959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4784 from 1:00 to 3 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 4) A Breeding System in Plants. Trich E: Steiner, Botany; Meteorology and Radioactive Fallout. E. Wendel Hewson -Meteorology. Dues for 1958-59 ac- cepted after 7:20 p.m. Institute of Public Administration, Univ. of Mich.: Dr. Norman R. F. Maier, Prof. of Psychology, "Human Relations: Group Decision Making." Social sem- inar, Tues., March 3, 8:00 p.m. in the W. Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., March ' 3, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Prof. Edwin E. Molse will speak on "A Monotonic Mapping Theorem ror Simply Connected 3 Dimensional Manifolds" Refreshments:. Rm. 3212 Angell Hall, 3:30. Placement Notices Summer Placement: Camp Sherwood, a private camp for boys in Boyne City, Mich., has a posi- tion for a married couple. Informa- tion at the Summer Placement Bureau. ) Woodward & Lothrop, Inc., is a re- tail store in Washington, D.C. Appli- cations are being accepted now for the Summer Training Program in Retailing for college juniors. The YWCA of Bay City, Mich. has a position for a woman camp director. Information at the Summer Place- ment Service. Other positions are avail- able - Asst. Director, Waterfront Di- rector, Nurse. Summer Interviews: Tues., March 3: Helen Cohen, Director of Camp Wal- s den, Maine, will'interview all types of counselors 19 or over; for a girl's camp. Interviews at Rm. D528, S.A.B., Tues. from 1 to 5. Personnel Requests: Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. has immediate openings for Organic Chemists, Biochemists and Microbiolo- gists. .S.. and Ph.D. level. Moore Busines Forms, Inc., Niagara Falls, N.Y. has positions for alumni in- terested in sales career. Organization N otices Closing Hour Student Activities: Stu- dent Government Council has author- ized an extended closing hour of 1 a.m. for student-sponsored activities held on the night of .March 14. Graduate Student Coffee Hours, March 4, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg., 2nd floor, W. Lounge. All graduate stu- dents invited. Lutheran Student Assoc., Communion Service, March 4, 7:30 a.m., Lutheran tStud. Chapel, Forest & Hill. SOC Public Relations Comm., meet- ing, March 3, 4 p.m., 1548 SAB. New members welcome or call Ron Bassey, chairman, NO 3-3307. * * s Women's Rifle Club, meeting, March .3, 7 p.m., WAB. Fencing Club, co-recreational, March 3, 7-9 "p.m., WAB. Kordite Corp., Macedon, N.Y. needs men of sound mech. engineering ability, with management potential. Should like traveling, linguistic ability. Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. de- sires woman to coordinate employee testing and job evaluation program. M.A. degree in Psych, or B.A. with em- phasis on psych, testing and measure- ments. Auto Owners Insurance Co., Lansing. Mich. desires an attorney. Prefers 2 or 3 years of private exp. and possibly with insurance co. State of Wisconsin Civil Service, Madison, Wis. has openings for De- sign Engr., Mech. design engr., super- visor. Also needs Airport Development Engineer. Arrowhead High School, Hartland, Wis. desireshbusiness manager for con- solidated school. Man. Hunter College, New York, N.Y. has limited number of scholarships in field of Spec. Ed. and Rehab. Counselling. Central Soya Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. has openings in following fields: Ag. Pricing Analyst, Clerical Asst., Feed Mill Tech. Trainee, Personnel Director, M & R Engr., Poultry Research Spec., Veterinary, Prod. Specialist, Asst. Plant Man., Salesmen. State of Connecticut Civil Service, needs Asst. Highway Engr., Physician, Asst. Highway Engr., Senior Physician, Asst. Highway Engr. (Bridge design), Librarians. Personnel Interviews: The following companies will be in- terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. For an interview appointment, contact the Bureau. Wed., March 4: J. P. Morgan & Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. Location of work: New York City, N.Y. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with degrees in Liberal Arts, Business Ad- ministration, or Law for Training Pro- gram. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich. Location of work: Detroit, Monroe, Jackson, Saginaw, Lansing, Kalamazoo. Graduates: June, Aug. Citizenship required. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration, minimum age of 22, for executive salesman. Mutual' Benefit. Life, Ann Arbor, Mich. Location of work: Detroit area or Ann Arbor. Graduates: Feb., June, or Aug. Citizenship required. Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or Business Ad- ministration for Sales. Men in Junior, Senior or Graduate year for part-time sales on campus, Thurs., March 5: U.S. Civil Service Commission, Chica- go, 11. Representatives will be on cam- pus to give information about federal employment. Vick Chemical Co., Hess and Clark Division, Ashland, O. Location of work: Far West, Midwest, Southwest, South- east, East New England. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with degrees in Liber- al Arts or Business Administration for Senior Marketing Program. 2. Men in their junior or senior year for Junior Summer Training Program. Carnation Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Lo- cation of work: Midwest. Graduates: June. 1. Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Sales Management Training in Grocery Products. 2. 1fen with degrees in Liber- al Arts or Business Administration with some engineering training desirable but not essential, for Production. Manage- ment Training in Can Manufacturing Division. The Procter & Gamble Co., Cincin- natai, O. Location of work: Cincinnati, o. Graduates: June, Aug. Citizenship required. 1. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administra- tion for Industrial Traffic Manage- ment and Industrial Purchasing Pro- gram. New England Mutual Life, Detroit- Pomeroy Agency, Detroit, Mich. Loca- tion of work: Eastern Half State of Mich. or refer to Home Office. Gradu- ates: June, Aug. Citizenship required. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Mathematics, Law, or Education for Insurance. Union Carbide Crp, New York., N.Y. Location of work: New York City, N.Y. Graduates: June. Men with any degree in Economics for Credit Department In New York City. Fri, March 6: Union Carbide Corp. The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. Cincinnati, 0. Citizenship re- quired. Men with any degree in Lib- eral Arts or Business Administration for Sales Management Training. Travelers Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich' Location of work: Detroit. Gradu- ates: June, Aug. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts or Business Adminis- tration for Sales. Subscribe to The. Michigan Daily Phone NO 23-24 1 ALTERATIONS JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Wait 118%2 E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above "Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )Pl BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks 39o; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )W2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CARI is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty college. Days, afternoons, and evening classes. For student beautician. For more in- formation write or call Ann Arbor Beauty College, 4567 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti or NO 5-7500. )CCl BUSINESS PERSONAL 1959 SUMMER Employment Opportuni- ties in Mich. area. Over 100 jobs in resorts, camps, recreation, and indus- try. Male and female, application blank included. Send $1. P.O. Box 141, E. Lansing, Michigan. FF2 HAVE YOUR SWEATERS knitted espe- cially for you, designed to fit you ex- actly. Choose colors, style. NO 3-9260. FF1 BUSINESS SERVICES REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade. NO 2-4647. J4 YOUR HOT barbecued chickens, spare ribs, pork roasts, or beef roasts are ready for you now. Come and get them or call and reserve at RALPH'S MARKET "Just two doors from the Blue Front" 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J46 1959's loveliest figures will be molded by the Famous - Fabulous - Figure Control Girdles, now on sale during March by Playtex from the DILLON SHOPS. Elizabeth Dillon Shop USED CARS FOR SALE We specialize in good used cars from $100 up. GENE'S AUTO SALES at 544 Detroit Street. NO 3-8141. N3 1951 CHEVY; 4-dr. 62,000 miles, radio, heater. Good tires, $125. Call Kay Gregory, NO 3-1511, ext. 2488. N20 HILLMAN 1958 Four-door wagon heiat- er. Like new. HU 2-7140. N10 ECONOMY Sport Cars 1958 VOLVO SEDAN $1895 1957 VOLVO SEDAN $1595 1957 ENGLISH FORD $995 MICHIGAN EUROPEAN CAR CORPORATION NO 5-5861 303 S. Ashley NO 5-5800 N24 NEW CARS Engish 4 A Ford Product .14 models to choose from 0 Prices start $1474 * Up to 35 miles per gallon FOR RENT 70 DOLLARS A MONTH Furnished apartment, private en- trance. One room and kitchen private, bed. Three blocks State Theatre. NO 2-7274. C77 520 SOUTH DIVISION. 1st floor fur- nished apt., best in this area, avail- able March 14. A bargain at $100 a month. Including utilities and park- ing. A couple with one child accept- able. Call NO 5-6521, for appointment. C76 NO PARKING PROBLEMS. Park right in front of your room. Single rooms. Hot and cold water. Linen service. NO 5-5157. C74 COOKING FACILITIES, T.V., Linens. laundry facilities. $8/wk-single, or $6 wk-double. Phone HA 6-2321. 075 CLOSE TO CAMPUS, newly remodeled attractively furnished and moderately priced. Two large rooms and bath for single person. Three rooms and bath for married couple. Phone NO 8-6075. 071 CAMPUS: Single room; furnished; $35 per month. NO 8-9379. 073 NEAR CAMPUS -- 5 rooms furnished suitable for 4 men students or couple. Automatic gas heat. $130. NO 2-3600 or NO 8-7891 after 6 P.M. C65 APARTMENT for Rent. 3 rooms with bath. Furnished, clean and quiet. $80 per month. NO 2-4727 after 4:30 C66 NOW AVAILABLE-very large room for 2. Fireplace, private entrance, $8 per, week each. NO 3-1511, Ext. 2911 daily, evenings NO 3-4316. C67 APARTMENT FOR RENT - Campus, apartments, 2 or 3 adults. Snappily furnished apartment with private bath, close to campus. Also need 1 man to share apartment. Call NO 3- 9510 or evenings NO 8-6205. C68 NEWLY FURNISHED and remodeled apartment for four adults. Tiled bath and garage disposal. %, block from St. Joseph's Hospital. NO 2-0671. C69 UNIVERSITY TERRACE & Northwood apartments - available immediately. They are available for immediate oc-, cupancy-efficiency; one & two bed- room apartments at both University Terrace & Northwood Apartments. To be eligible you must be a married student or full-time faculty member who is not already assigned to either whoerit Terrace or Northwood Apartments. For information please contact Mr. Melhuish, 1056 Adminis- tration Building or call.NO 3-1511, Ext. number 3311 or 2914. C63 CLOSE TO CAMPUS-Newly remodeled four room and bath lower apartment. Fireplace in living room. Range, re- frigerator, heat and water furnished. Garage. Phone NO 8-7002. C58 1 FOR RENT: East William furnished 3-room apartment. New modern fur-! nishings. Full bath. Close to campus! & downtown. $115 per month, in- cluding heat. Available March 1st. Call NO 3-0819. C56 2 ROOM furnished apt., all utilities except gas for cooking. Married couple -no children. NO 8-8900. C57 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS: House- keeping room. Also efficiency apart- ment-private bath. 514 S. Forest, NO 2-1443. C52 SINGLE ROOMS for men, attractive. Linens & cleaning. As low as $6 wk. NO 3-6039, call after 6 P.M. C31 LGE. APTS. for rent. Very reasonable. Call 3-4402. C36 STUDY UNDISTURBED. Large quiet rooms for men. Near campus. NO 3-4747. )C3 MALE STUDENT to share furnished apartment with 3 others, swimming pool. 10 minutes from campus. NO 5-7602. )C20 FOR RENT BOYS' ROOMS available next semes- ter. 617 E. University. Contact Jim Booth, Rm. 10 or call 3-7159. )C1S FURNISHED APTS. for rent for 3 or 4. Call NO 3-4402. )C12 STUDENT ROOMS for rent, % block from campus, Several rooms and suites to select from. Reasonable rates. Phone NO 8-7942. 1218 Wash- tenaw. )C29 CAMPUS AREA 3 clean convenient rooms, private bath, unfurnished ex- cept stove, basement privileges. NO 8-6529. )C26 FOR SALE CLASSICAL RECORD SALE, hundreds of 78 rpm albums only. Auber to Weber 40c per record. Also 5 large record cabinets, console 3-speed pho- no. Phone NO 2-6102 or see Jim Kahn- ke at 727 Miller Ave. BIS 1954 NEW MOON TRAILER. 36'x 8' on lot; priceed to sell; call NO 2-7534. B17 35 FOOT 856 MARLETTE, excellent condition, fully equipped, air con- ditioned. Call NO 3-2294 after 5. B2 HELP WANTED MAGICIAN WANTED for boy's birth- day party. Saturday, March 7th, be- tween 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone NO 2-0171. H12 HELP WANTED: Girls. Several whole- some young ladies to help in snack bar during lunch. Apply immediately. B. E. French & Co. 215 S. State. H10 INCOME TAX SERVICE INCOME TAX SERVICE Notary Public M. J. Thurber - Phone NO 2-3455 )V1 INCOME TAX SERVICE In your home by appointmant Call E. S. WEISS H U 2-0572 V2 MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL STENOGRAPHER Theses, Essays, Reports, etc. Edited and Typed at SPECIAL RATE FOR STUDENTS. Joan Coball, NO 3-6942. M5 GOOD MEALS: Frat. five minutes from Engineering Building. Reasonable. Any or all meals. Steward NO 3-2600. )Ml FOX MOTEL MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MAGNAVOX CLEARANCE SALE Big savings on STEREOand HI Fl Record Players MUSIC CENTER 300 South Thayer X7 PIANOS - ORGANS iBest offer Keyboard Service WURLITZER * SOHMER * KIMBALL Dealer ANN ARBOR PIANO CO. 213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109 Complete line of HiFi components including Kits; complete Service on radio, phonographs and HiFi equip- ments. HI FI STUDIO 1317 South University 2 block east at Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-7942 }X21 FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY. Com- plete service on Phonographs and radios. Stereo conversions. Reasonable prices. Duraco, NO 5-5111. X6 NEW LP SPECIALS at the LIBERTY MUSIC SHOPS New! Bernstein and the N.Y. Philharmonic Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4 Regularly $4.98 - This Week $3.89 New! Sinatra Sings - "Love Is a Kick" Regularly $3.98- This Week $2.89 THIS WEEK SAVE $1.09 THIS WEEK PERSONAL BURR: Have you seen the special - tures of the official Michigan ri Patt. 1209 S. University. TIRED of Sorority 'Tryouts? Try Mi ifish Swim Club Tryouts, Wednes March 4th, 7:30. Women's Pool. ONLY AT MICHIGAN is ung tlenanly behavior accepted. HOUSE MOTHER wanted. Young, vacious person. Liberal education. 1 limited interest in extra-curric1 activities, particularly indoor spo Excellent condition and pay. Call L. Fagan, Director 709 Arch Asso tion. NO 3-7015 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. LEFT HANDED? Learn to play Bri the right way. Bridge class meet March 3rd. 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Leaj 1956 MGA-reasonable, excellent cor tion. N 03-7844. PORTRAITS SKETCHED-at Cous store, 309 S. State Tuesdays on TWO LEFT FEET? Dance class rr meeting. National and Internatic dancing: foxtrot, jitterbug, charles cha-cha. March 4th, at 7:15 P.M League. BURR: Have you seen the special : tures of the official Michigan rl Patt, 1209 S. University. TEACHER of singing and speak Class or private. Carol Westen NO 8-6584. KNITTERS REJOICE! Real Imported" Shetland yarn no' available for 65chan o.; 25 colo including leathers. NO 3-0877. .. > GUITAR LESSONS: IGuitars, qualified instructor, Call Maddy Music for details. NO 3-3395 508 E. Willis PETS AND SUPPLIES MALE SIAMESE kitten for sale, a stud service. NO 2-9020, REAL ESTATE FOR 36 YEARS We have served the Faculty, Stal and Students of the University Michigan in the field of Real E: tate and General Insurance. Ma we serve you? F. A. Sargeant C REALTORS INSURERS 401 E. Liberty St. NO 2- A PRIVATE DRIVE lined with grace weeping willows beside a spring. swimming pond leads you to the fr door of this new commodious Ea American style home. The entry w accommodate many books and bri brac. and the really big living ro has an adjoining conservatory stoc with growing plants and vines.; A I size dining room will put back fun in entertaining as will the cozy paneled kitchen. Approx. 2 cluded idyllic acres inside city. B offer accepted. NO 3-0148. WANTED WANTED: Daily ride to Health Sen by 8 A.M. from 2008 S. State. Call 2-9892, evenings. B 1111 S. University 530 S. Forest 1@ Easy Parking and Driving Good Cleaning J45 PAPERS EDITED and Typed. Quick service. Spelling, punctuation need -correction? NO 8-6276. J30 Eddie's Paint Store White paint........$1.98 per gal. Colors............ $2.48 per gal. 117 E. Ann NO 8-6966 )J15 LADIES BARBER SHOP 11081% S. University Only barber in town who is a. trained and licensed Ladies' Hair stylist. )J17 ONE-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SANFORDS . . Shoe Repairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6969 )J2 ROOM AND BOARD ROOMS: for both men and graduate women. Doubles and triples. Approx. $20 per mo. Must also board at house. Total cost for room and board approx. $60 per mo. Contact Inter coop Coun- cil. 2546 SAB 9-12 2-5 daily, 9-12 Sat. NO 8-6872. E3 ROOM AND BOARD for men near Bus. Ad. School. Free Parking, T.V., Wash- er and Dryer provided. 1108 Hill. NO 3-1767. Ask for Dean Nelson. )EI ROOM and/or board for men students. Good food. Linens furnished. Con- veniently located at Hill and For- est. Ask for Mr. Wentz. 1319 Hill St. or phone NO 2-6422. )E5 WOMEN STUDENTS: Friend's Center International Cooperative. 1416 Hift St. approximately $260 per semester. Call NO 5-6894 or NO 2-9890. )E6 Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Advertising *Good Trade-in Allowance FITZGERALD, INC. LI NCOLN-MERCURY EDSEL ENGLISH FORD 3345 Woshtenaw Phone NO 3-4197 )V1 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 )S2 C-TED.STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and acces- sories. Waranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road. service - mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 )S1 - CAMPUS - 211 S. State NO 8-9013 LIBERTY, Room Phones Free TV 2805 E. Michigan HU 2-2204 )M3 TRANSPORTATION Rent A Car 514 3. Washington St. NO 3-4156 Fords And Other Fine Cars Rented by Hour, Day, or Week WEEKEND SPECIAL RATE from Friday 5 P.M. till Monday 9 A.M. $10.00 plus $.08 per mile Gas, oil and insurance included )G1 KS RARE Violins & String Instrument repairs, Pianos (Baldwin, Ivers & Pond, Estey) and Organs (Baldwin, Estey, Thomas) New and Used. Terms. MADDY MUSIC 508 E. William NO 3-3223 )X! Phone NO 2-4786 for Michigan Daily Classified Ads -DOWNTOWN - 205 E. Liberty St. + NO 2-0675 MUSIC SHOPSj PLUS ALL THESE 'FREE EXTRAS! Fast Service Minor Repairs Buttons Replaced Trouser Cuffs. Brushed & Tacked Moth Proofing oG Bond Cleaners' 515 E. William YOUR CAMPUS CLEANER, 'I. -- I Initerested inz Dancing? MASS MEETING, for Dance Classes, March 4, 7:15 P.M. LEAGUE BALLROOM Latin and Conventional Dancing I ...As an RCA Engineer Receive your MS in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Physics at RCAs I expense, through the RCA Graduate Study Program. At the same time, you're beginning your RCA career as an engineer on a fully I professional level, getting a head start in the+ field you prefer. RCA pays the full cost of your tuition, fees and approved texts while you take graduate study part time at the Uni. versity of Pennsylvania or Rutgers University. Or, you may prefer a different path ahead ... RCA Design and Development Specialized Training. Here is another of RCA's pro. grams for careers, in which you begin by working full-time on planned technical assign- Right now, though, see your placement officer. C squared away on a specific time for your intervie And get your'copies of the brochures that also h to fill you in on the RCA picture. If you're tied when RCA's representative is here, send a resume ments. Experienced engineers and interested management guide your progress. You may receive assignments in design and development of radar, airborne electronics, computers, missile electronics, television, radio and other equipment fields, as well as'in Electron Tubes, Semiconductors and Components. MS, PhD Candidates are eligible for direct assignments in the above mentioned fields. There's a lot more that's extremely interesting about an RCA engineering career. You should have these facts to make a wise decision about your future. Get them in person very soon when an RCA engineering management repre- sentative arrives on campus- -. business, editorial, sports join Mr. Robert Haklisch, Manager College Relations, Dept. CR-11 Radio Corporation of America Camden 2, New Jersey s