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December 05, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-05

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Winday and colder
the snow's already here

VOL. LXXIX, No. 80

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 5, 1968

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




McCracken named

" forfeits
rush p






economic advisors

By NADINE COHODAS anisms for discrimination. The
Pi Beta Phi sorority voted yes- resolution requires they be elim-
terday to remain affiliated with inated during the January rush.
its national organization at least "Our action can be taken as
until June, 1969, thereby relin- one which goes against our past
quishing its rushing priviledges in efforts," said Henny Kussy, Pi:
January. Beta Phi chapter president. She
The sorority announced Tues- said, however, that the chapter
day that its National Grand Coun- has drafted a proposal for an
cil had refused to grant the chap- amendment to the national con-
ter a waiver permitting it to stitution which would eliminate
eliminate alumnae recommenda- the use of alumnae recommenda-
tions during January rush. tions.
Recent Regental action held the "We believe that by making a
use of the recommendations in national change within Pi Beta
violation of a tniversity Bylaw Phi we can more extensively reach
which prohibits discrimination by the goal of eliminating discrimin-
student organizations. Panhellenic ation in our total organization,"
Association also passed a resolu- she explained.

tion stating that alumnae recom- Miss Kussy added that while a+
mendations. are potential mech- I substantial number of chapter'
-members believed an immediate r:
break with the national organiza-
9 A tion would help them at the mo-
ment, they agreed "the problem!
has a much larger scope than just Disc
" rr t iAnn Arbor."
n shoo11ng The amendment will be pre-
sented to the national convention Over a thousand demonstrators
in June. Between now and June, day and held a two hour rallyr
Miss Kussy said, the Ann Arbor clubs and wearing gas masks aft
, chapter will talk, to alumni clubs minor incidents occurred when
and other active chapters about
Authorities in Georgia have ar- the issue in order to generater
rested Kenneth Drinkard, want- support for the amendment. SOCI10.LOGY D)EP
ed in the October shooting of Joel "Although the grand council
Cordish, Grad., County Prosecu- does not seem to be willing to
tor William Delhey said yesterday. change," Miss Kussy said, "we
Delhey said Drinkard has waiv- hope to confront it with enough
* ed extradition on a charge of as-caesiirtoustonorge'Myr
sault with intent to commit mur- elimination of the recommenda-
der and will be returned to Mich- tions."
igan within the next two or three If the amendment fails to pass
days. next summer, Miss Kussy said the
Cordish, an English teaching chapter would be faced with twQ : L& I
fellow, was shot in the back as he choices - to break with national,
walked across the Diag early in or to dissolve the chapter by at-
A the morning of Oct. 5. trition. She explained that with- By RON LANDSMAN
He has undergone a series of out a waiver the Ann Arbor chap- A
treatments at University ,hospital ter would never be able to rush A very iopular assistant pro-
and his recovery is still uncertain. and would gain no new members. fessor has been denied tenure by
The incident was apparently un- The grand council refused the his department. He isn't the first
provoked; details of the subse- waiver on the alumnae recom- and he won't be the last.
quent investigation by Ann Arbor mendations because it said it did But this time students are tak-
Police are being withheld. Patrols not have the power to take such ing note.
of the campus area have been In- an action. The council said that The professor is Thomas Mayer,
creased since the shooting to pro- although the section dealing with the department is sociology. Like
tect the many students who ara the recommendations was a stat- many another faculty affair, the
on campus at early morning hours. ute which could be waived, it was action is bound up in a melange of
A warrant for Drinkard's arrest the only statute referred to in issues. Questions raised include:
was issued earlier this week. the actual constitution. 9*The role of mathematical soc-

-Associated Press
1upters told to leave
marched onto the the campus of San Francisco State College yester-
near the dining commons. They were dispersed by police wielding
Aer they were told that they would be charged with trespassing. A few
"students did not move fast enough."
tenuire decision
Z 'uM ber .of issues

Paul W. McCracken, Edmund
Ezra Day professor of business ad-
ministration, was named yesterday
by President-elect Richard M.
Nixon to head the Council of
Economic Advisors.
He has served as an advisor to
Nixon throughout the campaign.
McCracken, 52, who has been on
the University faculty for the last
20 years, was chairman of former
President Eisenhower's Council of
Economic Advisors from Decem-
ber 1956 until January 1959. He
has been called upon for economic
advice by every president since,
and by other government. leaders.
McCracken is the second mem-
ber of the University faculty to
serve as chairman of the ,council
in recent years. Ambassador Gard-
ner Ackley, formerly of the econ-
omics department, held the post
from 1964 to 1967.
In introducing McCracken to
newsmen, Nixon described the
economist as a "centrist, a man
who is pragmatic, who will not
operate in a doctrinaire way."
Nixon said he expected Mc-
Cracken and the other two coun-
cil members-still to be named---
to bring him diverse points of
view on economic policy.
Nixon said the other two mem-
bers of the Council of Economic
Advisors will be selected with Mc-
Cracken's advice.
Newsmen questioned Nixon and
McCracken yesterday concerning
policy views on several economic
The President-elect declined to
make a statement on continuation
of the income tax surcharge bey-

Paul W. McCracken

Libraries to automate
cha'rge-out system

iology - Mayer's field -- in the
* The quality of Mayer's teach-
ing, very popular but reportedly
criticized by some students.
* Publication as opposed to
scholarship as opposed to teach-
* The propriety of Mayer's poli-
tics, which are radical.
One of the mainsprings behind:
the decision was the role that the
relatively new field of mathema-
tical sociology is to play in the.:
department. Along with M a y e r,
Asst. Prof. Morris Friedell was
also denied tenure.
Together, they comprise two-
thirds of the mathematical sociol-

ference of taste. It is not anything
scientifically demonstrable."
The over-emphasis on math in,
Mayer's courses, specifically Soc-
iology 412 and 415. is a product of
his oven interests and approach.
And the department feels it is not
tight for them.
"The primary factor in the de-
cision to deny tenure to Mayer
was the failure of the math soc-
iology program," Segal said. "It's
as much the department's fault as
"There's an interest for math
sociology in the department," Con-
verse said, "but these courses
aren't going in the right direc-

GA requests voice on tenure,
demands all-student judiciary

Graduate Assem
night to "recomi
have a formal v
proceedings in all
The assembly
was an outgrowth
denials of tenure
Julian Gendell of
department and T
the sociology depa
Assembly referre
its tenure commit
report more fully
Peter Denton, a
assembly, said th
the sociology depa
of the most prog
meits in handlin
tenure, while the
partment has not
gress. The Mayer i
unexpected, but m
A gated before .we c
ology department
The general sei
sembly was to .wa
evidence was accu
taking more defini
Earlier, Stuart
chairman, urged
School Executive
prompt action to

nbly voted last
mend students
oice in tenure

rules on student conduct to bring
them into line with assemblyJ
recommendations. Katz made the
request at an informal joint meet-
ing of assembly members with the
executive board.

recommendation Faculty reaction to the student
of the recent proposals seemed generally non-
to Professors committal. Dean Stephen Spurr of
the chemistry the graduate school, promised that
'omas Mayer of the Executive Council would give
rtment. early consideration to the assem-
d the matter to bly proposals, probably at the
tee, which will council meeting next Wednesday.
Y at the next The major change assembly
/ has called for is the replacement
member of the of the present Board of Inquiry,
at "supposedly which consists of thiee faculty
artment is one members and two students, with
ressive depart- an all-student judiciary which
g questions of would handle all cases of non-
chemistry de- academic misbehavior.
made such pro- Appeal from the new body to
ncident is more the executive board could only be
rust be investi- made if the student involved were
harge the soci- found guilty. This judiciary would
with anything." have jurisdiction over disruption
nse of the as- of any facet of University activi-
it until further ties by graduate students.
mulated before Katz argued that faculty mem-
te action. bers have no better credentials for
Katz, assembly dealing with nonacademic mis-
the Graduate I behavior than do students. He
Board to take called for further study of the
change present. question of jurisdiction over vio-

lations of academic discipline,
such as cheating and plagiarism.
Some students complained that
any University authority over non-
academic matters was wrong,
since is exposes students to dual
jurisdiction, both from the courts
and from the University. They
were in agreement however, that a
student judiciary would be f a r
better than the present board.
In other business, assembly vot-
ed overwhelmingly to endorse,
support and actively participate in
the Ann Arbor rent strike.
Assembly also recommended to
Senate Assembly's Academic Af-
fairs Committee that one mem-
ber of the Graduate Assembly be
seated on the committee and be
allowed voting power.
The committee, which advises
Allen Smith, Vice President of
Academic Affairs, had earlier
agreed that two students could be
seated. The other student would
be a representative of SGC.

ogy section of the department. Converse reportedly had been
The third member of theasection, Mayer's strongest supporter oi the
Asst. Prof. Joel Levine, has been grounds that the field was need-
at the University only since 1 a s t ed, although he thought it was
winter and was not up for ten- somewhat misdirected presently.
ure. "I would accept it though it's not
the most fruitful, just to keep
New men ar~e being sought. it going," he said. "I wouldn't
Friedell and Mayer were hired cashier it altogether."
five years ago to start a math The role of math sociology was
sociology program for the depart- ofpmathnsociolot was
. important, but it wasn't all.
ment. It was a new venture and Teaching was a key as well. In
difficult because of its newness. his Social Analysis of Revolution,
The problem that the depart- Sociology 462, Mayer was almost
ment has found in the past few universally considered a tremend-
years is that Mayer and Friedell ous teacher.
don't teach exactly what was ex- However, the department wasn't
pected. deeply concerned with that course
The department didn't know because that isn't what Mayer was
exactly what it wanted when it hired to teach. Math sociology -
hired the two men five years ago. '412 and 415 - is. And depart-
'It turned out to be too mathe- ment chairman Prof. Albert Reiss
matical," Prof. David Segal, a ! Jr. said the problems of math;
member of the executive commit- sociology within the departmentj
tee, said, "We wanted more sub- ' carried over into the two classes.
stantive material and less math." The department assesses stu-
It's not that what they are do- dent views on professors' teaching
ing is bad or irrelevant. It is, very carefully, not only at tenure1
Prof. Philip Converse, also a mem- decisions but every two years for
ber of the department's executive every faculty member as well.
committee, said last night "a dif- See DECISION, Page 2

ond next June. However, he re- By SHARON WEINER tems such as this are in effec,
stated a position he expressed The circulation departments of in many other libraries across the
during the campaign that it the undergraduate and graduate country. The acquisitions depart-
should be wiped off the books libraries will implement an auto- mient at the University was auto-
once the financial burden of the mated book check-out system be- mated in this way several year
Vietnam war has been lifted, ginning January 2. The new sys- ago.
McCracken said the fate of the tem will utilize computer equip- For those who are not familiar
surtax would' depend on the bud- ment in a manner similar to that with the procedure, information
sheets will be made available at
get situation next year. currently used by the closed re- the libraries. "We want to prepare
McCracken, a Republican, has ' serve section of the Ugi. poe fr the an o chare
called for an effoit to trim fed- The borrower will no longer forms," says Mrs. Dunlap. We
eral deficits in recent speeches.-! have to fill out a form for each don't want anyone to think we've
He suggested early this year that book he wishes to take out. In- stopped circulating just because
the deficit should be reduced to stead, he will present the charging there's nothing for them to fill
"the $5 billion range" in 1969. desk with his ID card and a coded )ut." -
During the campaign, Nixon. card which will be found in a
placed major emphasis on the use pocket at the back of the book,
of tax incentives to private enter- to complete the charge-out.
prise as an alternative to direct! The primary difference between F OL
federal subsidies in dealing with the current manual system and the
domestic social problems such as automated system, explains Grad-
poverty and the cities. uate Librarian Mrs. Connie Dun-
Asked for comment on this, lap, is time. Under the manual a i' .7i
McCracken said, "I don't take a system, the staff files check-out I
doctrinaire approach either for or slips op each book withdrawn.
against tax incentives. A tax in- They get behind on busy days,
centive to some extent is, of however, and often can't supply F ord arn
Scourse.an expenditure in another information on whether a parti-
fom.", cular book is in circulation on By he Associated Press
McCracken cited inflation and those days. Student demonstrations took
global monetary problems -as thej With the automated system, the' Stdn deosrins ok
einformation o charged books wil place yesterday at two New York
major economic problems to be -aI universities, Fordham and New
dealt with by the new administra- be fed immediately into a com- I
tion. He labeled these "important puter. which will be capable of Yr nvriy
imbalances and distortions" which furnishing any circulation inform- At Fordham, a group of black
Nixon would inherit fiom the ation. In addition, it will prepare students took over the office of
Jonon audmitrtiom ' overdue and fine notices. the Dean of Students, Dr. Martin
"TJohnson admistration. k A numerically-ordered list of Meade, and blocked the door with
"The major problem is to make ,cl-ubr fbosi ic- desks. They demanded that the
sure the budget doesn't develop call-numbers of books in circu- dss hydmne hth
such an important imbalance that lation will be printed by the com- promise not to give government
it draws economic policy off puter each day, and posted in both officials the names of students
Ilibraries. In the Grad Library the who take part in disruptive dem-
course," McCracken said. "We lists will be located where the cir- onstrations. NYU students, some
want full employment, we want a culation' file is now, on the second carrying Viet Cong flags, prevent-
1 sable price level . . . and of course, floor. In the Ugli, they will be ed a South Vietnamese diplomat
we want economic growth." found near the main floor cata- and a New York Times editor from
In response to the appointment logue. speaking at meetings at NYU.
See McCRACKEN, page 7 Because of their constant use of When 42 demonstrators at Ford-
the materials in the libraries, fa- ham took over Meade's office, triey
{ culty in the social sciences and locked the doors and telephoned
the humanities will be issued blue Meade, who was at another part



Few blacks in state colleges

Caucus postpones,
Mayer case action

From 'ire Service Reports
The proportion of blacks pur-
suing higher education in the
state has not increased signifi-
cantly in the past 8 years.
A survey by the Michigan Civil
Rights Commission, released Tues-
dav revesas that oniv 4 r nprent

By BILL LAVELY ing tenure. No action was taken of the students in the state's in-
because a protest focusing on theoft
Radical Caucus covered a long -ecau se oteProf.cusyng o h stitutions of higher learning are
agenda in a working session last specific case of Prof. Mayer would black. It is estimated that 9 per
night, deferring action on the stu- reversaly involve gemand g a cent of the college population is
dent rent strike and on a possible' the judgment' black, the same number reported
protest against the denial of ten- Action was deferred until May- in the 1960 census.
ure to Assistant Professor Thomas er's views on such a protest could The MCRC's study was made
Mayer of the sociology depart- ! be clarified, in 1966. Burton I. Gordin, MCRC
ment. Two other questions discussed executive director, said that a

minority groups and disadvan-
taged whites have been exposed."
Gordin said that the study
makes it clear that the traditional
methods of recruiting and admit-
ting college students are not suf-
"We need new, aggressive, af-
firmative methods of approach-
ing minority-group youth, partic-
ularly those from inner city
Among the findings of the sur-
vey were:
---The drop-out rate' for blacks
is about twice the drop-out rate
for whites.
---One out of four blacks relies
on his parents as his main source

---More than half the black stu-
dent were female; less than one-
fourth of the white students were
female. "This higher black fe-
male enrollment indicates that
black professional women will
continue to head black families,"
Gordin said.
-The proportion of whites re-
ceiving some form of financial aid
was much greater than the pro-
portion of blacks.
The MCRC survey reveals that
the only type of institution of
higher learning with proportion-
ately more black students (65 per
cent) than white students (33.3
per centireceiving scholarship
assistance is business and techni-

The report stressed that "unless
considerable successful effort is
made to increase the number of
black college students." the gap
between the races in these posi-
tions will grow increasingly wider.
Among the report's recommen-
dations to combat these problems;
-Increased black enrollments
at schools throughout the state.{
Those blacks now in higher ed-
ucation in the state are highly
concentrated at Wayne State Uni-
versity, Eastern Michigan, and
Flint and Highland Park com-
munity college. These colleges are
educating more than half the
state's black students.

check-out badges similar to stu- of the campus. He hurried back
dent ID's. The badges will be and was met by the students who,
mailed to the faculty involved he said, "rearranged" the desks,
sometime before January first, blocking the door.
says Mrs. Anne Okey, head of the Meade later left his office, re-
circulation department. fusing to sign any statement, a
Similar badges will be m a d e university spokesman said. Meade
available to the rest of the faculty issued a statement of his own
as they take out books. Those de- pledging that the university would
siring cards earlier may apply for take no action that would result
, them in room 104 of the Grad- in the loss of federal aid to "black
uate Library. . students who engaged in non-vio-
The social security number, lent expressions of dissent."
punched on the badge, is used by The office seiture, said the
the machine for identification. If ' spokesman, a p p a r e n t l y was
the borrower has no badge, (or the prompted by a congressional bill
book has no card) he will have which would disqualify students
to fill out an old-style, charging from government loans or schol-
Bok . cr arships if they take part in dis-
Book identification cards have ruptive demonstrations.
been prepared for all the books ruThe NYU demonstrators-many
being circulated from the Ugh hlNUdeosraos-1n
er M. key says, " of whom said they belonged to
don't anticipate ever punching Students for a Democratic Society
IBM cards for all of the Grad --firstbroke into the meeting hall
1h.rarv'cs frhlre h'an r a o f where Nguyen Huu Chi, South

at the meeting involved the Na-
The - k tional SDS caucus, to be held in

more recent study by the U.S.
Census Bureau indicates that the

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