See editorial page
Ink 4auF
11igh--3 7
Cloudy, colder
chance of light rain or snow
VOL. LXXIX, No. 79
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 4, 1968
Ten. Cents
Eight Pages
Special To The Daily to be involved, with up to 2,000
SAN FRANCISCO (CPS)-Stu- others as onlookers or underfoot
dent strikers marched off the San in the milling mob on the main
Francisco State College campus quadrangle.
yesterday after a violent round of
conrotaton wih olie.The' strikers, who have been
1 confrontations with police.
A strike leader claimed a "pout- active for over a month now, are
ioal and' psychological victory," demanding an autonomous black
although 29 students had been ;studies department, admission of aretd a d svrl plc m n al o -ht td nsrgrls
arrested and several policemen all non-white students regardless
and strikers had been injured. of educational background, and '
About 300 activists among the re-instatement of Black Panther'
college's 18,000 students appeared member George Murray as a
teacher and graduate student.
1sMurray was re-instated Mon-
day but was immediately suspend-
N.P P ed again because of a speech he
made on campus.+
nthe late moning, a group of
rebel over leaders from the San Francisco
black community including state
Rep. Willie Brown (D-San Fran-
t m cisco), announced that the local
black community supported the
e~ trR 111R e strikers "without question."
The largest single incident since>
NEW YORK 0-P) - Public high the disruptions began Nov. 6 oc-
school students demonstrated by cured at noon, when strikers built
the hundreds yesterday in a sec- a barricade of chairs and tables
ond day of organized protest around the Dining Commons.
against make-up time resulting At that point, members of the:
from the recent teachers' strike. moderate Committee for Academic;
The student unrest yesterday Redevelopment tried to tear down
failed to spark the vandalism that the barricades calling for a return
marked Monday's demonstrations, to classes. Police then moved in BLOODIED BY POLICE clubs, a black
when predominantly black student and the barricaded students began during a melee at the schools Dining Com
groups assaulted teachers, hurled throwing rocks and bricks. striking students during the incident.
rocks and bottles at police and At least once policeman and =
smashed windows in schools and several students were hit in the N
damaged subway trains, face by bricks. BEGINS (W ANIZIN
Monday's demonstrations start- Ad nr
A. docVJvtowarn a whitU. t a
Sororit ynational
refuses to grant
bias rule waiver,,
PI Beta .Phi to relinquish
1969rushing privileges1
Pi Beta Phi sorority announced yesterday it definitely
will be unable to rush in January.
"As a chapter of Pi Beta Phi national there is no way we
can possibly rush," said Jan Phlegar, Pi Beta Phi counselor
and chairman of the Panhellenic Membership Committee.
She said the National Grand Council sent the chapter a
letter refusing to grant a waiver permitting compliance with
the Panhel resolution which prohibits the use of alumnae
"The grand council said they did not have the power to f
grant the waiver," Miss Phlegar added.
The section of the Pi Beta Phi constitution dealing with " K
alumnae recommendations is a statute. Although most stat-
utes can be waived, the grand council said this statute is the Jan Phlegar
only one specifically referred
to in the constitution.
Consequently, a waiver would lim ax nears
require approval of three-fourths
of the voting body of the national
convention composed of alumni
and delegates from all active
chapters.'N 1 !b
striker at San Francisco State College is taken into custody
nmons. Fights also developed between non-striking and
gM ~U Wc119 11e cat
ed as an effort by the week-old and a large red cross was pushed
Citywide Student Strike Commit- to the ground as he attempted to
tee to shut down the high schools. help a beeding studenttementeT en an t
The, committee operated out of The demonstrators did not try
offices lent by the African Amer- to take over any buildings and
In leaflets circulated by student noise to divert classes.m kg1 0T
pickets, the group demanded an Classrooms were officially in
end to the city's plan to open its session, but officials conceded By DAN SHARE owned by various management
900 public schools 45 minutes that little was accomplished in the
early each day to make up for classes that met. Most students The Ann Arbor rent strike com- companies.
the 35 days lost during the three stood on the lawns, avoiding the } mittee last night formed the Stu- Mark Schreiber, chairman of
teacher strikes earlier in the se- police lines. dent Tenants' Union. Student Housing A s s o c i a t i o n
wester. Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, named act- The union's first goal will be to (SHA), said he expects it will take
The leaflets also demanded ing president after Robert Smith gain recognition from the Ann 100 organizers to canvass the over
representation in all policy-mak- resigned last week, vowed to keep Arbor Property Managers' Associ- 200 units the union h o p e s to
ing in the school system, and com- classes open with whatever force ation, composed of the city's ma- reach. But, he said, the tournout
munity control of the schools. was needed. jor student apartment manage- was good considering this is the
In the Ocean Hill-Brownsville At one point, he announced: ment companies. last week of class.
area, where much of Monday's "Please, if you are a bystander, Peter Denton, a spokesman for The canvassers received a kit
violence occurred, Junior High leave the campus; if you are a the group, said he hopes the union including legal information about,
School 271 remained closed yes- troublemaker, stay and the police will be a "broadly based commun- rent strikes, a copy of the new
terday. will give it to you." ity organization." state housing codes, informationj
The school was closed on Mon- Hayakawa remained inside the Seventy-five people attended the on the Ann Arbor housing marketI
day after Albert Shanker, presi- school's administration building, meeting and 40 signed up to begin and a form pledging the signer to
dent of the United Federation of issuing occasional messages over canvassing selected apartments withhold rent.
Teachers, warned that the city a loudspeaker which had been Thle union hopes to win recog-
disorders had brought the teach- rigged to the side of the building. ;:> _;:_,"-nition by withholding rents from
ers on the verge of a new strike. About 250 police, including of- buildings 'owned by association
As a result of Monday's events ficers from nearby cities and members. Denton indicated that
Dr. Herbert F. Johnson, who had counties, repeatedly broke up dem- the strike will not begin until
been serving as the state-appoint- onstrations during the afternoon. 2,000 pledges are received to with-
ed trustee for the Ocean Hill- Police from San Francisco were hold rent and refrain from sign-
Brownsville district, was tempo- backed up by the state highway ing any new leases.
rarity relieved at his own request.I patrol, county deputies and squads
The appointment of a state from neighboringecommunities. The 2,000 signatures would rep-
trustee to oversee the spredom- They charged into student forma- resent roughly one-third of the
tions, helmeted, armed with clubs association's holdings, Denton
See VIOLENCE, Page 2 and with orders "to keep peace.said.
on campus." "This figure is just a beginning,"
"If there is no reduction in ten- he added, "from that point we
N ew 'heartsion there will be no reduction in hope it will snowball:"a
fore,"Dr.Hayakawa told a late
afternoon news conference. The members of the association
" "Iam etemind t brak p ;include Apartments Ltd., Ann Ar-
}I am determined to break up bor Trust Co., Campus Manage-
this reign of terror,"yhehsa i ment, Dahlmann Apts., Summit
am treating symptoms now and Associates, Waldon Management,
doingeaiwellym tos nay d!adWlo-hieRa ae
'o g W ,will handle causes later," he ex- and Wilson-White Real Estate.
plained. He made several refer- Schreiber indicated the Union
ences to campus "anarchists who could be effective in aiding stu-
University Hospital's second have dropped their disguise of in- dents in a few areas, including:
heart transplant patient spent a terest in constructive change,"'
quiet night following his opera- Police were stationed in all - Eight month leases, Schreiber
tion Monday and remained in good : buildings with orders to lock the says this is one of the few cam-
condition yesterday. doors if a group threatened to opues in the nation still using 12
Hospital spokesmen said Donald enter. Plans did not call for sit-in leases;
Kaminski, the 38-year old recipi- tactics. -Damage deposits. The union
ent of a new heart, showed ' More demonstrations are plan- would hell insure fair and prompt
" The chapter is expected to de-
termine its plans for the future
Q.IO t In.l ns tonight. One of the alternatives
open to the group is to form a new Difficulties over discrimination Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa
* * organization which could comply in sororities have been an issue at Alpha, withdrew from Panhellenic
pCo I nwiththe Panhel resolution. al- the University for over four years. Association. The two sororities
7v though the women would remain It came to a head this year as walked out after all motions re-
as members of Pi Beta Phi. stricter resolutions were passed lating to the suspension of rush-
A less drastic alternatice would and the local chapters were ing privileges and the elimination
vice is a frequent complaint be to retain membership in Pi caught in a bind between their of discriminatory mechanisms
against Ann Arbor landlords. Pres- Beta Phi and not rush next se- national organizations and the 'were tabled for one week.
sure from the union' could improve mester. Miss Phlegar said the University.
service in this area, too, Schreiber chapter would then propose a con- The first of h issue centers an
Esaid. stitutional amendment at the Tefrto sever alclimaxes the use of alumnae irecommenda-
- stnational convention in June,1969 was reached Oct. 9 when the two tions which are a pre-requisite in
A list of demands circulatednainlcnetninJn,96 black sororities on campus.' Delta pegn n oa
earlier by the adhoc committee to make a waiver on the statute pledging any woman.
was referred to last night as "sug- legal. In 1965 Panhel determined that
gested demands." Spokesmen said If the amendment passed, the alumnae recommendation systems
neither the union's demands nor chapter would rush next fall as dev 1iena were potentially discriminatory,
its specific strudture have been Pi Beta Phi. + r p In order to assure sorority coin-
decided. Miss Phlegar said, however, the 1 pliance with Regents' Bylaw 2.14,
Those demands included signifi- chances of the convention passing poice tactics which forbids discrimination in
cant reduction in rents, elimina- an amendment to grant a waiver student organizations, Panhel is-
tion of damage deposits, estab-' "look slim at best." * I"sued a resolution last January re-
lishing the right of tenants to "There are, of course, many at'co venli on quiring sororities to eliminate ree-
determine lease length, prompt other possibilities for action," Migs at Commendations by this semester.
and efficient complaint service Phlegar admitted. She said the AIr However, by September, only
and free parking for each apart- chapter may ask for total inactive WASHINGTONs h-Organizers
menet. status. This would mean that all or demonstrations at the Demo-! seven houses had complied.
Spokesmen also emphasized the members of the Ann Arbor chap- cratic National Convention told At its Oct. 16 meeting, Panhel
witholin o rentswould t ter officially would be alumni a congressional panel yesterday passed a resolution requiring sor-
e sith o ts since there would be no active that Chicago police policy was to orities using binding recommenda-
end with recognition of the union. d"emphasize the beatings rather ons to obtain a waiver from
It is important, they said, that chapter in existence at the Urn- "hasize aings rher national organizations allow-
Ihter demands the u n io n 'est. than clog the jails." their ntoa raiain lo
agrees on be accepted before the The Ann Arbor chapter was just The co-chairmen of the Nation- ing the University chapter to rush
landlords get any rent payments. released last April from four sup- al Mobilization Committee to End without using recommendations.
fli Wari Vitam.Thnmas Hay-
Final eXaIm
Assistant Dean James Shaw
of the literary college yester-
day reminded all students and
faculty that the date of all final
exams must be approved by the
Examinations Committee of
the college.
If the date of a final exam
is not the same as listed in
the college catalogue, the stu-
dents may appeal to the Ex-
aminations Committee if they
object to the change.
A letter was sent to all fac-
ulty members earlier this week
ervision by the grand treasurer, a r iiev lla-
Faye Martin Gross, of Chicago. den of Oakland, Calif., and Ren-
Miss Phlegar said they had been Inie Davis of New York City,-"testi-
under the supervision because the fied before a special subcommittee
the chapter of the House Committee on Un-
national contended th hpe American Activities.
was "not in sympathy'' with the
aims of the total organization. "The policemen were acting as
The ran prsidntDorthyjudge, jury and executioner be-
The grand president, Dorothy cas fagnral policy to pre-
Weaver Morgan of Lincoln, Neb., causeathe necesity for mass arrests
hinted that the chapter's existence vey itwnt thnesitforms haests.fd
rwould be seriously- threatened if allhoe people," said Hayden. eed
it voted to support any Panhel aler pesped," saic-n
action eliminating alumnae recom-m Earlier yesterday, a subcom-
mendations. mittee member, Rep. Albert Wat-
Student Government Council,
which has authority over all stu-
dent organizations, had instructed
its membership committee on Oct.
11 to investigate the 16 sororities
still using alumnae recommenda-
At its Nov. 7 meeting Council
accepted the committee's report
requiring all sororities to "render
ineffective locally" and discrimin-
atory mechanisms. January, 1969
was the deadline.
Panhel later accepted the res-
The resolution means that all
sororities must obtain from their
nationals a waiver permitting
compliance with the non-discrim-
However, at a Panhel meeting
last October the president of the
Ann Arbor chapter said, in spite'
of Mrs. Morgan's directive, "We{
are voting 'yes'" on the proposal
to eliminate the potentially dis-
son (R-S.C.), threatened to have
Hayden arrested after Hayden re-
sponded to a question with an
obscene word.
"There are ladies present," said
reminding them of thea
tion to have all exam cl
approved by the commi
"stable" vital signs of life.
He continues to receive "im-
munosuppressive" - anti-rejec-
tion - drugs to prevent rejection
of the new organ, which the rest
of his body considers a foreign ob-
The new heart was beating at a
rate fluctuating between 80-90
counts per minute - a rate ,hos-
pital spokesmen said was accept-
able. A pace maker stands nearby
Kaminski's bed in the hospital's'
Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
ready to be quickly attached to
wires implanted in the patient's
chest should his heart falter.
Kaminski is also receiving the
aid of an intra-trachial tube, at-
tached to a respirator, to make
breathing easier. This is normal
post-operative procedure in major
surgical cases,
One physician and two nurses
remain in constant attendance at
Kaminski's side.
The cost of the surgery and care
ned for today following strategy
meetings in the morning.
1Murk Schreiber
return of damage deposits; and
-Maintenance. Poor repair ser-'
Black hi-story: eA
Slight, soft spoken, casually dressed.
William Toll seems out of character
teaching a highly controversial subject
like black history.
"The, Negro Experience," the history
department's response to pressure from
black students, is taught by Toll in two
seminars, one for graduate and one for
junior honor students.
The classes take American history and
view it from an unusual perspective--un-
usual for current American history.
"Studying. from the point of view of
the Negro gives us another dimension
ment proceeded to hire Toll, who had
been doing graduate work at the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley, in time
for the fall semester.
The grad class with 18 members, two
of whom are black, is twice the size of
the all-white undergraduate seminar.
While the undergraduate class tries to
answer questions definatively, says Toll,
the graduate stu'dents dig deep into the
material, opening up many areas of
'"It's more difficult to plunge under-
graduates into this since you don't know
what their background is," explains Toll.
itefferent vi
Another factor to which Toll attributes
the lack of interest is the poor general
quality of the course description booklets
provided by the University. He says the
history department is working on a course
evaluation project which should improve
this situation.
Toll believes the course should be open
to more students, although he stresses
the students should be "qualified" since
the course requires a substantial amount
of reading and discussion.
He prefers a seminar format for the
course but sees this as impossible for a
i ,.n nli rn of,. f nriante
Committee counsel F rank C~on- onation policy. Further, each sor -
obliga- jeriminatory mechanisms. omue uieiLiiI awnpiy.uruex u-
hng- mThe grand council issued noley sought to show through ques- ority must propose at its next
ianges Th. grmndflon cstioning that Hayden, Davis and national convention a constitu-
ttee. comment following the local pres- other organizers planned a violent tional change which- would make
- ident's action. confrontation with police. the elimination of alumnae rec-
Hayden and Davis, in their re- ommendations official policy.
plies, painted a picture of demon- Backing up the SGC and Panhel
strators caught between Chicago proposal, the Regents on Nov. 15
administrative policy of refusing declared that further use of alum-
to issue marching permits and nae recommendations by sororities
Although a permit was issued to sitydBylaw 2.14 In effect, this
allow a meeting in a part of Grant move makes Panhel's resolution
questions whether students would get "an Park, the witnesses said a decis- to eliminate the discriminatory
adquteide ofethersuet" iufdtgeyan ion was made to lead the demon- m hama offcia irsity
adequate idea of the subject" if they strators to the Conrad Hilton mechanism oUy
were assigned less reading. Hotel only after violence erupted. policy.
Toll is not a scholastic fiend, however. "I thought if I was going to be f
He sees the flaws inherent in using books. gassed and pass out myself," said Finch for H Ew
"There is no doubt that the textbooks r Hayden, "then I wanted some of
are stagnatory devices," he says, "They're the gas to waft up to the 15th New York (Ph-t. Gov. Robert
dead. They're just a rehash of theories.! floor suite of Hubert Humphrey- Finch of California has been of-
In courses like engineering they may be and that's what happened." fered a post in the Cabinet of
necessary, but you can't do that when Both witnesses emphasized that President-elect Richard M. Nixon,
you're studying relationships between there never was a plan to disrupt reportedly as secretary of Health,
groups of people." the convention. Education and Welfare, and is
Conley sought to show otherwise expected to accept it.
The books used in the course cover by questioning Hayden and Davis Finch previously had said he
many of the aspects of the history of about written plans stating that was interested in either that job
bhicks in Americ. "hut no snholar is annvntinn nleaaote wnuld, i 'e - a o n t,, T-Toi:r