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December 07, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-07

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gilt IAo


Snow flurries; stay inside
with a good book weather

VOL LXX IX, No. 82

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 7, 1968

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Romney to get
cabinet position

State board,

From Wire Service Reports
Gov. George Romney will be ap-
pointed to president-elect Richard
Nixon's cabinet, probably as sec-
retary of transportation, the De-
troit Free Press reported I a s t
In its Saturday morning edi-
tions the Free Press said Rom-
ney was ruled out for the post of
secretary of commerce, a j o b
which the governor was rumored
to have captured.
* BAhead

Romney would succeed Florida
Democrat Alan Boyd who has held
the position since the post w a s
created under President Johnson's
The Free Press said that Rom-
ney 's "temper and sometimes ab-
rasive ways with the press appar-
ently eliminated him from the be-
ginning for such sensitive cabinetj
departments as state and de-
If Romney does indeed get the
transportation post, Lt. Gov. Wil-
liam G. Milliken will become thej
state's '44th governor, after four
years of waiting.

With 95 colleges and univer-
sities in the state of Michigan,
trying to straighten out their
football schedules is often dif-
ficult enough. And when it
comes to co-ordinating their
academic programs, the prob-
lems seem nearly insurmount-
Yet the residents of the state
gave its Board of Education
this task when they expanded
its jurisdiction under the 1963
Constitutional revision. ,
Since that time, however, the
board has finished defining its
powers-but has not begun to
exercise them.
As part of this defining pro-
cess, representatives from the
state board will be in Ann Ar-
bor Dec. 19 to gather comments

on their preliminary "master
Essentially, the master plan
defines the State Board of Ed-
ucation's role in higher educa-
tion as "planning for and en-
couraging the orderly develop-
ment of aecomprehensive state
system of education beyond the
secondary level that will effec-
tively and efficiently serve all
the needs of the state."
The plan is only advisory.
The Legislature is not bound
by the recommendations,
To carry out its task, the
board will act as an inter-
mediary between the governor,
Legislature and g o v e r n i n g
boards of the various institu-
tions to match the schools
needs with legislative and state

However, some of the sug-
gestions in the plan concerning
the University have come under
fire by University officials.
These complaints will be voiced
at the open hearing.
Some of the problems pointed
out by the University pertain
to possible overlapping juris-
dictions between the state
boards and the governing
boards of the individual i-
The board's plan describes a
"pluralist division" of authority
in the control of education. But
it retains for the board the
power to initiate studies for
recommendations concerning
admissions and retention poli-
This is a particularly sensi-
tive issue, however, for the Re-

gents and the Legislature have
been at odds for a few years
appropriations bills,
In a report prepared under
now over the University's rela-
tively high percentage of out-
of-state students. The Legisla-
ture has tried to reduce that
percentage by limitations on
the direction of Vice President
for State Relations and Plan-
ning Arthur Ross. the Univer-
sity questions the proposed
delegations of authority. It
maintains that admission and
retention policies are part of
the general supervision of the
University, the responsibility
for which the plan grants to
the Regents.
The state board's power to
define a policy on residency
and to initiate a study of "the

entire gamut of student tuition
and fees charges by the public
baccalaurate institutions" came
under attack,
"We believe that the Univer-
sity's tuition and fee schedules
must be established by the Re-
gents in line with the Univer-
sity's distinctive educational
purposes and problems," the
University statement asserts.
The report goes on to ask for
assurance no impairment of
the Regents' responsibility for
tuition and fee schedules is
As part of the state board's
intent to maintain autonom-
ously governed institutions, the
plan recommends that Flint
College and the Dearborn Cen-
ter "should be provided their

sh over master plan

autonomy in an expeditous
"Th eugains that are expected
to result from the drive and
creativity of autonomously gov-
erned institutions outweigh the
advantages that may accrue to
a branch from its governing
Parent," the report maintains.
The University, on the other
hand, maintains "the admin-
istration of established instal-
lations such as Flint College
and the Dearborn campus is a
matter for the Board of Re-
gents in the excercise of 'gen-
eral supervision' of its insti-
The statement further crit-
icizes the argument of auto-
nomy for branch campuses as
See ED. BOARD, Page 6


Romney has always been con-
sidered a top candidate for a spot
to speak at in Nixon's cabinet. The only ques- aus
tion remaining after Nixon's elec-
tion was which post would be of-
" fered to the governor.
eXercises The Free Prss reported t h a te
Romney was still in the running
for the commerce post as recently
William T. Gossett, president of as three days ago. Undoubtedly
will be the discussions at the Republican gov- jc i n u e
the American Bar Association, ernor's conference now being held
will be the speaker at winter com- in Palm Springs, Calif., led to
mencement exercises in Hill Aud. Romney's elimination as a candi- S. F. State tense;
at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. late for that post.
The topic of his speech will be Romney was also being consid-- CidSil its
"The Politics of Dissent," ered for the Department of In- ' ; '1
Over 2,000. degrees will be con- terior or the Department of Hous- Wasn111gtonl
ferred, including honorary degrees ing - and Urban Development.
for Gossett and four others. However Montana Governor Tim From wire service Reports
Five thousand tickets have been Babcock and liberal Democrat The student strike at San Fran-
ordered for the commencement Daniel Moynihan are now report- cisco State College continued toI
exercises. Four tickets apiece will ed to have wrapped up those two be extremely bitter, while students
be given to each graduate who de- posts. at a St. Louis university vowed
sires them. The remainder, which Moynihan is one of the nation's yesterday they will continue
will be made available to the pub- foremost experts on urban affairs peaceful sit-ins at the school ad-
lic on a first come, first served and inner city renewal. ministration building until their
basis, may be obtained at the in- The governor's conference w separate demands are met.
formation desk in the lobby of the see much decision-making'as far Dr. S. I Hayakawa, acting pres-
LS .m.uildg ro 9 a. L to as Nixon's cabinet is concerned. ident of San Francisco State Col-
Lsgrghapr'ess assistant lege, offered concessions yester-
Gossett, who became ABA pre- Donald L. Ziegler said the rPesi- day aimed at ending the violent
sident in August, was vice presi- dent-elect conferred with the 24 month-long strike there. B u t
dent and general counsel of Ford Republican governors and govern- strike leaders quickly rejected
Motor Company from 1947 to ors-elect "in the most general of them and called him a liar.
1962. In 1962 and 1963 he served terms" of the Cabinet he will, Within minutes after Hayakawa
as President Kennedy's ambassa- name next week. announced his program, about 3001
dor in international trade nego- In its story, the Free Press stat- black and white students, along
ou. He is urrently with th ed, "It is no secret that Romney with some black community lead-i
Detroit law firm of Dykema, ers, marched around the campus,
Wheat,' Spencer, Goodnow, and has long been enticed by the gla- shouting, "On Strike! Shut it
Trigg. See NIXON, Page 6 down!"
The demonstrators held a brief
0 r1 yat which speakers castigated
Register early and avoid the acting president, then march-
ed off.
It was in sharp contrast with
the day before, when police with'
usual J terrnan maze drawn guns and MACE kept a,
crowd from entering the admin-
By MICHAEL THORYN One factor which may motivate istration building.
The lines are on the inside students to register early rather Trying to end the often violent
during early registration. than after Jan. 8 is a new $15 late strike at San Franciscso S t a t e,
An average of 1400 students a registration fee. College, Hayakawa announced the
day are being processed at early Literary college and education{ creation of a full-scale black stu-
registration, Registration Director school students can pick up their dies department with classes
John Stewart says. The early reg- materials in the basement lobby starting in February and studies
istration process is designed to of the LS&A'building. Other stu- leading to degrees.
eliminate the traditional winter dents should check with their At Washington University the
registration snarl at Waterman schools to see where they can pick Association of Black Collegians
gym, Jan. 6-8. up registration materials. took over the campus police sta-
Though the system, manned by Students who have scholarships tion Thursday, demanding t h e!
fifteen students and staff mem- or grants and who register early punishment of policemen they ac-
bers, was designed for 800 stu- should obtain their awards during cused of mistreating a black stu-
dents a day, Stewart says students the regular registration period at dent. They also called for a great-$
going though "look happy" and Waterman, Stewart says. er role for blacks in school af-
that everything is fine. Foreign students should have fairs.b
All currently enrolled graduate their registrationaires stamped at tion yesterday morning and then
and undergraduate students who! the International Center. moved into the accounting office
have advance classified may early No course or class changes will m the basement of the adfice
register weekdays from 8:15 a.m, be permitted during early regis- istration building. They promised
to 11:45 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30 tration. Stewart advises students not to interfere with the opera-
p.m. ;to register early and make course tion of the office.
Registration continues until changes in January. The mostly white group, sitting-
Dec. 20 in the LS&A building The major slowdown in going in outside Chancellor Thomas H
basement. through the registration lines is tion of the school's
Stewart says 20,000 students filling out address cards. Bring a Eliot's office, demanded abolition1
have advance classified and are no. 2 pencil and be prepared to of the school's optional Reserve
eligible to register early. The sit on the floor. Stewart says a Officer Training Corps program.
total includes 2,000 of 7,000 grad- student can go through the six They also asked for a greaterI
uate students. See REGISTRATION, Page 6 voice in university affairs.




cens orshpo
Walker report,
WASHINGTON (Ai-- Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark labeled
as "pure fabrication" an article in the Chicago Tribune charg-
ing the Justice Department with playing a key role in the
Walker report.
The report, prepared for the President's Commission on
Violence, blames "a police riot" for launching the street
violence during the Democratic National Convention last
The Tribune article said Clark had the report substan-
tially re-written, particularly the summary which said au-
thorities reacted to taunting----"
dem onstrators with "unre- scv
strained and indiscriminateH A C lnk
police violence."
In the meantime, the violence
commission has gone into seclus-t
ion in northern Virginia to shape
its report to the White House. The, Oi
deadline for the report is Jan.V I t.coil
20, when President Johnson leaves
Clark denied that his depart- WASHINGTON OP) - T h e
ment did any censoring. "T h e chairman of a House investigat-
department did not suggest t h e ing panel said yesterday evidence
change of even one word of the in hearings this week shows par-
summary. If the facts offend the ticipation by Communists and
Tribune," he said, "it should suf- other revolutionaries in street
fer them silently rather than try riots which accompanied the
to change them." Democratic National Convention
in Chicago last August.
However, he did acknowledge After Yippie Jerry Rubin ap-
that federal, attorneys censored d s mh
the report before it was made pub- peared, the subcommittee chair-
lie and cut brief sections on in- man, Rep. Richard H. Ichord (D-
in-Mo.), called a news conference
cidents of violence still under nand said "certainly the r e c o r d
vestigation by the Justice De- shows that the leaders of the de-
nonstrations collaborated with
A spokesman for the Chicago the North Vietnamese and the
Tribune said the source for its Viet Cong."
story that Clark had the Walker Tom Hayden and Rennie Davis,
report revised "is highly placed, co-chairmen of the National Mo-
authoritative and completely re- bilization Committee to End the
liable." War in Vietnam, testified about
Clark said government attorneys contacts with North Vietnamese
involved in the continuing probe 'officials.
of the Chicago disorders did re- None of the witnesses said he
view the report to prevent an y is a Communist, but they said
abridgement of the rights of per- they have Communist friends.
sons still under investigation.
Ichord, in his closing statement,
The attorney general said "sev- said "being a Communist today Is
eral passages in the text directly passe." He said the New Left fol-
relating to the department's pend- lowers consider themselves revolu-
ing investigation" were deleted. tionists of one kind or another.
The Walker report noted in its Although witnesses occasionally
section on police violence involv- would acknowledge knowing some
ing the press that descriptions of of the persons mentioned, a usual
several cases had been trimmed reply was that many people at
out because of the probe. Chicago with similar immedate
Rep. Richard Ichord, (D.Mo.), goals did not share the samre
See CLARK, Page 6 long-term goals or philosophy.

Associated Press
SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, PERHAPS: Gov. George Romney, shown here horseback
riding during the Republican Governors' Convent ion in Palm Springs, Calif., is expected to be chosen
by Nixon to serve in the Cabinet, probably in the transportation post. Before 'becoming governor in
1962, Romney was president of American MotorsCorp.

SHA issues rental guide

Did they turn your heat off in
the middle of the winter? Did
you get two dollars back, out of
a $70 dollar damage deposit with-
out an explanation?
Do you know about the Off-
Campus Mediation Service? Do
you know of the Student Govern-
ment Council lawyers?
If the answers to the first ques-
tions are yes, and the second no,
then you ought to get a copy of
"Student Housing Rights and Re-
sponsibilities," edited and dis-
tributed by Student Housing As-
sociation (SHA).

and responsibilities. The pamphlet
examines topics including verbal
and written contracts, the dif-
ferent kinds of evictions, city
building codes, and recourses
available for unresolved com-
"If there is no mediation clause,
think twice about signing the
lease. It may be very difficult, in
some cases impossible, to resolve
a serious complaint otherwise,"
the booklet advises prospective
Students are warned to get a
definition of "normal wear and

may eventually be responsible for
having it cleaned himself.
Aside from general cleanliness
the Building Code provides that:
-garbage must be placed in re-
fuse containers of sufficient size
to handle two weeks' accumulation
of garbage,
-the kitchen and bathrooms
must be in good working order,
and supplied, with hot and cold
-every unit should have suf-
ficient heating devices to maintain!
a temperature of 70°F in all rooms
even at -10°F,
-stairs and public hallways
must be well lit, and
-parking spaces equivalent toI
one and one-third per unit be

tear"-the vague term

The newly prepared booklet will
be available during registration at
Waterman Gym. It describes the
students' rights in most areas of
housing rental and provides in-
formation about tenants' rights

students so much each

that costs

McCracken: Job s without inflation

-determine who is liable for
third party accidents; and
-determine just how much
parking will cost. Students often
findtthemselves paying $10 ai
month for an unused parking'
The booklet advises students
they'have very clear rights which
must be fulfilled before they move
in. "The landlord is obligated to
have the apartment in clean and~
orderly condition when the ten-
ant moves in, and must keep it
in reasonable repair. This is a
state law." If the apartment is
dirty upon assuming occupancy
Sandthe tenant fails to have the
landlord fix this immediately, he

Student-owned coffee house:
A1 little food, a little poltitcs

By NANCY LISAGOR ternative will be sold to students
Is there an alternative to The during January registration for
System? five dollars each.

atre, poetry readings,
ing and jam sessions.

folk sing-

Daily News Analysis
The man who will become
President-elect Richard Nix-
on's top economic adviser has a
dream that many economists
feel is an impossibility.
,,Paul McCracken, Edmund
Ezra Day professor in the busi-
ness administration school and
newly appointed chairman of
the Council of Economic Ad-
visers, believes that the Amer-
ican economy can achieve full
employment without inflation.
In a news conference yester-
day, McCracken said the cur-

ed to increase. But if measures
are used to hold the price level
down by holding back the grow-
th of consumer demand, the
employment level usually drops.
McCracken said he does not
think this relationship is ne-
cessarily valid. "The empirical
evidence is muddy on the rela-
tionship between employment
and prices."
Inflation must not continue
at its present level for four rea-
sons, McCracken said. First, he
said, as inflation continues, busi-
nesses begin to,/make decisions

port goods less attractive on the
world market.
But McCracken also finds the
levels of unemployment preval-
ent in the late '50's and early
'60s unacceptable.
Economists usually speak in
terms of two major types of
unemployment, general and
structural. General unemployment
is caused by the presence in the
labor force of'workers who are
normally employable but who
are out of work because of a
lack of demand for their pro-
T e-,et r't,I, 1v nnmnnlnlvacl

duce unemployment even be-
yond the point of eliminating
general unemployment.
He said that structural un-
employment could be reduced
through job training programs,
but refused to speculate on
whether such programs would
be high on the spending priori-
ties of the Nixon administra-
McCracken optimisticly feels
that all this can be done with-
out inflation. He said the first
step is to cut down consumer de-
mand, which is currently in-
creasing faster than the produc-

There will be next semester
when a new coffee house, the Al-
ternative, opens in the State Street
campus area.
Organized by a group of pro-
fessors and students who describe
themselves as "politically orient-
ed," the coffee house hopefully,
will provide a place where stu-

At its outset, the coffee house'
will have a governing board made
up of members of its Student As-
sociation, (students h o I d i n g
shares), faculty members, and em-
ployes. Profits from the Alter-
native will be divided equallyx
among these three groups to use
as they wish.

Even a newsstand with political
material is envisioned.
In the true spirit of the un-
derground, planners expect the
basement below the coffee house
to be used as headquarters for
various political groups. A mime-
ograph machine will be available
for student use.
3~~~ ~ ""nrr ~i#ntwne~n in+t >

Go away
We checked our calendar
yesterday and discovered it was
Dec. 7, our last day of pub-
lication in 1968, a year that
conceivably could end in the
manner to which it has ac-

dents may go to eat, participate Faculty members who have in-'Cxuld saida"radical lieral'
in political discussion, and meet vested in the corporation will newspaper may be turned out from
people. gradually be paid back, until their under the Alternative, too, - if
"We hope the coffee house will shares are completely repaid and enough funds can be directed for
provide a place where a student, the coffee house becomes com- that purpose.
community can be built," says one pletely student-owned. Students who have shown in-
of the founders. Prof. Harvey Organizers have indicated that terest in the coffee house will

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