Saturday, December 7, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Saturday, December 7, 1968 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY "Communication out, John Barth in Scanning Beatlebooks By ELIZABETH WISSMAN Lost in the Funhouse, by John Barth. Doubleday, $4.95. It is perhaps unfortunate to bring the arcane and Eighteenth Century canon of "Taste" to John Barth's agonized extremity of Twentieth Century form. Can we possibly evaluate a method which is so totally con- sumed in self-evaluation? Can we condemn a fiction which is its own Inquisition? Barth's serial collection, Lost in the Funhouse, is mixed media in more than the usual sense, combining as it does the elements of form (tape, print, or whatever) with its own ironic commentary. So skillful and so transcendent is the critic in Barth, that this latest volume defies a con- ventional attempt at criticism. We are left with an aesthetic of numb recognition. For instance, there is that old critical standby, Interpretation: grab that archetype and pin it down! An image, by all modern definition, should be Revela- tion in miniature. But in the middle of his title-piece, narrator Barth tells us all about this process: A fine metaphor, 'simile, or other figure of speech, in addition to its obvious "first-order" re- levance to the , thing it describes, will be seen 4 upon reflection to have a second order signifi- cance; it may be drawn from the milieu of the action, for example, or be particularly appropriate to the sensibility of the narrator, even hinting to the reader things of which the narrator is un- aware; or it may cast further and subtler lights upon the thing it describes, sometimes ironically qualifying . The club-footed monotone of this defining voice is, of course, brilliant parody. And, the increasing regularity of such insertions in the second half of the- volume does constitute a kind of pattern. But the "intusive or artificial voice" (again to quote Barth) has another effect as well. The author deliberately violates the off-stage technique of Joyce to create an opposite effect: a disengagement of the reader. Barth plays upon our nerves and not our imaginative ability for "statsis." He robs, the critic at least, of the experience of private abstraction. The terms and cate- gories are imposed before we have a chance to form our own. Barth is minutely aware of the raw word, its sub- leties of color and context. Thus, the language in Funhouse never escapes his control. This too, may be an intentional irritant. The proportion of word to CO luM ba meaning is so exclusively "one to one," that there is rarely that fluid moment in which language melts into picture or, for that matter,. song. The pun in parti- cular is Barth's province, shattering even the neces- sity of representation in the virtuosity of sound over sense. Whole constructions return again and again, while with each echo Barth attempts a more precise delineation. The repetition of "water" and "bee" terminology is so rigidly consistent, that it mimics the grandest synthetic of a doctoral thesis. As a final shift, Barth constructs a sentence even out of silence, "The smell of Uncle Karl's cigar re- minded one of." Of what does not particularly matter, since it is the blank, or the "lacuna" which Barth is recommending to our attention. All of his virtuousity has been to effect our arrival at this strangely non- existent point. The glory that was Greece (in his Homeric imitations) and the grandeur that is tape technology= must alike submit to the ineffable act of creation. To Barth, the history of his art and the possibilities of technique only increase the agony of the writer's ultimate responsibility. To fill in the blank, figurative of course for "the blank of our lives." The pattern of a journey in Fun- house may be read in several ways: as the history of a Civilization or a single personality or as the primal myth of man. But at any level, the progress is cer- tain and inexorable. Each movement brings the fic- tion closer to a complete paralysis of consciousness. One can possess so much knowledge that the cognative act becomes impossible, by its very naivete. Thus, Barth invites us to reflect upon his maze of mirrors and encourages, by direct address, our re- cognition of our equal dilemma as readers. The reader! You, dogged, uninsultable, print- oriented bastard it's you I'm addressing, who else, from inside this monstrous fiction. You've read me this far, then? Even this far? For what discreditable motive? Ifow is it you don't go to a movie, watch TV, stare at a wall, play tennis with a friend, make amorous advances to the person who comes to your mind when I speak of amor- ous advances? Can nothing surfeit, saturate you, turn you off? Where's your shame? Barth knows the answers, of course. We are fas- cinated by his discord, in part because we need to arrive at a new harmony. Moreover, if he does not give us significant form, we at least recognize signi- cant rhetoric. In the midst of his "ultimate isolation," Barth still -retains a remarkable control of the Uni- versal of human curiosity. Although Barth prevents our triumph over him in media res, we might still attempt to objectify, and thus to own him, with some kind of artistic classifica- tion. But Barth has been here before us; postulating his own School, indeed his own creative epoch, in "The Literature of Exhaustion" (cf. Atlantic Month- ly, August '67). This is a literature in which all pro- gress is a circular illusion, and all illusion only a mo- mentary coalescense among the shards. Among the exhausted, Barth counts authors like Borges, whose labyrinthine design is reemployed as an emblem in Barth's own funhouse. But Barth finds symptoms of enervation in Vision as well as Vehicle. As an author, he explores (or firmly believes himself to be exploring) a further shore, where the death of the novel is as remote and unaffecting as the death of Homer. The problem is not the loss of form, but p. panic in that whole species of manipulative energy which we call art. Despite his contemporary, Barth adheres rather fiercely to the Victorian image of Progressive Evolu- tion. He is controlled by the concept of period, and by the notion that there must be some avantgarde to create that period or else we "fall off the edge" of our communicative world, To exceed, to surpass all that has gone before is the only means of Survival. And by such survival is the author judged fit. Like most contemporary authors, Barth is obsessed by the phenomenon of James Joyce. The dimensions of mind and invention, from Dubliners to Finnegans Wake, become an awful burden. Any artist, bred in such a shadow, must of necessity feel himself stunted and dry. But there must come a time when we (John Barth included) disdover the limits of theory; when we question the efficacy of our terms as either descrip- tion or recommendation. Does the genius of Joyce, or any other artist, function as a comparative? Is novelty the one imperative of meaning? Finally, is the no- tion that communication can be "used up" a valid hy-' pothesis for either life or literature? These questions will not get a critical answer. For this, only the painful induction of, art itself will do.-Perhaps this is Barth's project after all; to tease beyond the endur- ance of our standards:E The final possibility is to turn ultimacy, ex- haustion, paralyzing self-consciousness and the adjective weight of accumulated history against itself to make something new and valid, the essence whereof would be the impossibility of making something new. What a neuseating notion. The Beatles Book, ed. by Ed- ward E. Davis. Cowles, $5.95. By JOHN GRAY Everybody's got something to say about the' Beatles. In fact, everyone seems to have some sort of compulsion to say things about the Beatles. Julius Fast made a fast buck with his lousy The Beatles: The Real Story, Hunter Davies made a sophisti- cated buck with his pretty good The Beatles: The Authorized Biography, and now Edward Davis stands to make a scholar- ly buck with a collection called The Beatles Book. ' It seems momentarily strange that these three books should all bring in the bucks for their re- spective authors and editor, since they are of widely differ- ent quality and should, on the basis of content and style, ap- peal to widely different groups. Fast should pick the pockets of that huge group of people whose mental age ranges from nine to nine-and-ahaf. Davies should gather up the dollars of the regular best-seller-buyer and t h e semi - serious aficionado. Davis should bring in the bread of the well-off, left-of-center intellectual who thinks that The New York Review of Books is the culminatior of Western Civilization. But when you come right down to it, everyone has not only a compulsion to talk about but also a compulsion to listen to stuff about the Beatles. And, although they'd probably like to, most people aren't go- ing to spend the $17.80 for all three books, but will pick up the one that catches their eye and calls it quits. Well, if you find yourself in that kind of situation, buy The Beatles Book. It's easily better than Fast's fisaco, and although it's hard to compare it with Davies' authoritative, and au- thorized biography, you'll prob- ably get more insight into the Beatles from this collection.. The Beatles Book Contains 15 essays by everyone from Timo- thy Leary to William F. Buck- ley. The collection strikes home, I think, not so much because of the especial talent or author- ity of the individual authors (although all of them, with the possible exception of Leary, are either talented or authoritative or both) but rather because they all, in one way or another, deal with the music rather than the phenomenon of the Beatles. A biography almost necessar- ily has to deal with the pheno- menon of a person or a group, and can get at their work only peripherally. But it is, after all, the work of the Beatles that we- are really interested in. Sure, it would be nice to know all about their personal lives and their background, but that urge is vicarious, an expression of a de- sire to get to know the people whose work we love or find in- teresting. To try to bend this urge and use it to come to a greater appreciation of the Bea- ties in the only way we can really know them, through their albums, is sort of like going across the street by way of the Bronx. The book offers a variety of ways to get across the street for you. Probably the most interest- ing, if only because it's the most infuriating, is Buckley's piece, which is riddled with such in- cisive Buckleyese as: "They are so unbelievably horrible, so ap- pallingly unmusical, so dogmat-x ically insensitive to the magic of the art that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the imposter popes went down in history as 'anti-popes."' (And this after he confesses that one of his favorite pieces during his Yale days was "Fry Me Cookie With a Can of Lard"!) There's also Richard Gold- stein's well-reasoned critique of Sergeant Pepper, which should be gone over by everyone who ever said or thought that it was the best or' most important 'al- bum they'd ever heard. He'll probably make you think you were wrong. And for all you music freaks, Joshua Rifkin has written a long piece commenting on the musicological structure of the Beatles' songs. (Example: "As an interesting detail, we might notice..-how the brief introduc- tion telescopes the harmonic course of the B sections" or, even better, "'Michelle,' for ex- ample, is just as much 'about' the superimposition of differing vocal lines above the same in- strumental figure (Ex. 11) and the way in which a small guitar solo, built upon the harmonic progression that opens the song, reappears as a coda . . ." etc ) My favorite, and perhaps the best (it depends where you are), piece in the book is Al Lee's "The Poetics of the Revolution" in which he makes a striking case. for the unity of the whole Beatles' corpus in terms of re- curring symbols (as in "Rain," "Penny Lane," and "Fixing a Hole," among others.) The Beatles are a phenomen- on. true. But it's the music that says it, and it says it best And it's The Beatles Book that says it about the music the best. If you're buying a Christmas pres- ent for yourI'1-year-old niece, give her Fast's book. If you're getting one for your middle- class aunt, try Davies'. But if you're buying one for yourself, give your $5.95 to the man for The Beatles Book, and have a good old time. 7 ._ '- '-- __ I Times-- less journalism Up Against the Ivy Walt, by Jerry L. Avorn and members of the staff of the Columbia Daily $pectator. Antheneum, $3.25 (paper). By STEPHEN H. WILDSTROM Early in the morning of April 30, according to the New York Times, 1000 carefully se- lected members of the New Yorke Police Department entered the Columbia University campus and arrested some 600 students ' who had been sitting-in at five university buildings. According to an official police report, 109 people (92 students and 17 cops) were injured in the operation. The Times story made no mention of the in- juries and gave no indication that there had been any vio- lence during the arrests. It wasn't that the Times didn't know about the clubbings inflicted by the police, most of whom were members of the notorious Tactical Patrol Force and many of whom wore neither. unforms nor badges. They must have, known because Times re- porter Steven Roberts was bloodied by the cops inside Low Library when he didn't move along quickly enough to suit them. They must have known e because there were enough Times reporters-who had re- ceived advance word of the up- coming bust-present to witness the violence. This wasn't the only example of atrocious coverage of the Columbia crisis by the Times, Just the most flagrant. Just why the Times coverage was so baa still is not clear. Certainly, the role of Times publisher Arthur} Ochs Sulzberger as a, trustee of Columbia 'might have contri- buted to a desire on the part of the paper's brass to portray the actions of the university's ad- ministration and trustees in the best possible light. There have been sinister claims that Sulzberger ordered the Times staff to do what it did,, that is, to fabricate and manage the news. But that is not very likely. More likely, the staff didn't want to do anything they thought would anger the boss. As a result, they came up with coverage which, once torn to shreds by the Columbia Journalism Review, prob'ably proved more embarrassing. to Sulzberger than anything they could have done had they cov- ered the story straight. The Times was merely the worst offender among the com- FROM PEKING AND HANOI 4' *MAO TSE-TUNG'S "Quotations" * and "On Peoples War," both . * famous little red books $1.00* *HO-CHI-MING'S "Prison * Diary" .754 *PEKING REVIEW, * 52 weeks, air $4.O04 *VIETNAM COURIER, * 26 weeks $5.00.* *Vietnam (lllustr.) is * 12 months $5.00*' * Send Payment with Order to CHINA BOOKS & PERIODICALS *' * U.S. Gov't. 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Cloth (P1027) $6.95; Paper (P1028) $2.95 Recent and Still Timely The Politics of Poverty John C. Donovan,.Bowdoin College A biting analysis thi traces the War on Poverty from its genesis as a study commissioned by President Kennedy through the drafting, congres- sional approval; and the political and bureaucratic battles from which it emerged badly scarred. 160 Pp. Cloth (P1019)$5,.75; Paper (P1020) $1.45- VIETNAM TRIANGLE: Moscow, Peking, Hanoi Donald S. Zagoria, Research Institute on Modern Asia, Hunter College Zagoria underlines with ademic skill and persuasive documentation why the United States is really fighting a residual shadow of international communism."-The Washington Post 288 Pages. Cloth (P1009) $6.95; Paper (P1010) $1,75 The War Myth Donald A. Wells, Washington State University student newspaper, the Colum- bia Daily Spectator, rose to the occasion during the crisis. Dur- ing the period of the occupa- tion of the buildings and the continuing crisis that followed, the Spectator was the only me- dium of communication which, while fundamentally sympathe- tic to the demonstrators, re- ceived at /least a modicum of trust from all parties involved. Now, the staff of the Specta- tor, led by supplements editor Jerry L. Avorn, has put together a chronology of the events that rocked Columbia and sent trem- ors through the nation's entife higher education establishment. They call it a history, but it is history in the high school Today's writers... ELIZABETH WISSMAN, a graduate student in the English department, was Dily arts textbook sense of the, word- lots of facts but generally de- void of analysis. Like the Spectator itself, the book is obviously in basic sym- pathy with the demonstrators. When the Columbia trustees and administration, particular- ly then-President Grayson Kirk, are presented in the full light of their stpuidity and incredible insensitivitiy, it is almost impos- sible to not be in sympathy with those who opposed them. The book does not refrain from revealing the intransigence of the demonstrators and their abject refusal to enter into meaningful negotiations with anyone, much less make con- cessions. But it places that re- fusal in the context of the New Left belief that it is more im- portant to build a movement than to win a partial success. The reader may or may not agree with the rationale, but at least he is made aware of it, something which the commer- cial press usually fails to do when covering student or New <- Left activity. Normally, the writing of his- tory as chronology is a virtually useless enterprise. The fact that this book is instant history nkes the venture even more dubious. Yet Up Against the Ivy Wall fulfills an important function: For most news events, one can go to the library and read the microflims of one or several newspapers and gain a reason- able perspective of the event. But the standard coverage /of Columbia was so bad that this' cannot be done. At least the staff of the Spectator tells it right. gKREAT TRAcKRcoLD! -UNDERSTANDING COMES FASTER WITH CUFF'S NOTF AI I" J._ _ ._ 9 x t c s c k f LITTLE GROUPS OF NEIGHBORS: THE SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM James W. Davis, Jr. Kenneth M. Dolbeare "This book is unquestionably the best piece of work that has been done on the Selective Service System. It is an objective scholarly, factual, and to me at least, therefore devastating analysis of how a very large and very complex bureaurcracy works. It separates fact - At MEM= in ia I F