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December 06, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-06

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Partly cloudy with
snow flurries

VOL. LXXIX, No. 81

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 6, 1968

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

$5511progra ms
By LESLIE WAYNE active solicitation of funds from private
With only $110 collected, it will be a sources, these projects may never get out
long time before the proposed $2 million of the planning stage, according to sources
International Center will be built. in the administration.
For this center, along with several other "Since the end of the campaign, all pro-
top priority projects initiated under the jects not funded have been dropped from
$55M campaign, never received the ade- active solicitation. Whether they will be
quate financial support. And now, a, year reactivated is up to the Regents," explains
after the end of that campaign, the status Michael Raddock, Vice President for Uni-
of these projects remains uncertain. versity Relations.
Sufficient funds for the renovation of Money already pledged to these projects
Hill Aud., construction of a University is being held until the remainder of the
theater, a Dearborn Center library, a Fac- funds are acquired. Often this amounts to
ulty Alumni Center and a University Con- only a few thousand dollars, yet. in some
cert Hall, among other projects, have yet cases it can run into the millions.
to be secured. For example, the University theatre, af-
And the Residential College, a prime ter receiving an initial gift of more than
target of the 55M campaign, was forced to $1 million from former Regent Eugene B.
turn to internal University sources to Power, received an additional $1.2 million
raise funds for the expansion and modern- during the $55M campaign. Until the $5.5
ization of East Quadrangle. milion goal is reached, however, these
Unless the University once again begins funds will not be released. Meanwhile, the

$5.5 million price tag for the theatre con- also approp
tinues to rise. designated
While most projects still await funding. Solicitati
several have been deemed critically in need jects will b
of funds by the Regents and other means Raddock s
of financing have been found. As a res
0 The Residential College, which re- the $55Mc
ceived only $36,107 of a needed $1.8 mil- have beguG
lion during the $55M campaign, will be projects. G
financed through a combination of student stepped in
fees and dormitory refinancing. versity
With the
* The Samuel T. Dana Chair of Out- King Mem
door Recreation received only $52,000 of
a $300,000 request during the campaign. If paigns arec
this money had not been raised by Jan. 1,The
the original, $200,000 donation from Law-
rence Rockefeller towards the $500,000 eas starte
chair would have been forfeited.C nter for
counting a
O The last $76,660 towards a proposed building in
Flight Simulation Research Facility was center.

financial starvation

priated by the Regents from un--
$55M funds.
on for other less pressing pro-
e reactivated as the need arises.
ult of a lack of support during
campaign, several private groups
n to solicit funds for particular
enerally, interested alumni have
with the blessings of the Uni-
exception of the Martin Luther
orial Fund, these limited cam-
directed by persons having some
with the project.
Business Administration School
d to collect funds for the Paten
Business Management. This ac-
nd research center will be one
a projected new management

The estimated cost of the project is $1.5
million, however, "not much has been
pledged so far," Raddock reports.
- -The Friends of the Michigan Historical
Collection will begin to solicit funds to
house the University's historical docu-
ments, presently stored at Willow Run.
This group will start with base money ac-
cumulated during the $55M campaign and
will try to raise from $800,000 to $1 mil-
-The Martin Luther King Memorial
Fund, under the supervision of Regent Otis
Smith and literary college Dean William
Haber, is seeking funds for 30 graduate
fellowships, 100 undergraduate scholar-
ships and to subsidize a visiting professor.
This project began with a $10,000 allocation
by the Regents from undesigned $55M
Yet other than these projects, fund rais-

ing efforts have dropped into low gear.
Gone is the much publicized bandwagon
attack directed for specific goals. In its
place, the University has started a soft
sell effort aimed at individual donors.
"Basically, we can't go back to the same
people and .ask them for more support in
general," says Alan MacCarthy, director of
the University's Development Council.
"However, we'vs developed several good
leads during the $55M campaign that must
be followed up," he adds.
Figures are not available on the total
amount of funds raised since the end of
the campaign nor are any projections being
made on the expected yearly total.
In the past fiscal year (1967-68), gifts
and non-federal grants accounted for
$14,024,609 or 6.2 per cent of the total
University revenue. Foundation grants ac-
counted for the major portion of this total.


Nixon con ers
with Harriman
NEW YORK (R - After conferring with U.S. negotiator
W. Averill Harriman yesterday, President-elect Richard M.
Nixon announced he will not send an interim observer to the
Paris peace talks.
Harriman, however, emerged from the meeting before
the official announcement to tell newsmen: "I got the im-
pression that he will send an observer but I don't know who
he will be or when he will come."
However, Ronald L. Ziegler, Nixon's spokesman, said
Harriman apparently got the wrong impression, Ziegler is-
sued this statement:
"There will be no observer sent to Paris by President-
elect Nixon between now and Jan. 20. Ambassador Robert D.
- . - _----- Murphy is, and will continue
' T to be, Mr. Nixon's foreign pol-
niaeKs tafe icy observer and he will con-
tinue to carry out this respon-
c m u sibility in Washington, D.C.
eam pus IS ILI0 Following the inauguration, Mr.
Nixon will, of course, send a re-
*t *u L presentative to Paris."
Harriman said he and his dep-
uty, Cyrus R. Vance, will be re-
ST. LOUIS (IP) - About 30 placed by new negotiators in Paris
blacks took control of the cam- after Nixon takes office Jan. 20.
pus police office at Washington Nixon had disclosed earlier that
University last night in protest there had been discussions on as-
over the alleged beating of a black signing Henry Cabot Lodge to.-
student by security officers. serve as Paris negotiator in the
A The incident reportedly was new administration. Lodge, Nix-
touched off yesterday afternoon on's vice presidential running
when a black student supposedly mate in 1960, now is U.S. ambas-
was stopped by campus police and sador to West Germany.
asked to show identification. The Harriman said that he saw no
student refused and police alleg- evidence that Nixon will alter the
edly beat him. emphasis of U.S. policy. He said
Meanwhile another. group of he did not believe "there will be
*white students reportedly tried to any noticeable change from Jan.
get into Chancellor Thomas H. 20 to Jan. 21."
Eliot's office but were refused en- W t
tranceWhile the top U.S. negotiators
trance. will be replaced with the change
"They aren't doing any harm,", in administration, Harriman said
Eliot said. "I hope the Negroes Nixon indicated he would like to
go home for their own sake." retain diplomatic and military ex-
Eliot said a black administra- perts now erving in the delega-
* tive aide went to confer with the tn s

SGC supports



-Associated Press
PRESIDENT-ELECT RICHARD M. NIXON discusses the stature of the Paris peace talks with U.S. negotiator W. Averill Harriman in
New York yesterday. After conferring with the ambassador the President-elect indicated he would not retain Harriman after Jan. 20.
Nixon announced, though, he would not send an observer to the talks until after the inauguration.
Norman asks researchcutack

debates tenure'
Student Government Council last night unanimously en-
dorsed the Ann Arbor rent strike for recognition of a Tenant's
Union as an agent to bargain with Ann Arbor landlords.
"The substantial support shown so far for the rent strike
is another indication of student disatisfaction with the entire
Ann Arbor housing situation," explained SGC President Mike
He added the support "clearly demonstrates" that stu-
dents want "more influence and authority" in dealing with
their respective landlords. '-- - --
Mark Schrieber, head of the
Student Housing Association, said Disturbance
SHA tried for four months to be
recognized by the Ann Arbor
Property Managers Association as h at
a bargaining agent .for students.,1
He explained the landlord group
refused to recognize SHA as the LtaLe
bargaining agent, however. V ai
Council also moved last night to
set up a student store which would From Wire Service Reports
sell records and school supplies SAN FRANCISCO - Strikers
"as soon as possible." stormed the San Francisco State
Executive Vice President Bob College Administration Building
Neff said the store could sell rec- yesterday and tried to confront
ord albums 70 cents cheaper than Acting President S. I. Hayakawa,
most Ann Arbor stores. He said but were repelled by six policemen
the store will also provide sub- with drawn pistols and Mace re-
stantial discounts on all school pellent.
supplies. Several hundred police who had
The store will tentatively be been held in reserve off the capn-
located in the SHA office on the pus quickly cleared the quadrangle
first floor of the Student Activities outside of about 2,000 persons in
Building, Neff added. a club-swinging struggle.
In other action, SGC passed a At least 13 persons were ar-
motion expressing "serious con- rested, including Dr. Carlton
cern" over the "evaluation" of Goodlett, a black publisher, and
recent denials of tenure to Prof. the Rev. Jerry Pederson, Lutheran
Julian Gendell of the chemistry chaplain at Ecumenical House,
department and Prof. Thomas staging center for the demonstra-
Mayer of the sociology depart- tion.
ment. About 200 other police, stationed
The motion further stated that off the campus, quickly arrived.
"these events make it clear that Hayakawa, acting president who
student participation in tenure reopened the strife-shaken col-
decisions is essential." SGC re- lege Monday, ordered over a
solved to "take appropriate steps" loudspeaker from his office:
to bring about this participation. "Clear the campus immediately,
Council member Panther White, You are no longer innocent by-
one of the motion's sponsors, said standars."
these two refusals of tenure "tell Leaders of the strike, which has
us that we must act now and disrupted the college since it was
change a narrow, archaic, and called by the Black Students Un-
undemocratic system of granting ion Nov. 6, made the march on
tenure." White said students must Hayakawa's office at the climax
have a formal say in these decis- to a lunchtime rally.
ions immediately. Jerry Varnardo, Black Students
Council also established a stu- Union leader, shouted at the rally,
dent lobby to direct activities in "We're going to call out the slave
the field of finances, demonstra- master. Call out the puppet to-
tions, communications, and na- day."
tional affairs. The lobby ostensibly A succession of speakers-in-
would provide students with a cluding black civic leaders-de-
"viable mechanism" for bringing manded that the college be closed
special interests to the attention again and blamed Hayakawa for
of Council. college difficulties.

blacks in the security officq.
One spokesman for the black
group said they are asking im-
mediately that the school f i r e
three of the officers they claim
were involved in the beating and
suspend the other two.
4 Another group of students re-
portedly had tried to enter the
ROTC rifle range on campus, but
Earlier in the day, Michael Sis-
kind, a 21-year-old student at the N
university, was charged in a fed-
eral warrant with attempting to
damage national defense material
and premises.
Siskind was arrested Tuesday and
charged in a state warrant with
possession of a firebomb.

Fereney hits HHH
Zolton Ferency, former Dem-
ocratic state chairman and a
Presidential elector, said yes-
terday he will refuse to cast
his vote for Hubert Humphrey.
Ferency said he could not in
good conscience vote for the
man partly responsible for our
involvement in Vietnam.
Ferency's refusal to act as
an elector automatically creates
a vacancy in the electoral col-
lege, which will be filled by an
alternate who supports Ilum-


Vice-President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman is, by his own
terms, currently in the business
of "spreading misery."
University researchers have
been successful in getting research
grants from the National Science
Foundation but a good number of
projects have not been sufficiently
funded. As a result, Norman has
requested that researchers at the
University cut down their spend-
Norman has also released a ten-
tative breakdown of the $62.3:
million expended for research in
fiscal 1968 and predicted that re-
search volume would be about
the same in fiscal 1969.
For the five years prior to fiscal
1968, research growth averaged
14 per cent a year. The increase in
fiscal 1968 was 4.2 per cent, bare-
ly keeping pace with inflation.
"Obviously, the growth rate
couldn't continue to be that
large," Norman said. "The Univer-
sity is not growing that fast."

The vice president now has lim-
ited space available for labora-
tory research in the physical sci-
ences. There also is an apparent
shift in research funding f r o m
physical to social sciences.
"This may shake a lot of peo-
ple," Norman said, "but the phy-
sical scientist is least well sup-
ported. For example, chemistry's'
grant total has not shifted in sev-
eral years."

Of the approximately $62.3 mil-
lion in research in fiscal 1968,
$48.3 million came from the fed-
eral government. Other major
supporters of University research
were foundations, health agencies
and private industry.
Norman attributed the drop in
DOD support to the switching of

some. projects to non-Defense
agencies and a drop in long-range
projects due to the pressures of
the Vietnam war.
Norman's job of getting support
and space for research projects
has been complicated by NSF's
movement into the social sciences.
See 'U' RESEARCH, Page 6

I TA E nl'w nirilp'il

! .

Norman agrees with Robert / V U J l
Burroughs, director of the Office!
of Research Administration, that
the complexion of research is "inStudeit
changing "Urban and social prob- '
lems will have increased funding,"
Burroughs said, "while other areas By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ
will be more constant." University Activity Center's ex-
The breakdown for last year's ecutive council has passed a res-
research volume showed a de- olution placing students services
crease of about $2 million from above UAC personnel problems in
the Department of Defense, from its list of priorities to the dismay
$17.7 million to $15.7 million, and of the Union Board of Directors.
an increase of more than $3 mil- The resolution was passed Tues-
ion to $18.7 million from the De- day after a study of UAC's selec-
partment of Health, Education, tion structure by the committee
and Welfare. on personnel policies. The commit-




Jlo tt Ho spital: Innovations in chi ld care

tee was formed this fall after
black students had charged the
UAC recruitment and promotion
process was "potentially discrim-1
The resolution states: "That
UAC regards service to the stu-
dent body as its first priority and
personnel as its second with an
understanding that UAC concen-
trates on personnel problems such
as selections, discriminatory prac-
tices, decentralization and any
other problems any other student
wishes to bring up."
The Union Board of Directors,
the final governing body of UAC,
criticized the executive council
action at its meeting last night.
Several members of the board in-
dicated dissatisfaction with the
statement because it seemed to
place representation of minority
groups in UAC as a secondary con-
cern rather than a primary one.
"I'd rather see the emphasis putj
on the other end," said Prof.
Richard Balshizer of the chemical
engineering department.
Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the
philosophy department a g r e e d
that UAC's main purpose was to
serve the student community, but
added, "this purpose should be
consistent with providing the
broadest possible opportunity for
all memherc of the sent ionm- .

Mott Hospital could appropriately claim,
"Babies are our business-our only business."
For Mott Hospital is the University's forth-
coming children's hospital. With completion
scheduled for the early summer of 1969, infants
and children will be treated there instead of at
the University Hospital.
Besides being "the core unit or the nucleus for
a children's medical center," according to Dr.
William Oliver, chairman of the pediatrics depart-
ment, physician-in-chief at Mott, the hospital will
also provide a training center for students in all
health disciplines, such as dietetics, nursing, and

funds for the hospital. The rest of the funds come
from federal grants of $1.5 million, University
Hospital Medical School which contributed
$600.000 and $250,000 in various gift donations.
Since the primary focus at the Hospital will
be childecare, the hospital hopes to attract a group
of experts who specialize in this field. This would
include pediatric surgeons, radiologists, optomo-
logists and others who work with specific child-
care programs.
One such program is the "neonatal intensive
care unit" which would be used to treat babies
with illnesses during the first month after birth.
Illnesses the intensive care unit can hope to pre-
vent, according to Oliver, include a respiratory


'Uwarns students*
of cheating penalties
By HENRY GRIX alteration of election or drop-add
With only five days until final cards.
examinations begin, the Admin- The board hopes instances of
istrative Board of the literary col- dishonesty will be brought before
lege is "helping to defend the their special cheating panel, rath-
public morality by assuring inno- er than handled by the individual
cents that cheating doesn't pay." instructors who "ought not to be
Penalties for cheating vary, but prosecutor, judge, and jury."
can rangefrom indefinite suspen- The panel's investigations are
sion to temporary probation to a kept on file with the ad board re-
failing grade to exnulsion cords and are made available to

- .~, .

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