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March 05, 1959 - Image 1

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L. LXIX, No. 109




SGC Discusses

S uggests





Rushing Report
Results of Joint Survey Presented
By Panhellenic, Assembly Groups
r Student Government Council discussed the Assembly-Panhellenic
Rushing Study report at its meeting last night.
Carol Kaye, social psychologist, who wrote the report and com-
mittee memibers Barbara Shefferly, Grad., Lee Hunt, '59, Dan Belin,
'59, and Fred Merrill, '59, answered the Council's questions on various
areas of ,the report.
Explaining that the report -was her subjective opinion revised
by the committee, Miss Kaye called the samples represented by the
statistics contained in the report "fairly good and the return was
excellent." -
Can Make Assumptions
Asked about the relevancy of the study to comparing spring
and fall rush, she said "certain assumptions can be made concern-

Study Shows
SN o Definite
i, No definite conclusions in favor
of either spring or fall rush for
women were reported by the As-
i . sembly-Panhellenic Spring -Rush
SStudy Committee.
According to the results of in-
formation from women who did
rush, those who rushed and did
7.' not'pledge and those who pledged,
a'semester's wait for rushing does
t.not appear to materially affect
which girls get pledged. Of the
pledged group, 75 per cent came
to 'the- University with a pre-
conceived desire for sorority mem-
S The report tentatively conclud-
ed that the: semester's wait does
not seem to result in a substan-
tial proportion of the "undecided"
girls committing themselveseih
et-er.=to, wanting affiliation or to
-not rushing.
Results From Questionnaires
The rushing Informaton was
1. obtained from the results of ques-
tionnaires filled out by 500 fresh-
men women both before and after
spring rush. The first question-
naire was presented to the women
before yush, but after they had
almost completed their first se-
mester at the University.
The second stage of the study
was carried out after spring rush
Swas over. Since no data on atti-
tudes toward fall rush are avail-
able, no comparison between
spring and fall rush can be de-
ntermined, thereport states.
Show Expectations
The surveys give a picture of
the expectations which girls have
-bef ore rush, their views about the
effects the semester preceding
rush has had upon them, and in-
dicates how the attitudes of these
girls were effected by the ex-
periences they had in rush.
The report underestimates the
S' opinions of non-dormitory dwell-
ers because the ;replies from these
students were fewer than those
efrom dormitoryh dwellers.
xpIn considering whether the
nemphasis on the importance of
soorrity affiliation changes d
ing the semester between the wo-
men's arrival at the University
and the beginning of rushing, the'
committee found that orientations
toward college life established be-
fore arrival are important in de-
termining the final outcome of
Familiarity Influences
Statistical data indicates that
the less familiarity a woman has
with sorority life prior to coming
to campus, the less likely she is
to be among the pledged group.
dSix out of 10 women from the
"rushed and "pledged' groups
s report either no change in atti-
tude during the semester before
spring rush, or an increased in-
volvement in rushing. The report
also notes the increase in interest
in sorority activities among the
23 per cent of the rushed women
who are not pledged.
On the other hand, about 30 per
cent of the women reported that
See RUSHING, Page 2
ST. of D. Sets
tMit on Raise

ing fall rush," although all avail-
able data were computed for
spring rush.
She also added that there is no
single position on the problem.
Interpreting the report's data is
a policy question and depends on
personal values. The report is "not
a factual question, but an outline
of factors leading to policy," she
The committee also announced
that another report with this
year's rushing data will be re-
leased this weekend. It will con-
tain reports from Health Service,
housemothers and house presi-
dents, current rushing statistics,
grade averages and information
from student organizations.
, To facilitate a thorough discus-
sion on the entire report, the
Council will hold an open meet-
ing next week in the Union ball-
JmHop Dance
To Continue
Student Government Council last
night passed a motion to continue
J-Hop next year.
The motion approved holding the
dance at- the League Ballroom
pending submission of a budget by
the J-Hop Central Committee for
SGC approval.
Murray Feiwell, '60, present J
Hop chairman, presented a tenta-
tive financial report on this year's
dance showing a profit of $304.68.
In other action the Council ap-
proved a motion by Daily Editor
Richard Taub, '59, to appropriate
an additional $450 to the Educa-
tion and Student Welfare Com-
mittee for a program to bring guest
speakers to campus. These speakers
would be of interdepartmental in-
terest and would visit and partici-
pate in undergraduate classes.
The money will be added to the
$150 already'allocated for this
purpose. Taub's motion directed
the committee to schedule as many
speakers as possible in a short
period of time. Present University
visiting lecturers are aimed at the
graduate student, Taub explained.

A plan for "peer counseling" is
under consideration by the literary
college honors program steering
The proposal, presented to the
committee by Roger Seasonwein,
'61, calls for juniors, who will be
in the program next fall, to advise
honors freshmen. Each student
counselor will take charge of five
"Peer counselors" would be
screened from volunteers by Prof.
Robert C. Angell, director of the
honors program, and by the Hon-
ors Council. They will work
through faculty honors counselors,
three student advisors assigned to
each faculty member.
Cut 'Red Tape'
"Hopefully," Prof. Angell com-
mented' "the students will take
care of a lot of 'red tape' which
wastes most counselors' time. The
faculty member will then be left
free to give more long-run advice,
particularly along vocational
Course elections would be di-
rected primarily by the upperclass-
men counselors, Seasonwein ex-
plained, and faculty counselors
would check only general program
"Resource men" will be available
for reference in each department,
Seasonwein added. Honors fresh-'
men will be directed to these men
for any information more than
student advisers can offer.
Discuss Objectives
The "resource man" is expected
to discuss with the student "how
courses in a particular depart-
ment will further the student'sl
educational objectives," he said.
Two aspects of the proposal were
questioned by the committee. Prof.
Angell said he feared administer-
ing it "will place more of a burden
on the faculty man than before."
Richard Wyatt, "61, questioned
whether it would "cut off the
freshmen from the, faculty coun-
selors." r
Actually the plan is intended to
make faculty members available
for long-rahge advice, Seasonwein
said, while taking advantage of
recommendations from the Uni-
versity's counseling committee "to
increase students' effectiveness as
peer counselors."


Hint Herter
May Receive
Dulles' Job
WASHINGTON (P) -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower dropped a
strong hint yesterday that, if John
Foster Dulles resigns, Christian A.
Herter will be named secretary
of state.
The President appeared to go
cut of his way at his news con-
ference to give Herter a boost.
Herter, the acting secretary, al-
ready has said he would take the
job if asked.
While President Eisenhower's
comments were vague, officials
said the President had decided it
was time to strengthen Herter's
hand in this critical period in
world affairs.
Enhance Prestige,
The presidential nod, however
subtle, seemed certain to enhance
Herter's prestige as acting chief
until Dulles makes up his mind
on his future status.
President Eisenhower did not
say whether he expects Dulles to
recover sufficiently from cancer
to return to duty.
However, in assessing the situ-
ation, with Dulles in the hospital
and the state department in Her -
ter's charge, President Eisenhow-
er declared:
Length of Time Uncertain
"I just can't tell what is going
to be the length of time in which,
we'll have a relationship of this
kind and a system of this kind,
how long it's going tobendure.
"We do have an acting secre-
tary and he is responsible until I
have designated someone else, or
designated him in another capa-
The word from the hospital was
that Dulles continues to progress
satisfactorily. He has received
nine deep-radiation treatments,
of from one to three minutes in
duration, and yesterday was given
an injection of radio-active gold.

Prof. Fitts Studies Manned Satellite




...'balloon protected landing
Seeks Talks
LONDON (IP) - British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan yes-
terday called for quick East-West'
negotiations on a wide range of
cold war problems to keep the
great powers talking rather than
fighting over Germany.
He told a hushed and crowded
Douse of Commons that his next
task involved quick consultations
with his close allies-the United
States, France and West Germany.,
In these discussions, Macmillan
said, he would suggest new West-
ern studies of such problems as
thinning out forces in central
Europe and the suspension of nu-
clear weapons tests.
Macmillan made it plain that
Britain held fast to agreed West-,
ern positions on cold war issues
but was willing to consider fresh
approaches to old problems in the
hope of getting agreement with
the Kremlin. There was no echo
of Munich in his statement to
Telling of the results of his 10-
day visit to Moscow, the Prime
Minister said: "Surely 'the right
thing is to get a negotiation go-
He emphasized that his talks
with Premier Nikita Khrushchev_
"revealed wide differences between
us" but produced one solid ac-
complishment in aid of peace.
"It is nevertheless a great gain
that we (Britain and Russia) have
reached agreement on the prin-
ciple that differences between na-
tions should be resolved by nego-
tiation," he said.
Macmillan said he thought the
first fruit of this decision to keep
talking was reflected in the So-
viet note to the Western govern-
ments Monday. In that note the
Kremlin conditionally accepted the
West's plan for a foreign ministers
conference on Germany and Ber-
The British leader clans talks in
Paris and Bonn next week with
French President Charles de Gaulle
and German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer. He will leave for Wash-
ington shortly thereafter for con-
sultations with President Dwight
D. Eisenhower.



Buck Rogers may soon rocket
out of the comic strips and into
A man-carrying space satellite
is currently being developed un-
der the direction of the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration. Its mission: to carry a
man into orbit around the earth
and return him safely.
Solving some of the problems
this first United States space man
will encounter on his history-
making voyage will be the task
of Prof. Paul M. Fitts of the psy-
chology department.
Serves on Board
Prof. Fitts was named to serve
on a top advisory board on the
biological and medical aspects of
space explorataion.
Selected for the Armed Forces
National Research Council Com-
mittee on Bio-Astronautics, he
sketched a picture yesterday of
the perfect space man and the
problems he will face.
"The closest person today is the
test pilot," Prof. Fitts comment-
ed. Although the test pilot's job
is quite different from actual
space travel, the first space man
will have to have a lot of high
altitude flight experience, he con-
A small capsule will boost him
into orbit mounted on the nose
of an intermediate range missile,
Prof. Fitts continued. "It will have
a complete escape system if the
rocket fails to reach the necessary
orbiting speed, he continued.
Can Escape
Prof. Fitts said the man would
have a "good chance of escaping
and surviving at anytime during
the flight."
The conical-shaped capsule,
now under development at the
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation,
will weigh approximately one ton
with a base diameter of seven feet.
The NASA has predicted the
manned space satellite, tagged
Project Mercury, will be ready in
2-3 years.
Grow With Space Cabin
Just returned Tuesday from
consulting on the, project with
McDonnell Corp., Prof. Fitts said
the future space man will "grow
up" with his space cabin.
"Traininghequipment designed
to simulate the flight will go right
along with research on the actual
capsule," he said.
Isolation will be one of the big-
gest problems he will have to cope
with during his voyage, Prof. Fitts
said.-"We haven't been able to
simulate complete isolation in the
lab," he added.
Cuts Weight
One of the main advantages in
using man for space flight may
be that it would cut down on
weight, Prof. Fitts said. Man will
be used only if he can perform
enough functions that are now
handled by automatic equipment.
The results of this first test,
could tell us more about man's
physical and mental ability in
space and perhaps reverse the
trend toward less man and more
automation," he said.
But man would only be used as
a backup in the first manned
flight test, he said.

Republicans Adopt Platform
Of 'Efficiency and Economy'
With the unanimous adoption of its city platform, the Republican
party pledged itself to work towards "greater efficiency and economy"
in government before a crowd of 200 at the spring rally last night at
Ann Arbor High School.
A university plank of the Republican platform insisted that all
of the elected city and state officials fight for rapid solution of the
financial crisis to enable the University to meet its payroll. It said
- "the University is our city's largest

. . assumes space post
Reds, Berin
To Sign Pact
LEIPZIG, East Germany () -
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
said yesterday Russia may sign a
separate peace treaty with East
Germany-and certainly will give
it control over Western routes to
The Soviet premier stood bare-
headed in a rain to reiterate the
Kremlin's stand on German issues
before a mass rally staged to wel-
come him to this city and its
spring trade fair.
"We want peace, peace, peace
and once again peace," hedeclared
at one point in his 20-minute
speech, broken at every paragraph
for translation into German.
Appearing here only 24 hours
after he wound up what a British-
Soviet communique called useful
exchanges with British Prime Min-
ister Harold Macmillan in Moscow,
Khrushchev laid it on the line
about as usual.
The Soviet Union will sign a
separate peace treaty with Premier
Otto Grotewohl's Communist East
German regime if the West fails
to come to terms on an all-German
settlement, he said.
'Khrushchev called again for
withdrawal of United States, Brit-
ish and French garrisons from
West Berlin. He accused the West
of rejecting his proposals on Ger-
many without proposing any alter-
natives "thata normal human in-
telligence can agree to."
State To Vote
On Changing
Wayne Status
LANSING ()-A proposal to
give Wayne State University con-
stitutional status was ready for a
statewide vote April 6 after clear-
ing its final legislative hurdle yes-
If voters approve it as a con-
stitutional amendment, Wayne will
take its place along side the Uni-
versity and Michigan State Uni-
versity. Unlike the other two
schools, however, Wayne would be
required to give the legislature an
annual detailed accounting of
spending and income from all
Additionally, the powers of its
board of governors would be con-
fined to general supervision of the
university, with its duties defined
by the legislature.
The House okayed both limita-
tions approved yesterday by the
Senate but killed another constitu-
tional amendment which would
have required the University and
Michigan State University to ac-
count in detail for expenditures.
House Seeks
Cash Solution

Expect Path
To Continue
Clear Signals Show
Rocket's Destination
To U.S. Scientists
WASHINGTON (W') - United
States scientists said the Pioneer
IV space probe passed the moon
at 5:24 p.m. (EST) yesterday at a
distance of about 37,000 miles.
The 13-pound space messenger
was headed on for an orbit
around the sun that they estimat-
ed would continue for virtually
the lifetime of the universe.
They calculated its orbit around
the sun would range from 91,700,-
000 miles from the sun to 105,
829,000 miles from it.
Close to Sun in March
Dr. Homer Stewart of the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration said the space probe
would reach its closest point to
the sun on March 17, and its
farthest point from the sun on
Sept. 29.
In that period of time, the space
probe will have- completed one-
half of .its first orbit around the
Stewart said Dr. James Van Al-
len, University of Iowa physicist
who discovered a band of radia-
tion above the earth, has reported
that "good sensible signals" are
being radioed back.
No New Radiation
Stewart added that Van Allen
reported no new belts of radia-
tion discovered so far, beyond the
two belts noted during other space
experiments of the past year.
These radiation belts are con-
sidered a possible threat to future
space travel by man unless prtc,
tical (means can be obtainedto
off set them.
Stewart said he considered the
space probe experiments "com-
pletely satisfactory" although he
said there were several things that
"we could have hoped" had
turned out better.
Apparatus Won't Respond
For example, he said scientists
wish the space probe had gotten
closer to the moon "so we could
see if there are local radiation
peaks" around it.
Newsmen were told that appar-
atus carried in the space probe
and designed to react to reflected
moonlight probably will not re-
spond because the Pioneer passed
the moon at a much greater 'dis-
tance than the 10-000-20,000
miles scientists had hoped for.
One of the other purposes of
the American space probe was to
determine whether it pased
through any clouds of gaseous
material from the sun. Stewart
said there had been no evidence
so far that it had.
Pleased With Test
President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower told his news conference he
was "highly pleased that the test
came off as they (the scientists)
He said the space scientists had
informed him the radio signals.
transmitted back by Pioneer
"have been most interesting .. .
particularly in giving additional
information on this belt of radio-
activity that has been discovered
around the world."

U' Students
To Participate-
In Play Today
Three University students will
be seen in the Ann Arbor Civic
Theatre's final production of the
season, "The Hasty Heart," open-
ing at 8 p.m. today and running
through Saturday at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ron Sossi, '61, Charles Steele,
Grad., and Herb Sheffler, '60,
will be featured in the John Pat-

Henle's-Article Attacks
near-Round Class Plan
The possibility of scheduling three full semesters spread over the
entire year was criticized by Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy de-
partment in an article in the' December "Senate Affairs", published
by the Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs.
The proposal was one of several suggestions-made by the former
Calendar Study Committee, headed by Prof. Paul S. Dwyer of the
mathematics department. The present"calendar committee is using
the Dwyer reports as a basis for its studies, Prof. Richard C. Boys of
the English department and present committee chairman explained.
Prof. Henle, in criticizing the possibility of a three-term year,
questioned whether' a faculty could be recruited to teach on a year-
around basis.
Courses Become Mechanical
While a three-term year would make maximum use of Univer-
sity facilities, he said, "There is an even graver problem that our
courses would become mechanical and perfunctory and that what
little contact there is between students and faculty would be lost."
Much of Prof. Henle's criticism was directed at the program's
one-week examination periods suggested by the Dwyer committee.
The great advantage of the present calendar, he maintained, is that
it leads the student to go over a semester's work and to organize
it as a whole.
"Often the significance of the course as a whole, what its aims
are and what it has taught, are seen only in review," Prof. Henle
Need Two Study Days
"With-a course n fverae difficulv.. full rav would seem the

employer . . . the economic wel-
fare of all our elected officials is
tied to that payroll."
The adopted platform also advo-
cated extensive city planning for
the relief of such problems as the
downtdwn area, various urban
renewal plans as receive popular
acceptance, immediate action to
provide necessary public works,
capital improvements and solu-
tions to parking, traffic and bus
service problems.
Mrs. Charles R. Burgess, Re-
publican candidate for University
regent, was keynote speaker. "The
strength and prestige of the Uni-
versity has been derived from the
Board of Regents .. . one (board)
putting service before self . .. one
which must consistantly uphold
the standards of the University,"
the University graduate said.
Cecil Creal, Republican candi-
date for mayor of Ann Arbor,
spoke for getting best maximum
mileage out of the tax dollar to-
day, increasing offstreet parking,
to renovate downtown Ann Arbor,
and making the city the medical
and research center of America.
Union To Hold
Open Forum
"Student Government Council:
It's Role at the University," will
hb the tonic of an onen forum at

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
BOGOTA, Columbia-Anti-gov-
ernment demonstrations flared
briefly again yesterday but were
quickly broken up by police.
The new incidents occurred while
police backed by heavy troop rein-
forcements patrolled the capital
and authorities investigated the
origin of Tuesday's rioting.
Today about 200 people gathered
in the center of thedcity and tried
to start another demonstration.
Police rushed to the scene and
dispersed them.
The government said persons
or -ea~r in nnn af at21f l a

offer by GOP leaders means that
his nomination is all but a cer-
* * *
ANKARA - Turkey's one-house
parliament tonight endorsed the
London agreement to make Cyprus
an independent republic.
The vote was 347-138, with two
PARIS -- French President
Charles de Gaulle and German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met
in a guarded presidential villa
yesterday to fix a firm common
attitudea toward the latest East-

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