Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, December 3, 1968 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, December 3, 1968 YOU are NEEDED as an ORGAN IZER YI E w i 1 4i I 11 0 8:*100 p..MICHIGAN UIN-om3.RS Organized by individual members of Student Government Council, Student Hous- ing Association, Graduate Assembly, New Democratic Coa l it ion, Students for a Demo- cratic Society, Young Democrats, Young Re- publicans, U.A.C., American Civil Liberties Union, the Law Club, the Social Work Student Union, The Radical Sociology Caucus, and AFT Local No. 1160. * a CLIP OUT-SEND TO: STUDENT HOUSING ASSOCIATION STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUILDING ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN GOALS: 1. The Ann Arbor Property Management Association recognizes a duly elected body as sole bargaining agent for negotiating all future leases. 2. Said body (the bargaining agent) negotiates and signs new leases which include the following features: a. Significant reductions in rents b. Length of lease to be determined by lessee c. No damage depositsx d. No -advance payment of last month's rent e. Immediate handlina of all complaints rrrr-r-rr--rw---w-rwrrrrrrrrrwwrrwr--a rmrwmrmmrwmwrmmmrmwmwmiwiwrrrmiwrr .wrwwwwrwwr E I pledge to support the ALL-ANN ARBOR RENT STRIKE. I will withhold my rent and refuse to sign any new leases beginning January 15th until the goals of the *strike are realized. I sign this pledge with the understanding that the =strike will; begin when 2000 persons have signed such a pledge. ! ! ! ! Nam Signature.................. ! ! Address......................... Telephone No. ................. ! ! ! Landlord........................ No. of occupants in apartment...... i I i I