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March 04, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-04

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



See Pate 4

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VUI.. LAJA, No. 108




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President Invites
Macmillan to U.S.



Expect British Leader To Discuss
Recent Meeting with Khrushchev
WASHINGTON (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
invited Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan to Washington to
discuss moves to block Russia's drive to force the Western Allies out of
Macmillan is expected to accept promptly, probably flying to
Washington late next week after visits to Paris and Bonn.
The White House said the British leader was asked to come at his
convenience. It had been widely anticipated that Macmillan would
" come here to report on his talks
, with Russian Premier Nikita
View Summit Talks
A possible summit conference
S E 3 I~~ "undoubtedly will be a major topic
O pen .e-..IR of the Eisenhower-Macmillan re-
view. Khrushchev urged such a
S AfI rtop-level parley as the only way to
settle the Berlin crisis and Ger-
many's future.
BLANTYRE, Nyasaland W)- Officials said they 'expect Mac-
Rioting spread across Nyasaland millan to give his appraisal of the
yesterday on the heels ofathe limits to which Khrushchev will
arrest of an African Nationalist go in his professed determination
leader and by nightfall 21 Africans to end four-power rule in Berlin
were reported slain by police gun- by May 27.
fire. At about the same time the
Dispatches said 17 were killed White House was disclosing the
in Nkata Bay in the north and one invitation to Macmillan, Moscow
at Fort Manning, in Central Nyas- reiterated it intends to turn over
aland. Three died in Blantyre. to the Communist East Germans
Shooting broke out on the out- authority over 'the West's access
skirts of this capital, only a few routes to Berlin..
hours after security officers picked Threaten World War
up Dr. Hastings'Banda, extremist The Soviets also repeated that
leader of the African National if the Western powers use tanks
Congress, and whisked him off to and planes to keep their hold in
exile by plane. West Berlin, it would mean world
Police Charge Africans war.
Oiln his arrival in London, Mac-
Angered by the British-imposed On hs ai an Russia Mac-
state of emergency in this South- did not agree on many important
east African protectorate, Negro issues, but he added:
demonstrators gathered in defi- Talks Called 'Frank'
ance of the regulations. Police T alks wer a
charged with clubs when the Afri- "These talks were all the better
cans refused to disperse and fol- for being frank.. . we did agree
lowed up with tear gas. that these vital problems of Cen-
We uwthe tacti s d tral Europe should be settled by
hen tes e actic provednse- negotiation and not by force."
less and two special constables Specifically, the Soviet and Brit-
were injured, the police opened ish leaders:
fire. After the shooting ceased 1) Agreed to continue their ef-
three Africans were dead and two forts to make progress toward dis-
were wounded. armament.
The bloodiest rioting was re- 2) Promised to strive for agree-
ported from Nkata Bay, where, in ment to stop nuclear weapons
addition to the 17 dead, 13 Afri- tests under an effective system of
cans were wounded, international inspection and con-
The Nkata Bay shooting broke trol.

Stage Riot
Over Story
LA PAZ, Bolivia (P)-Police fired
to break up a small, taunting group
of demonstrators rushing at the
silent and apparently abandoned
United States embassy here yes-
A Bolivian dentist in a side street
was killed by a stray police bullet.
None of the demonstrators was
reported hurt.
The embassy people had gone
into hiding to escape demonstra-
tions touched off by a Time maga-
zine article that enraged the Boli-
vian people.
The Bolivian government strove
to keep order but was newly-har-
assed by a strike of tin miners and
was under severe criticism of
American officials for the anti-
United States demonstrations.
Government Minister Walter
Guevara said the group that rush-
ed the embassy was headed by
Victor Villegas and ap order was
issued for his arrest.
Villegas was identified as a
member of the Workers Revolu- I
tionary (Troskyite) Party.
Other demonstrations touched
off by the Time magazine article
were mostly orderly.
Late in the day Bolivian officials
and businessmen paraded in new
demonstrations against the article.
Time's article said United States
aid has saved Bolivia from eco-
nomic catastrophe since the up-
rising of 1952 rushed the nation
"straight from semifeudalism into
South America's most advanced
social revolution."
U.S. Protests
Mob Stoning1
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States protested sternly to Bolivia
last night against stoning of the
American Embassy at La Paz in
anti - American riots that have
prompted movement of embassy
personnel to the outskirts of the'
The State Department told the
Bolivian ambassador it expects his
nation "to take all possible meas-
ures to safeguard the lives" of- an
estimated 1,800 Americans in the
South American country.
But, department press officer
Lincoln White said, some 700
Americans living in La Paz "are .
being concentrated in suburban
areas where military protection
(by Bolivian forces) is better."
The strongly worded United
States protest was handed to Bo-
livia's Ambassador Manuel Barrau
who was called to the State De-;
partment yesterday by Assistant
Secretary Roy R. Rubottom in
charge of inter-American affairs.


Of f

IV Nearing

"9.3 A'

Over Taxes
State legislators deadlocked yes-
terday over proposals to solve the
state's financial drisis as the
deadline for placing possible solu-
tions on the April 6 ballot grew
Republicans favored borrowing
$100 million, with a one cent in-
crease in the state sales tax to re-
pay the bond issue. Democrats fa-
vored borrowing $50 million with
no repayment features.
Both borrowing plans, which re-
quire Constitutional amendments,
must be approved by the voters
April 6. Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings
(R-Holland), chairman of the
Senate Taxation Committee, said
any proposal for the ballot must
be approved by Thursday.
Equally Split
Constitutional amendments re-
quire two-thirds majority votes in
both houses of the legislature. The
Republicans fall one short of a
two-thirds majority in the Sen-
ate, while the House is equally
split between the two parties.
Sen. Geerlings said any action
to break the deadlock must come
from Gov. G. Mennen Williams in,
the form of a new compromise
proposal. The Governor is cur-
rently in Los Angeles.
Repay Debt
Sen. Geerlings said no borrow-
ing plan would get Senate ap-
proval without an attached re-
payment feature. He explained
the Senate favors a one cent in-
crease in the sales tax for the
next two years to meet the cur-
rent financial crisis.
This one cent increase would
repay the $100 million borrowed
to meet current state debts, and
an aditional $100 million to carry
the state until a new tax struc-
ture is approved. This additional
$100 million would also be used
to finance a state capital outlay
program, including University
c o n s t r u c t i o n, Sen. Geerlings
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field), chairman -of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, said
the outlook was "not very encour-
aging" for getting a tax measure
on the April ballot.
Under Consideration
A new tax structure for the
state, to insure adequate revenues
for future years, is not under con-
sideration. "We're trying to clean
up the debts we've got from last
year first," Sen Porter explained.
He added that appropriations
for next year to state universities
and other agencies - will not be
considered until adequate reve-
nues to the state are assured.

JUNO I-The main stage of the Army's giant solar rocket shortly
before the upper stage enclosing the pioneer IV satellite is lowered
on top.4
Rushig, Loyalty Oaths,
J-Hop on SGC Agenda
Student Government Council will examine the Rushing Study
Report at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight, according to Mort Wise,
'59, executive vice-president.
There will be no debate on the 70-page report at this week's
meeting, but the total study and, conclusions will be debated and
"possibly voted on" next week, he4

out when a mob tried to break
through a cordon of security forces
to release prisoners jailed under
the emergency regulations. Meet-
ings and public gatherings are
banned under the regulations.
Mob Attempt Fails
Security forces opened fire and
turned back the mob, reports from
the areas said. But other accounts
said mobs freed some prisoner's at
Mzimba and rioting broke out in
the center of that town.
The Fort Manning shooting took
place -after a crowd attending a
meeting refused to disperse. Police
and troops opened fire when the
mob attacked them, reports said.
In addition to the one African
killed, one was reported wounded.
Scores of Nationalist leaders
have been rounded up following
Dr. Banda's arrest. About 150 were
rounded up in Blantyre and nearby
Limbe, in the highlands of south-
ern Nyasaland..
All are believed being sent to
Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia,
capital of the Central African Fed-
eration of which Nyasaland is a
part. Newsmen were barred from
the airport.
U' Receives
New Payment
From State
The University received a $3.2
million payment from the state
yesterday, Wilbur K. Pierpont,
vice-president in charge of busi-
ness and finance, said.
This check includes $2.5 million
for the state's December contribu-
tion to the University, and $700,-
000 on the January payment. The
check will enable the University
to meet its payrolls until April.
Payments to the University
were resumed last month when a
$2.7 million check was sent. .
payment is also expected to be
sent in April, the state treasurer's
office has announced.



Plan Negotiations
3) Acknowledged a need for
early negotiations to establish a
basis for settlement of such Ger-
man issues as Berlin's future and
a German peace treaty.
4) Agreed that "further study
could usefully be made of the pos-
sibilities of increasing security by
some method of limitation of
forces and weapons, both conven-
tional and nuclear, in an agreed
area of Europe, coupled with an
appropriate system of inspection."

Oath Act
Loyalty provisions in the Na-
tional Defense Education Act are
an ineffectual means of enforcing
loyalty to the government and
should be repealed, several faculty
members recently agreed.
They also do nothing to rein-
force the faith of the American
people in the Bill of Rights, sev-
eral college newspapers also said.
The provisions ask the student
applying for a federal loan to
pledge allegiance to the United
States government and to deny
belief in any organization com-
mitted to the overthrow of the
"Oaths deter only conscientious
objectors," Prof. Joseph Kallen-
bach of the political science de-
partment said.
Calling oaths a survival of "word
magic," Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding
of the economics department noted
"politicians feel they can exorcize
demons by incantation."
The Student Senate of Oberlin
College also objected to the word-
ing of the oath and the Senate of
the Universty of Illinois decided
"they are an excuse for more gov-
ernment intervention in education
and are beginning to infringe on
,freedomof belief."
Colleges Refuse Funds
At least nine colleges have re-
fused federalimoney because of the
controversial provision. Harvard
has agreed with Prof. ,Boulding
who noted that "these provisions
represent a residue of McCarthy-
ism. The idea that you can even
tell by an oath whether a person
is a Communist or not is ridicu-
lous." ,
The president of Swarthmore
College states "as an education
institution Swarthmore believes
that strong citizens in' a demo-
cratic society are produced in an
atmosphere of freedom where
ideas do not need to be forbidden
or protected."
Prof. Allen L. Shields of the
mathematics department indicated
disapproval, and noted he was
"glad to see certain eastern uni-
versities had objected to require-
ments of the loans. He was "sorry
to see the University hasryot
followed suit.
Denounces Oath
Strong denunciation came from
Prof. Edwin Moise of the mathe-
matics department, who said,"This
is the most objectionable loyalty
oath that I can remember hearing
of. This oath deals with belief
simply' in itself, independently of
speech or action of any kind."
"To make matters worse," Prof.
Moise stated, "the idea of belief
and support are much too vague to
belong in an oath that might form
the basis of a perjury trial. The
oath raises the possibility of men
going to jail on grounds of losing
political argument i3n front of a
jury, or because a jury thought
they hadlost such an argument."
He urged the academic com-
munity to speak for itself,
"Promptly and in plain language."
Even disregarding the "bizarre
features" of the requirements, he
said, receiving loans are no better
candidates for non-Communist
oaths than the other men, women
and children in the United States.
Several other faculty members
refused to comment.
Senate Votes

WSU Board
Legal Status
LANSING OP) - The Senate
went along yesterday with giving

Space Probe
U.S. Record
Slowed-Down Rocket
Expected To Pass
Moon This Afternoon
WASHINGTON (M--A tiny cone
made America's deepest penetra-
tion into space yesterday as it
lunged closer to the moon and a
hoped-for orbit around the sun.
Riding in the nose of a 60-ton
Army rocket, the 13-pound pack-
age of instruments continued its
flight from Cape Canaveral.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration calculated
the 20-inch-long gold-plated cone,
called Pioneer IV, had reached
107,900 miles from Earth as of
3 p.m. yesterday.
Halfway to Moon
That's nearly halfway to the
moon, some 220,000 miles away,
and about 36,600 miles farther
than an Air Force space probe at-
tained last Oct. 11.
Pioneer IV was slowing down,
according to plan. As of 15 hours
after launch, its speed had dropped
from 24,890 miles an hour to 5,675
miles an hour.
Although slightly off its in-.
tended course, Pioneer was ex-
pected to pass the moon about 2
p.m. this afternoon at a distance of
about 35,000 miles. Then, scientists
hope, it will continue-on to asoer
The Russians launched a space
probe on Jan. 2 and claim it went
into orbit around the sun, which
is nearly 93 million miles from
Earth. .
Eisenhower CoMments
A "splendid achievement" was
the way President Dwight D.
Eisenhower described Pioneer IV's
launching. He learned about it as
soon as he awakened this morning.
The Soviet news agency Tass put
out a one paragraph report on the
American space probe launching.
Moscow radio, announced only
the firing time without comment.
In one respect the space vehicle
was not traveling according to
Using a big radio telescope, sci-
entists at Jodrell Bank in England
reported the probe appeared to be
on a course several degrees lower
than planned.
Sirs Police
DETROIT (P) - Police Corny
missioner Herbert W. Hart yes-
terday ordered rebel officers to
accept integration orders ors get
off the force.
Hart, cracking down on the
slowdown strike protesting as-
signment of mixed teams to Por
lice scout cars, said "Racial inte-
gration is here tostay."
"tAnybody who doesn't like, it
better resign right now," he
The commissioner issued thae
sharp reprimand as the slowdown
in the traffic violations police
work of the nation's fifth largest
city went into a third day.
An undetermined number of
white scout car men began the
slowdown Sunday when the PO-
lice department began the inte-
gration process.
Mayor Louis Miriani kept hands
off although in effect supporting
the police administration. Com-
missioner Hart is the mayor's own

"It is for them to decide how the
work force should be assigned,"
he said referring to police officials.
"I think they are doing the job
and doing it very well."
Miriani made the statement in
response to a demand from Wil-
liam Patrick, only Negro member

Clarification Committee
To Hold Closed Meetings
At its second meeting Monday, the Student Government Council
Plan Clarification Committee rejected SGC's recommendation request-i
ing open meetings.
According to Prof. Charles Lehmann of the education school,
newly-elected chairman, the committee "spent a good deal of time
discussing the SGC recommenda-Q

A motion concerning loyalty
oaths in connection with the Na-
tional Defense Education Act will
algo be introduced by Al Haber,
'60. Driving regulations are also
slated for consideration at the
Council meeting.
The final report of the J-Hop
Central Committee is also on the
agenda. In addition to explaining
the financial situation of the 1959
dance, the committee will make
recommendations concerning fu-
ture J-Hops, Wise added.
Also to be considered by the
Council is a motion to invite the
candidates for the Board of Re-
gents to attend an SGC meeting.
SGC will also consider a motion
to establish counseling office files.
Tabled last week because it was
submitted too late for considera-
tion by the Council, the bill will
again be proposed by Ron Gregg,

Women Call
Rush Talks'
A committee of affiliated and
independent women will begin
work Friday on a possible joint
resolution concerning deferred
rush to be presented to Student
Government Council.
The delegates will include Wo-
men's Senators from every hous-
ing unit plus the president and
Assembly Dormitory Council rep-
resentative from each indepen-
dent housing unit and two repre-
sentatives from each sorority.
Miss Penny Reynolds, '59,
chairman of Women's Senate has
urged delegates to attend today's
SGC meeting to gather back-
ground information on the sub-

tion that we hold open meetings."
The group agreed to keep "the
first few" meetings closed in order
"to get organized."
Cites Policy

Polar Orbit May Yield Earth's Shane

"This is not in any sense an -~'m-
attempt to exclude interested stu-
dents or faculty members," he ex-.........:...:::<;:::::....:
plained. "We just want to increase>",: :.:.;. .
the chance for complete candor at 5 '
our first meetings. There are some
sticky issues involved here he
added. ~
Interested people will be invited :
to appear before the committee j
later and open meetings will be - :.... - .
held after the first four or five E.
closed meetings. ............ ... ..::.:.-.
The committee intends to ter-
inate its study by the May 22 ei
Board of Regents meeting. .
Comparing the Clarification
Committee with other study com-
mittees, Prof. Lehmann said it 1
was not organized to conduct a i
public .discussion on the problem, . -.,.'.
but was requested specifically by :
the Regents to discuss the SGC j
plan and reduce its ambiguity. m- T
Decide Elements '4. .. . :< :

As Discoverer I went officially undiscovered for the fourth consecu-
tive day, a well known space authority here had some comments on the
"why" of the United States' first attempt to orbit a satellite on a polar
A polar-orbiting satellite should be able to give us a more complete
picture of the earth's surface, Nelson Spencer, an electrical engineering
department research engineer, said yesterday.
Data gathered from recent firings on the usual equatorial orbit
path revealed the earthnay be pear-shaped.
May Cover Entire Earth
If properly orbiting, Discoverer I will probably cover the earth's
entire surface, Spencer said.
Spencer has worked on rocket exploration of outer space at the
University since 1946.
As of last night, only faint signals from the 1,300-pound Air Force
satellite were 'believed to have been picked up by a tracking station
in Ithaca, N.Y., the Associated Press reported. Engineers there said
they had "confirmed tentatively" reception of ionization radio signals{
reflected from the satellite's trail.
Fired from West Coast

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