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December 03, 1968 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-03

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Tuesday, December 3, 1968


Pace Eleven

Tuesday, December 3, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Pn~-u' FI~v,5n


Second- half
By JOEL BLOCK 77 loss he suffered last year to a
Michigan's basketball legions similar Michigan squad.
fought off openipg game jitters, a "We played a four-man z o n e
revenge-minded ex-coach, and with one man, Don Russell, on
Cazzie Russell's brother to record Rudy Tomjanovich. But when you
a 93-85 win over Northern Illinois play that silly little defense, it
last night at the Events Building, opens up the middle for 20-foot-
The butterflies were flying in ers by their guards."
the stomachs of sophomores Dan The first ten minutes of the
Fife and Rod Ford and probably second half went like a ping pong
the rest of the Wolverines as they match, as both teams seemingly
fell 11 points behind the Huskies scored at will against each other.
with 15 minutes gone in the first The lead changed hands seven
half. times in that span and the score
But then Coach John Orr threw was tied seven times.
in Bob Sullivan, a starter on last Finally, three foul shots, two by
year's team, and the Manitowac, Ford and one by Fife, put the Wol-
Wisc. senior promptly scored five verines out to stay with nine min-
points in 21 seconds. utes left and Michigan ahead 67-
Sullivan and another sub, Mark 64.
Henry, continued to spark the Jorgensen's "box-in-one" de-
Wolverine surge to bring Michigan fense did not, do what it was sup-
within one point at the half. posed to do. Tomjanovich topped
What most hampered the Wol- all scorers with 21 points and
verines in the first stanza was the snapped off 18 rebounds.
"box-in-one" zone defense em- Its biggest defect was that it
ployed by Northern Illinois H e a d opened up the center lane for
Coach Tom Jorgensen. Michigan's backcourt men-Fife,
Jorgensen, who was freshman Sullivan, Henry, and Richard'
*coach here at Michigan under Carter.
Dave Strack, remembered the 84- Not only did they get easy 15-
One for Orr
Naves, f 8-22 2-5 5 11 18
FG FT PF R TP Rohlman, f 8-12 0-1 2 1 16
Stewart, f 7-11 0-0 2 3 14 Smith, c 8-18 4-8 2 19 20
Ford,! 6-12 4-6 1 9 16 Mason, g 4-10 3-5 3 3 11
Tomjanovich, c 8-17 5-5 3 18 21 Russell, g 7-18 3-3 2 5 17
Carter, g 5-9 2-2 4 3 12 Janus,f 1-2 1-1 2 1 3
Fife, g 4-8 1-1 0 2 9,Benson, g 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Henry, g 3-7 1-2 5 2 7 Totals 36-82 13-23 16 47 85
Sullivan, f 6-12 2-2 2 3 14 FG percentage: 43.9; FT percentage: 56.5
Totals 39-76 15-18 17 48 93 MICHIGAN 45-48--93
FG percentage: 51.3; FT percentage: 83.3 N. ILLINOIS 46-39-85
Sully sparks Wolverine win
Bob Sullivan did not even start last night. It came as a surprise
to most of the seven thousand fans to see sophomore Rodney Ford
start at the forward position beside Dennis Stewart. Ford, turned
in an excellent performance, but it was still Sullivan who sparked
the nervous Wolverines to their first win for Johnny Orr.
Sully came in with just under six minutes left to go in the
first half and the Blue down 38-28. Within thirty seconds he
brought Michigan back into the game with a jump-shot followed
4 by a three-point play.
He seemed to add the spirit that was so noticeably lacking in the
jittery team. He put in an all-out performance in those six minutes.
His passes were quick and accurate. His sure-handed ball hawking
enabled him to hit the open man, mainly Rudy Tomjanovich, who
scored nine points in the last four and one-half minutes.
Sullivan started the second-half and quickly tallied four more
points on his own particular brand of layups to put Michigan ahead.
The team never let down after that as they seemed to gain the spirit
and confidence that was lacking in the first half.
Sullivan played heads-up ball throughout the half, constantly
hassling the potent Huskie offense forcing many costly mistakes.
And it was Bob Sulivan who grabbed two very important rebounds
near the end of the game to stave off a desperate Northern rally.
There is still a lot that can be said for Rodney Ford. He
replaced Dennis Stewart early in the second half to try to put
the Michigan offense more on the inside. He succeeded brilliantly
scoring -a game total of 16 points and carrying away nine re-
bounds. He was the Wolverines second-high man in both cate-
Another Wolverine newcomer, Richard "Bird" Carter also played
an excellent game. Carter scored twelve points and grabbed three
rebounds. "Bird" is indeed a fitting name for the small 6'1" guard
as he leaps with an agility that is reminiscent of Sam Williams.
Carter is a smooth basketball player who can more than hold
his own against the big men in "blood alley." Coaches Orr and Snow-
den had high praises for the junior-college transfer and expect him
to improve as the season goes on. Coach Snowden expects him to,
develop into a very strong backcourt man.
There is not much that can be predicted from a first-game per-
formance, but it appears that the Wolverines will cause some con-
cern among the so-called top contenders this season. Michigan's de-
fense ,was weak and would surely prove disastrous against a bigger
team, but if the Blue can gain some of the poise and finesse that was
lacking last night, we can look for a successful season.
First-game nervousness is the usual thing. It will probably
and hopefully disappear. Coach Orr and Coach Snowden are con-
fident, and if they can instill this confidence to the team the Big

Ten had better make room for one more contender.
Imported from Denmark STENT
(Offer Expires
Dec. 31,1968 )






foot jump shots but they also took having the hottest hand with sev-
advantage of the open" lane to en buckets in eleven tries.
drive in for lay-ups. Don Russell, Cazzie's brother,
drive infor la-u. . caused a lot of havoc for the
The fact that the Wolverines Wolverines with his 17 points, but
often got the open shot was evi- not as much as Huskie captainf
dent in the box score. As a team 'and center, Jim Smith.
they shot 51.3 per cent from the Smith, 6'-7" and 225 pounds,'
field; forward Dennis Stewart battered in 20 points and grabbed
Jacobs world champ agai;
Midwest Open disordered
With all the tramp men on the sphere,
The World's Best Bouncer bounces here.
B. Shave
Much to the delight of gymnas-
tics connoisseurs, Dave Jacobs
came through again to uphold a
Michigan tradition established
four years ago.
Since that time no one ut a.
Michigan man has had "WorlId
Trampoline Champion" after his;
name. Jacobs successfully defend- '." ,
ed his title to become the first
to hold it two yer naro
While Dave was reinforcing his
already great reputation in
Amersfoorst, Netherlands, the'
other 'M' gymnasts were combat
ing mass confusion at the Midwest
Unfortunately, the poor organi-
zation of the meet made it nearly
impossible for the 280 gymnasts _
to achieve their accustomed qual- 'happiest guy
ity performance.i
The preliminaries were quite an n the woi id'
experience for those of use who
are accustomed to the tense si- 'Sandier, 'inthe finals .Huntzieker
lence of normal meets. In the Max also made the finals in floor exer-
Sennet tradition, complete dis- cise.
order reigned and between the {The evening meet pitted the
chatter of the crowd and the fact holders of the top six scores in
that all seven events were run each event against each other. It
simultaneously, the meet was more was handled in a much more
a test of presence of mind than of orderly fashion.
ability as a gymnast. George Huntzicker earned a{
In spite of tdtaly adverse con- 9.55 in trampoline, matching his
ditions, some fine performances high score for last season. This
were turned in by the many grad- gave Michigan a first place and
uate students and highly experi- a fourth place in the event. He
enced gymnasts competing. then tied for third in floor exer-
The Michigan team encountered cise scoring 9.25 in competition
some real problems and, with a which say Toby Towson of MSU
few exceptions, has a disappoint- get a 9.9 from one judge and a
ing day. The side horse squad was final score of 9.7.
completely shaken and produced Two major threats -facing Mich-
no score above 8.0. igan in the Big Ten also showed
Sid Jensen was unable to com- their skill Saturday. Rich Scorza,
plete in all-around due to illness a junior at Iowa, took second in
and while Rick McCurdy and Jim all-round with a performance
Scully, a freshman, placed in the which indicates the Hawkeyes
top twenty in all-around, they did won't beb badly hurt by the loss of
not do as well as had been hoped. Neil Schmidt.
In short, very few really his their Don Hatch, Iowa's senior ring
routines. specialist. took his event with a
The exceptions were, as usual, strong 9.65 routine. These gym-,
in trampoline. In spite of D a v e nasts make it very clear that, af-
Jacob's absence, Michigan dom- ter all the glowing optimist, Mich-
inated the event, placing NCAA igan cannot hope to take the Big
trampoline champion George Ten title this year without a real
Huntzicker, and freshman Lee battle. -

a game-leading total of 19 re-
bounds. He hasn't the grace of a
gazelle but didn't need it to man-
eover around Tomjanovich and
plop in several easy five-footers..
The Michigan center is s till
suffering from a back ailment in-
curred last summer and gave away
the baseline time after time.
Orr commented after the game,
"I was terribly disappointed with
our defense, especially our defense
under the basket. We had worked
a lot on it in practice and I had
hoped we would show improve-
ment over last year."
- "But our guard defense was very
good." he added. "I was real happy
with our new kids up there, Dan
Fife and Richard Carter."
"In the second half we forced
their play a lot more," continued'
Orr. "In the first half our for-
wards didn't push them and it
hurt us."

Jorgensen blamed his teams'
troubles on Tomjanovich. "We
couldn't handle Rudy under the
boards, especially in the s e c o n d
half. Our whole team ran out of
gas, including Smith who worked
against Tomjanovich. He col-
lapsed before he could get to the
lockerroom after the game and
we had to carry him in.
"I think Rudy's one of the bust
offensive rebounders in the coun-
try," Jorgensen stated.
Jorgensen also had high praise
for the team as a whole, "They
can really blow the ball out of
there on a fast break when they
want to.
"They've got a lot of kids com-
ing off the bench that can really
hurt you. They're going to be a
good basketball team this year."

North Carolina 89, Oregon 78
Duke 86, Alabama 48
Illinois 105, Butler 66
Houston 80, Pepperdine 60
West Virginia 89, William & Mary 74
Texas 67, Mississippi 63
Louisiana State 109, New Orleans 82
Tulane 103, Northern Michigan 89
North Carolina State 82, Atlantic
Christian 75
Kent State 83, Oshkosh 52
Florida St. 120, Valdoit, Ga., St. 75
Marquette 68, St. John's (Minn.) 45
Vanderbilt 97, SMU 94
Penn 88, Lehigh 69
Temple 93, Hofstra 64
Cincinnati 86, Kansas St. 67
Kentucky 86, Miami (O.) 77
Missouri 97, Utah St. 87
Miami 109, Indiana 104
Dallas 112, Oakland 111


With all his complaints about
the Wolverine defense, Orr con-
soled himself with the fact that,
"At least we pulled away from
them at the end, and that's the
sign of a winner. Last year we
couldn't putt away from any-

MICHIGAN'S RUDY TOMJANOVICH stretches attempting to
block a shot by Northern Illinois center, Jim Smith. Rudy's de-
fensive efforts were a prime factor in Michigan's second-half



NBA Standings

Eastern Division
W Ll
Baltimore 18 6
Boston 15 6
Philadelphia 12 6
Cincinnati 13 8
Detroit '10 12
New York 10 14
Milwaukee 6 16

Pct. GB
.750 -
.714 1!/2
.667 3
.619 31%
.445 7
.417 8
.273 11

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco

16 7
12 12
11 12
11 12
10 16
10 17
5 15


5 ,

December 2, 3, 4, & 5
South Quad,. Stockwell,
Lloyd, Markiey
December 2 & 3
Jordan, Couzens, Bursiey
December 4 & 5

4:30-6 :30

Yesterday's Game
Seattle at Phoenix, inc.
Only game scheduled.
Today's Games
Boston at Milwaukee
Atlanta at New York
San Diego at Chicago
Phoenix at Los Angeles
Seattle at San Francisco
Cincinnati at Baltimore
Only games scheduled.






Slide Rules


Lady's Suede Coat - Lady's Suit




Books and Notebooks - Jewelry

Cycle Helmets



Many Other Articles
All articles found before November 1 will be sold early in
January. Inquire about missing articles at:
2258 Student Activities Building

LOCATION: Information Desk, Lobby
of the LS&A Building (Old Administration Building)
WHEN: 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
WHO: Those graduating in December only
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