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December 06, 1968 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-06

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Friday, December 6, 1968


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Independent's pack poli power

This weekend most students will be found crowding into quiet
corners to cram for exams. But there is a select group of men who
will be tackling a vastly different assignment.
Coach Johnny Orr and the Michigan basketball team face three
tough tests in four days. The Wolverine roundballers play Toledo
at East Lansing Friday night, return home Saturday night for a
contest against Western Michigan, and travel to Durham, North
Carolina, Monday for a game against high-scoring Duke.
Michigan faces an extremely rough contest Friday night, forI
Toledo is recognized as one of the most powerful teams in the Mid-
west. The Rockets are fueled by such outstanding players as Steve
Mix, John Rudley, and Bob Miller; and piloted by Bobby Nichols
who has yet to turn the Rockets on a losing course in his four years
at the helm.
Not enough can be said about the ability of senior forward Steve
Mix. He is one of the most talented players in the country, and cur-
rently the Rockets high scorer and high rebounder. Mix is considered
an All-American prospect by nearly everyone.
John Rudley runs the team's fast-breaking offense. He is fast'
and possesses excellent timing all adding up to one of basketball's
better backcourt men.
Bob Miller adds to the potent Toledo offense with his fine shoot-
ing and rebounding ability. The Rockets may also enjoy the return

That large group of college mis-
fits, the independent schools,
should make quite an impact on'
college basketball circles this sea-
son. They are misfits because they
belong to no conference and so
have no chance for accolades ex-
cept through the polls or post-
season tournaments.
However, although the indepen-
dents comprise only a small por-
tion of the total number of
schools, most pre-season basket-
ball polls have at least five of
their number listed in the Topj

who swished the nets for 22.8
points per game last season.
No one else in the starting line-
up stands over 6-6, but this doesn't
worry coach Al McGuire. His last
two teams, which have compiled
a 44-15 record, also didn't have a
starter of that height.
The loss of super-s t a r . Elvin
Hayes and catlike guard Don
Chaney will no doubt hurt the
Houston team, but don't shed any
tears for Guy Lewis. He still has
a bone-crushing corps of rebound-
ers in Ken Spain, 6-10 redshirt
Mars Evans, and 6-9 sophomore
'Bob Hall.


Jeers renew
MSU rivalry

The Midwest is blessed w i t h In spite of this height, Lewis
several Catholic powerhouses, and will have Ollie Taylor, a junior
standing head and shoulders above Q .standing only 6-2, taking the cen-
these is Notre Dame, a school not y ter jumps. Theodis Lee rounds out
known usually for its cage prow- _ a starting line-up, that is backed
ess. The Irish, however, are rated up by a deep and talented bench,
either 4th or 5th in the nation ac- DWIGHT DUNLAP Villanova has never missed a
cording to most polls. cipally because of Olympic hero post-season tournament berth in
Although Notre Dame has all Spencer Haywood. The 6-8 junior eight years under Jack Kraft, who
its starters back from last year's college transfer has been a "30-30" has guided the team to a 141-55
aggregation which went 21-9. man thus far this season, with 30 record in that time. This season
three of them figure to be nudged points and 30 rebounds per game. should again prove no exception,
from the line-up by sophomores. with the Wildcats almost certain
The two who won't are forwards Detroit is probably the o n 1 y to improve on last year's 19-9 rec-
Bob Arnzen and Bob Whitmore, ranked team in the nation which ord.
who both averaged over twenty can boast a home-grown starting Johnny Jones, a bonafide All-
points last year. . unit, with all five starters living American candidate who has
within twenty miles of the cam- scored 1057 points in his college
Although none of his players pus. career, leads a team attack built
have faced Lew Alcindor in col- . - -.

TODAY here, there
GYMNASTICS--Michigan at Eastern Michigan, 7:30 p.m.
HOCKY-Mihiga Stte a theColBuried at the end of the se-
HOCKEY-Michigan State at the Coliseum, 8:00 p.m. mester, Michigan's first home
BASKETBALL--Michigan vs. Toledo at East Lansing hockey game just might get lost
-except that the Green Meanies
TOMORROW from East Lansing are the oppo-
HOCKEY--Michigan at Michigan State sition.
BASKETBALL-Western Michigan at Events Building, 7:30 p.m. The traditional rivals clash at
8 p.m. tonight in the Colesium,
with an immediate rematch 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in East Lansing.
of forward John Brisker who has rejoined the team after playing The Wolverine icers skated offf
football this fall. with three of last year's four meet-
Toledo is a quick, well-disciplined team, and Michigan will haveings, scoring 24 times to the
to be in prime physical condition to keep pace with the explosive Spartan ne,
Rocket offense. Spartan nemesis Jinn Keough
will be in the Michigan nets again'
Toledo is not exactly slow on defense either. Assistant Coach tonight.
Snowden says, "they are a big team, they rebound, and they have an The All-American senior goal-
excellent defense." Orr anticipates a real rough game, but has con- keeper had his first testing this
fidence that the Wolverines can win if they play the type of game of year against Wisconsin last week-
which they are capable, end. Despite the 5-4 loss the first
night, Keough made 36 saves and
The Wolverines will be blessed by the return of captain Ken added 31 more in a -5-3 win the
Maxey, who sat out the first game because of an injury. His return following night.
should prove to be a valuable asset for the squad. It promises to be The Spartans will be minus
an exciting contest, and for those who want to take a study break, Nino Cristofoli, who scored four
the game will be televised on Channel 24 at 7:30 p.m. of last year's nine goals, but coach

lege action, Whitmore and Sid
Cattlett, one of t h e sophomore
whizzes, faced the giant while at
DeMatha High in Washington,
D.C. . . . and dealt Lew's Power
Memorial Academy team its only
Bob Calihan's University of De-
troit Titans are rapidly awaken-
ing the Motor City to the excite-
ment of winning basketball, prin-

With ball-handling whiz Dwight on speed and rebounding strength.
Dunlap and Calihan's son, Bob The big name on the squad,
Jr., at guards, Detroit may com- however, is that of 6-8 Howard
pile its b e s t record since 1913 Porter. Two years ago he was one
(13-0), especially in view of its of the nation's most sought-after
favorable schedule. Home and high school performers, and last
home series with Marquette's year he proved why, leading the
Warriors and Notre Dame should Villanova freshman team with 30
make or break its chances for points and 21 rebounds a game.
national acclaim. Another traditionally powerful
Speaking of Marquette, they are eastern team, St. Bonaventure,
also raising a few eyebrows. The may crack the top ten, although
Warriors, 10th and _15th in the they will be hard-pressed to better
UPI and AP polls respectively, will last year's 22-0 regular season rec-
field their traditional small but ord. The Bonnies lean heavily on
lightning-quick gang of ballhawks. All-American Bob Lanier, a jun-
The driving force of the team lies ior who averaged 26.2 points and
in 6-0 guard Dean Meminger and! 15.6 rebounds per game, b o t h
6-2 forward George Thompson, school records for a sophomore.


RODNJiY FORD (43) started against Northern Illinois in Michi-
gan's opening 93-85 victory and was second to Rudy Toinjanovich
in rebounding and scoring.
GVmnasts hobble to YpSI
By ANDY BARBAS ference between the two of us
' should be a point or so."
Micligan's mniasts will.wan- Eastern's biggest hopes rest with
der over to Ypsilanti tonight to
compete with Eastern Michigan theirs sidehorse team. Chuck Har-
and Kent State. That is, some of ve was theirtbest annbutrhe
them illhas been a little off in prac-
them will. tice. Either Bob Gaines or Tim
The Wolverines are presently Riley has a good chance of beat-
Engry rom secmsetofb e h ing him and possibly the Wolver-
Everyone seems to be missing for ie
one reason or another. All- ins.o
arounder Sid Jensen it not in Michigan will use two of its
school this semester because h three sideorse specialist Bob
Acompeted in the Olympics. George Wagner, Mike Gluck and Jinrl De-
Hntzikerhaan in juredym s G'nge boo. In order to have all three
Huntzicker has an injured ankle compete under pressure, Coach
and also will be out. Newt Loken is not going to tell
Fred Rodney is still woozy from them which two are to have their

Amno Bessone will not be lacking
"Things won't get any easier Saturday night," says Snowden. offensively.
Western Michigan was very impressive in its game against the strong Senior co-captain Ken Anstey,
University of Detroit team led by Olympic star Spencer Haywood. last year's leading scorer with 30
As a matter of fact they had U. D. beaten until they blew the game points, will be centering one line,
on a bad shot in the closing seconds. The Broncos even out-rebounded and co-captain Bob DeMarco will
Detroit. lead the other.
Western is led by senior standout Gene Ford. Ford is thought But State's biggest plus is a
by, many to be one of the better players in the Midwest. The team stronger defense, headed by vet-
erans Al Swanson and Nelson De-
is a young one, but what it lacks in experience it makes up for in Benedet. Juniors Rick Duffett and
talent. Bob Johnson will alternate in the
Bronco coach Sonny Means is very much impressed by Michigan's goal.
team. "They are a different team from the past couple of years," he Michigan's defensive effective-
says. "Coach Orr has them running a lot more." ness may depend on the playing
Norternstatus of captain Paul Domm. He
He was impressed by the Wolverine's fast break against Northernsuffered a shoulder separation
Illinois last Monday, and looks forward to playing in the Events against Wisconsin and his avail-
Building, expecting the game to be a tough one. ability is still doubtful.
Michigan hardly has time to study before its next test, which
could be the roughest, against the impressive Duke Blue Devils. Duke _
has proved its capabilities in their first two games in which they
unleased a barrage of buckets.6
They are averaging 108 points per game. Duke is an extremely
tall team with four men who stand 6-7 or better. The Blue Devils, H O
curently rated seventeenth in the nation, could cause many problems MlCHIGA
for the smaller Michigan team.1

Billboar dU
The Michigan Handball Club
entertains Lake Forest in two
days of tournaments in the In-
tramural Building. Tonight's
singles matches begin at 8 p.m.,
There will also be two doubles
matches tomorrow morning at
10 a.m. Admission is free.
* *~ *
The IM Building will also be
the site of an All-Campus
Powerlifting Meet sponsored by
t h e Michigan Weightlifting
Club at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
Anyone desiring tickets to the
Kentucky Invitational Basket-
ball Tournament December 20-
21 can purchase them now from
the Athletic Ticket Office, cor-
ner of Hoover and State, for $8
a pair.

odium Robe 42 x 60... ..... ... $ 8.35
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55 P.M.
25 P.M.

It should prove to be a very exhaustive weekend for the Wol-
verines, but Orr and Snowden are confident that the team can win
all three games if they play up to their potential.

FR 17.,/:
SAT., 7:

60 x 80 90% Wool 10% Felt Binding
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a motorcycle accident two weeks
ago and will only compete on the
high bar, Murray Plotkin is out
for the season with an injured
ankle. The whole trampoline team
won't be : competing because the
event is not officially an NCAA
event (it has to be approved by
the different teams in order for
the event to count).
Yet even with these handicaps,
the result of the meet is fairly cer-
tain. Coach Mary Johnson of Eas-
tern is already conceding: "We'll
be conpeting more to beat in-
dividual performers than to beat
the whole Michigan team."
He is, however, counting on a
close fight for second with Kent
State. "They have a team which
is about the same as ours. The dif-

v+av aa. rv a as rv v wl V 4V 11W V V V11Gll
cnnrnr nn nf onrl rv ic: +hn . ., ., .,

soesc.u anu ony the score- It'is a sort of guarded confidence, thoigh, for they both are aware
Because of Jensen, Huntzicker of the capabilities of their opponents.
and Rodney's absence, the Wolver- Snowden sums it up by noting, "It's going to be a hot time this
ines will only be using three men weekend."j
in the floor exercise. Even then,
Dave Jacobs has been concentrat-
ing on the trampoline until last
week (when he won the World
Championships) and will not be in
top form for the floor ex.
Sophomores Rick McCurdy and
Ed Howard will compete all-
around in place of Jensen.
The battle will be between Eas-
tern Michigan and Kent State,
"with Michigan there." Judging
from the number of performers
missing, it seems more like Mich-
ivan's substitutes who will be
there. Hear, America's favorite can

FRI., 7:55 P.M.-SAT., 7:25 P.M.




__ ____:__ . _______ w--- ---





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GOIN' PLACES-John Davidson
SUPER SESSION-Mike Bloomfield
Ray Conniff


QUICKSILVER-Messenger Service
Th 1. offor4r..m an


I 1


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