Sixty-Ninth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN zOpinlons Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tb Will PrevaW " STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual Opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mcst be noted in.all reprints. Y, MARCH 1, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE Television: A Better Purpose? West May Still Gain From Marmillan's Trip By SELMA SAWAYA Dally Staff Writer' IN ITS twelfth year, television threatens to remain a perpetual adolescent, although much of the time it still seems to be in its infancy. One of the reasons for its re- tarded development is undoubtedly its favorite toy, the audience rat- ings. Commercial television being essentially a money-making ven- ture, it is understandable that the sponsor of a program with a low rating will not want to waste his money on a venture which is not even returning his investment. ADVERTISERS measure the "return" in terms of increased sales, and if it can be shown that a particular program does not reach enough homes to affect sales favorably, then the sponsor often withdraws his support from the program. Thus many worthwhile shows have been dropped by the two major networks. The great control exercised by the network over programming in television has many potentialities, if the networks had courage to ex- )RIME MINISTER Harold Macmillan is back in Number 10 Downing Street today, having eturned from his exploratory talks in Russia ith Nikita Khrushchev. They did not end well. itended as a "reconnaissance" mission both or negotiations on the current Berlin crisis s well as on general state of East-West rela- ons, the talks do not appear to have accom- lished much. "Khrushchev is 'not budging an inch," a ritish source said, "and Macmillan is not eidging an inch, either." The atmosphere of the talks, which had be- un with an air of cautious optimism, was pattered by Khrushchev's speech Tuesday to political rally in Moscow. In his address, the ussian leader ridiculed the Western plan that he foreign ministers negotiate on. Berlin and uropean security in general. He also warned hat any violations of East Germany's borders esultng from'the dispute over Berlin would institute an act of aggression. This attitude sled out any really constructive talk with Mac- iillan. On the surface, Prime Minister Macmillan emained unruffled by all this. In Kiev, before is departure, he reaffirmed, his "firm belief" hat international negotiations undertaken in ncerity and good will are the only way to each a fair agreement. between the East and he West.. 1ACMILLAN, as well as much of the rest of of the West, believes fruitful negotiations ith the Russians are still possible. Prag- atically, this may or may not be true. Aside -om this, it may be asked what did the talks, side from such a largely unprovable ethical elief, really accomplish? Firstly, sandwiched between sightseeing and anquets, there was the opportunity for con- derable serious discussion to take place be- een Macmillan and Khrushchev. Such talk, sough it may produce little of material import, yes give each side a valuable insight into the find, policies and calculations of the other. N THIS RESECT, Macmillan undoubtedly was able to inform Khrushchev of three major oints in the Western position. The West is tlexible inits determination not to be squeezed out of Berlin by any means the Russians might choose to einploy. The West, however, is willing to talk about arrangements whereby tension- producing incidents in Berlin and her ap- proaches could be narrowed down. These ar- rangements, furthermore, might involve the first step toward the solution of the real cause of the Berlin crises: the German reunification question. In spite of his truculance, Khrushchev at least has now some concrete insight, based on person-to-person talks with a representative of the West, of the realities of the Western position. He may, further, have undercut his own posi- tion by his blast last Tuesday. It has been sug- gested that Macmillan's trip to Moscow was inspired with one eye toward the coming British elections. If Khrushchev felt that by deliberately wrecking, any chance of a spec- tacular agreement between him and Macmillan he was hurting Macmillan's prestige at home and helping the Labor Party's chances in the election, he may be mistaken. It is true that Khrushchev would rather have a Labor govern- ment in London than a Conservative one, but his slap at Macmillan probably will only succeed in rallying the British people around him as a hard-working statesman, battling enormous odds in trying to negotiate with the Russians. THE WEST, and, it is to be hoped, the rest of the uncommitted world, have learned by now tthe difficulties of negotiating with the Russians and expecting anything serious to come of it. The Russians, however, ma have hurt themselves with Khrushchev's "impolit- ness" for they had previously been in the fore- front of those demanding an international; conference to negotiate the German question.' Khrushchev's blast came a little toosoon after his latest request for such a conference to be taken as a token of good will and sincerity. The West remains morally committed to the principle of full and sincere negotiations with the Russians. In terms-of realpolitik, this prin- ciple has in the past been something of a handicap, but as a result of Khrushchev's ploy, the West may not only benefit morally but pragmatically as well. -PHILIP POWER -Daily-Allan Winder CONTROL ROOM-Headquarters of the camera director at the University television office, where approximately 160 programs are produced annually. plore them. But there have been numerous indications that pro- grams have been revised or even canceled due to complaints from assorted pressure groups, including advertisers. The reluctance on the part of the networks to assume responsi- bility for anything slightly con- troversial, or to take a stand on such issues, is extremely disap- pointing, and a further indication of television's lack of maturity. However, there is some sign for hope, shown by a recent produc- tion of "Johnny Belinda," a play in which the heroine gives birth to an illegitimate child. Accord- ing to the network censor, they did not receive one letter of com- plaint. The few good programs, such as "Omnibus," "Playhouse 90," "Voice of Firestone," and "The Last Word," jwhich manage to sneak into commercial programming usually get relegated to unpopular hours or get pushed off the air. Some manage to survive, but when a choice must be made, a program with less intrinsic worth but more appeal to the mass-mind will win out. Fad shows, such as horror movies and "adult" westerns are considered better risks. THE CRITICS attending the birth of commercial television were understandably disappointed by its scrawny constitution (the vaude- ville-variety-comedian shows), but expressed great hope for the fu- ture, when both -the audience and the medium would mature simul- taneously and television would grow into a strong adult, capable of supporting not just one "egg- head" program per week, but of scheduling operas, lectures, discus.. sion groups, Shakespeare, concerts, at least once a day. This has not happened. And it seems to be up to television to take its first step-to present the audi- ence with some adult fare in a more consistent fashion, rather than wait for the audience to lead it where it will, pulling it by its ratings. It looks as though the day of television's maturity has not yet come; and as long as there are audience ratings to dictate the net- works' moves, that day is a long way off. 4 ,if FRONT SEATS FOR ALL? Educational TV Needs Careful Handling OFE..BLACK By Richard Taub Tme for Learning SOMETIMES I think thre 'is too much teach- ing and not enough learning going on round here," one University professor is fond saying, and he may have a point. American universities are just about the only nes in the world which require regular attend- ace at class, regularly assigned readings, and .any exams and quizzes over the period to lake sure that students are keeping up. And this the University is fairly typical. Because of this, :there is little opportunity >r the student to leisurely examine something Sspecial interest. He is not permitted to be- >me. especially concerned with some facet of is work and explore it fully without paying ie price of poor grades in all of it. He just reads his assignments, prepares for lizzes and hour exams, and, every once in a hile he may get the opportunity to do a little rtra-curricular dabbling. There is not too much time for contemplation. UNIVERSITY committee is now working to provide even less time for thought. The test in a long line of calendar committees is ow considering shortening the final exam eriod. Under the impetus of some misguided edu- tionists, there has been a drive to reduce the nportance and significance of final examina- ons. How does one go about this? by giving more :ams during the school year, thereby making ie final exam period less important; if it is ss important, it need only be two hours long. each exam is only two hours long, one might well make the examination period five days ng. INAL EXAMS, many educationists say, really - are not very useful anyway. Because so uch rides on themg, students are excessively rvous and cannot do as well. Second, if a erson crams for a couple of nights, he can do ell enough to pass the exam, although he will ot learn. anything. (We can't see any differ- ice between this and cramming for four or re exams spread through the course of the mester.) These educationists really do not understand hat a college education is all about. One does At "learn" courses by taking exams periodically make sure one keeps up with assignments. lucation is not the absorption of a series of cts. Rather time must be taken at the conclusion a course (the final examination period), for WHEN ONE HAS TIME to reflect, and the pieces fall into place, the course is tremen-' dously different from what it appeared during the semester. While it is important to know DesCartes' philosophy, it is even more important to know how DesCartes influenced western thinking; it is valuable to know that Henry VIII wanted to get divorced so he set up his own church; but it is more important to know how this fitted into the development of English history; it is valuable to learn that David Riesman thinks the American man is becoming "other directed," but it is much more valuable to figure out how this figures into the picture of social change, its causes and implications. BUT ONE CAN'T LEARN these things unless he has time to think about them-perhaps to read considerably more than was assigned. One needs time to pull different strands to- gether, and make them into a meaningful wh'ole. Many a student has suddenly discovered that his course is terribly interesting, while studying for the final-because at last, the course makes sense.} Shorten the examination period, and forget about thinkng. No course is an isolated bit of knowledge, and neither is any part of a course. such an isolated bit. Those teachers who give exams on parts of the course just immediately covered, and who don't require the whole course on each exam, are doing their students a great dis-service. Admittedly, there are and can be short- comings to the examination period as arranged today. There is, for example, the danger of a student just cramming his way through. But in most courses, a really well designed final is impossible to cram for-because it does more than require a collection of factual' material. It is also true that with the current examina- tion schedule, students frequently have less time than they would in a five-day period. But this can easily be compensated for by printing exam schedules in the time schedules. It is also true that final exams-as conducted now, are an abominable waste. Students world to learn and understand their- courses, pour forth their learning into blue books and never see them again. Certainly, for the exams to be most valuable, students should be able to get them back, to understand where they went astray-instead of forever carrying about with them some erroneous conceptions. By RALPH LANGE.R Daily Staff Writer AS EDUCATORS seek new ways of stretching their already tight budgets, television grows in- creasingly more attractive. Educators must, and are, giving television a long, hard look. But what should be the extent of its use? How good is it? What pur- poses can it, should it, serve? First of all, secondary school and. college curriculums could be expanded. Many schools have neither the space nor the equip- ment necessary for courses that could be valuable. Television would put these courses right into the classroom and with relatively smooth, production too. The teacher shortage could be PAY-TV: Commercial C annbal? By ANITA FELDMAN Daily staff writer PAY-TV is fighting its way into American livipg rooms. Supporters of this new media of entertainment claim that the public would be happier watching commercial-free TV shows. Holly- wood, and other producers, believe also that if 'blue-ribbon' entertain- ment, such as first-run movies and Broadway plays, as well as "public information" programs were pre- sented on TV, people could get higher quality and better enter- tainment for a "nominal price."a Pay-TV, however, has numerous opponents. Broadcasters, whose in- comes come from the sponsers of network shows now produced, esti- mate a $1.4 billion dollar annual loss of money spent by advertisers, if pay-at-you-go television steps into the picture. Likewise, owners of motion picture theaters, who have viewed with dismay their dwindling audiences during the past decade, fear that theaters will be even darker than before. And advertisers believe that "pay-TV can succeed only by cannibalizing free TV," by shoving it out of the picture altogether. There is, of course, justification for all these worrys. Even though pay-TV does not propose to cut out commercial TV altogether (it would probably start out slowly, with one station in each of some five districts broadcasting for a few hours each night), it would have an overwhelming influence on it. * * * FURTHERMORE, it is believed that eventually "the best programs would go over to pay-TV if a suc- cessful nationwide system was es- tablished." And above all, many people around the nation contend that they have already bought their TV set. Must they pay to watch it too? Pay - TV advocates, however, claim that without commercials, the networks could present more programs such as interviews with important people, world-wide news coverage, and play-by-play report- ing of national political conven- tions, which are operated at a loss to the broadcaster on commercial TV. *' * * OF THE THREE major types of pay-TV available, two would bill subscribers periodically and one would have a coin box next to the decoder on the TV set where money could be inserted for the desired program. alleviated in two areas via the "mechanical baby sitter." Teach- ers could be "spread a little thin- ner" if the TV classroom were presided over by a fledgling in- structor, and the bulk of instruc- tion carried on by the tube. Top instructors could be heard by a larger number of students. Care must be taken, however, to insulate against complete elec- tronization of the educational process. One of the major objec- tions to classroom TV has been the lack of a close student- teacher relationship. Basic prin- ciples can be given in TV lectures and participants inet in small sec- tions'to discuss, the lecture and ask questions. Another possibility is to broad- cast to an actual classroom, with a section or discussion leader present to give personal attention. By these means instruction could be standardized in the main points but individual teachers would direct the details of their classes. STUDENTS taking TV-con- ducted classes score about the: same as those taking regular in- struction, according to recent studies. The University of Texas noted that TV students progressed faster on certain laboratory sci- ences and fared about the same as their non-TV contemporaries An lecture sections. Television gives everyone a front row seat and a closeup of every experiment thus explaining the better achievement of TV in teaching certain demonstration types of courses. The University's Medical School is currently utilizing closed cir- cuit television to demonstrate various medical techniques to larger groups of students than would be possible under normal circumstance. The TV screen gives a front row seat to every aspiring physician. Slated for this summer; is a series involving the English Lan- guage Institute. A TV camera will broadcast the proceedings, in a classroom. A small group of stu- dents will be learning English and a large group of students will be observing the techniques of in- struction. By this means, teachers will be shown in actual instruction and instruction and their methods may be evaluated and discussed without disturbing the claps. * * * All subjects are not, of course, adaptable to TV. It can however, be used for a large portion of a class where TV is especially suit- ed to handle the instruction or as a casual addition to regular in- struction in areas where the elec- tronic tube is not readily adapt- able to teaching. Some courses may have everything but supple- mentary reading via kinescope while other classes may have only the basic principles adapted to TV, Properly used television can be a valuable aid in teaching. TV will probably become more and more a part.of the classroom and be as accepted in the same way, as other visual aids such as charts, maps, and graphs have been. It is important that educators and parents be alert to utilize television where it is applicable and keep it from being used just for the novelty and where it has poor application. Tremendous ad- vantages to education are possible if television is exploited fully and correctly. NATIONAL NETWORK: U' Produces for 'Kine-Network' By JOHN FISCHER Daily Staff Writer DESPITE the lack of a trans- mitter, the University actively participates in the nation's educa- tional television effort. Prevented by lack of funds and available channels from operating a television broadcasting station, the University television office serves an estimated over a million viewers through filmed programs. The office has the most exten- sive "kinescope" network in the nation developed by any one in- stitution. During the last academic year, 29 stations carried University programs. Last spring the television office received three awards, the only ones in the network classification given to an educational institution. These were given by the Ameri- can Exhibition of Educational Radio and Television Programs, held in conjunction with the In- stitute for Education by Radio Television at Ohio State. * * * PRODUCTIONS start with the assigning of a producer-writer. Preparation for these programs goes through a series of meetings, including faculty and guests, as the show approaches its filming date. Then, following about three hours of camera rehearsals and a dry run, the show, supervised by a camera director, is kinescoped, utilizing graphics, visual aids and, staging effects. The producers have considerable liberty in choosing a subject for a production, Betty Palmer, a televi- sion office producer-writer, said. There is no direct control on most productions, but long series which require considerable investment does require approval of the ad- ministrative head, she explained. The television office endeavors through the years to get a program representing each department of the University, Miss Palmer said. Among the approximately 160 programs produced last year, were OL' JAKE HAMLET: Have Sponsor, Will Cut IN ADAPTING Hamlet for the forthcoming Old Vic production on television, producer Ralph Nelson decided to concentrate on the play's "pure melodrama and action ... to get a better rating." As the first step in adapting Hamlet, Nelson wrote a synopsis of the play as a Western "Young Jake Hamlet, one of the fastest guns west of the Baltic, returns to him home town to find that his father, the sheriff, has been University medical center and the speech department in their closed circuit television activities. At the present time the medical school has color television for instruc- tional use. Since kinescope film can be played on movie projectors, the audio visual center has bought a number of programs to distribute to its subscribers. AT PRESENT there seems to be' no immediate probability of ex- panding the office's services to in- clude transmitting, Prof. Garnet R. Garrison, Director of Broad- casting, said. The television fre- quencies in the Ann Arbor area are saturated on the very-high fre- quency level (channels 2 through 13). At the ultra - high frequency level, (UHF) there is not enough of an audiance to warrant a sta- tion. UHF stations such as Ann Arbor's WPAG - TV have been forced to go off the air. The UHF stations have had dif- ficulties because most television sets are not equipped to receive their signals. Equipping a set. to receive these frequencies costs ap- proximately $40. There are two solutions to this problem which are being con- sidered. One possibility would be to compel all VHF stations to switch to UHF where, there are more frequencies, the other would be to provide tax relief to the tele- vision set manufacturers to offset the production costs. COLLEGES LOSE OUT: 'Tube' Alters, Sports killed. His uncle has taken over the sheriff's job and married Jake's old lady. Our hero gets sus- picious that things aren't, quite legitimate in the old corral. "The new sheriff has a deputy. a fuzzy old Gabby Hayes-type Tex Polonius. Old Tex thinks young Jake is a little off his rocker and whispers to the sheriff that Jake should be put out of the way. * * * , "JAKE LOOKS UP his old girl friend, Tex's daughter Ophelia, and finds the same zing doesn't happen between them any more. He's too concerned with'trying to solve the old man's death. When Ophelia tries to make it up to him, he tells her to get lost. "Our young Jake also tells off his mother for marrying his uncle. If that weren't enough, he stabs old Tex, who's eavesdropping. The news of his sister's and father's deaths brings 'Nevada Laertes home from school in the East. He swears he's' going to kill Jake Hamlet at high noon on the town's main street. "Meanwhile, back at the ranch, our hero is not idle. With a phony doctor from a touring medicine show, he arranges a reenactment of his old man's death. The trick works and the new sheriff knows that our. boy is on to him. So he arranges the duel between Jake and Nevada Laertes, but manages to sneak a dumdum bullet into one of the pistols. There's a mixup of pistols, and in- stead of young Jake getting the bullet, Laertes gets it. But he lives long enough -to blame the sheriff. "AND JUST IN case anything went wrong with the bullet, the sheriff had arranged for young Jake to' drink a slug of poisoned bar whisky. But unfortunately his wife drinks it. She falls dead. So young Jake, now seeing the whole plot, draws from the hip and drops the sheriff. "So there's the stage. Young Laertes is dead, the sheriff's wife is dead, and our boy Jake is on his way. He tells his sidekick, Wyom- ing Horatio, that he's on his way to the last roundup. And as the screen fades, we see Horatio riding off into the sunset with young Jake Hamlet spread-eagled across his r: By JAMES BENAGH Daily Sport's Writer ARE TELEVISION sports ruining athletic attendence or has lackadaisical attendence made TV necessary? Undoubtedly, this is the major problem of athletics-professional and college-today. Professional football claims tele- vision has helped promote its game and supplement its many sellout_ crowds. Yet while these pro grid- ers watched attendence climb, the colleges (especially the smaller ones) have suffered. Fans have urged more college TV since the successful advent in the pro game. Because of the demand, state legislators often get into the act, as they did the other day at Lan- sing, and tell Michigan and Michi- gan State that they can televise their usual sellout football game. There are many other bypro- ducts of TV-promoted professional as pro basketball and the college cage game are. The TV - oriented professional fans, used to the best, expect to see collegians let the pros set their rule standards. Therefore, they want to change the college games of football and basketball into the glorified track meets that the pro sports have become. *. * * THE COLLEGES" are not the only ones who have suffered. Major league baseball cannot deny that TV has been the key factor in the diminishing American-the .minor leaguer. There are few doubts that an- other diminishing American - the at-the-park fan - has been ab- sorbed by "the tube." But baseball leaders have a stand too. They can claim Ameri- cans do want the television. This argument backfires, however, when one realizes that it is these same' "leader_" who don't build good