Friday, December%6, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Fridy, eceber , 168 HE MCHIAN AIL Paae Thee Pt SOME HAVE SUCCESS Reform Jewish Worship Service 8:15 P.M December 6 STOCKWELL LOUNGE ON EG SHABBOT to follow ALL ARE INVITED 11 Linking needs of town and gown U -E' PETER GRIFFITH, Classical guitarist, composer at MARK'S COFFEE HOUSE 605 East William performances at 9:00; 10:00 & 1 1 :00 P.M. Fri., Dec. 6th and Sat., Dec. 7th Admission $1 .50 Get ACTION, with: Daily Classifieds By GARVEN HUDGINS Associated Press Education Writer, (Part two of two parts) Although universities are of- ten a major economic reason for a town's existence, many re- main quite removed from the problems of the communities around them. Only a few pioneers have taken steps to reduce friction between the needs of local cit- izens and the more transient needs of the students. A couple of successful at- tempts have been made at Greensboro, North Carolina, home of North Carolina Agri- cultural and Technical Univer- sity and, in New Jersey, at Rut- gers University. "Recognition in the commu- nity and in the university of the spirit of what we are trying to do, regardless of race, is rep- resentative of the atmosphere here," said Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy, A&T president. "The involvement of A&T -in the community has come about, not through an attempt at win- dow dressing, but of necessity since the university has been so long a vital part of this city. A&T has show an exceptional sense of its involvement and its commitment to the communi- ty.' 'I ' ' i The Greensboro Chamber of Commerce includes 150 Negroes, 30 of whom are alumni or fac- ulty members from A&T. Dr. Dowdy and two other Negroes are members of the Chamber's board of directors. "We want the people of Greensboro to offer suggestions to us on how we at A&T might better serve this community," Dowdy said. "We need them to help us discover our strengths and weaknesses and to propose procedures on how town and gown can better t living and dynamic force." Dowdy said A&T last year used a $24,500 federal grant to work jointly with Greensboro residents "not at the doctor- lawyer level, but lower than that where the problems are." As a result, he said, the uni- versity stimulated nev con- struction, new jobs, model city planning and programs to up- grade the educational back- ground of slum children. The Greensboro Retail Mer- chants Association, which in- cludes Negro business owners, some of whom are A&T grad- uates, has taken a strong pub- lic .stand favoring fair housing and equal job opportunities. A&T students run a tutorial program for low income chil- dren lagging behind in school studies. Student volunteers also work with the Youth Educa- tion Service in Greensboro and with the, city's redevelopment office. "Greensboro has been par- ticularly conscious of the need to improve human relations since the first student sit-ins occurred here," said civic leader Sieber. "Once we became aware of the injustices and these were brought to our attention, we tried to move ahead as a whole and A&T has been very con- spicuous in our community leadership." A prototype of the urban- oriented university of the future . is Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey. The university is in an in- tense building campaign in Ne- wark, and is deeply involved in establishing equal opportuni- ty in the construction work. In cooperation with contractors, it has fostered an apprenticeship program f o r disadvantaged youngsters. Rutgers is among universities that have taken a gamble in changing standards to admit disadvantaged youngsters. "It can be a rough problem when, for reasons of space, you have to turn down a perfectly qualified applicant to make room for a student you are frankly gambling on to come through," said a university of- ficial. "But we're doing it any- way." Several hundred disadvant- aged applicants have entered Rutgers under this system. William Weinberg, assistant for labor relations, said there now is a "cooperative relation- ship" between Rutgers and the community. "In the old days, a politician could always stir a response by blaming Rutgers," Weinberg said. "That's not true anymore." Rutgers directs an Urban Studies Center which seeks to bring the university's resources to bear on city problems, and Arthur J. Holland, chief of the center, said, "I think we're now in the midst of one of the long- est honeymoons between a town and a university I've ever seen." Rutgers students serve as tu- tors in New Brunswick, Newarkj and Camden elementary schools and others work as volunteer re- searchers in surveys of housing conditions and relocation needs. Evening schools for disadvan- taged students are run by the university law school and its so- cial science faculty. With help from federal funds, Rutgers also conducts a com- munity action intern training prograni for the development of; leadership inside the communi- ty. Consultants have included such Negro leaders as James Farmer and Bayard Rustin, plus economists, lawyers and la- bor experts. The university trains Negro students in computer technol- ogy as part of its economic op- portunity program and students have provided leadership for training preschool children in deprived areas. There also is a Rutgers-sponsored program to help small businessmen. "Today as never before, there is mutual appreciation between town and gown,' said Holland. "It is enhanced every day as de- partments of the university and the city are brought closer to- gether." The university is relating its building plans to urban renewal in New Brunswick and plans a cultural center in the heart of the city where educational and artistic presentations now shown only on campus can be made available to the public. The case for bringing univer- sities into direct confrontation with problems of today's cities was summed up by New York's Commissioner of Education James E. Allen at ceremonies marking t h e inauguration of Columbia's $10-million urban development program. "If our universities are to be productive sources of help," said Allen, "their future development must prepare them for service to the many, for direct and prac- tical involvement in the reali- ties of man's difficulties." State Ed Board to hold hearing Hearings which would allow stu- dents to have a voice in the de- velopment of statewide planning for higher education have been scheduled for a time when most students will be on vacation. The State Board of Education will meet at Slauson Jr. High School in Ann Arbor on Dec. 19, two days after the end of finals. They are seeking comments and complaints about a preliminary State Plan for coordinating high- er education. The report establishes an ad- ministrative role for the state board among the state'scolleges and universities. Copies of the re- port, prepared by advisory com- mittee from various sectors of higher education, have been cir- culated to University administra- tors for several months. rU .i 7 * ---See--- -Fri. DON'T SUCCUMB Sat. 8:00 P.M. free eats, too TO EXAM-WEEK SYn. BLAHS!!! Admission--$1.50 at the door 1$1.00 after second set) the news today !y The Associated Press and College Press Service SOUTH VIETNAM ordered its entire negotiating team to Paris to begin four-way peace talks early next week. The diplomats, including Vice-President Nguyen Cao Ky, will arrive Sunday in Paris where expanded negotiations are expected to start Monday or Tuesday. Before Ky was not to join the talks until later. Meanwhile, America delegates are awaiting Saigon's am- bassador to the United States, Bui Diem, to discuss South Vietnam's stance on proposed peace plans. The ambassador is expected to fly to Washington next week to talk with President-elect Richard M. Nixon. MEANWHILE, INCREASED FIGHTING in South Viet- nam sent American battle deaths to the highest peak in two months. During November, the first month of the total bomb halt in North Vietnam, 681 Americans were killed in action a 27 per cent increase over October. The U.S. Command announced after the bombing halt it would intensify ground action to keep the Communists from gaining any advantage from it. A Viet Cong broadcast announced yesterday the Viet Cong will observe three-day cease-fires over the Christmas and New Year's holidays. The United States and South Viet- nam announced earlier, however, they would observe only a 24-hour cease-fire on Christmas Day. SOCIAL TURBULENCE IN ITALY halted abruptly yesterday, raising hopes the 16-day-old government crisis was nearing an end. A 24-hour general strike continued to cripple Rome, but elsewhere an easing of worker a n d student disturbances seemed to indicate that disruptions and demonstrations have ended for awhile. There was speculation that leaders of the demonstrations, especially Communist-led unions, fear more disturbances will provoke a repressive reaction throughout all of Italy. With the sudden relaxation of national tensions, Pre- mier-designate Mariano Rumor resumed meetings with the leaders of the three parties of his proposed center-left coali- tion, amid growing signs he might form a cabinet by this weekend. AN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK to monitor t e s t underground nuclear explosions was proposed yesterday by the United States. The chief U.S. disarmament negotiator, William C. Fos- ter, submitted the proposal to a United Nation committee. Foster claimed such a network could contribute to arms con- trol by improving nuclear detection techniques. Underground nuclear tests are not covered by the limited test ban treaty of 1963. Foster said the proposal involves a series of planned, fully publicized underground explosions to serve as a basis for a joint international investigation. The, proposal will probably be discussed further in bilat- eral negotiations with Russia, and in resumed sessions of the 17-nation disarmament committee in Geneva. THE TRIAL OF SIRHAN SIRHAN, accused assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was postponed yesterday until January. The trial was originally scheduled to begin Monday, but a delay was granted to permit a new member of the defense team to familiarize himself with the case. In related action, prosecution and defense attorneys ap- proved closed circuit televising of the proceedings to an aux- iliary press room, due to a shortage of courtroom space, but public broadcasting of the trial has been forbidden. AN ITALIAN PARISH REVOLT yesterday against the firing of a priest marked the first serious defiance of church authority in postwar Italy. A thousand parishioners - mostly women, children, and cripples - marched from their working-class parish into Cathedral Square to demand reinstatement of their priest, officially dismissed yesterday for disobeying cardinal orders. The priest announced he would continue to celebrate mass in the streets. Pope Paul VI had lashed out Wednesday at dissident priests and bishops who challenge traditional teachings of the Church. CIIMAWOILD NEXT WEEK-NEXT WEEK-NEXT WEEK GO WEST YOUNG MAN Thursday and Friday Dec. 2, 13starring: MAE WEST Dec. 12, 13 Short: HIS MUSICAL CAREER (Charlie Chaplin) The Lavender Hill Mob Saturday and Sunday ALEC GUINESS Dec. 14, 15 STANLEY HOLLOWAY The best British comedy ever made Laugh it up during exams ! r 662-6264 Complete Shows At 1:00, 3:00, 7:00 and 9:00. 2nd Week No one Admitted Under 18 Unless Accompanied By a Parent I 1 1 i "A joyous comedy."-Newsweek. "**** (Highest Rating)."-N.Y. Daily News. "A gem." -Washington Post. "This film is a smash. Wonderfully humorous."-Chicago Tribune."A warm, funny comedy."-Philadelphia Inquirer. "One of the year's outstanding pictures. Should not be missed."-Boston Globe. "An impeccable work of art."-Pittsburgh Post Gazette. "One of the best of this year or any year."-The Christian Science Monitor. "Go see this movie."-The National Observer. Judith Crist, NBC: "I love 'The Two Of Us'." Roostertail Upperdeck $ would like to introduce you to Detroit's largest, a 21.and-aver-lub *Sat. & un.-5:uu, 7:00, 9:00 O OF ~C~~t~,Vtttxt.W4. N'StP%'"t~''~>'tt4PP.. S. P p1 4,, ~~t'~"* tp1 I I U