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February 28, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-28

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taff Answers Questions, Finds Books for Students

Please tell me where I can find
>ook on the American Presi-
Well, have you looked in the
dl catalogue yet?"
'Uh, no." 1
You might try looking under
ssiter, the American Presiden-
Give Assistance
'his is a dialogue familiar to
of the reference librarians 'of
Undergraduate Library: a stu-
.t asking for assistance in lo-,
ing ,information on a research
'he nine librarians spend ap-
ximately one third of their
king hours answering such
stions as these.
ccasionally, the inquiries de-
t from strictly academic mat-
, as witnessed by the student
o reportedly asked for infor-
Lion on buying a wedding ring,
the girls who desire knowledge
the proper reply to a formal
station, as are sent out for fra-
ilty social affairs.
Only 'Part' of Job
'his public job, however, is only
t of the task of the reference
n. the Undergraduate Library,
,h librarian also is responsible
a specific area of library ad-
nistration. Areas include the
io room, the reference collec-
1, the pamphlet file and the
d catalogue. These tasks are
ilar to those in all libraries.
irs. Roberta r C. Keniston, di-
for of the library said in all
ir activities, the reference 11-
rians try to act as teachers,
filling the function of the insti-
on as a "training library" as
I as a source of general in-
irs. Keniston added that by
rning to use the basic library
is in the library students will
encouraged to use other, more
iplicated libraries as well.

Tio Inspect,
School Plan
Fo Africa,
An American education expert
is going to visit several African
nations in order to inspect their
educational systems.
The purpose of the trip, made
by Oliver J. Caldwell, assistant
commissioner for international
education, Office of Education, is
The first aim to help the Afri-
can nations by offering the ex-
perience of American education if
it is requested.,
May Be Valuable
Also, the knowledge of educa-
tional programs in these nations
may be valuable to other nations.
Caldwell is scheduled to visit
most 'of the nations in Central
and West Africa, including Li-
beria, Nigeria, the Congo, Kenya,
and the Sudan.
The Office of Education pointed
out that all of these nations have
either recently gained their in-
dependence or are preparing for
it. All are engaged in improving
their educational systems.
Caldwell is making the trip un-
der the auspices of the National
Research Council of the National
Academy of Science.
Survey Methods
The Academy is conducting a
survey of methods for applying
science and technology 'for the
International Cooperation Ad-
ministration's program south of
the Sahara.
Caldwell is scheduled to con-.
sult with the British Colonial Of-
fice, which governs several of the
areas he will visit before he be-
gins his tour of inspection.
Having represented the Office
of Education in more than 60
countries, Caldwell has visited
every European nation except
Spain and every Asian nation ex-
cept Saudi Arabia, Ceylon and
Jordan. In addition he has toured
Latin America.

Department Fills Holes in City Streets
plaining that asphalt will not set in the mornings before they e
The Ann Arbor Department of properly and remain solid when start filling holes. Mammel sa
Public Works is doing everything it is poured in wet streets, that as soon as the sub-freesi
in its power to keep the city The' city has thirty men work- weather at night passes, work w
streets free from holes, according ing filling holes at the present begin to progress more rapidly.
to Frederic Mammel, superintend- time, trying to keep the holes "More funds are available ti
ent of public works.,I from getting out of hand. This year than usual for paving. A
"The winter this year has been condition of broken pavement is, proximately $400,000 will be spe
much more severe than usual, common over all of the surround- for repaving streets this summ
with frost going as deep as 42 ing area. throughout the city; in additi
inches," Mammel said, "and this Spread Sand $50,000 to $100,000 will be spe
has been one of the causes of The weather now being experi- on heavy maintenance for fixi
trouble with holes in the streets." enced is not helping the fight; the streets, and $100,000 or more w
During the year cracks devlop public works department has had be spent on new paving for t
develop in the pavement, and to assign men to spread sand on new Ann Arbor subdivisions,"
with the severe precipitation ex- the slick icy spots of the road said.
perienced this year, a great deal__
of water seeps into the pavement.
With the depth of the frost and Ending Tonight DIAL
the extremely low temperatures, Late Show
the water freezes, expands, and NO 2-3136
causes the pavement to buckle af 11 P.M.
upward, he explained.
Asphalt Breaks
As traffic puts its weight on the ..
pavement, the asphalt breaks up .
and causes holes. .
The only thing the city can do Vnrtweo
now is fill the holes with an as- - J COLOR by on Lux,
phalt mixture, Mammel said, ex-

-Daly-David Arnold
INFORMATION CENTER-This desk in the lobby adjacent to the card catalogues is the center
of library activity. Reference librarians staff the desk continuously to answer'student questions on
topics concerning books and research topics. They act as "teachers" in guiding questioners to correct
reference books and catalogue drawers in order to find the answer, educating them in the use of
the library "tools.


In searching out the students'
need, the reference librarian in-
troduces him to sources of infor-
mation such as encyclopedias,
statistical collections on the order
of the World Almanac, and the
general bibliographies and peri-
odical lists.
In finding specific information
the student acquires knowledge
of these basic tools and is. able
to use them on his own, she
Sent to General Library
When needed information is
unavailable in the Undergraduate
Library, students are referred to
either the General Library or one
of the specialized divisional li-
There are two librarians on ref-
erence duty, one by the catalogue
and the other, near the reference
collection for moat of the day.
Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. and
10 p.m. and 12 midnight there is
only one librarian on duty as there
is a decreased demand for service.
Work Simultaneously,
Near the end of the semester,
during term paper time, three li-
brarians sometimes work simul-
taneously to provide faster service
and less. waiting.
One of the librarians, Gertrude
Stolper, spoke of the "pleasures
and duties" of a reference librar-
about 10,000 items, and must or-
der and file them.
She spoke of the "pleasure" ex-

perienced by all of the library
staff in seeing the great student
use of the Undergraduate Library
and of the "challenge" that the
work provides.
The training of a librarian takes
six years, four of general under-
graduate work and two for a mas-
ter's degree in library science.
Teach Book Selection'
In the advanced course, such
subjects as book selection, library
administration, cataloguing and
reference work are taught.
Students specialize in a specific
area of reference work after their
introductory courses so as to be
able to provide detailed informa-
tion for more advanced research
when it is'requested.

In addition to this training, re-
quired for all regular librarians
in the library, workers must also
meet certain other requirements
for employment.
Need Broad. Background
It is this enjoyment of work
with students that is an import-
ant compensation of library work.
It helps to make up for the ir-
regular hours and lesser pay that
are the lot of most librarians, she
Included are a broad back-
ground and a real interest in
working with students. The'latter,
Mrs. Keniston said, is very im-
portant in successfully perform-
ing the job required in the Under-
graduate Library.

TV Office Presents 'Marriage'

To-lie Held
A training institute for high
school guidance counselors Will
be held this summer at North-
western University.
The institute will be held under
the auspices of the United States
Office of Education.
Its purpose is to improve the
ability of counselors to help able
students get the most out of their
educational experiences.
Expect 100 To Come
About 100 counselors are ex-
pected to attend, coming from the
entire Middle West area and the
peripheral areas in the mountain
and southwestern states.
High schools represented are
currently participating in a spe-
cial research program on the
guidance and motivation of su-
perior and talented students.
The major emphasis of the In-
stitute itself will be placed on
the identification of top level high
school students in need of help in
making educational or vocational
To Discuss Curriculum
It will deal with such related
problems as the need for curricu-
lum revision for these students
and the role of the parent in the
guidance and counseling program.
The Institute will be conducted
by members of the faculty of
Northwestern University, assisted
by a special group of'experts in
the counseling field.
It is sponsored by the Office of
Education operating under the
National Defense Education Act.
To Cost $90 Thousand
The cost, to be borne by the
government, is estimated to be
more than $90,000.
Other schools are expected to
contract with the Office of Edu-
cation to conduct other similar

Cuban Revolt'
A seminar on "Cuban Revolu-
tion, Dictatorship or Democracy"
will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
Sponsored by Student Govern-
ment Council, the seminar will be
held in the University Club Din-
ing Room, downstairs in the
The seminar is' open to all in-
terested persons, according to its
chairman, Ahmed Belkhodja,




Saturday, February 28,...League
(Social Dancing)

MacDanfort 's Orchestra

Tickets Available at the Door

In the interests of furthering
marriage education, the Univer-
sity television office has produced
its "Marriage" series.
This series is one of the most
popular of the office's programs,
Prof. Garnet R. Garrison of the
speech department and director of
broadcasting, said.
The Audio-Visual Education
Center has purchased a copy of
each of 'the 15 kinescoped tele-
vision shows to be circulated=
among its subscribers.
Analyzes Marriage
"Marriage" is a frank and
stimulating analysis of contem-
porary marriage as it exists under
the "strains and stresses" of mod-
ern living. Such topics as "Dating
and Courtship," "Love," "Divorce"
and many others are discussed
with the aid of dramas based on
real life situations.
The host-instructor for the
series is Prof. Robert Blood of the
sociology dept. He has as special
guests on the series prominent
people in the field of marriage re-
lations and family life. His guests
include educators, authors, mar-
riage counselors, clergymen, med-
ical men, housewives, parents,
husbands and career women.
"We do not promise quick an-
swers or easy cures," Prof. Blood
said, "but we do promise to ex-
plore possible solutions to those
strains in marriage that have led
tVhis country to the highest di-
vorce rate in its history."
To Discuss Problems
At 8:30 a.m. today on WXYZ-
TV, Detroit the series will dis-
cuss the problems of money and
marriage. Prof. Blood will be
joined by Prof. George Anderson;
of the economics department in
this discussion.
Prof. Anderson recommends
that couples make joint decisions
about the budget. "Without mu-
tual agreement on money matters
a marriage may run into trouble,"
he said, and budgeting "isn't as
easy as it sounds."
Pitfalls as well as the positive
values of budgeting, such as that
of freeing people to meet emer-
gencies and opportunities will be
To Highlight Problem
During the program a dramatic
vignette highlights the problem
of installment buying and de-
pendence on a wife's income for

contracts and for accustomed
standards of living.
Professors Blood and Anderson
then examine a research study
finding on the question of family
finances and what happens when
both want to handle them or
when neither is capable of hand-
ling them.
The program concludes with
budgetary advice to young couples
planning to get married.
Present Marriage Films
One of the main reasons for the
series' popularity is attributed to
the fact that there are few films
on the subject of marriage. High
school marriage classes are es-
pecially interested in the series,
Prof. Garrison said.
Among the other half-hour pro-
grams in the series is the pro-
gram on dating. Parents should
welcome dating, Prof. Blood said,
because "Dating is the practice
arena for marriage." He explained
that it gives young people a
chance to know many types of
persdralities and learn which are
most compatible.
".'Getting to know you' should
be the theme of every date and
every dating activity," Prof. Blood
said. "If it were, a lot of marriage
problems would Inever come up."
Discuss Mixed Marriages
Mixed marriages are also dis-
cussed on the program. ,"Any
marriage has its shore of diffi-
culties, but a mixed marriage is
apt to have many mbre," he said.
Prof. Blood shows where most
interfaith marriages take place
in this country and why they do.
He analyzes statistics showing the
success and failure of these mar-
He .suggests specific ways in
which a couple might intelligent-
ly proceed into a mixed marriage.
Discusses Love
Discussing love, Prof. Blood
commented that most young
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people in the United States today
marry for love, but don't really
know what it means. Prof. Blood
and his guest, Mrs. Kenneth
Boulding, writer and lecturer on
marriage, agreed that often if
love is to endure, "it must trans-
form itself into something calm
and stable, the meeting of needs
rather than -passions."
On the subject of divorce, the
program shows that. experts do
not agree on whether the family
is'disintegrating, but they are un-'
animous about the need for people
to be better educated about the'
responsibilities of marriage.
Dramatic vignettes on the pro-
gram show what happens in a di-
vorce court and what kind of life
a man or woman faces after a
Prof. Blood is a marriage coun-
selor, and an author of the book,
Anticipating Your Marriage.


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