science, and obably the Humanities requirements will leave e student too little time to investigate any Ilds except his concentration and the broad, oad, broad courses designed specifically for stribution requirements. In particular, also, .e proposal to require some social science dis- LbutiOn courses to be taken In the junior and nlor years will eliminate part of the chance to anch out at a higher level. 'URRENTLY, students when fulfilling their distribution requirements, have at least the iportunity to select from a variety of courses thin the fields. The new requirements would strict even that choice. The Natural Science recommendations, in articuilar, lay out a program of study so re- stricted, and so general, that the opportunity to choose a particular interest is all but eliminated The proposed Social Science changes, while not so extreme, still follow the same trend. The division of courses into groups dealing with large and small social units, even if it Is a valid categorization, tends to force students Into a particular path. And the Study Committee also 'recommended curtailing the number of courses which would be accepted in fulfillment of the requirements. MORE AND MORE, the dominant considera- tion in planning distribution requirements seems to be methodology, rather than subject matter. Both reports emphasize, over and over again, the necessity of teaching the methods and providing "an integrated view" of the field. There seemed little or no concern for the neces- sity of learning about the subject itself; facts, it appears, have fallen into disrepute. Yet the increased breadth which the com- mittee advocates would seem to seriously en- danger the actual process of learning material; it is possible that a course could become so broad as to leave the student with an empty framework of methods anid theories which have no facts to fill it. Certainly, this could be avoided; but thle danger Is there. SIt is possible to argue that the college has both the right and the responsibility to insure that students will develop a diversified program. But it is unnecessary to force diversity into the constricted pattern now being contemplated. lRequirements should not become restrictions. -SUSAN HOLTZER pets got off to an overly loud start rather overblown repetition of the famous off-stage trumpet call. Probably better unified in quality than any other whole section, the strings nievertheless s ii f f e r e d lack of quantity of sound, espe- cially in the basses. Debussy's "La Mer," the first of two substitutions on the pro- gram, received .a -satisfactory reading,:but seemed to lack the Impetus needed to create the proper mood for this classic of impressionism. ,, THE FIREBIRD excerpt, sub- stituted for Petrouchka selections, was competently done, but with..- out the spark and drive necessary to realize the excitement of this ballet. -After intermission the orches- tra presented its finest offering in the Sibelius Symphony No. 1. Here there was a precision of technic and a unity of interpreta- tion that was rather noticeably missing from: the other numbers'. The prize for the evening's per- formance must .go to the French horns, who throughout the even- carried their voicesaover the or- chestra with an accuracy and confidence not heard by this re- viewer in many of the finest sym- phony orchestras. In the Sibelius, one had the feeling that an understanding ex- isted not only among the players, but also between the players and the conductor, and still more im- portantly, between the group as a whole and the music itself. No- where did Howard Mitchell have to pull expression from the or- chestra. The mood and style were set and continued through each section giving tis m usic a flow -John Christie in the Beethoven, climaxed by a LETTERS to the EDITOR Education?... To the Editor: LET US ALL "r'ally 'round the the flag" of University regula- tions which is being waved by Mr. H. 0. Crisler, and we shall all manage to lock as ridiculous as the characters in a recently popular book and movie. I am, of course, referring to the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics' rejec- tion o the Dtroit Lion's proposal rejection was based on the pro- posal's violation of the University regulation which prohibits use of facilities for non-educatlonal pur. poses. Under this policy how was the building of the 'Michigan Sta- dium justified in the first place? Perhaps the University Is about to lay clsaim to having the onl tion1al facility in the country. It would be a welcome relief to see the Uiversity come down from everything from integration to finances. Since the University has already thrown its moral consider- ations aside by building the sta- dium, why not approach the future with reality? Rental of the sta- dium to the Lions could produce a sizeable revenue-money which is desperately needed because of the financial difficulties of the State. Money which the University could drect to the expansion of our --Fred Channon, '59E ( TAFT-HARTLEY ACT: EmlyrsGi frmLgilto An1 EXal e NIE USE of "silent savers" in the Under- graduate Library is over. Mrs. Roberta L. miston, director of the library a'nnounced gently that all books left open on chairs .d desks to "save" seats will be removed and short note asking student cooperation in Lying the problem will be placed in them. The cost will be negligible but the results [1 be gratifying to students who have long illked the practice. Another example of the library's respond- i to student opinion is the return to regular hours that took place last September. Due to budget cuts, Undergrad hours had to be cur- tailed, but, when valid student objections were raised, the library listened, returning to long- er hours. In this case, there was considerable expense involved. In both1 instances, the library responded to student demand, both by spending more money and taking more time. In both instances, serv- ice in the library was improved. Other branches of the University might take their cue from the Undergrad.-PHILIP SHERMAN (EITR'gS NOTE: This is the sec- ond of a series on labor legislation. Today's article describes the effect of the 194 Tft-Hartley Act on emloy- By RALPH LANGER Daily Staf Writer THE TAFT-HARTLEY Act, aimed primarily at changing some of the inconsistencies of the Wagner Act-a pro-labor measure -ge employers a number of Employers no longer needed to union" shops. Management, unde the 1947 law, could actively cam- paign against proposed union or- ganization of workers and unless threats, force, or promises of benefit were included, the em- 1wers Tha Bloomin he ...Tara a ployer could not be declared guil- ty of unfair labor practices. The previous Wagner Act calle al ployer against unions "an unfair labor practice"94 a , mpee could not be forced to reinstate or pay back wages to employees discharged "fo'r cause." The pro- vision was intended to end the alleged practice that union acti- vities were often taken as ex- cuses for loafing, wasting time, and breaking rules. .WHEN VETOING the bill, Pres- ident Truman expressed his fear that the provision would be used as a pretext to fire union em- ployees at the slightest provo- cation. The National Labor Relations Board has, for the most part, refused to allow this pro- vision to be so distorted. The Act also prevented em- ployers from forming company unions to circumvent affiliation with a national union. , AN EMPLOYER who helped one union gain a majority in order to block another union from gain- ing acceptance In his shop was merely given a "cease and desist" order under the Wagner Act. The Taft-Hartley Act attempted to es- tablish uniform treatment of unions and thus employer dom- ination or assistance in any form was generally held to be illegal. The new act also gave em- ployers the right to petition for an election whenever a union 'HE SENATE was recently divided over a perennial problem, highlighted by flowery bates and blooming ignorance. The battle raged over the choice of a floral Lblem for the United States. It all began when Sen. Gordon Allott (R- 10.) brought in a resolution urging the Senate uniite behind the carnation. His principal gument was the carnation's long history of Dwth on American soil. But Senat'or Kenneth B. Keating (R-N.Y.) ase for the rose and poopoohed Allott's asser- in. He noted that the rose has been growing the United States for millions of years. Sen. Allott was not to be out-argued. The* se, he observed, is "a fragile flower," especially Ited for feminine wearing. "But here in the carnation Is a flower which Ly be worn by both men andc women, particu- ly by men, with confidence in its ruggedness, ftlty, t stability, its virility." 'HEN A dark-horse-eaten candidate arose- grass. "Grass sustained the buffalo," declared Sen. Thurston B. Morton (R-Ky.). "What would happen to the patient cattle-the gentle sheep -the loving horse" without it? Obviously .$en. Morton, who wanted to have his chicken-pot-pie and eat It too, favored a little local coloring in the Seniate; he's from "the bluegrass state." .Up jumped Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill), the big wheel of the corn-tassel bloc, "amazed to hear a eulogy to grass. "Nothing could be more beautiful that a field of corn in full flower," he began. Corn "kept the Pilgrims alive" and "when people are in trouble, they turn to corn." Thie carnation "is wonderful and has senti- mental value-particularly at funerals," ob- served Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-Iowa)-. "Stability and utility," he contrasted, are the adivantageous qualities of corn. Actually, the whole debate's full of the latter. --NORMA SUE WOLFE .'*" ~'CAPITAL COMMENTARY: By WILL! OVER THE Democrats' decision Democrat known to Oto go West for thelr 1960 Na- spondent now refusin tional Convention in Los Angeles the jovial chorus: ther e hangs a small cloud that Is here we come!" Indee much troubling the party's more of the Democratic Nal candid and realistic professionals. mittee to meet in I Privately, they are facing up to seems clearly sound the unpleasant fact that geo- jective balancing of a graphical accident will offer un- ations. due room for the possibility of In the first place, C some nasty scandal in connection now by all odds t with the expenses of the dele- Democratic state, q gates. The plain if little-known from the fact that it truth is that no Democratic Na- Pennsylvania for seco tional Convention ever meets total votii~g strength. without a nagging fear among * * * party leaders that some delegates SECOND, the De'mo will later be found to have ac- has clear need for ex cepted tainted expense monley new salients in the F from the camp of one or another only in the light of i of the party's Presidential as- few . significant positi pirants. urban East last Nove However much the Democrats California has becor have overstated their claim to be Inant on the Pacific sl the party of "the common man," York has been for there are certainly always more years on the Atlantic poor delegates to Democratic con- is more than merely 0 ventionis than there are poor dele- is a vigorous tail ppote gates to GOP conventions. And to wag a very large dc poor delegates are simply more the Pacific Coast. likely to accept financial assist- Again, though this ance. not mentioned in **presss releases, it is p WHAT NOW raises special dan- vious that California is ger is the circumstance that Los source of legitimate Angeles is a long way from the strenigth to the Demo homes of most of the prospective coming Presidential 1960 convention delegates. The Most any Eastern id vast majority of them - and only .because of habit they will number more than a extremely poor bet thousand altogether -- will need Democratic fund-rais to travel 1,500 miles upward to passes the hat amoi and from the convention city, called fat cats. All this is not to say that Los The California fat C Angeles should never have been other hand, are not chosen. Nor is any prominent solely contributors to makes a recognition demand. Pre- viously petitioning for an election was permitted only when two or more competing unions were In- volved. Employers may also sue unions for breach of contract under the law. Although union leaders gloomily had forecast law suits ithat damage suits havehdeclined in number since 1950. HARRY S. TRUMAN . . . veto fears not shared AM S. WHITE this corre- g to join in "California, 'd the vote tAonal Coin- .os Angeles on any ob- 11 consider- ~alifornia is. hie premier uite apart is tied with nid place in cratic party panding its 'ar West, if bs loss of a ons in the ~mber. ne as dom- ope as New a hundred Seabord. It ne state; it ntlally able og, which is is certainly Democratic erfectly ob- a rich new. big-money crats in the campaign. uistrialist, if ,is still an when any ing group ng the so- ~ats, on the necessarily the GOP. NOTHERS SEE IT: TEHAVE a new idea for ending Michigan's tax stalemate. WVe offer it with some tongue-in-cheek atti- Xe but our plan has at least as much merit anything originating in official Lansing. Dur proposition: [mmedlate resignation from office of every ~mber of the Legislature except Lt. Gov. John Swainson,. ssuance by CGov. Williams of a call for ~ca e e ti n In ev r H ous e in S en t Increase. Democrats don't want to take any chances on the people approving a higher sales tax, but they would like to put on the ballot a constitutional amendment to lift the debt ceil- ing from $250,000 to $50 million. IF A PEOPLE'S mandate is what official Lan- sing wants, our plan provides the ideal way to obtain it. Senators and representatives would have to go back to their constituents to explain e qialen to va referendum on Wilims tax olices Itwia s imposse to baeeingl sc n- TO COMMITTEE: SGC lan xamied By JEAN HAUTWIG Daily Staff Writer UST WHAT SGC can and cannot touch is probably the most im- portant problem currently facing University student government and its solution may make the difference between the life and death of student responsibility. Brought to a head by the as-yet-unresolved Sigma Kappa case, the issue has recently been delegated to a special committee for a thorough going over. * * * * KNOWN COLLECTIVELY as the Student Government Plan Clari- fication Committee, the select group includes three administrators, three faculty members and three Council members. It was instituted by a Regental resolution asking Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis to "work with the appropriate student and faculty organizations to report any suggestions for clarifications of changes which seem necessary and desirable." the Ceounl fo a esettve intepgou whowod1 e able to y They are a newer breed, and their money is quite as good at the bank as is the money of the old GOP industrial breed in 'the East. * * * SO THE LOGICAL position now taken by the Democratic pros is not to buck at the selection of Los Angeles for 1960 but rather to forearm against any financial hankey-pankey among the dele- gates that the Republicans later could call "the mess in Call- fornia." To this problem, and In, this spirit, some of the ablest Demo- cratic professionals are giving the most earnest attention and- care. A delegate is not a public official And there is no way 'In law to. oversee his pocketbook.' The way out now being dis- cussed Is to find some means by which the Democratic National Committee or the pgarty's various state committee organizations might guarantee in advance 'the pure source of travel funds of all the delegates. DAI OFFICIAL BULLETI The Daily Official Bulletin Is am off icial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The torial responsibility Notices shol be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Rom3519 Amnistration Build ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily clue at 2:00 p.m. Friday THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 109 Bg..th smabidn etwee 1. Se*oe as. Editorial Staff