Ghe r4 x Batt Batty Sixty-Ninth Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY SiUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Trutb Wiln Prevail- STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This ncst be noted in all reprints. I "Don't Look Now But I Think We're Being Followed" Y, MARCH 4, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE Administrative Considerations Block Women's Apartments HE BUILDING of |ary Markley dormitory could be used to supplement the grossly in- may appear as a forward step to Univer- adequate legislative appropriations. sity administrators and alumnae, but senior In tightening apartment permissions, stu- women-to-be regard it somewhat less highly, dents will again be used to get the University Late last week assistant dean of women Eliz- out of a spot. Academic space limitations will abeth A. Leslie acknowledged that apartment not permit population expansion sufficient to permissions will definitely be harder to get for fill up the dormitories with underclassmen and the 1959-60 academic year. She indicated that at the same time permit seniors to experience this comes as a direct result of the easing of apartment living. the overcrowded situation in women's resi- dences, which in more concrete terms, spells ALTHOUGH the dormitory system contrib- out the advent of Markley. utes to a student's maturity during his first Although the Dean of Women's Office main- year, by the time a woman is a senior she may tains that policy has always been that under- have ceased to benefit from life there. Living graduate women live in University-supervised in a situation where she is older than the most housing for the full four years of residence, of her associates and where she has outgrown actual practice during the past two years has the necessary regulations can provide a solid been sufficiently less than this. "It seemed brake to her growth process; apartment liv- only fair to allow seniors to live in less crowded ing would provide a new impetus. quarters" than were available, Dean Leslie The step from the college to the real world commented. Is one which each student will someday make. Apartment living, by forcing students to cope ACTUALLY, granting senior women apart- with responsibility could provide the neces- ment permissions got tlfe University out of sary stepping stone, for although the apart- a spot. It would have been impossible to turn ment dweller is essentially on his own, he (or "temporary triples," which were the rage last she) still lives within the boundaries of Uni- year, into "temporary quads." The maxim that versity regulations and academic pressures. two objects cannot occupy the same space at Administrators are blocking this path to the same time is too universal for even the development of responsibility. Gray ladies are Dean of Women's Office to alter re-clasping the hands of senior women, leading The tight women's housing situation would them back to the institutions from-whence they have forced the University to restrict enroll- came, now that there is room for one more. ment expansion, and thus, fewer student fees --JUDITH DONER One or the Other 'f . L I" ' , \M jI ' '' "c t'i v 4 ..r, . 1- C LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A Look at the Future: Block That Book! C 09-t. 00#9"T'is "WS4jj44&Vv4 Fos-r 4ft a LONG-DEMANDED CHANGES: To the Editor: SINCE IT IS generally acknowl- edged that mammoth lectures are the most practical, as well as the most effectual manner of in- struction; and since, furthermore, it is well known that lecture rooms packed to standing, with teaching fellows grading the term papers, and assembly line teaching by a distant, aloof, just visible professor is far from being a hindrance to the pursuit of learning but is rather a boon and harbinger to the new intelligentsia, I should like to make the following humble sug- gestions: First, the University can save a whole pile of money by simply de- creasing the number of courses to be taught. To make this feasible we must first give more credits for the courses which remain. Many more credits. Then we must make certain that the remaining courses are of the sort to inspire wide- spread popularity. This would do away with those already obso- lescent courses which are being taught to classes of twenty or thirty. What could be more im- practical? In true democratic fash- ion we should give only those courses which aumajority of the student body would take. Courses like "How to read Life Magazine for Pleasure and Profit," or "Ten Adolescent Difficulties and How I Solved Them." The next problem that presents itself is where and how to teach- pardon, ADMINISTER-courses to several thousand back-scratching, paper-rustling youngsters. The ob- vious and forthright solution, of course, is the football stadium. Where else do students feel more at ease? Where else is that sense of tradition? Where else can a student feel truly certain that he need bring a class no responsibili- ties, no acuteness but simply a warm, ever-so-comforting sense of belonging, an impression, well, an impression of togetherness. And perhaps a quart of cider to reas- sure him throughout the hard cold lecture. Then we could fill old, antiquated Angell Hall with filing cabinets, Huge rows of filing cabinets each overflowing with IBM cards, rail- way tickets, receipts, old tests, pre- mimeographed letters of recom- mendation, records of grades, teacher evaluations, term papers, statistical surveys and the other assorted excrema which is, after all, the very framework and foun- dation of our university. This would introduce a new tradition, for every homecoming weekend we could all go around burning the records and papers instead of the floats. In this way ve could care- fully preserve the yearly floats in *all the filing cabinets and with the money saved annually on paper mache, we could buy new filing cabinets. This solves the need for a revised physical plant and as we all know our new, streamlined university is nearly complete for buildings are what make the university. As for the method of administering class- es, this is simple. They can be blared out from the press box. A gesticulating robot, on the fifty yard line and dressed as a profes- sor can convey an impression of intimacy as well as a live professor in Auditorium A. Attendance can be taken by little scales inside each seat which register when a student is seated. In place of a blackboard we can have an airplane smoke- write the necessary lecture notes on the sky. This would have the - added advantages of enabling homebound students Jto get the day's lecture by merely glancing from their windows. Of course I realize that this plan is still in its rough stages. There are yet many unsolved problems. But I think that on the whole it is in accord with the general drift of the University's educational policies. Unsolved problems could easily be handled by computers, And I myself am still thinking . . Wait, perhaps we could enlarge the football stadium. --Eli Zaretsky AT RACKHAM: Varied Handel THERE ARE better ways to "Get away from it all" than at a Hollywood fantasy every week: Last night many people missed a fine opportunity to settle back in comfortable seats, assume the gracious, well-mannered mood cast by the orderly lights of Rack- ham Lecture Hall, and listen to the Baroque Trio's presentation of what lives on two hundred years after the death of Handel. Any apprehension as to the monotony of a mono-composed two hours was emphatically dis- pelled by the color variations of the program. The balance and blend of the performers in the two trio sonatas were so clear that each listener had the power either to sit back, concentrating on nothing in par- ticular, or to choose and listen ex- pressedly to one flute trill or moving pattern in the cello. (This choice ,however, was subtly influ- enced and handled by the per- formers.) Possibly the one fault in en- semble was at the cadence of some movements, where the oboe slightly over-powered and out- lasted the flute. Nelson Hauenstein and Florian Mueller played solo sonatas with harpsichord. Both performed with such technical dexterity and mu- sical finesse that the resulting reaction was "how clear, and fresh, and easy." ** * THE "CHACONNE con Varia- zioni" played by Marilyn Mason aroused much interest in the pre- decessor of the piano; many people mounted' the stage at in- termission to ascertain just how so many different effects could be obtained from a string-plucked instrument. These last three works; rec- tatives and arias for soprano -- though the fault might lie partly with the period's instrumental demands upon the singer - were presented in a somewhat more strained manner than had been any of the preceding music. There was, in fact, a climax in "Flam- mende Rose" that made one want to say - though in asubdued, re- fined manner - "Oof!" --Delight Lewis j I. 4 Taft-Hartley Amendments Pending A FEW MONTHS AGO Washington officials announced that the recession had ended. The joyous public felt that now prices would go back to normal. But for the state universities and colleges the recession continues. All over the country, college budgets are cut and the governing boards are seeking ways to meet the payrolls. They are trying to alleviate this problem by raising tuition fees and state taxes. The tuition problem began about 20 years ago. At this time, the state universities still operated under the philosophy of free educa- tion. But the private colleges, who received half their money from fees and the other half from pndowments and gifts, were in trouble. Lacking sufficient money in their treasuries, they had to raise tuition fees and through their contacts both by Journals and conven- tions, they were able to convince the heads of the tate-supported schools that they also should raise tuitions. The argued that the state schools would get all the students and thus the private schools would be in worse shape than before. However, this type of approach has led to a vicious cycle. First the private schools raise fees, and then the state schools, and then . BT THERE is a solution to this problem. The states that haven't already done so must reconstruct their revenue systems so as to increase liquor, sales and luxury taxes. Those states which have reached a saturation point, such as Michigan, should start a graduated in- come tax which would balance the regressive measure of the sales tax, a device putting the greatest burden on those who can least afford it. But also, the income tax would also pro- vide needed support for education as well as badly needed revenue. Money in the form of scholiarships, from the federal government would be another solution. Congress has already passed a bill giving states 25 dollars for each pupil who attends the first year of elementary and secondary schools. In the second year the states would receive 50 dollars, the third year 75 dollars and the fourth year100 dollars for each student attending school. Other acts are also in effect. Agriculture de- partments in some schools such as MSU and some medical schools are receiving federal aid. If the aid were to be expanded and extended to all state-supported colleges and universities, many of their budget problems would be solvd. For those who oppose federal aid there are two courses left. The states must either supply the deficient funds or they must cease com- plaining. -RUTHANN RECHT (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles dealing with the labor legislation currently pending,, and with amendments to the Taft- Hartley Act in particular. Tomorrow's article will discuss the effects of the Act on employers and unions.) By RALPH LANGER Daily Staff Writer THE TAFT-HARTLEY Act, long bitterly attacked by unions, may find itself amended if Con- gress passes either of the two major labor bills now pending in Capitol Hill hoppers. Variously labeled by unions since its passage as a "slave labor law." and the "Lawyers' Full Employ- ment Act," the Taft-Hartley Act is under fire again. Both political parties have proposed amend- ments. The only difficulty is that each party has different changes in mind. The Taft-Hartley measure is actually an outgrowth of the old 1935 Wagner Act. A pro-labor measure designed to prohibit un- fair labor practices, the Wagner Act declared illegalscertain actions on the part of employers. * * * UNDER THE Wagner Act, em- ployers could not "interfere, re- strain, or coerce employees with regards to organizing or becoming . members of a union." It was also illegal to aid or support the em- ployee's unions or to discriminate against employees because of membership or activities in a union. These unfair employer practices have been largely carried over into the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, which also includes a list of unfair prac- tices on the part of unions. Between 1935 and 1947 labor was firmly opposed to any modifi- cation of the Wagner Act. They adopted practically the same atti- tude that resulted in management refusing to change its views on union recognition until compelled to do so by the Wagner Act. But labor itself provided the spark that set off the conflagra- tion of anti-union feeling in 1946. During that year, strikes cost the United States 113,000,000 man- days-three times that of the pre- vious year which was the previous peak of work stoppage. Four times during the same year nation-wide strikes shut down essential indus- tries. Although all of the blame for the strikes can't, of course, be laid on the door steps of the union halls, the public was aroused, dismayed and appalled over the power of unions which possessed the power to shut down the country's vital industries. THE CONGRESSIONAL elec- tions of 1946 were interpreted in Congress as a public call for labor reforms and the reform movement culminated in the Taft-Hartley Act. The Act passed in 1947, over President Harry S. Truman's veto. Government and public attitude towards labor had thus passed by this time through three rather dis- tinct stages. The active hostility in the early 1800's, during which unions were regarded as conspir-. acys, had given way to active en- couragement of unionism with the Wagner Act. A further shift developed and became visible when the Taft- H rtley bill passed. The words in j We 1947 law gave employees the\ right to "refrain from any or all of such (union) activities . . The Wagner Act had no mention of a right to abstain and rather had concentrated on the right of employees to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in activi- ties for preservation of rights. Unionism was no longer con- sidered to be an unmixed blessing. ti }I TODAY AND TOMORROW : Amateurs or Artists? By WALTER LIPPMANN SEN. ROBERT TAFT ... opponents may finally succeed V CONSTRUCTION CURTAILED: 'Postpone-Lack of Funds, Hits Building Program T HE NEWS that Secretary of Defense Neil J. McElroy may be resigning in a few months raises a serious question about the prevailing standards of public service, It appears that when President Dwight D. Eisenhower approached Mr. McElroy about ap- pointing him to what is surely one of the most difficult and most responsible offices in the gov- ernment, they came to an understanding that Mr. McElroy might serve for a very limited period only. The reason for this seems to have been that Mr. McElroy could take only so much leave of absence from his business without sac- rificing certain financial benefits for which he is eligible. When we remember that what is at stake is the office of Secretary of Defense, it is necessary to. ask whether Mr. McElroy should have laid down or that the President should have agreed to the conditions under which his appointment was made. For this limited period of service was just about long enough to enable Mr. McElroy to be Secretary of Defense. He is a bright and intelligent man, but when he took office he had no background of experience in the military establishment and no important experience in public life. THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT is an enor- mously complex organization, and the great issues on which the Secretary must pass are highly technical ones in the field of strategy, tactics, engineering, production, and research. Moreover, the Secretary of Defense is the key man in the relations between the armed services and the Congress. Eighteen months are perhaps enough for a reasonably good introduction to the work of the office. But, as Mr. McElroy's recent testimony before the Congressional Committee showed, to go back home and make more money. A successor must be found who cans then look forward to about eighteen months in office before he goes home. Mr. McElroy expects to leave the job just as he is about ready to do it. His successor, if he comes from the outside, may be able to learn about the job just as the time comes for him to leave the job; if his successor is promoted from within the Depart- ment of Defense, he is more likely than not to be a caretaker and not much more. All this adds up to the fact that with so much at stake, a very serious office has not been treated seriously enough. This is against the national interest which requires a highly competent Secretary of Defense, and it is a bad example of, how the public service should be valued by our people. BROADLY SPEAKING, there are two kinds of opinion as to how the highest offices of the government should be recruited. There are those who belive that although there are ex- ceptions to all such rules-the big offices can be filled most successfully by men who have made a success in private business. The theory here is that there is no great difference between public and private life, and that experience in business is not really different from experience in government. With the conspicuous exception of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who has combined a lifetime of public service with a highly successful law practice, President Eisen- hower has shown a predilection for successful corporate executives. The other school of opinion holds that the public service is in itself a vocation and a professional career and that it cannot be treated, like Sunday painting or Sunday golf, as an interlude for amateurs. Those who think f-i wai r a a-Pifno.Sf,-rar ntl a il'i _ By ROBERT JUNKER Daily Staff Writer UNIVERSITY building projects are few and getting fewer. Cur- rently being built is the Univer- sity's four-building 9ampus for the Dearborn Center, financed by a $6.5 million gift from the Ford Motor Company, and scheduled for September completion. A mental health research build- ing, partially financed by federal funds, and thenCatherine Street parking structure, financed by University parking revenue, are the only other projects currently under way. * * * OF THESE, the state has funds in only one project. With Univer- sity construction at its lowest point in many years, the University re- quested $15,668,000 for general building funds for the 1959-60 fis- cal year and a capital outlay re- quest of $3,681,370 for the Uni- versity Medical Center. Although the University re- quested $19,349,370 for local con- struction, the Governor, in his message to the Legislature, has recommended an appropriation of only $175,000, that for electrical renovations in the Medical Center. The Governor has also recom- mended a $146 million bonding program of which the University would receive $15,192,000 for gen- erfal construction and $1,219,000 for a new pediatrics unit in the Medical Center. education, government 'and hos- pital construction across the state. * * * FUTURE University construction thus seems dependent on the citi- zens' approval of a bonding pro- gram if the Legislature approves the Governor's recommendation. Many projects given high pri- ority bythe University in its re- quests have been labeled "Needed, postpone-lack of funds" by the State Controller's office. The University's highest priority request, $2.5 million to begin con- struction on a new music school on North Campus, was not included in the governor's recommendations. Meeting similar fates were plan- ning fund requests for the second unit of the Medical Science Build- ing, a new dental building, an edu- cation school building, and a new home for the architecture and design college. * * * THE GOVERNOR approved only five projects for the University-- the second unit of the fluids eng4- neering building, a physics and astronomy building, a North Cam- pus heating plant, a mathematics and computing center and an In- stitute of Science and Technology. The fluids engineering unit, which would complete the first section of the complex, opened in September, will cost $2,180,000. The unit is located on North Cam- pus. The Physics and Astronomy Building, for which $2.5 million was approved to begin construc- tion, will cost $4 million to com- plete. It will be built as an addi- tion to Randall Laboratory. Plans for the North Campus heating plant and a start on con- struction of a steam line to con- nect the present Washington St. plant with the new structure would be financed by the $2 million recommendation. Total cost of the project is set at $7 million. Approval Was also given to a $175,000 request for planning funds for a mathematics and com- puting center. This building, which will cost $3,560,000 to complete, will house the mathematics de- partment and facilities for com- puting devices currently needed in science as well as mathematics. THE INSTITUTE of Science and Technology, for which $140,000 was requested by the governor, has now been reintroduced by Gov. Williams who is seeking $3 million to construct the unit and $8.5 million for operating expenses. Legislation has been introduced by Sen. Charles S. Blondy (D- Detroit) to implement the Gover- nor's bonding requests. Under his bill, an authority to raise the necessary finances for the $146 million building program would be set up and would rent the build- ings to various agencies to repay the bond holders. With current University build- ing projects set to be completed by September, construction funds to replace obsolete facilities and to handle future enrollment in- creases are needed. University President Harlan Hatcher has stated the University's position on capital outlay requests: "To carry out responsibilities for the essential functions of a pub- lic university, adequate facilities must be available as they are needed." DAIMY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO 108 General Notices Scholarships, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Applications for scholarships for the academic year 1959-60 available in Rm. 1220, Angell Hall. All applications must be returned to that office by March 16, 1959. Ap- plicants must have had at least one r ;r