-J Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN T'hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth WillPev STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mcst be noted in all reprints. DAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE Tightening Control of Students No Solution to Impersonality "Rest Easy, Sire-There Are No Signs Of A Mass Uprising" IN HIS RECtNT telling argument against "mass-production" education, Prof. Algo Henderson warned against the impersonality of huge, monolithic institutions, where com- munication between administration, faculty and student body is merely a myth. Writing in an academic bulletin, Prof. Henderson noted that this is now a threatening trend in Amer- ican education. However, a counter-trend now seems to be developing which represents perhaps a greater danger to college students than the possibility of being "turned loose," as Prof. Henderson warns is happening in-other countries. The new trend may well be stemming from the realiza- tion among college administrators that they are, in fact, increasingly losing contact with their student bodies. What seems to be happening is a movement toward greater control over the actions of the students, even while the minds of those stu- dents continue to move away from such con- trol. THE "COMMUNITY" which Prof. Henderson claims a university should be is a concept that deals mainly and most importantly with the intellectual and mental world of the stu- dent. For if one is to presuppose that a col- lege is for learning, then it is through learning and intellectual pursuits that students should find their ties to the faculty and administra- tion. Through this contact, if it is as deep and as full as it should be, will then automatically come any moral and emotional leadership that is needed. Prof.) Henderson reminds his readers that the "Big Men on Campus ... are still in their formative years," and declares that a college has an "unusual opportunity to give positive direction to the molding of their purposes and practices, in a manner that will carry over into later life." This is true, of course, and such "positive di- rection" is vitally necessary. But the key word is POSITIVE - and such direction cannot come through force-feeding. Through intellectual and friendly contact with members of faculty and administration alike, students should receive continuing guid- ance. But they must be convinced, not coerced. For if such guidance is, indeed, to "carry over into later life," it must be somehow instilled in the student, rather than merely forced on top of him. AT BEST, what is needed is, as Prof. Hen- derson says, smaller institutions, smaller classes, "the personal touch." But even in huge universities there are still the "Student Lead- ers" - and close, friendly contact is more vital here than even in a small school. For if the school cannot reach all the students, it can at least attempt to have its ideas filter down to them through other students. Again, this process will not take place through coercion. Only if the students are thoroughly convinced will they be able to convince others. Otherwise the whole system breaks down to a series of commands, obeyed unwillingly by grumbling "subjects," and dis- carded as soon as possible. -SUSAN HOLTZER -Y i j. 2 MtlOM M ,0~ CAPITAL CMMENTARY j Ba se r A 4 4 CAPITAL COMMENTARY - Bri * te LaeshpR rarely more than one bar in length. by the Pittsburgh Symphony made than insufficient attempts at pro- motion, might be the better solu- tion for Bruckner's music in the United States. The Pittsburgh Symphony was not able to sustain the broad lines and intense blocks of sound which span the Bruckner Symphony. Their range of volume was entirely too narrow: they were unable to play either soft or loud enough. Melodic lines were often phrased and broken improperly, and Mr. Steinberg made entirely too many cuts in the score. The final move- ment suffered particularly in this respect. Most of the tedium which possessed the audience last night was due to the disjointedness rather than the length of the work. For the most' part this disjointed- ness was the fault of the per- formance. * * * BRUCKNER'S MUSIC is per- formed magnificently by Austrian, German and Dutch Orchestras. It is a part of the musical culture of the Germanic countries. The mu- sical ensembles of these countries have sufficient experience with the technical and interpretive problems to surmount them. To be fair to the performers, however, it should be pointed out that any attempt at a Bruckner Symphony is a heroic effort, and the Pittsburgh Symphony did bet- ter at it last night than this re- viewer has ever heard by an American Orchestra. Their performances of the Beethoven "Egmont Overture," Mozart "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," and Richard Strauss "Don Juan" were unusually good. The en- semble and intonation of this or- chestra was excellent. The linear voicing far surpasses most other American ensembles (the inner parts were properly audible). --Gordon Mumma Stimulation The University of Kentucky last summer decided that its freshmen needed stimulating and decreed they'd all have to keep C-average grades. "Something must be done," said the' fadulty. Something has: half the 'freshman class is now on probation. --Time However last night's performance it apparent that oblivion, rather DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is sa official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 104 General Notices Summary action taken by Student Government Council at its meeting Feb. 25. 1959: Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Approved following appointments: 949 Regulation Committee' Richard Taub, chairman, Mary Tower, Jo Hardee, Scott Chrysler, Roger Seasonwein; Student Relations Board, University Development Council: Carol Holland, William Fried, Cheryl Callahan, Richard Schwartz, Janet Harper, Roger Season- wein. Adopted recommendation that meet- ings of the Council Plan Clarification Committee be open. Approved recommendation of Inter- viewing and Nominating Committee that the terms of office for members of the Early Registration Pass Committee be extended to one year. Approved transfer of $450 from Home- coming Fund to 1959 J-Hop Fund to be applied to deficit. Heard plans for Union project to pro- vide opportunity to hear administra- tive and other views on issues of in- terest to the campus. Defeated a motionscalling for review of each Newsletter by the Executive Committee prior to publication. Granted temporary recognition for one year, to Democratic Socialist Club, requesting the group to review speci- fically Article 3, 6 before the Council considers final recognition. .Granted temporary recognition to En- gineering Mechanics Society. Grantedrecognition to Alpha Kappa Lambda as a colony. Received report from Delene Demes, Early Registration Pass Committee. Extended closing date for petitioning, for Campus Elections to Monday, March 2, 6 p.m. Approved motion to send to the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics for their recommendations, and sug- gestions onrthe.following statement re- lating to the selection of student rep- resentatives on threBoard d In order to insure the broadest pos- aible student representation to the (Continued on Page 5) AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Pittsburgh's Bruckner Challenging Task IT IS CERTAINLY praiseworthy that Mr. Steinberg proselytizes the music of Anton Bruckner, and it is most noble that he should choose the very neglected Symphony No. 6 written in 1881. The work has many merits, though it is certainly no match for the three Bruckner Sym- phonies which follow it. The first movement is built around a fascinating interplay-of double and triple rhythms. The Scherzo movement is almost unique because of a lack of melodic lines. Its motives are rhythmic and :I .4 r More Than Education THE RECENTLY-ANNOUNCED expansion of the cultural exchange program for graduate students in the United States and Russia may prove to be an excellent piopaganda move for both nations. The expanded program includes those study- ing for doctoral degrees in the fields of human- ities, social science and physical science, the latter being the latest, addition, and in the light' of current educational and national emphasis, probably the most important aspect of the project. Significant however, is the expansion itself, rather than the specific addition, for it allows scholars from a much wider variety of fields to observe and study first-hand another nation's advances and techniques, when pos- sible, its way of life and ideals. Participants will be doctoral candidates, pre- sumably to insure maturity and direction of purpose, both in educational goals and attitude toward life. Behind the restrictions probably lies the theory that these students may be better prepared to act as model citizens and good-will ambassadors while studying abroad than younger undergraduates. Thus, each na- tion, in a sense, "plants" seemingly informal propaganda agents in the supposedly fertile ground of the intellectual atmosphere of uni- versities. IDEALLY, THE STUDENT from this country studying in Moscow or Leningrad may, in his everyday encounter with Russian students, dis- play many of the facets of American life -- ideals and way of thinking - while observing the same aspects of Soviet life as shown by his Russian classmates. Such daily encounters should provide the basis for a better personal understanding of the other's culture, both on the part of the American and the Russian stu- dents. Hopefully, the plan allowing close co- operation between even a few of their young and presumably serious citizens may help break down some of the mutual cultural misunder- standings between the nations, This aspect of the plan may well be of greater significance in the coming years than any of its technical or academic goals. --KATHLEEN MOORE WASHINGTON - Until the en- trance of the United States into World War II the British for a hundred years had called the tune and provided the ultimate leadership for the Atlantic com- munity of nations. During most of that century it was the British fleet that shielded the Anglo-American alliance in every ocean. But in the 15 years from Pearl Ha-rbor until the other day, when British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan flew off from London to Moscow, the American voice had been decisive. The British voice had fallen to a mere echo of Wash- ington. For the great shield from the end of World War II has been the American strategic air arm, and no longer the Royal Navy. Now, however, Macmillan's mis- sion to Moscow has quietly turned upside down the diplomacy of the Allied world. Today at least, and possibly for a fairly lengthy to- morrow, it is British leadership that holds the initiative on the Western side. A SERIES of unrelated but pow- erful historical circumstances has put the London government and not the Washington government dominantly into the world's eyes. One circumstance is the illness of our Secretary of State, John Fos- ter Dulles. Long and resolutely he had piped the air to which the British and all others on our side had danced. Another factor is the irresistible By WILLIAM S. WHITE growth in England of a belief that the United States has been too committed to a rigid policy in talk- ing to the Russians. Somebody in the West, it has been felt, had to break the ice of the cold war. And a third reason why Mac- millan is in Moscow is plain, down- to-earth domestic British politics, Mr. Macmillan, as head of Brit- ain's Conservative government, is going to call an election oneof these days to determine whether he- can stay in power or whether the Labor party is to come back to control. He is not compelled to go to bat with the voters until 1960. It is practically certain, however, that he really intends to call an earlier election. Any Prime Minis- ter in the British system can do this at any time, before the formal end of his term, which he believes most favorable to his side. And when Macmillan does call his election, he wants it to be im- possible for Labor to say that he neglecte. any opportunity to come to honorabie terms with the Rus- sians. THE UNITED STATES govern- ment takes this position; we have no objection to Macmillan's trip; but we are not in any way partici- pating in it. The British Govern- ment, on its side, says the Prime Minister is not "negotiating" any- thing with the Kremlin, but is only feeling out the ground. He intends, when he has finished in Moscow, to go to Germany and France to talk to our friends there. And it can safely be pre- dicted that he will be in Washing- ton talking to President Eisen- hower before two more months have gone. So much for the background. The net is that Macmillan in the real sense is representing all of us, even if this is not his intention or Washington's intention. What he has to propose upon his return obviously will have vast meaning to us all. So, what sort of man is this upon whom so much depends? The answer should not be frightening even to those among us who believe the British to be tricky beyond words. For Macmil- lan is a sound, solid, truly conser- vative politician; no dreamer, no happy "one-worlder" asleep to the menace of imperialist communism. * * * HE IS NOT an easy man to fool; half a generation ago he fought to the end against Britain's appease- ment of Hitler. He is a good, savvy trader, man of extraordinary abili- ty in face-to-face meetings. He wants peace, of course, as do all rational men. But he has never confused peace with mere weak- ness and surrender. To talk to him is to discard quickly the old American stereo- type of the tea-drinking Britisher moving about in his striped pants with woolly good-will and bland unawareness of the harsh facts of, life. The British have sent nosnice boy on a man's errand to Moscow. i TODAY AND TOMORROW: Reds Hold High Cards By WALTER LIPPMANN WE DO NOT as yet know what caused Mr. Khrushchev to interrupt his confidential talks with Mr. Macmillan in order to make a public speech. But if the report is correct that what he said about Germany and European security had been written out in advance, then his speech was a calculated diplomatic move- presumably to let the world know that he is not discussing with Mr. Macmillan any serious change in the Soviet position. The way Mr. Macmillan has been treated in Moscow is not a good sign. For it is extra- ordinary that Mr. Khrushchev did not wait until he had finished his talks with Mr. Mac- millan. Why he did not wait, he alone knows. It may have been that for one reason or an- other he did not dare to let the impression grow that he was on the way to a negotiated com- promise. This might be due to opposition with- in the Kremlin, it might be due to opposition within the Communist oribt. Or, Mr. Khrush- chev's calculated breach of the confidential talks with Mr. Macmillan may- be due to an over-weening confidence that he is dealing from a position of superior strength. We do not know. But Mr. Macmillan is bound to, do his best to find out in the talks which are still to come. In the meantime, it is only prudent to as- sume that Mr. Khrushchev believes that he is in the superior position, and then to ask ourselves if indeed he is, and if so, what can we do about it. MYOWN VIEW, for what it is worth, is that there is in the Soviet attitude a mixture of anxiety and confidence. The ruling oligarchy Editorial Staff 7T11Y7A P .'n Ia YR_ d t'I ... are, I think, deeply anxious about the posi- tion in Eastern Germany and in Eastern Europe, once the West Germany army is com- pleted and armed with nuclear weapons. It is not because they think that West Germany can or will attackthe Soviet Union. It is be- case they fear, not withot reason, that an armed Western Germany will have a magnetic attraction for the underlying rebellion and re- sistance in Eastern Europe. The Kremlin is, therefore, under great pressure to arrive at some kind of modus vivendi in the two Ger- manys within the two years that remain before the West Germans are fully armed. Along with this anxiety there is at the same time great confidence, perhaps over-confidence, that in dealing with the German question the Soviet Union now holds the stronger cards. The Soviets' hand is strong because they have the diplomatic initiative. They can create situations where - if it came to force - the onus of firing the first shot will be on the West and the actual occasion for firing will not be good enough to rally the West'for a world war. BECAUSE they have this initiative, they can exercise pressure on the West. Unless they overplay their hand, deliver a real ultimatum and use military force to blockade Berlin, there is much reason to believe that the West will feel impelled to look further for a more nego- tiable position on the two Germanys, on the two Berlins, and on security arrangements in Central Europe. The weakness of the West is that it has clung too long to its old formula for Germany and because of that it has lost the initiative. Every time the West reappraises and revises in some measure the old formula, it seems to be retreating - as in fact it is - and to be mak- ing a concession to the Soviets. Thus any new idea becomes appeasement and, if by any chance the Soviets have first mentioned the idea, it becomes surrender. This will go on I LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Michigan Hockey Team Refutes I To the Editor: TER READING the column in The Daily by sports editor Al Jones on the hockey woes at Mich- igan, most of us on the team were only amused by its content. How- ever, we decided to write this letter to dispel any of the supposed ru- mors that Jones mentions in his article. It just so happens that we get along fine with our coach Al Ren- frew. We like him and we respect him. It is also true that we get along fine with each other. In fact there is probably no athletic team at Michigan that keeps more closely together than the hockey team. We would also like to point out that the hockey coach does not have to prove himself to the play- ers before he is accepted as part of the team as Jones intimates in his column. As players we have come to know that just the oppo- site is true. It is up to us to prove ourselves to the coach for he is the boss. We are not able to say why we did not have a successful season this year but we do know that none of the reasons hinted at by Jones had anything to do with our losses. Perhaps the most obvious explana- tion for our defeats is simply that in eleven of the nineteen collegiate games we played we failed to score Texas, and the rest of the country. Now, not only are teachers being required to swear allegiance to their country and to deny any communistic affiliations, but today, Hail Progress! they must take oaths proclaiming their belief in God (annually yet, as if the belief were a function of the seasons!. Professors, beware! The future por- tends: oaths to uphold the tenets of the D.A.R.; oaths of abstinence; fraternal, paternal, maternal, in- ternal, external and quasi-urinal oaths. I find, however, "arme Leh- rer," to my dismay, no oaths re- quiring mastery of the material and teaching ability. Marshall Berman, '61LSA Library. .. To the Editor: WITH THE Spring library rush coming, due to term papers, I feel a need to express my disgust with the selfishness of the students using the undergraduate library. During the last semester I watched the habit of "saving" a place at tables by placing a textbook or notebook on it grow into some- thing monstrous. When arriving at the library at 7 p.m., I would find all the tables "filled," and students wandering around the library look- ing for seats. Around 7:30 or 8:00 these so called "filled" seats would ha ,, v ,it-d hy a studentwho had lost anything, they would blame the library. The library has finally been forced into a position where action is necessary and, as I under-; stand, it will soon take action. THE LIBRARY, being a service unit on campus, is strongly in- fluenced by student opinion, as was{ demonstrated by the lengthening of hours last semester. Therefore, I suggest that if students want seats available, and not turned into personal property for the privileged few, that they write or speak to the staff at the library, and let The Queen's Re t.. ka.. W'b y ." NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV: Kremlin Quarterback By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer FOR OLD SPORTS FANS, the actions of Nikita S. Khrushchev are distressingly familiar, To us, he looks like the crafty T-formation quarterback of the diplomatic league. Here comes the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, eager for any morsel of hope that might ease international tensions. Mr. Mac meets Mr. K. Everything is hunky-dory, smothered with whipped cream. Macmillan turns his back, to look at a nuclear research inAtitute 70 miles from Moscow, and wham! Khrushchev hits out with a two- hour speech that rejects the West's proposal for a foreign ministers' conference on Germany. Mr. K. is all smiles. ,Macmillan's reaction has been summed up ----__________ variously: Soured. Stunned. shocked. Well, that's exactly what hap- pens when you run into a tricky lumors.quarterback. um ors theunfortunates who are unacquainted with sports, it should them know that a change is neces- be explained that a good quarter- sary. back is a master of guile, a magni- If books were picked up at 8 ficent pretender, a craftsman who am., 12oon, anpd 6p., the sometimes gets results by pre- a.m., 12 noon, and 6 p.m., the tending he's pretending. problem would be greatly reduced. Perhaps an illustration here One table could be left open for would help. One of the better those private books and notebooks quarterbacks is Johnny Unitas, picked up, plus any others that who led the Baltimore Colts to the students wished to leave. This way 1958 professional championship. the students wouldn't have to An admirer was saying after one carry their books back to the Aam in dorms. If we want these seats "game available, w utltorfe- "o could see Johnny was fool-. available, we must let our feel- ing around, as if he wasn't paying ings be known to the library, and much attention to his work, but support their actions. I wasn't worried. I said to my wife, -David Harrell, '16 'Oh, oh, look out for the bomb' " -the long pass that means a touchdown - "And, sure enough, gmnent . . . on the next play, there it was, pretty as anything." Whether or not this is the proper way to conduct foreign af- fairs, of- course, is something else again. Historians of the future may have the answer. But it does look as if Khrush- chev has this for his motto: Al- ways expect the unexpected. To an observer in Washington, used to politicians in a plentiful assortment, the contradictions are particularly apparent. Take his size and age. Khrush- chev's 190 pounds are crammed on a 5 foot 4 frame, which would send Dr. George W. Calver, the capitol physician, scurrying about with a new batch of reminders: .' J li