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December 03, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-03

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Tuesday, December 3 1968


Page Seven

Tue---- Decmbe-3,1968THEMIC.IIAN-AIL

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2
p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General No-
tices may be published a maximum
of two times on request; Day Cal-
endar items appear only once. Stu-
dent organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 75": North Campus Commons,
815 a.m.
Recital: String Chamber Music Class:
School of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
* Department of Art Lecture: Mr. Jason
Crum, "Outdoor Murals for the Urban
Environment," Architecture Auditor-
ium, 1:00 p.m.
Computer and Communications Sci-
ences Lecture Series: Dr. Edgar Sibley,
Concomp Project, Univeristy of Mich-
igan, "The Potential for Linking Com-
puter Graphics and Symbol Manipula-
tion," Michigan Union, Room 3C, Cof-
fee 3:30, Lecture 4:00.
Museum of Anthropology Lecture: Dr.
T. Sulimirski, Lecturer at the Univer-
sity of London Institute of Archaeology,
"The Earliest Agriculturalists of Eas-
tern Europe," 35 Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Dance Studio Evening: Informal pre-
sentation of Modern Dance pieces. Ad-
mission free. Barbour Gymnasium. 8:00
i Degree Recital: Robert Schneider,
Bass Baritone: School of Music Recital
Hall, 8:00 p.m.
The Duo Concertante: Angel Reyes,
Violin, Joseph Banowetz, Piano; Son-
atas by Mozart, Brahms, and Prokofieff:
Lecture Hall, Rackham Building, 8:00
Professional Theatre Program: N e w
way SCast in
Play Project: Distinguished Broadway
Cast in the American Premiere of Ivan
Klima's The Castle, directed by Mar-
cella Cisney: Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily;
Tuesday 1:00 p.m. The Metaphysical
Roots of Drama - "Aeschylus and the
Origins of the Greek Ritual", first of a
series by Robert Brustein, Dean, Yale
School of Drama. Tuesday 5:15 p.nm.
U-M Feature Story, with Jack Hamil-
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows
hosts an hour of news and conversation
A4 about the arts and literature. Guests:
Dale Bonge, musical director, Ann Ar-
bor Recorder Society.
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. U-M Office of
Religious Affairs Lecture: Dr. Michael
Novak, Chm., Common Humanities
Seminar, St. U. of N. Y., Old Westbury,
on "The University in American So-

ciety - an End of Ideology?" Wednes- group meetings today, and tomorrow,
day 4:45 Campus News, produced by Dec. 3 and 4, call 763-1363 to sign up.
students in the department of speech. National Security Agency, holding
7:00 p.m. Opera Night Wagner: "D i e oral interviews for those having passed
Meistersinger von Nurnberg." the October test, and math or en-
gineering majors who need not take
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire- the qualifying test. Sign up for Dec. 5
land, again offers an exchange scholar- or 6.
ship for a University of Michigan grad- Applications for the Next Federal
uate. The scholarship will provide fees, Service Entrance Test (FSEE) are due
board and lodging for the Academic on Dec 11, test given on Jan. 18
year 1969-70. A married student re- oJa
ceives 250 pounds in lieu of board American Student Information Serv-
and lodging. A grant of $400 will be ice: has sent booklet of jobs available
made by the Graduate School to par- abroad, and study opportunities. This
tially defray the cost of travel. Study information is in the Career Planning
may be carried on in any of the area at Placement Services.
academic disciplines offered at the
Queen's University. Further informa- Current Position Openings received
tion and application forms are available by General Division by mail and phone,
at the Graduate Fellowship Office, applicable to December
Room 1014, Rackham Building. Deadline plical to4Decemr pgraduates,
for ecept f aplictios isJanaryplease call 764-7460 for application pro-
for receipt of applications is January cedures.
15, 1969.-


in Journ. or other lib. arts related area,.
some writing ability, 0-3 years exper.
Both desk and field work.
State of Michigan: Special Education
Supervisor, Mich. certification. Civil
Engineer, BSCE and 1 year exper.
Public Welfare Trainee, and worker
positions, BA in any area, and 0-1 year
State of Illinois: Accountant. Dietary
Manager. Executive, Public Safety -
Firearms Owner Registration. Execu-
tive, Revenue and Property Taxes. Oc-
cupational Therapy Consultant.
Clinton Job Corps Center: Clinton,
Iowa: Resident Advisors to act as "big
sister" to resident girls, Counselors, req.
MA in G&C or Psych. Teachers for
business, clerical and EDP subjects.
Lab. Tech, instructor.

National Transportation Safety Board,
Wash., D.C.: Aerospace Engineer, BS
level, min., and 1-3 years in this fld.
Girl Scouts of America, N.Y.C.: Pro-
gram Specialist, for two age levels, 7-8
years old, and 15-17. BA, min., pref. MA
in education area, child, dev., psych.,
curriculum work etc., and 5 years
working with children as teacher, group
worker, guidance counselor, previous
camping exper in group like Girl
Scouts desirable, some adult ed. exper
Timken Roller Bearing Company,
Canton, Ohio: Research Librarian to
establish an Information Retrieval Sys-
tem, MALS and ed/exper in sci., metal-
lurgy, or engrg. preferred, will however
consider new grads.
New York City Department of Per-


sonnel, N.Y.C.: Assistant Accountant,
degree with major in acctg., BA level.
212 S.A.B., Lowel Level
Next Application Date for jobs with
federal agencies for summer employ-
ment is Dec. 6. This test will be given
on Jan. 11.
Department Of The Interior: An-
chorage, Alaska: Fire Control, S m o k e
Jumper, and surveying aid applic. ac-
cepted from now through Jan. 1.
General Electric Co., Chicago Heights,
Ill.: Assembly line work for men from
Dec. 6 to Jan. 9. Good pay, must live
in south-surburb, Chicago.
California students visit I. Magnin &
Co., San Francisco for College Boards
this summer on Dec. 20, 21, and 23,
Soph., Jr., or Sr.
Cincinnati Area Students interview
for College Boards with Shillito's, Dec.
19, 20, 21, 26, 27, and 28. Freshmen,
Soph., and Jrs.

__ -

, .
.. .. .. F

Brand New Portable
$11 .00 per month

New Staff Applicants: Residence Halls
- Application forms are now available
in the residence halls and The Office
of UniversityHousing for students ap-
plying for staff positions for the aca-
demic, year 1969-70. Please contact Mrs.
Meredith Cody, 3011 Student Activities
Summer Jobs in Washington, D.C.:
It is time to begin getting ready to
find summer jobs in Washington. For
this purpose there will be an informa-
tional meeting Thursday, December 5
at 4:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room
of UGLI. It is important to get started
early, so if you cannot attend call the
Summer Placement Bureau for the ne-
cessary information. The number is
764-7460. l
All teacher's certificate candidates:
Everyone doing directed teaching or
field experience in the classroom must
have either a negative chest x-ray or
TB test. This will be free at the Health
Service during the January registration
period only. You should check with
Health Sevice from January 6 to 10.
You will need a card to take to the
principal of your school.
Botany Seminar: Dr. Rogers Mc-
Vaugh, Herbarium, University of Mich-
igan, "Secrets of a Great Family", 1139
Nat. Sci. Bldg., Wednesday, December
4, 1968 at 4:15 p.m.
Social Work - Social Science Collo-
quium: Helen Harris Perlman, School
of Social Service Administration, The
University of Chicago, "In Search of a
Theory of Adult Motivation," 2065
Frieze Bldg., Wednesday, December 4,
1968, 3:00 p.m.
"Dances I Dance" - Lecture-Concert
by Betty Jones, leading dancer with
Jose Limon and Company, 8:30 p.m.,
Friday, December 6th. Trueblood Thea-
ter. Tickets $3.00 and $2.00.
3200 S.A.B.
U.S. Information Agency holding
- - -.

United Press International, Chicago,
Ill.: Wire Service work openings, two
immediately in Minneapolis, and In-
dianapolis, other regularly. BA, pref.
UM Judo Club will have tests for
promotions Thursday, December 5, at
7:30 p.m. in the Wrestling room of the
IM building. All club members are en-
couraged to attend.
* * * *
Art Print Loans: prints due Decem-
ber 1, return to 1011 SAB 8-12, 1-5,
Tuesday thru Thursday, and Wednes-
day 7:30 - 9:00 - no renewals - hold cri-
day 7:30 - 9:00 - no renewals - hold
credits 4:00 Thursday, December 5,
fines start Friday.
Bach Club: Randolph G. Smith speaks
on "Bach's Trio Sonatas for Instru-
ments and Klavier. 802 Monroe Street,
Guild House, 8:00 p.m. Jelly donuts and
fun afterwards.
* * * *
Graduate Assembly Meeting: for nom-
ination of new officers. 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday, December 4, in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Ltuild-
* * * *-
University Lutheran Chapel: 1511
Washtenaw. Mid-week services on Dec.
4, at 10:00 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. Ar-
thur Sponer, Paster of Divine Shep-
herd Lutheran Church. Chapel will be
decorated for Christmas. Come and join
us. A great study break!
fun and excitement in yopr social
Play the sensational
college craze:
A qasp a minute as you clutch
through to graduation. By the end
of the evening you may be "en-
gaged to be married" or "nothinq
serious - ust fooling around."
(That's bad?) For added fun send
the popular Dating Questionnaire
greeting cards to your favorite
date. Limited quantities available


Phone 663-1761 days
761-2827 evenings
and weekends

---- ----- - -


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