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December 04, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-04

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Wage Eight


VVec nesocty, Decemoer 4, 19b6

Poge Eight iHE MICHI(,AN L)AiLY Vvedne~oay, Uecem~er 4.. ~

Black: Limiting the First Amendment



WASHINGTON (qP) - Supreme1
Court Justice Hugo L. Black, com-
menting on the violence-splattered
demonstrations during the Demo-
cratic National Convention, says
he knows of nothing that "gives
people the right to tramp up and
down the streets by the thous-4

for judgment, Black spoke freely,
on his opinions, his decisions and
his court philosophy.
In the wide-ranging interview,
Black said:
-Perhaps the phrase saying
schools should be desegregated
"with all deliberate speed" should

say what my view would be, be-
cause I don't know what the evi-
dence would show."'
But, in his response, he added,
"The Constitution doesn't say that
any man shall have a right to say
anything he wishes, anywhere he
wants to go .. .

ands." not have been written into t h e "It just doesn't say it. It says
In a precedent-shattering tele- court's historic 1954 classroom rul- they shall have a right to as-
vision interview, Black last night ing because he said that wording semble, if they're peaceable, but
said the freedom of speech guar- has been used to delay integra- it doesn't say how far you can go
antee does not shield conduct that tion. in using other people's property."
is unlawful. -The Constitution meant to The senior justice applied thisj
The nation's senior justice avoid- make it difficult to convict a man to government property as well as
ed judgment on the actual clash- of a crime, and the Supreme private property, and said, as an
e$ that took place in Chicago, but Court, in rulings protecting t h e example, Congress would have the
said, as a matter of principle, the rights of the accused, is only fol- power to bar a protest sit-in at the
f f lowing the intent of the Bill of Library of Congress.
- } Rights. Nothing in the First Amend-
-The First Amendment, with ment, he said, prevents Congress
its freedoms of press and speech, from writing laws to regulate con-
xprevents any restrictions on por- duct.
nography and obscenity. "I've never said that freedom'
Black declined a direct reply to of speech gives people the right to
a question on the bloody battles tramp up and down the streets by
between police and the anti-war the thousands, either saying
demonstrators during the conven- things that threaten others, w i t h
tion. protests in Chicago last Aug- real literal language, -or that
ust. threatened them because of the
k WITHHOLDS VIEWS circumstances under which they
"We're liable to have that very do it. I've never said that," he
1 case," he said. "I don't want to said.

A special report this week for
the President's commission on vio-
lence blamed most of the blood-
shed in Chicago on "a police riot,"
but said the police had been
showered with vile and violent
provocation from the anti-war
Black praised the Constitution
as the foundation of strength for
the American government a n d
said a court has no power to in-
terpret it from day to day to
try to make it fit the peculiar
temper of the times.
He said the court's rulings on
safeguards for the accused-de-
cisions, that have been targets of
outcries from critics who charge
the court with changing the Con-
stitution-have b e e n based on
guarantees that already existed.;
The provisions in the Bill of
Rights, he said, purposefully
"make it more difficult to con-
vict people of crime."
"They were, every one, intend-
ed to make it more difficult be-
fore the doors of a prison clos-
ed on a man because of his trial,"
the justice said.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh however in math., sciences, and modern
official publication of the Univer- Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows languages. Two year program, leading
Justice Black sity . of Michigan for which The hosts an hour of news and conversation to MAT, summers incl. Salary, stipend,
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- about the arts and literature. Guests' and room and board, 1 year obligation
right to assembly does not extend ial responsibility. Notices should be Dale Bonge, musical director, Ann Ar- to teach at Choate is school requests.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to bor Recorder Society.
to another man's property, not Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 Wednesday 1:00 p.m. U-M Office of Current Position Openings received
even government property. p.m. of the day preceding publi- Religious Affairs Lecture: Dr. Michael by General Division by mail and phone,
Protestors, Black said, have only cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Novak, Chm., Common Humanities these are applicable to December Grad-
ae Saturday and Sunday. General No- Seminar, St. U. of N. Y., Old Westbury, uates, who are encouraged to apply if
a right to talk where they have tices may be published a maximum on "The University in American So- you are interested. Not interviews on
a right to be under valid laws." of two times on request; Day Cal- ciety - an End of Ideology?" Wednes- campus, call 764-7460 for application
CBS INTERVIEW endar items appear only once. Stu- day 4:45 Campus News, produced by procedures.
The 82-year-old Black member dent organization notices are not + students in the department of speech. National Transportation Safety Board,
accepted for publication. For more 7:00 p.m. Opera Night Wagner: "D i e Wash. D.C.: Aerospace Engrg for flight
of the nation's highest court for information call 764-9270. Meistersinger von Nurnberg." systems, degree and min. 3 years ex-
more than three decades, spoke Thursday 1:00 p.m. U.S. Foreign Pol- per. Engineering technician, 6 years
in an hour-long interview over the WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Icy: The Next Decade: "Projections: exper. or degree. Highway Safety Sys-
CBS television network. Latin America", with Teodoro MOSCOsO, Ijtems Analyst, BA with coursework in
Te tervin ew rekir Alliance for Progress. 5:15 p.m. U-M operations res., math., stat., logic.
The interview, breaking the Q y Cale UdallFeature Story, with Jack Hamilton. Trilog Associates, Inc., Southfield.
traditional silence of the black- iThursday 8:00 p.m. Michigan Chamber Mich.: Data processing persons with
robed court, contrasted noticeably Quality Concrete Conference: Lobby, Enhml Concert, broadcast. live; from min. 2 years exper in systems.
RachamLecture Hall, Theo Alcantara ,
with the refusal of Justice Abe Chrysler Center, 8:00 a.m. conductor. Mozart, Bartok, Martin. Veterans AdministrationHospital, Al-
Fra toase qusin On Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- _____ len Park, Mich.: Research Assistants,
sar: "Management of Managers, Pro- Summer Jobs in Washington, D.C.: two openings involving hormone re-
legal issues at Senate hearings gram No. 75": North Campus Commons, It is tie to begin getting ready to search, spec. in erythropoietin. Work
prior to the rebuff of his nom- 8:15 a.m. find summer jobs in Washington. For with radio-active materials, training at
ination to be chief justice. Michigan Nurses Association H e a d this purpose there will be an informa- hospital, days and hours very flexible,
I ~can work 30-40 hrs. week. Senior ork
While Fortas argued a justice Nurses Conference: Registration: Lobby, tional meeting Thursday, December 5!grad student in Bio-chem., Biol,
should not be uestioned on mat- Rackham Building, 8:30 a.m. at 4:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room gradi student noem Bil.
Anatomy Seminar: Samuel J. Behr- I of UGLI. It is important to get started Chem., or sedtech, no exper necess. I
ters which might come before him man, Department of Obstetrics and Gy- early, so if you cannot attend call the ell Aeroys Bfao NY.: In
necology, Immunology of the Concept- Summer Placement Bureau for the ne- ternal Auditor, Itr awithe1-3 years in
us": 2501 East Medical Building, 1:10 cessary information. The number is iubs. accg. intenal auditor ot-
p.m 764-74M0. res. exper. Assistant Chief Auditor., in-
(ZT..N Macromolecular Research Center Lec- ________ ternalraudit. div., BS in Bus. Ad.. with
ture: Dr. Andrew Keller, Dept. of Phy- New Staff Applicants: Residence Halls CPA preferably, and substantial
sics, University of Bristol, "On the - Application forms are now available in this area.
'Amorphous' Contents of Polymer Sin- in the residence halls and The Office Broadnore Homes of Ohio, Inc., Bowl-
gle Crystals," room 1300 Chem Pharm of University Housing for students ap- ing Green, Ohio: Managerial openings
Bldg., 3:00 p.m. plying for staff positions for the aca- ngmt, and sales mgmt. Degree and
;", ::,::::;^:,;;;.":;:::::::::~:::;:::::::::. Social Work - Social Science Collo- demic year 1969-70. Please contact Mrs. mm, n ae nm.Dge n
quium: Helen Harris Perlman, School Meredith Cody, 3011 Student Activitie sm gt.,eprdu tionare m ,industrial
M. Stanton Evans, editor of t h e of Social Service Administration, The Building. arts, IE or CEt
Indianapolis News, will speak on "The University of Chicago, "In Search of a CiyofDaronMch-eno Pb-
New Left and the New Right" Weds., Theory of Adult Motivation," 2065 licisty degree born, Mich Senior P b-
Dec. 4th, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-K,L,M of Frieze Bldg., 3:00 p.m.P e m ent considerableexper. on sret ng,
the Michigan Union, sponsored by the Chemistry Colloquium: John MacCon- GEE AlC D1V I c rablper. idn n news reporting,
Society of Classical Liberatism. nell, Dept. of Chemistry, University of GENERAL sIVISpIONwriting, editing ando publicity, some
«* * * ; Michigan, "Insect Hydrocarbons: Bio- 3200 SA.B. supervisory exper.
* * * ichian,"Insct ydroarbns: io-- -Armour Industrial Chemical C 0 m -
UM Scottish Country Dance Society, genetic and Taxonomic Implications,", Armoy: InduskrillCheialaCtoEn-
Dance meeting, Weds., 8:00 to 10:30 1300 Chemistry 4:00 p.m. p a n y: MECook Illinois: Plant En-,
p.m., W.A.B. lounge, instruction given, Slavic Languages and Literatures and' ANNOUNCEMENTS: gineering. Environmental Control En-
beginners welcome, I Center for Russian and East European Several Currently Received An- gineer with ME, CE or EE or ChE bck-
* * Stes Lre: ades urmirski nouncements are available in the rnd, exper in plant engrg in areas of
Committee on Urban Education: stu- Ph.D., University of London Institute of Career Planning Division of Placement chem.. food, petrolium, or related areas.
dents for Education Innovation. Weds., Archeology, "The Original Country of Services, dealing with opportunities for Project Engr., BSME, MS desirable, flow
DecE. 4th 9:00 p.m., Guild House, 802 the Slays: A New Approach to the work-study, financial aid, MAT, MBA or sheets, and completion of construction
Monroe St. The Urban Teacher: a post- Problem." (Illustrated by slides, West PhD programs of further study, and of facility. 5 years related exper in in-
tion paper - additions and corrections. Lecture Room, 3rd Floor, Rackham other matters. dustrial in these areas.
n t nd Bldg. 4:10 p.m., Peace Corps College Degree Program, Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation,
UM Judo Club will have tests for Botany Seminar: Dr. Rogers Mc- Brockport State University College, Lancaster, Ohio: Engineering in areas
promotions Thursday, December 5, at Vaugh, Herbarium, University of Mich- kockport. N.Y., offers program making of Industrial, Chem., Construction. Re-
7:30 p.m. in the Wrestling room of the lgan, "Secrets of a Great Family", 1139 peace corps training and service inte- fractory, Ceramic, Electrical, Mechani-
IM building, All club members are en- Nat. Set. Bldg., 4:15 p.m. gral part of curricula leading to bache- cal, and auditing positions.
co uraged to attend. Recital-Students of the String De- lor's and master's degrees in mathe- Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis,
d d partment School of Music Recital Hall, matics and science fields. Sophomores Mo.: Food Engr., ChE and 4 years.
Graduate Assembly Meeting: for nom- 5:00 p.m. and juniors interested should send] Chemists in biochem, and in protein
ination of new officers. 7:30 p.m. Wed- Professional Theatre Program: N e postcard on file at Placement Services research. exper in wet processing of
nesday, December 4, slm the East Con-'Play Project: Distinguished Broadway for further information, agricultural raw materals desired. Audi-
ference Room of the Rackham Build- Cast in the American Premiere of Ivan Careers Directory of Canadian Em- tors with degree and 2-3 years bus. ex-
ing. ! Klima's The Castle, directed by Mar- ployers for Canadians Studying at per.
*« * * cella Cisney: Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- Foreign Universities is available at Eaton Yale and Towne Research
University Lutheran Chapel 1511 ;ter, 8:30 p.m. ?Placement Services. Product of Opera- Center: Southfield, Mich.: R&D Ad-
Washtenaw. Mid-week services on Dec. , tion Retreival, 68-69, Department of ministrative Systems Analystto provide
4, at100. md-. Guest speaker, Rev. Ar- Manpower and immigration of Govn't. anal and dev. assist. in creation of
thur 1pm GPast kerin epA- e IS of Canada. quantitative systems tools for R&D
thur Spomer, Paster of Divine Shep- Yale-Choate Fellowship for Teachers mgmt. Prefer BSE and MBA, or MS in
herd Lutheran Church. Chapel will be 1 provides year of secondary fi o a r d i n g mgmt. sei. or stat. curriculum, grad
deborated for Christmas. Come and join Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio school exper with grad. study at Yale. work in bus, stat. or stat and/or quan.
us. A great study break! (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily; i No restrictions to field, special need methods. 1-5 years in these areas.
* * *(91. Mc. 11 ~m. t 11 ~m. aily No-rstrition to-ield


TICKETS: $2.50 $3.50








Art Print Loan: prints due Dec. 1st,
return to loll SAB, 8-12, 1-5, Tues.,
Thurs., fines start Friday - hold credits
4:00 p.m. Thurs.
Bach Club: Randolph G. Smith speaks
on "Bach's Trio Sonatas for Instru-
ments and Kavier. 802 Monroe Street,
Guild House, 8:00 p.m. Jelly donuts and
:an afterwards.
* * * *
UM Young Democrats: Exam Break
Blast - Dec. 7th. 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., 726
S. State St., Apt. 10th, refreshments.
211 S. State
1217 S. University -

HEMCO Custom Tailors of Hong Kong
nvitei you to be measured for suits, coats, shirts, etc,
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Dear President:
On December 7th at 7 and 10 p.m. the University Activities Board in conjunction with Kappa Phi
Alpha fraternity will present in concert the IRON BUTTERFLY.
Due to overwhelming demands from the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area, the UAB finds it extremely
difficult to satisfy all organizations in regards to block-seating arrangements.
In order to give equal opportunity to every organization, the UAB has established a block-seating
policy for the remaining concerts.
The policly reads as follows:
If an organization purchases a block of 50 tickets for the IRON BUTTERFLY conceit this will en-
title that organization to the same block of seats for:
Feb. 28 Jose Feliciano, Fifth Dimension Concert
March 28 Diana Ross and the Supremes concert.Plus, for each ticket purchased above the original 50
tickets, a discoutt of 10 per cent will be in effect.
The policy states that by purchasing a block for the Dec. 7 concert you will have secured that same
block or blocks for the remaining concerts. This does not mean that you are held liable to attend every
concert. It does mean though that by securing a block for the Dec. 7 concert (IRON BUTTERFLY) that
your organization has the option to take the same seats for the remaining 2 concerts.
Block seats will go on sale Dec. 3, on a first-come, first-serve basis, by calling 483-6100, Ext. 2130,
or by mailing or presenting a letter of authorization to the Office of Student Activities, 3rd Floor, Mc-
Kenny Union.

Student Book Service
1215 S. University

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