w r ,v - . - V - £,, Africa's Plea: Independence, Equality New Look at Colonialism It Has Been an Asset in the Belgian Congo- By GILBERT BURSLEY A Tunisian Tells why The west Must Aid, But Not Try To Control This Crucial Area By AIMED BEL HODJA "Those of you who have been to Africa know something of its vastness. You have felt its mystery, you have been stirred by its almost incredible possibilities. You have, per- haps, found your own emotions shaken, as never before, by the power, the force, that seems to well up out of the very earth. You have been faced with the reality of Africa's awakening. - It is as if a great giant stirred for the first time in many cen- turies, stretching himself, opening his gentle eyes upon an unknown and very disturb- ing world. Perhaps you, too, have found your own world shaken by direct contact with this awakening, and all it can mean to the future of man- kind ... --Frances P. Bolton WHETHER you land on the Northern shore of Africa, the Southern, Western, or Eastern, the first striking words you will hear, see, and learn are Istiqlal, Dietsarev, Ablode-Independence. One, and only one revolt shakes the whole continent. Independence is the key for the future of the Africans. In the northern part of Africa, the only country which is still carrying on a bitter fight for its independence is Algeria. The rest were liberated mostly after World War II. South of the Sahara there is Ghana, which obtained its free- dom in March, 1957, the first of the European dependencies to do so. The liberation of Ghana was the path for the rest of Black Africa to follow. French Africa after the Refer- endum refused to keep the status quo, and all voted against it. Thus, obtaining independence within the French Union were the Republic of Senegal, Republic of Maurita- nia, Soudanese Republic, Ivory Coast Republic, Voltaic Republic, Republic of Dahomey, Niger Re- public, Chad Republic, Gabonese Republic, Central African Repub- lic, Republic of Congo, and Mal- gache Republic. THE MOVEMENT of independ- ence is eliminating all French possessions in Africa, reaching the Spanish territories, and shaking Belgium's. Guinea was freed in September, 1958. The Cameroon will be inde- pendent in January, 1960; Togo on April 29, 1960; Nigeria on Oc- tober 1, 1960; and Somalia on De- cember 2, 1960. The independence movement in Africa today is the first indispen- sable step towards economic de- velopment. This attitude of dis- satisfaction, hatred, and enmity towards the white man, the set- tler, the colonialist is justified by the behavior of those Europeans who left their homes and immi- grated to Africa. The idea of the immigration of Europeans to other lands is not new. If we look back on European history, the Industrial Revolution, the surplus of foods, the demand and the urge to find new markets for the unwanted foods, etc., all made it impossible for Europeans 'Tunisian Ahmed Belkhoda is at the University this year as the Foreign Student Leader- ship Project representative. H e contributed an article on Ty- ntisia to last month's Maazine. to hold back the ation, adventure, urge for explor- and domination. THE FIRST serious interest shown by the Europeans in es- tablishing themselves on the Af- rican coasts came from the Dutch in 1652, with the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. Then, discovering the need for cheap labor, the Europeans found it a rich business meeting this need by slave trade. Europe needed cheap labor, as did America, for its extensive sug- ar and tobacco plantations. This trade went on for about two-and- a-half centuries, during which time it has been estimated that fifteen million slaves were taken from West Africa. FROM slave trade, the interest in Africa grew wider. The wealth of this continent brought the European powers into rivalry. Nappleon's efforts to con- quer Egypt, to safeguard the shortest route to the wealth of the Far East, were lost to the English in 1763. To counterpart the French move, the English con- quered South Africa from both the natives and the Dutch in 1814- 15. This rivalry among the Euro- peans for the partition of their prey was ended in the 19th cen- tury by the large number of agree- ments signed among the Europe- an powers. Worth noting are the Anglo-French Entente Cordial of 1904, which placed Egypt and Morocco under Great Britain and France, and the agreements made by Italy and other European pow- ers to enable Italy to acquire pos- session of territory in North Af- rica. This expansion of the European powers which resulted from the Industrial Revolution gave Europe the greatest economic security. The famines that had occurred nearly every ten years for several T HE WORD colonialism has be- come one of the most provoca- tive terms in world affairs. It has conflicting connotations for peoples of different countries, races and ideologies. It means one thing behind the Iron Curtain and another thing to us. In general it has unpleasant and derogatory overtones. Furthermore it is the cause, of serious misunderstand- ings with our allies. From first-hand observations on the Belgian Congo it is my hope to reorient the reader toward the word colonialism; to divest the term of its derogatory connota- tions; and to accord it such dignity and . respect as able twentieth- c e n t u r y administrators have earned for it. T HE BELGIAN Congo, with 900,- 000 square miles, is almost equal insize to the United States east of the Mississippi. Its entire European population of 90,000 wouldn't fill the Univer- sity football stadium. Its African populations of 13,000,000 is fewer in numbers than the Negroes in the United States. The Africans are splintered into hundreds of different tribal and racial groups with different languages and forms of social organization. One runs the gamut from'tseven-foot Watutsis to four-foot pygmies, with Bantu peoples of great di- versity in between. The inhabitants of the Congo are far from the point where these different component races have an understanding of and tolerance for one another. Their differences are being broken down by migration to the cities, by common service and a common language in the Congo's armed forces, the Force P u b I i q u e, and through inter- mingling of students at ethe Lo- vanium and State Universities. The high opinion, commonly held, of Belgium's accomplish- ments in the Congo at once a r o u s e s speculation as to the causes of its success. What pe- culiar assets do the Belgians have in the Congo that aren't generally found elsewhere? AMONG many factors there are three that merit discussion: 1) The "newness" of the Congo; the fact that it is the last great colonial area to be explored and opened up has given the Belgians the chance to profit from the ex- perience of other colonizers. 2) A dedicated and capable corps of colonial administrators; i A fricansf Are Taking Control of Their Industries centuries in Europe now virtually disappeared. The flow of manufactured goods out of Europe and of food and raw materials into Europe gave reality to the long-hoped-for dream of stability, prosperity, and success. SO ONE THING has to be clear in mind: that the Europeans did not come into Africa for the sole purpose of helping the Afri- cans. Those who came were interested mainly in African markets and re- sources. To this aim even wars were fought when resistance barred the way and had to be subdued. In the latter part of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, those nations in Africa which were subdued for the good of Europe at the expense of their own development, gave rise to the movement of today. We must not forget the principles of the great leaders of the French and Ameri- can Revolutions - equality, fra- ternity, liberty, and self-determi- nation. With the flow of students from Africa in modern times to Europe and America, those students, after going back home and comparing the two different regimes, could not' help but revolt against the rulers of Africa and demand that those principles should be put into practice there. CURRENT EVENTS in Algeria and in South Africa are cases in point. Apart from unjustly depriving the Africans of equal rights, some other cruel actions are taking place today. In South Africa, for example, some laws against Africans are still in practice: the Native Labor Regulation Act, making African workers subject to criminal prose- cution for such things as being absent from work without leave; the Native Land and Trust Amend- ment Act, enabling the South African government to uproot large numbers of African rural families without providing any alternative land for them. The Africans also receive Tess education than the whites and it is much inferior. ONE MORE FACTOR helped the awakening and eagerness for self - determination of Africans, and that is the increased depend- ence of Western countries upon Africa. In our time the demand is no, longer for palm oil, ivory, or pre- cious woods, it is a rising demand for minerals. Uranium is required for the manufacturing of atomic weapons -- Africa is the greatest source for this indispensable ele- ment. The United States no longer possesses an adequate reserve- of copper, lead and iron, and she must turn to Africa -to Liberia -for the quantities required. Just as the West's dependency on Africa increased, Africa be- came alarmed and sensed that the security of the' West depends on the insecurity of Africa, and thus gradually the resistance increased. The West did not live up to the promises of the Atlantic Charter, nor to the United Nations Char- ter's Article 73, which recommends to the members of the UN which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet at- tained a full measure of self -gov- ernment, to recognize the principle. that the interests of° the inhabit- ants of these territories are para- mount. T HE AGGRIEVANCES, threats,- and brutalities of some Western powers towards Africa made it impossible for some countries in Africa to keep up with Europe, and thereby changed their course to Russia for help. This does not at all mean that they like Communism, but rather they are practicing that "the enemy of your enemy is your friend." Communist Russia is ready to extend a helping hand to Africa and rescue the people of Africa from the control of the West by liberating them. The recent Soviet offers of trade and economic assistance are gen- uine and pose an obvious challenge to the West and the United States in particular. According to the African Spe- cial Report of January, 1958, Com- munism as a dogma has had little appeal south of the Sahara. Here, the Russians are handicapped by the lack of any diplomatic repre- sentation. (There are Soviet mis- sions in Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya and the Sudan, and Czech missions in Leopoldville and Capetown.) UT DESPITE these disadvan- tages, Russian agents and pro- pagandists are expected to be at work increasingly, supporting local grievances, presenting Russia as the champion of legitimate eco- nomic and political aspirations of Africa's peoples, and attempting at the same time to portray the United States as a supporter of "Western Imperialism." To the African some of these ideas are accepted as authentic. In, the case of the Algerian War, France, without the support of the United States, could never be able to carry it on for such a long period. Army uniforms, artillery, and the financement of the army come from the United States. So today, Africa is the strug- gling scene between East and West, and it seems that in Africa this struggle will be settled. It is up to the. West, while there is still time,'to win back the friend- ship and the support of the Afri- cans. The prosperity, security, and the democratic institutions of the West all depend on the future of Africa. The resources of Africa are vital to the 'West as well as to the Afri- cans, and there will be no further cooperation between African- and Westerners unless the principle of Lib e Kty, - Equality -Fraternity i8 Practiced. with but one colony Belgium's offi- cials become experts on that area. 3) Great economic wealth; the natural resources of the Congo have contributed to an impressive program of social -welfare and ad- vancement. IT MIGHT be said then that the period of colonial progress in the Congo dates from the early 1920's. Thus there are living men -- European as well as African - who can remember the epoch when cannibalism, anarchy, tyran- ny, and cruelty ruled in large sec- tors of the Congo. There are still many Belgian administrators on duty in the Congo who started their careers in the 1920's. The parents of the young Con- golese workers and students of today come from that early period when contact with the white man was minimal and unhappy. Viewed thus, the Congo of to- day merits even greater praise - the black man in recognition of the extent to which he has pro- gressed socially and the European for the helping hand he has of- fered. The Belgian administrators, particularly those in top positions, are for, the greater part men of culture and training. They are avid students of colonial systems, of anthropology, and of political geography. They have closely watched colonial experiences in areas much longer in contact with Europe, such as Ghana, Nigeria, and the coastal'regions. THESE observations point logi- cally to the second asset of the Belgians in the Congo - a dedi- cated and capable corps of colon- ial administrators. This is not to say that other colonial powers do not have such men, but the circumstances are different in the Congo. It must be remembered that Belgium has just this one colony and therefore any young man entering colonial serv- ice knows exactly to what part of the world he is going and some- thing of the climate and peoples he will encounter. Since this young man knows he will be staying in the same area he normally learns a native lan- guage and something of the habits and folklore of the people with whom he is dealing., THE THIRD special asset of the Belgians in their colonizing ef- fort is the economic' wherewithal to do the job. The Congo's southernmost prov- ince, the Katanga, is one of the world's richest areas in mineral r es our c es. High-grade copper veins, uranium, cobalt, gold, silver, zinc, and all sorts of by-products and related minerals are mined in significant quantities. Other provinces furnish tin and the greater part of the world's in- dustrial diamond supply. There is valuable production of cocoa, coffee, tobacco, tea, cotton, lum- ber, rubber, palm oil and palm kernels. The Congo's hydroelectric po- tential is tremendous and the eventual completion of the Inga project.on the lower Congo River, with twenty times TVA's capacity, will render possible an expansion of light industry and a more bal- anced economy. THIS GREAT wealth is largely controlled by five giant com- panies which pay royalties and, taxes into the Belgian Congo treasury. These revenues and resources within the Congo have made pos- sible ambitious programs in pub- lic housing, education, health, and sanitation, native welfare and so- cial work, as well as in conserva- tion of natural resources, meas- ures against soil erosion, etc. Collectively these m e a s u r e s have been molded into a Ten- Year Plan which is now in its last quarter. Plans encompassed a broad advance on many economic fronts and in general quotas have been met. In some fields such as transpor- tation and road building the Ten- Year Plan is behind schedule. On the whole, however, it must be rated a success. Recent Dei SINCE WRITING the following editor's note below in box) th tempo of political demands by C This acceleration is due in la I) New "semi-independent" The four provinces of ne lal Africa have all opted f( them a semi-independent sta the French Union. Facing the Belgian Con -across the Congo River- of the "Republic of the Cong cans cross the river daily, wor banks. The political evolution reaches the other side with 2) Economic woes of Belgiar The business recession o the Congo, a major supplier minerals and raw materials.I contributed to unemployme At the same time there coni of Africans from the "bush acquired some 30,000 unemp danger of starvation, had a for political fermentation. N DECEMBER and January th terest. The Minister of Colonies, M Minister of the Congo, Mr. Var succeed him. Rioting broke out in Leopo Bakongo people, followers of a M litical discontent through an a There are, however, very real ii the spread of these disorders to c Nonetheless the future will crease in the political problems struggle between other African Toure in Guinea, Banda in Nya Boganda in the "Central Africa Awolowo in Nigeria, etc., effectiv and will focus world attention c of these figures. Inevitably this fever will emb the Portuguese colonies of Ango activitie excellen hospital ministra Gover scattere and hig from th Missic pensarie have op done ou dergoing A con is thel city. an As a re mosquit most Ai a summ Howe' take an be proh deed p anophel HER] resew IRSACs as med anti-ero these i research lasting. habitan Such another er coun outlays There rila""A a- as. In the Congo there are tly equipped and manned s for Africans in all ad- ative centers. nment dispensaries' are d throughout the jungle hlands and can be reached e most remote villages. onary hospitals and dis- es of all denominations erated for years and have utstanding work; often un- g hardship and privation. mmon sight in Leopoldville helicopter that dusts the d its suburbs with DDT. esult there are far fewer os in Leopoldville than in merican cities (at least on ner night). ver, it is still advisable to ti-malaria pills, as it would hibitively expensive, if in- ossible, to eradicate the es from all areas. E ARE two great scientific arch centers in the Congo, and INEAC. In such fields licine, agriculture, forestry, osion, and soil conservation nstitutes are performing h and experimentation of value for the African in- ts of the area. scientific activities are rinstance where the moth- try has to make significant of funds. eare'" active and well- d programs for theCongo- Lthe fields of recreation, activities, and sports. population center has a ocial or community recrea- l. These are well-built per- buildings with European Sports are encouraged and dium at Leopoldville some- eats up to its capacity of rthousand for football matches. ;OLESE are encouraged in fields of art and in cultur- vities. 1 1 i 4 555552 NEW HOUSING for the Congo- p <::ese in wh.lese is generally somethingsocia which the visitor to any CongoEach city is proudly shown by his guide. foyer S Leopoldville, with a population tion ha of 350,000, is resettling a third of these persons in seven satellite" staffs. f cities complete with schools, rec- the sta reation facilities, dispensaries, and timests utilities which ring the metropoli- Meenty Elsewhere in the Congo one can (ocr V ~~see fine little brick houses -- city'N = blocks of them -- at Elizabiethville, CN in the mining towns of Jadotville the Avag.a alrn aictivryi neidctino owte Euoenlev os ra wee g and Kolwezi, at Luluabourg, in aliacti't Bukavu, at Stanleyville and in lesser centers. met, P UBLIC HEALTH Is another the field where the colonial power, cer fully justifies its presence in Af- pre: rica.sity In terms of human suffering. It beep large and modern textile factory is one indication of hw the would be calamitous to have the anti li European leave most areas whereRe elgiani Congo is developing economically, he is now engaged in public health SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 Gilbert Bursley has serves at, which since the war has. >Near East and Africa. He and Consul in the Belgia ?sent position in 1957 as as., "'s Development Council. -n condensed from one wha wmn .1958 issue of the A view. Running a Cigarette Machine THE MICHIGAN DAILY -MAGAZINE