Saturday, December 7, 1968 Saturday, December 7, 1968
Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, December 7, 1968 Saturday, December 7, 1968
Ring in
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Shoes up in import
as fashion item
Shoes h a v e become an in-
creasingly important item in
women's attire. This year com-
fort will not have to be- sacri-
ficed for style. The shoes will
again be square toed and stocky
heeled. .
This winter the color is brown.
If you want a pair of black shoes
you had better hurry and get
them before the store sells out
for they will not be getting any
new ones in. The manufactur-
ers have actually stopped mak-
ing black shoes.
Despite their common color,
shoes will not all look alike. The
buckles, ribbons, and hardware
that necessarily ornament the
shoes are of various colors. The
two-tone shoe consisting of two
shades of brown is really "in."
Mixing textures as well as
shades has become fashionable.
Many of the new shoes will have
patin fronts and leather backs.
The solid brown' patin model
is also popular.
More extended soles and pre-
ferated toes will be seen this
year than last. The heels are
again heavy. This year however,
they will be mainly stacked and
trapezodial rather than rectan-
gular in shape.
Bigger changes are predicted
for spring. The bright orange
and green shades are "out" and
the pastel apricots, peaches, lav-
enders, and light blues are "in."
White will also be big in all
styles; sport-type, man-tailored
and dress. After five years, the
white satin dress shoe is again
becoming popular. Dress shoes
in various textures such as se-
quins are also appearing.
There is a strong 30's influ-
ence in the new styles for this
spring. The two biggest things
will be: spectator pumps in new
interesting color combinations;
and ankle-high, button-up, spat
shoes in two-tone.
The more traditionally styled
shoes will be decorated w i t h
bows a n d pompoms. Ankle
straps are again very fashion-
able. The heel will be taller,
slightly slimmer and straight up
and down.
Other colors for spring will
be gray and a combination of
red, white and blue. With the
variety of colors and color com-
binations it is becoming in-
creasingly harder to have a bas-
ic shoe. It just won't do to wear
a purple and red shoe with a
purple and yellow dress. It has
formerly been sufficient to have
your -shoes match your purse.
But, the number of different
colored shoes has made it possi-
ble and thus necessary to have
the shoes match the dress as
Being in fashion this year
may not mean having uncom-
fortable feet, but, -if you are not
rich, it might mean doing with-
out a lot of other comforts. Do
not despair though, for there is
still another possibility. Brown
boots are very much "in" and
are appropriate with all dresses
in all seasons. The over the knee
boot is "out" but otherwise there
has been little change this year.
The fashionable boot is still a
square-toed, heavy heeled, close
fitting, up to the knee, brown
leather boot. Patin is becoming
increasingly popular in boots as
well as shoes. Some designers
are decorating their boots with
patterns in different colors. This
however, as yet, has not caught
Shoes are now offering some-
thing new and fun for the
young, who always love a
change, and permitting those
women who have held on to the
30's tradition through all the
uncomfortable years of pointed
toes and spike heels, to again
be in style. The shoe stores this
year, and especially this spring,
promise to be the most exciting,
colorful stores in town.
This year's beauty loves to pick u
and put them together for a sn
The brocade vest over the p
creates an individual
Available at Ce be' 1
This eggshell-satin dressy pant-snit is ideal
for hostessing those late-night intimate
tetea ( tete's.
Available a Cebe's on Church
* 4