MACMILLAN'S TRIP STILL PROFITABLE _moo Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Dai tii IN UKE A LAMB See Pace 4 VOL. LXIX, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAC EAST GERMANY: - Khrushchev Sets Unexpected Visit MOSCOW (W)-Premier Nikita Khrushchev is making a surprise trip to East Germany, possibly foreshadowing the next Soviet move in the Berlin crisis. The official Tass news agency yesterday said tersely that Khrush- chev will visit the International Trade Fair at Leipzig. It did not say when, nor would the foreign ministry give a date. The fair opens today. The press chief of the Soviet embassy in East Berlin, V. M. Beburov, said Khrushchev is expected to KBenefits Not Ftlly Used, Report Say's By KENNETH McELDOWNEY The capacity of the nation's un- employment system was not fully used to support the economy dur- ing the last recession, a report released yesterday by three Uni- yersity professors claims. Over $7 billion dollars in un- employment reserve funds were not used, the report says. The professors say if $1.5 to $2. bil- lion of this money had been avail- able the hardships of many of the Jobless could have been pre- vented. These funds could have been used, if state and federal unem- ployment laws would have allowed it. To 'make use of these funds they recommend that the unem- ployment coverage be extended to include both employees in small firms and some groups of farm laborers. Professors Listed The professors on the commit- tee are Dean Fedele F. Fauri, of the social work school, Prof. Wil- liam Haber of the economics de- partment and Prof. Wilbur J. Co- hen of the public welfare admin- irstration. Also recommended is that the maximum duration of the bene- fits be increased to at least 30 weeks. The payments should also be increased to cover 50 per cent Sof the salary,, they say. This fig- uire would be reached in i period of six years. In order to equalize 4the exces- sive costs of- unemployment in- surance, in some areas due to national economic conditions, they also suggest that an equali- zation fund be set up. Recommends Extension The committee recommended that the present federal tempor- ary unemployment compensation law be extended past its present expiration date of March 31. In breaking down the unem- ployed'by occupations the survey found that one in tenmof the cleri- cal and sales personnel were out of work, compared with two out of ten for those in the service oc- cupations and three out of ten craftsmen. The proportion rose to four out of ten for those un- skilled laborers. . And the survey discovered that the public felt the government had done a good job, by a ratio of two to one. arrive in Leipzig Wednesday. After Closing Meeting This will be after a closing meet- ing with visiting British Prime Minister Harold A. Macmillan in the Kremlin tomorrow. Macmillan will leave for home Tuesday. There was speculation that Khrushchev might use the visit to discuss a separate peace treaty with East Germany, following the failure to make any progress on the German question in talks with Macmillan. Separate Treaty Possible The government newspaper Iz- vestia quoted Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan as saying a separate peace treaty for East Ger- many may be in the wind. . "If the Western powers do not agree to conclude a peace treaty with Germany," Mikoyan said, "then this will compel the Soviet Union ... to sign a peace treaty with the German Democratic (East German) Republic." (East German Communist party boss Walter Ulbricht in a West German newspaper interview backed the Soviet suggestion that East and West Germany form a loose federation. He said West German "militarism" must end before Germany can be reunited.) west Awaits Soviet Move Over Berlin BERLIN ()-An angry and anx- ious West waited yesterday for the next Soviet move in the Berlin crisis. It may come this week when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev flies to East Germany, ostensibly to attend the fair at Leipzig. May Seek Way Out Some Western quarters expressed hope that Khrushchev in talks with Communist East German leaders may seek a face-saving way to avoid the threat of a clash with the West over Berlin. But other sources felt Khrush- chev will do or say nothing to re- duce therising tension. They think the 'Russians feel cocky enough to stand by their demands that the British, French and Americans pull their garrisons from West Berlin by May 27. Point to Speech Those who take the darker view can point to Khrushchev's speech last week that startled and an- gered the West. It came at the height of Prime Minister Harold A. Macmillan's visit to the Soviet Union. Khrushchev renewed his warn- ings against any Western attempt to use force to stay in Berlin. Then he said a foreign ministers' con- ference on Germany, as proposed in notes by the West, would be useless. British diplomats believe Khruschchev made his rambunc- tious speech in an attempt to make Macmillan give ground. But Macmillan was not there to gain or give ground. Group Asks Distribution Innovations By SUSAN HOLTZER A recommendation to divide social science distribution require- ments into categories dealing with larger-scale and smaller-scale so- cial organizations is among changes in the requirements cur- rently before the faculty of the literary college. The changes in the require- ments, which would go into effect Sept. 1, 1960, were proposed by the Social Science Study Committee through the literary college cur- riculum committee. Other proposals set forth by the committee would extend distribu- tion courses into the junior and senior years; remove the present requirement of a two - semester sequence in onesocial science; re- duce the number of acceptable courses, with the possibility of in- stituting special new courses; and encourage the development of in- terdepartmental course offerings to satisfy the requirements. To Discuss Tomorrow The committee report, originally scheduled for a vote at tomorrow's meeting of the college faculty, will merely be up for discussion at that date, according to Prof. Irv- ing M. Copi of the philosophy de- partment, curriculum committee chairman. He said a vote will probably be taken at the April meeting. In recommending the new group- ing of courses, the Committee pointed out the need for "some diversification within the social science .area," declaring that "the most important division" is be- tween studies of small and large social units. Elect in Both Groups A study of 827 junior and senior non - social science' concentrates, the report continues, reveals that "with few exceptions, these stu- dents were found to have elected courses, in_ both groups." The change, therefore, would merely formalize an already-established principle, the report declared. The Committee held to the prin- ciple . that distribution.., courses should be aimed at the non-con- centrate, "to serve as part of his liberal education, not primarily as an introduction to concentration." Because of this, the report said, such a course "should have a broad coverage of topics, should provide experience in the methods of the area, and ,should convey to the See NEW, Page 2 Williams Cites Plight of State WASHINGTON (IP) - Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan yes- terday blamed the Republican- controlled State Legislature and what he called Republican pro- crastination for Michigan's finan- cial plight. He said however that in spite of a Republican Legislature and what he termed the Republican reces- sion, there will be a solution to Michigan's financial troubles be- fore the Legislature goes home. Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) asked Gov. Williams what Con- gress should do to get people back to work. Gov. Williams suggested "im- provement of statistical analysis so we know what's going on before it's too late."I POLL AMERICANS: Medical Stu dies _. - .. By BARTON HUTHWAITE An overwhelming majority of Americans would rather see their tax dollar go for medical research than used to land the first man on the moon, a recent nation-wide survey revealed. Most Americans, a Survey Re- search Center report released yes- terday said, still support medical studies in spite of a firm belief that the United States is running neck-and-neck with Russia in the race for world scientific suprema- cy. More than one-half of the post- Sputnik survey sample stated a preference for medical science when asked which of four projects listed they would choose if money were available for only one. Few 'Ask for Moon' Only three per cent picked "putting the first man on the moon," seven per cent chose basic research in the sciences as chem- istry and physics and 32 per cent named studies in juvenle delin- quency as their major preference for their money. Fifty-four per cent chose new medical research as the most im- portant area that this country should be concerned with today. Jack M. McLeod and James W. Swinehart, assistant study direc- tors, said the popularity of medi- cal research can be traced to such factors as 1) medicine is highly relevant to the lives of most people; 2) medical practice is more tangible; and 3) the results could bring benefits with little chance of negative side effects. See No Russian Edge The Rockefeller Foundation- sponsored survey also indicated a majority of Americans gave no Stroke Kills Playwright STAMFORD, Conn. () - Max- well Anderson, 70 years old, one of America's most respected play- wrights, died last night. He suffered a stroke at his home here Thursday. The Pulitzer Prize- winning author died at Stamford Hospital, where he had been parti- ally paralyzed since the stroke. Working on Musicail When he was stricken, Anderson was working on "a labor of love"- a new musical play to be called "Madonna and Child." Anderson won the Pulitzer Prize in 1933 for his play, "Both Your Houses," and was given a number of other awards for various of his more than 30 plays. Among those works were "What Price Glory?" (written with Lau- rence Stallings), "Winterset," "High Tor," "knickerbocker Holi- day," Key Largo," and "Barefoot in Athens." Wrote Song Lyrics Younger persons, though, per- haps know Anderson best of all for the lyrics of "September Song," which he wrote for "Knickerbocker Holiday." Anderson quit newspaper work in 1924 to devote all of his time to creative writing. In addition to his plays, he had written many movie and television scripts, a book of verse-"You Who Have Dreams"-and two volumes on the, theater, "Off Broadway" and "The Essence of Tragedy." clear-cut edge to either America or Russia in the science race. Over one-fourth of Americansa believed Russian science was "greatly superior" to that of the United States during a similar 1957 survey. The number who rated the Soviet Union on top in the science race dropped sharply to eight per cent in the present study. Persons with a college educa- tion were more likely to rate Rus- sian science as "ahead in some areas, but not in others" than were those with only a grade- school education. Majority Heard of Moons The report continued that over 90 per cent of the United States' adult population had heard of satellites by mid-1958 as com- pared to less than 50 per cent a year before. But less than one-third of those who were aware of artificial moons thought the satellites had ap immediate scientific purpose. Competition with Russia and potential use in future space trav- el were given as other purposes for the earth moons. About one- fourth of thosemwho had heard of the satellites were unable to think of a real purpose, the report said. Education Good Indicator Education, income and the number of news media used by the person were found to be good pre- dictors of satellite awareness and purpose. The report concluded that i public is "less concerned w what science is than with what accomplishes." "Shortly after Sputnik I, b fore our Explorers and Vangui were launched, the public a peared genuinely concerned," report said. The successful Am ican launchings seemed to ha dissipated much of this conce just a few months later, it co tinued. Come First 'Discovere r' S atellit Engineerig Council Asks Not e in Orbi 4' Aid Increase The State Legislature was strongly urged yesterday to heed the "critical" budget requests of the engineering school. The request came in a three- page report released by the Engi- neering Council, the engineering governing student body. Calling the engineering school "oversaturated" -with students, the report primarilycalled atten- tion to the lack of adequate class- room and laboratory space. Legislature Will Receive Council members - at - large Richard Martens, '59E,* and Ar- min Jocz, '59E, who compiled the report, said it would be filed with the Legislature in the "near fu- ture." Prof. Glenn V. Edmonson, as- sociate dean of the engineering school, backed up the student re- port saying "very serious prob- lems" exist due to an "increased. number of students and the great- er demand on educational pro- grams." The report' called the Legisla- ture's attention to "over-worked" faculty members, "obsolete lab- oratory equipment" and a lack of "maximum development of courses due to space and faculty." Has Space Shortage The engineering school has a. space "deficiency of over 278,000 square feet," the report said. Quoting a Michigan Council of College Presidents study, the stu- dent report said the engineering school had reached its maximum, for space facilities in 1955. The report also said the faculty "must be increased from the cur- rent 290 members to 560 in 1970" to meet this "critical .situation." "In order to get additional top faculty members, "the engineer- ing school must be able to offer them competitive wages and working conditions," the report said. -Daily-Gary Mcflvain RUSH OVER-Scenes such as the one above will not occur for. another semester at least, for rushing is ended and for many pledging- will be begun today, at noon. Panhellenic will notify all rushees whether or not they have received a bid. Ple'dging ceremonies will take place at 4 p.m. Today Determines Fate For Sorority Rushees, 0 All good, bad and mediocre things come to an end.. . yes, Virginia, even rush. At noon today rushees will receive notification as to whether they have received an invitation to pledge. Those receiving an invitation will pick it up at 4 p.m. at the League. Until this time, back in the residence halls, prospective pledgees are prospective pledgees. Nerves, depression and silence are typical Air Force i- Holds Hope Oif success Preliminary Data Poinjs to True Path For Coast Rocket VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (P) - A Discoverer satellite was hurled toward a polar orbit yesterday. Eight hours after the launching from this West Coast missile bases the Air Force was optimistic but could not 0 rn that the sategUt# 'lhad gone= ntoorbull The ballistics missile division at Inglewood, Calif., 170 miles south of the launching site, said that preliminary data radioed 'back by the satelliteindicated the launch- ing was successful and that the second stage had ignited-on Achedw ule. Signals Not Received Satellite radio signals Wid not been received by either the Hawai- ian or Alaskan tracking stations, a spokesman said, but this did not' necessarily mean the satellite was not in orbit. Rear Adm. John C. Clark, deputy director of the advanced research project agency, said: "All information to date indi- cates that the satellite should be in orbit, but we cannot confirm this at this hour." V. Opens New Series The firing of the satellite opened a series of research shots designed to show man how he can venture 'safely into space. The 1,300-pound cylinder, 19 feet long and 5 feet wide, was blasted skyward by a Thor inter- mediate range ballistic missile. Discoverer I is the first satellite launched from this new West Coast missile base170 miles north of Los Angeles. It also is the first aimed at a north-south orbit around the poles. Previous United, States satellites, fired from Cape Canaveral, Fla., have orbited close to the equator. Fired at 1:49 p.m. The 78-foot-high missile-combi- nation-the satellite, actually, is the entire second stage rocket mounted on the Thor's nose-was fired at 1:49 p.m. (PST). It rose slowly from itspad In sand dunes 200 yards from the edge of the Pacific. But it gathered speed quickly from the 150,000-pound thrust of the Thor engine. Newsmen 10,000 feet away saw It. soar like a white spear with its tail afire straight upward; trailing' a tremendous yellow plume of fire, followed by white smoke. Then it nosed over toward the south, still rising, becoming finally only ,a pinpoint of yellow light in the blue sky. Youth March Plan Raised A move to interest University students in a youth march on discrimination is getting underway World News Roundup By The Associated Press ATHENS - Parliament yester- day endorsed the London agree-, ment to make Cyprus an inde- pendent republic. After a stormy, week-long de- bate on the accord the house gave Premier Constantine Karamanlis his requested vote of confidence, 170-118. The combined opposition, in- cluding the Moderate Liberals and the Leftist Democratic Union, charged the government had mis- handled the issue by agreeing to the island's independence instead of its eventual union with Greece. But Karamanlis' dominant Na- tional Radical Union, which holds 173 of the 300 seats in the Cham- ber of Deputies, was able to out- vote them. CAIRO - A spokesman for the Algerian rebel government said yesterday he knew nothing about reported military and financial aid from Red China for the rebel regime. But highly placed sources in the rebel government said an agree- CONFERENCE MEET WARMUP: Wolverines Run over Track Opponents traits as the tension, and movie crowds mount. Excitement for Members Friday night was one of excite- ment for sorority members. After final desserts, there were hash sessions, speeches for every rushee and then each active drew up her own preference list. These listst were tabulated by rush chairmen and their committees in an all- -night session. Early in the morning the alpha- betical first preference list was posted. Near midnight last night, the sororities were told by Panhel who their pledges would be. Capacity Up 50 Atlast 630 women can pledge, reports Elizabeth A. Leslie, assist- I ant dean of women reports. The sorority system will be able to absorb 50 to 60 more women this year due to the est'ablishment of a Phi Sigma Sigma chapter here last spring and a request from five sororities to raise their quotas by five. Mrs. Leslie explained that sorori- ties were allowed to raise their quota by five, two and one-half years ago. The five sororities received per- mission from Panhel to use the option this year, she said,' because of their houses' "large-capacities." Hold Student After Accident The car of Marvin H. Goodrow, Democratic Party Stages, 'Can-Do' Rally WASHINGTON (AP)-Democrats staged a giant victory rally last night to proclaim that theirs is a "can-do" party operating against a "can't do, stand-p'at, hold-still" GOP. Those definitions were supplied by Senate leader Lyndon B. John- son. Teaming up with another Texan, Speaker of the House Sam Ray- burn, Sen. Johrison slashed at the Eisenhower Administration's do- mestic policies and defended the Democratic record on national finances. But on the crisis in Ber- lin, Sen. Johnson said, this is a nation united behind President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Honors New Democrats From all over the country, up- wards of 2,000 Democrats de-- scended on Washington with $100. apiece to pay for a filet mignon dinner and help cut down the party debt. The blue-ribbon affair honored new Democrats in House, Senate and governors' mansions who won in November. Sen. Johnson, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomi- nationnext year, said in a pre- pared speech that he wanted to talk about "today and tomorrow By JIM BENAGH Michigan's track team, with its eyes focused on next week's Con-' ference championships, almost doubled the score on four hapless opponents last night as it put together a 90% total at Yost Field' House. The Wolverines swept 10 of 12 firsts while watching its nearest opponent, Purdue, fall 60 points back with 3Q1%2 markers. East York (Ont.) Track Club was third with 14; Wayne State had four; and Toronto scored two." Cephas Wins Two; The Michigan onslaught, paced by Dick Cephas' double win, led' Coach Don Canham to say: "This is the best developing team I ever' had." "If Illinois defeats us next week (at Madison, Wis.) it's going to take a real great performance," he added. Canham had the following facts to back him up: 1) Cephas, following the record-performances by three other sophomores last week, entered his name in the varsity archives by tying a mark of :07.4 held by four others in the 65-yd. low hurdles. aM -, I ~