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February 25, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-02-25

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Preva' STDN
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mcst be noted in all reprints.

"Boy, We've Really Got 'Em Worried This Time"
1 Z

To TheEtor


AY, FEBRUARY 25, 1959


Neither East Nor West
Concern Arab Minds

'ANDWICHED BETWEEN the contrasting
ideologies of the powerful East and West
the political philosophy of the Arab world.
tatesmen have branded these Middle Eastern
ountries as nationalistic with varying shades
f pro-Western and pro-Eastern sentiments,
epending on the issues at stake.
A hodge-podge of kings, dictator-heroes and
ibal chieftains, the Arab world is undergoing
propaganda barrage primarily designed to
oo the underdeveloped countries into one of
he ideologically opposed camps, and also, sec-
ndarily to control the valuable oil reserves
ontained there.
MAN WHO LED ARABS for some seventeen
years recently called, while in Ann Arbor
.st Friday, for a new outlook in the West's
ropaganda appeal to this "new audience that
as appeared on the stage of the world." The
an was Sir John Glubb, former commander
f the Arab Legion and a loyal British subject.
riticizing the West's attitude toward the Arabs,
-lubb called for "ideas . . . that the people can
aderstand and absorb." The soldier-statesman
eent on to say the West should not tie its
;peal to these peoples so closely to the possi-
.lity of material gain, but to higher ideals. "We
iould inspire them with a future world they
an see, and which the Arabs and the West, as
irtners, help to create."
Unfortunately, Glubb's "new audience" is too
usy with the immediate'internal problems of
,onomic upheaval and social chaos, brought on
y the complexities of modernization, to con-

cern itself with the idealized "future world."
Both the East and West are slowly waking up
to the fact that Arab nations have only one
immediate goal in mind-their own economic
productivity. Any means available to further
their aims are eyed with interest by the Arabs.
TODAY'S ARAB world wants trade, money
and guns. The Nassers of the Middle East
have little use for the future world that Glubb
has called for on the part of the West. They
have no use for the partnership that, Glubb
urges the West to form with the infant Middle
Eastern nations.; Today's Nasser is more con-
cerned about the present, not the future. He
will temporarily accept the "higher ideals" that
Glubb wants the West to provide only when
they are stamped on profitable trade and easy
Western efforts to "inspire" underdeveloped
countries with "higher ideals" have usually
ended in dismal failure. Most of the time, these
"ideals" turned out to be the political philos-
ophy of the United States.-
The Arab world is learning the new game of
"lear'Y and profit very well-lean to one camp
and obtain needed capital and then lean to
another for additional favors. This may seem
not very "cricket" to Glubb but recent history
has proven the game very profitable.
Tomorrow's Arab world may have time to
pick and choose ideals. Today's Arab world is
too concerned with the Arab world to worry
about the ideals of the East or West.

01s9 +4 i En~tc.3p r

New 'Exodus' To Israel Angers Arabs


Idealism Might Help

IDEALISM has never been popular as a guide
for foreign policy. Today, as in the time of
Machiavelli, nations pursue their ends with the
neans described by the fifteenth century Flor-
ntine, who denied the need for any morality
in foreign policy.
Parts of the foreign policy of the United
states reflect this viewpoint. The Latin Ameri-
an interventions are at the beginning of the
historic chain of non-moral actions; support of
Franco and Batista lies near the end. Though
n its whole policy, the United States has cer-
ainly never been "Machiavellian," many of its
fctions have been so. However, even these parts
om too large in the picture.
The ideological foundation of the United
Rtates'has been of a moral nature ever since the
ration's inception. This base should not be
eakened by falling into self-seeking, immoral
policies, for then the nation would lose its main
trength, the strength of, morality. The men
who wrote the Declaration of Independence had
ittle Worldly power to support their claims; all
hey possessed was a vision of liberty and what
s called the "American way," and with this.
hey fashioned the beginnings of a moral na-
ion. While the United States has been pro-
laiming this morality to the world some of
a actions have been immoral, a source of
reat weakness. It is attacked as a hypocrite
nd it has no answer.
The United States should mold its foreign
olicy to consistently support the moral prin-

ciples it subscribes to, including: a belief in
personal liberty and economic opportunity; a
belief in freedom of national groups to deter-
mine their own forms of government and policy;
a belief in the moral obligation of the strong
and rich to the weak and poor that is im-
plicit in recent domestic legislation.
APPLIED to particular cases, idealism would
have striking effects. The United States
would extend long term loans and credits to
needing nations. Fidel Castro, the choice of
Cuba, would receive real support. Colonialism in
all forms where' disagreeable to the colonials
would be discouraged. The apartheid policies of
the Union of South Africa would be denounced,
admitting our own shortcomingsin the area.
This idealistic approach would not make the
United States weak; on the contrary it would
strengthen it. If, for instance, real aid had been
given to India on the proposed basis, there
might be less Russian penetration and perhapst
more faith in America in that area. Perhaps'
aid to Nasser for the Aswan Dam would have
prevented the embarrassing Suez crisis. War is
becoming obsolete as an "instrument of policy"
and moral values are becoming increasingly im-
portant. If it were to become totally idealistic
the United States would embrace this move-
ment and become the moral leader of the world.
With this moral leadership would come security
and friendship.

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
ANOUTPOURING of some thou-
Asands of Jews from behin/d the
Iron Curtain into Israel in recent;'
months has aroused keen hopes
among Israeli leaders and great
fears among Arabs.
The ,new immigrants from East-
ern Europe come largely from
Communist Romania. In January
and the first half of February this
year, according to official Israeli
sources, a total of 6,000 arrived in
Israel. In 1958 a total of not quite
13,000 immigrants from Eastern
Europe resettled there.
Zionist officials have been pre-
dicting that as many as 100,000
might come in 1959. Reportely
20,000 Romanian Jews already
possess exit visas and will be de-
parting soon.
But the exodus from Romania,
which has the second largest Jew-
ish population among Communist
countries, numbering 250,000 is not
the heart of the matter. Lurking
in thebackground is the real ques-
tion which excites both Israelis
and Arabs in diametrically oppo-
site directions-the future of two
to three million Jews of the Soviet
** *
not permitted to emigrate. For
several decades with few excep-
tions no emigration has been al-
lowed by the Soviet government.
Zionist leaders claim that probably
most Soviet Jews would go to
Israel if they had the chance. It
seems certain that thousands of
them would like to leave Russia.
Israeli Premier David Ben-Gurion
has said there are reasons-which
he is not free to divulge - for
thinking that the factors under-

lying tlWe change in policy toward
Romanian Jews might lead to the
dropping of barriers to the exit of
Soviet Jewry. He predicted that
from,250,000 to 300,000 Jews would
come to Israel in the current im-
migration wave.
Arab reaction has been stormy.
The Arab League Council meets
in Cairo March 2. Bitter attacks on
the Israeli immigration policy are
expected. The Cairo paper, Al Ah-
ram, declared a few days ago that
Arab governments are discussing
joint action, including a possible
appeal to Nikita Khrushchev, to
clamp down emigration bars
against Jews throughout the Com-
munist world.
* * *.
Middle East have reported that the
East European migration to Israel
is threatening to produce a strong
anti-Soviet reaction among Arabs,
and that many Arabs consider the
Communist bloc is sending Jew-
s "volunteers" to fight in the
Israeli army.
The Russians, disturbed by the
Arab reaction, have been quick to
issue vigorous denials through the
Soviet press. They say there has
not been nor is there now any
mass emigration of Soviet Jews to
Some observers have suggested
that the Communist powers are
bringing pressure on President
Nasser's United Arab Republic to
toe the Communist line in foreign
But it seems most likely that
Romanian internal policy led to
the change..
Some highly placed Israeli stu-
dents of East European .affairs be-
lieve this is the explanation:

To help insure its own stability
after withdrawal of Soviet troops
from Romanian soil last year, the-
Romanian government decided to
make jobs, apartments and posses-
sions of Romanian Jews available
to non-Jewish Romanians. The
government undertook to evict
many Jews, letting them go to
Israel, without their personal prop-
erty. Romanian Jews arriving in
Vienna en route to Israel bring
with them only about 150 pounds
of possessions.
* * *
ISRAEL IS about the size of New,
Jersey. It has currently a little
more than one-third of the popu-
lation of New Jersey. There are
over 2,000,000 inhabitants of this
little country. It is made up. in
large part of desert, but it has
absorbed nearly one million immi-
grants in the last 10 years, and
put them to work in a big con-
struction and development pro-
gram which has made Israel the
most modern and efficient country
in the Mideast.
What would happen if Israel,
which still is far from self-sup-
porting economically, is actually
faced with the problem of absorb-
ing hundreds of thousands of emi-
grants from behind the Iron Cur-
tain in a huge and sudden flood?
It is hard to say. But it is certain
Israel would come to American
Jewry and the American govern-
ment for help.
It is also certain that the Arab
countries. will do everything pos-
sible to prevent this happening.
Though in population and area
the Arab countries exceed Israel by
many times, the Arab leaders pro-
fess to fear that an Israel with an
increased population will seek to
take Arab lands.

To the Editor:
IF THAT IS what Professor Mc-
Connell really said in a guest
address to the first session of the
Institute of Advocacy (Michigan
Daily, Sunday, February 22, 1959),
I suggest he should "have his head
examined." On the other hand, if
that is not what he said, you might
submit to this process yourselves
and print a correct account of his
-William Morrison
Grad, Psychology
Rejected ..*
To the Editor:
REGARDING Mr. William Mor-
risons letter, concerning the
article quoting my speech at the
Tenth Annual Institute of Advo-
1) Paragraph No. 1: "Today psy-
chologists, given the proper condi-
tions, can change any normal hu-
man being from what he is into
whatever you want him to be."
Correctly quoted. For further in-
formation, see Psychology 182,
"The Psychology of Influence,"
which I currently teach.
2) Paragraph No. 2: no com-
3) Paragraph No. 3: "Prof. Mc-
Connell further said that sublimin-
al and extra-sensory perceptions
are the most effective elements in
hidden persuasion." Incorrectly
quoted. I do not believe in "ESP"
and would never have"claimed
they were effective in Advocacy.
Or anything else, except in build-
ing up false hopes in humanity's
bosom. As for subliminal percep-
tions, two things should be noted.
First, they often explain 'why some
ESP experiments turn out the way
they do. Second, they are quite
often very effective in determin-
ing behavioral change. Most im-
portant? Can't say.
4) Paragraph No. 3, continued:
"He added that a judge or jury
will often pick up messages that
the lawyer 'sends' but is not aware
of. He informed the visiting law-
yers that 'the parts of the beha-
vior the person is least aware of
are the most important.'" Only
correction should be the insertion
of the word "often" in the last
sentence. In short, such "hidden"
cues are often the most important
parts of a lawyer's behavior.
5) Paragraph No. 4: Correctly
quoted, but implied in my speech
was the fact that once the audi-
Calling All
ALL qualified students inter-
ested in reviewing music,
drama, movies, or art for The
Michigan Daily are invited to
attend a meeting at the Stu-
dent Publications Building at
7:30 p.m. today.
ence is responding, one must us-
ually reinforce their behavior to
keep them responding.
6) Anyone who wishes further
confirmation of what I actually
said may surely obtain the tape
recordings of the meeting. See Mr.
Charles Joiner in the Law School.
Anyone who wishes to have his
head examined, please see Mr.
-James V. McConnell
Asst. Professor
Peacejul *..
To the Editor:
REEN LY an editorial con-
cerned directly with the food
problems which have arisen this
year and indirectly with the stu-'
dent complaints and suggestions
appeared in your paper. The main

contention of this editorial was
that students must riot to get
action from the proper agencies. I
feel that there has been a lack of
understanding and full knowledge
of the subject at hand. This lack
of understanding may have been
communicated to many who may
have problems which they would
like to solve in a less violent man-
ner than the editorial would rec-
I would first like to explain that
the solutions to the food problems
were accomplished through the
combined efforts of the House
Service Committee of Assembly
Association and the Office of the
Business Manager of the Residence

Halls working in cooperation with
the staff of dieticians. The House
Service Committee is composed of
one service chairman from each
house and these respective chair-
men are more than willing to aid
all residents with their service
problems. These chairmen are in
direct, regular, contact with the
business staffs of their respective
residence halls.
I would also like to point out
several other problems which have
confronted and are confronting
the House Service Committee. A
recent change has been made in
regard to fines and refunds for
lost meal tickets. The telephone
problem is now being considered
with reference to a definite possi-
bility for improvement. Various
traffic problems on "the hill" are
also being investigated. These are
but a few of the problems which
are being solved without a "riot."
Violence is far from necessary
when there is an adequate func-
tioning network of proper chan-
nels through which any woman
student may take her problems
and find explanationrof policy and
willingness to accept suggestions
for change. N
-Joan Comiano,
Assembly Association,
Second Vice-President
A Chiller
AN ATMOSPHERE more chilling
and sinister than either Dracu-
la's castle or Frankenstein's lab
oratory pervades the French im-
port, "Demoniac" now at the
Campus. The picture's setting is
occupied France where people
whispered about peace and lib-
eration and lived in continualfear
of Nazi retribution. But the movie
gains its greatest sense of gloom
because its hell is the one that
man creates with his own mind.
Its brutality is that which men
can inflict upon their fellow
creatures. The root of all this?
The very same as in the proverb-
"Money, money, that's why I did
it! , screams the unsuspected evil
doer as retribution falls upon him.
The film opens with a group of
men escaping from a prisoner of
war camp. Two of them manage
to escape the pursuing dogs and
are able to make their way across
the country undetected. One of
them is going to meet the woman
he knows only through the letters
she has written him in the camp.
While they are riding in a box-
car he tells his friend all about
her and i'eads all the letters she
has sent. When they arrive at
their destination, he is hit by a
train while trying to escape. His
friend takes his papers and ar-
rives at the woman's house just
after the Nazi curfew has gone
into effect. The woman, Helen,
jumps to the conclusion that he
is the man to whom she had writ-
ten the letters and plans to marry.
The man assumes his dead friend's
identity and the machinery that
will lead to destruction is set in
Helen's sister, Agnes, conducts
nightly seances which are patron-
ized by the frantic relatives of
missing servicemen. Whether or
not Agnes has true occult powers
remains unknown but she does
correctly suspect that the man to
whom her sister is engaged is not
really who he claims to be. But
then the dead man's sister Julia
arrives; she takes one look at
Helen's fiance and exclaims,
"Bernard, my brother!" Why does
she do this and what are the
consequences? Well, it just

wouldn't be fair to tell; but the
events that follow do take many
surprising and devious twists.
Luis Saslavsky's direction is a
classic lesson in the creation of a
chiller. His use of fogs, mists,
shadows and a black cat is sheer
genius. One of the picture's most
terrifying sequences comes when
Julia is shot. She had the ill for-
tune to be in the street when the
Nazis were searching for a victim
in order to avenge the killing of
an officer by the underground.
Saslavsky does not allow the audi-
ence to see her death; but he let's
us hear the shots and her agon-
ized screams which are far more
horrible than anything he could
possibly show.
-Patrick Chester




Russia Has Its Peace

Associated Press News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV has chosen a strange
time and an oblique method for telling Prime
Minister Macmillan that he's 'not going to sell
my Allied ideas about Gernany during his
Moscow visit.
He uses the occasion of a public speech.
It's as though he had closed the door in the
3ritish envoy's face before he could get well
tarted. Future' discussion of the principal
natters occupying the mind of the Allied leader
vill now be in a cold atmosphere.
The Soviet Union, says Khrushchev, repeat-
ng the line with which he has been violating
he only agreement of importance reached at
he Geneva Summit Conference in 1955, is not
oing to talk about reunification of Germany.
-That, he says, further cementing his idea of
Editorial Stafg
ditorial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
ALE CANTOR..............Personnel Director
EAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
LAN JONES ...................Sports Editor
RATA JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor
LIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director
I COLEMAN ................. Associate Sports Editor
AVID ARNOLD ............... Chief Photographer
Business Staff

gaining recognition for East Germany as a
separate entity, is a matter between the two
He throws further cold water on the Allied
suggestion for a four-power conference of for-
eign ministers by saying that about the only
thing they could discuss would be suppression
of militarism in a new Germany formed by
agreement of the subdivisions.
That new Germany, in the eyes of Khrush-
chev and his East German puppet government,
can only be one which grants autonomy to
Communist institutions in the Eastern sector
and gives the puppets an equal voice with Bonn
in all German affairs.
HIS WORDS, at this point, do not represent
an outright rejection of the four-power con-
ference proposed by the Allies. Because such a
conference might produce the Summit Confer-
ence which he really wants.
He reiterates his suggestion for a 28-nation
Summit Conference to draw up a peace treaty
for a new Germany, a sort of bait to get the
West Germans to deal with the East. But
Khrushchev, like Stalin, has displayed disdain
for anything except great power 'agreements
on major issues, and he would be likely to settle
for a four-power Summit Conference if that
were offered.
Khrushchev, in his Tuesday speech, ignored
Macmillan's Monday night plea for peace and a
return, to wartime relationships.
Because the Soviet Union already has the
kind of peace it wants, holding the initiative in
a new type of international conflict which keeps
the West on the defensive.
.-. .. .. .f ...


Religion Muddles German Election

Associated Press Foreign Correspondent
BONN, Germany - Politics is
boiling over the election of a
man to the supposedly non-politi-
cal post of West German President:
The political future of Chancel-
lor Konrad Adenauer is involved.
He is prepared to run for re-
election in 1961 even though he
will be 85 then.
Religious affiliation is at the
heart of the matter. Adenauer is a
Roman Catholic. There is an un-
written agreement in his Christian
Democratic Party that the Presi-

dent and the Chancellor must be
of different religious faiths. The
outgoing President, 75-year-old.
Theodor Heuss, is a Protestant.
The leading choice of Adenauer's
Christian Democratic union for
President is Heinrich Krone, the
Party's parliamentary floor leader.
But he is a Catholic.
The leading Protestant possibili-
ties all hope some day to succeed
Adenauer as chancellor. They are
not interested in being kicked up-,
stairs to the Presidency, a largely
ceremonial office. It is the Chan-
cellor who runs the government.

In this group are Economics
Minister Ludwig Erhard, Finance,
Minister Franz Etzel, Bundestag'
President Eugen Gerstenmaier and
Interior Minister Gerhard Schroe-
The Socialist opposition has
nominated Carlo Schmid for the
presidency. He is popular.
A university professor and writer,
Schmid can be expected to lure
some voting strength from Ade-
nauer's forces. But Schmid is a
So far Adenauer has retained an
attitude of aloofness. Here is what
is going on behind the scenes:
1) Socialist foes of Schmid are
backing him. They would like to
see him become President to elimi-
nate him as a possible: candidate
for chancellor.
2) Certain industrialists are
working hard for Economics Min-
ister Erhard. They want him re-
placed in that post with a man
more friendly to big business.
3) Protestant aspirants for Ade-
nauer's mantle are plugging hard
for Catholic Krone. That will im-
prove their chances if by the time
of the federal elections of 1961 a
Catholic is President.
The president will be elected in
a gathering in West Berlin July
1 of the National Assembly, called
into meeting eavrv five nears fo.





The Daily Official Bulletin is as
official publication of The Univer-
sity' of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumesi io edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
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Have mes overcoats and sweaters, wo-
men's warm clothing, maternity out-
fits and infants equipment and clothing
and children's clothing. Any foreign
students needing any, of these items
should come at these times.
Closing Hour Student Activities: Stu-
dent Government Council has author-
ized an extended closing hour of 1 a.m.
for student sponsored activities held on
th nzt f ach. 1959.


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