Tuesday, December 3, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three TuesayDeceber3, 968 HE ICHIAN AIL A SEPARATE PEACE: 'Coconut Power' flourishes on island in Mekong Delta 1. By CARL D. ROBINSON world's hippie population. Living PHUNG HOANG ISLAND, Viet- in simple thatch huts on stilts, nam (M -- In a Coney Island at- they wear rusty-colored pajama- mosphere of vicious looking dra- like clothing and cover their un- gons, bright colored lights, and cut hair with pointed turbans. noisy loud-speakers, "Coconut Most of the men have wispy Power" has brought peace to a beards. The young have the long- tiny part of South Vietnam. haired look but they wear no beads The scene is a lush Mekong or jewelry and do not smoke, Delta island, where a utopian drink or demonstrate. community has been forged by Only two rules exist in the is- the teachings of a long-haired, land community: no killing and speechless priest reputed to have no meat. Persons of any religious eaten nothing but coconuts for 20 or political persuasion are allow- years. ed to settle here. Peace thrives on the isle, two- It is a refuge for elderly men thirds of a mile long. An unwrit- and women seeking a last time of ten agreement between the Viet- tranquility and the middle-aged o namese government and the Viet tired of knowing only war in their Cong keeps it a sanctuary. It is a adult ways. self-contained society never far For some. young men, it offers from the sounds of war. a haven from the draft. This ob- To the one side is Kien Hoa jection to the war, however, is Province-famous for its lovely based beyond thatrof the simple girls, its deadly Viet, Cong, and Saigon draft dodger. its bumper crop of coconuts. To One young man, formerly an 4 the other is the huge American elementary school principal in base of Dong Tam, headquarters Ben Tre, which was heavily dam- of the U.S. 9th Infantry Division. aged during the Viet Cong's Tet Exploding mortar rounds send offensive, commented: "I was geysers of delta mud into the air tired of all the killing-the kill- as they smash into a far river ing of one Vietnamese by another. bank while jets fly over lazily, I want to be away from both sides, making their bombing runs on and a soldier for neither." Viet Cong-held coconut g r o v e s * The bond of the community is two miles away. a modern interpretation of the old At first glance, the 2.000 fol- Chinese metaphysical philosophy lowers of the "coconut priest" look of Taoism. It is a philosophy of like Vietnam's contribution to the inaction, centering on self and letting the world just happen around you. It's called Dao here. The priest is a pleasant, e like man in tattered robes, bearded and barefooted Hunched over, he stands 4%/2 feet tall and wears his rope of long hair around his head like a derby hat. He moves among his congrega- tion in a large, circular praying s area studded with ornate columns of dragons and lotus flowers, or receives guests in his stucco grot- to. The Dao Dua, as he is known by his followers, is virtually ig- nored by most of them and wishes; to be looked on more as a scholar than as an object of worship. His native province of Kien Hoa is known for its production of co- conuts and he long ago adopted the simple fruit as his movement's symbol. Strangely, his small island has no coconut trees. They are all 4 imported from the "outsider world." After abandoning a career as a G chemical engineerafteryears of e Uc l study in France, 60-year-old Nguyen Thanh Nam, the coconut - monk, became a full-time paci- -Associated Press These parading Pakastani students were successful last week in 111 their challenge of the government of President Mohammed Ayub Khan. Khan met with members of his party yesterday after announcing major concessions to the rebellious students. i fist. When the Indochina war b.roke out in late 1945, he ceased speak- ing_ ExnressinLr the Tanist axiom .. ::.: ItM All Right Jack "Devastatingly funny." -N. Y. Times T Thurs., Dec. 5 I I 11. rwjUi1g b u~i xU1 of "speaking by not speaking," he maintained silence until 1958. In the 10 years from 1958 to j u s t after the Tet offensive this year, he actively preached peace, often coupled with silent protest in pub- lic places. This simple call for peace gives the Dao Dua's movement a mass peasant appeal and therefore a political role in the present phase. of the Vietnam war. The follo~ers of the priest speak hopefully of a broadly based Gandhi-like movement which will use nonvio- lent means to resist both sides in DSespte evasions and finagling, Rhodesia just can'tgo it alone By KENNETH L. WHITING' estimated at little more than $280 1 on, some say the greater the likeli- SALISBURY, Rhodesia ( P) - million. hood that Rhodesia will become The economy- has been running Rhodesia has to pay more of its an economic satellite of South down since Rhodesia declared it- dwindling foreign exchange for Africa. However, South Africa self independent of Britain three imports. At the same time it earns clearly wants a British-Rhodesian years ago. less for exports sold by middle- settlement. Its support of Rho- There has been evasion of men on a sort of gray market and desia is embarrassing a new "out- sanctions and boycotts aimed at slipped out via South Africa or ward looking" foreign police of returning the white minority gov- Portuguese Mozambique. mutual cooperation with black ernment to London's control. Fi- Tobacco used to be the keystone Africa. There is widespread specu- nancial adjustments have been of Rhodesia's economy, but now lation about a massive loan from made and crops and industries the industry is stagnant. Many! South Africa iftsettlement is diversified. But stagnation is growers are turning their land reached with Britain. spreading and symptoms of poor over to a government agency. A settlement would also bring economic health are appearing. Warehouses and sealed hangars a mining boom. The Johannes- Unemployment is steadily in-: hold much of the unsold crop from burg-based Anglo-American Corp, creasing among blacks. "No work" two seasons. already is spending $1.4 million signs in the Matabele tribal ver- Virtually all unlicensed commer- yearly on mineral prospecting, nacular hang in many Salisbury cial and financial transactions by double the amount before inde- stores. Americans with Rhodesia are pro- pendence. the news toda byThbe A.,sociae Pre and Co,,Ie Pess Serice PRESIDENT-ELECT RICHARD NIXON yesterday ap- pointed Harvard Prof. Henry A. Kissinger assistant for national security affairs. Kissinger, a professor in Harvard's Department of Gov- ernment, has been a consultant to the State Department since 1965. Explaining his perception of the job, Kissinger said yesterday, "I believe very strongly that the position of a White House assistant is inconsistent with making public statements on substantive matters." Nixon said although several men were under considera- tion for the assignment, Kissinger was selected because, "I felt at this time there was a need to bring to government someone who had never had that responsibility before." NEGOTIATORS IN PARIS made progress yesterday toward expanding the peace talks. At a secret meeting American and North Vietnamese en voys discussed the working language, delegation size, and con- ference sight for the expanded formal talks expected to begin next week. U.S. Ambassador CyrusR. Vance and Hanoi's Col. Ha Van Lau also discussed recent military action in Vietnam. Lau protested continuing U.S. flights over North Vietnam and U.S. air attacks in support of downed American flyers. Informants said Vance countered Lau's protest with com- plaints about Communist military action, presumably the movement of North Vietnamese into the demilitarized zone between the two Vietnams. Vance also reportedly complained about North Vietnamese firing at U.S. Reconaissance planes. SOVIET VESSELS are tailing the U.S. aircraft car- rier Hancock on patrol off South Korea, a Japanese news- paper reported early today. The newspaper Yomiuri said it sent reporters out in a plane and they sighted the Hancock in the Strait of Korea between the Korean peninsula and Japan. The paper said two Soviet ships were about 22 hiiles behind the Hancock which is patroling South Korea in an effort to block any new land- ings by North Korean guerillas. After more than 60 North Korean guerillas landed on South Korea's east coast in November, the U.S. and South Korean governments charged the Hancock with. discouraging "any further provacative acts." A U.S. military spokesman in Seoul, the South Korean capital, said the Hancock was carrying out routine opera- tions and the carrier's planes would continue to conduct flight operations. AN ARMS EXPORT BAN yesterday was placed on Switzerland's biggest weapons manufacturer. After a government probe of illegal arms shipments to the Middle East and Africa, the Zurich Engineering firm of Oerliken, Buehrle and Co., was slapped with the unprecedent- ed ban which applys to all arms exports, including those al- ready licensed. Federal prosecuter Hans Walder said two company ex- ecutives admitted violating an official embargo on a r m s shipments to tension areas by forging export applications. He said more than $2.3 million of air to air rockets, cannon and ammunition were sent illegally to Nigeria, South Africa, Is- rael, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Oerliken, Buehrle and Co., which has suspended the two arrested executives, blamed the arms deals on "a few indi- vidual employes of the companies" acting without the know- ledge of the general management. NEARLY 30,000 FRENCH AUTO WORKERS yester- day voted to strike for five hours Thursday. The strike at Renault's suburban Billancourt auto plant will be the first test of strength between French organized labor and President Charles de Gaulle's austerity program. In his Nov. 24 statement refusing to devalue the franc de Gaulle said "all agitation and exhibitions, all marches and tumult which hinder work" must stop. He pledged that "the needed measures" to halt any disturbances would be taken. Unions, however, feel rising prices will hit the working man hardest and make meaningless the 14% wage increase they received after the general strikes last May and June. E E .e THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. yesterday called on the Security Council to pressure South Africa to end its race discrimination policy. The 126-member body asked the Security Council to en- force mandatory sanctions against South Africa, approving the African-Asian sponsored measure by 85 votes. The resolu- tion said, the policies of apartheid create in South Africa "a grave threat to international peace and security." Only South Africa and Portugal voted no while the United States and Britain were among 14 nations ab'staning. the war. They claim from three million to four million followers -most through loose association with other peace-minded organi- zations. The Dao Dua converses w i t h visitors through a young "inter- preter," one of his disciples, who reads his hand signals and ex- pressions. - Rhodesia has 4 million blacksj The disciples say he is deter- and some* 220.000 whites. Thes mined to maintain silence until population pressure is such that the four leading Vietnamese the country cannot afford to leaders - Ho Chi Minh, the Na- stand still. tional Liberation Front's Nguyen The African population has in- Huu lho, and South Vietnamese creased by 13 per cent since 1963, President Nguyen Van Thieu and but there are no more jobs now Vice-President Nguyen Cao Ky than there were then. At least -agree to sit down with him and 42,000 blacks have lost their jobs talk peace. since the unilateral declaration of Peace will come soon, he says, independence Nov. 11, 1965, and but war will break out againtun- as many as 250,000 may be with-' less the Vietnamese solve their out work now. own problems free from outside Finance Minister John Wrathall influence. told parliament that an annual growth rate of 6%2 per cent is nec- NATIONAL SENERAI.CORPORATION ! essary to assure "a minimal im- FOX EASTERN THEATR S 1L7 provement in the standard of living." But per capita income has rex VILLAGE ecp,95 n 97 375 No. MAPLE RD.-"7691300 decreased every year this decade except 1965 and 1967. NOW SHOWING Exports were valued at $462 mil- Mon -Tues-Wed7:20-9:30 lion in 1965. Last year they were hibited. The United States once was a major importer of Rho- desian chrome ore.- Businessmen in Salisbury tell Americans that this unrecognized; country is fighting the same kind of war against terrorist infiltrators from black Africa as the United States is fighting in Vietnam. A surface glitter remains in Rhodesia and casual visitors see few signs of trouble. Shops are well stocked, gasoline is rationed but plentiful, seemingly well-heel- ed patrons throng night clubs andj the race track and a gambling, casino . at Victoria Falls was ex- panded this year.- South Africa has not offered Rhodesia- full diplomatic recogni- tion, but neither has it enforced United Nations sanctions against At least two firms in the searchE for nickel, copper and other base metals. Roan Selection Thrust and Rhodesian Chrome Mines, have large U.S. backing. American Metal Climax has a block of Roan Selection stock and Rhodesian Chrome Mines is a subsidiary of Union Carbide. Landlocked Rhodesia is almost as big as Callifornia and the mineral hunt covers almost the entire country. The deputy min- ister of mines, Ian Dillon, says mineral production could be in- creased from the present level of less than $98 million per year to $280 million in a few years. The government views mineral exports as one of the best ways to evade sanctions because many minerals are difficult to identify Morgan "Wild, bizarre, free wheeling. Howlingly funny.":-N.Y. Times Sat., Dec. 7 Elvira Madigan "Perhaps the most beautiful movie in history." New Yorker Sun., Dec. 8 N Nobody i Waved Goodbye "A marvelous movie." -The New Yorker Mon., Dec. 9 Nothing But A Man "A great movie. A revolution -in the cinema."-Life Tues., Dec. 10 Salisbury. as to source. The longer the dispute drags It is not at all certain, however, Sot.3:00-5:15-7:20-9:30 Thurs.-Fri.-Sun. 1:00-3:00-5:15 7:20-9:30 No one admitted under 18 unless accompanied by a parent COMPLETE SHOWS AT 1 -3-5-7& 9 PRNmOUlT PICTURES PReSenTS d DIlO De LdURefTIS PRODUCTIOfl whether the mines can expand enough to help carry the economy before it runs down completely. i I 3020 Washtenaw, Ph. 434-1782 Between Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor NOW SHOWING I Accident "Like a punch in the chest. A compelling film."-Newsweek Wed., Dec. 11 ENDS Wednesday 4EM DIAL 8-6416 SHALAK Note dates Listed d I T 0 1 Rmw DIAL 8-6416 i I. ___...__.._.____.. ._Y__._____.__.__._._ _. .__._. ..._ _ ,...._-_.___._ _ _ _---._. ; ) _ HANDEL'S i _- I iii Boutique for the Fashionable Woman - at 611 Church st. in the arcade. daily: 11 to 5:30. NEW STOCK ./R - JAQUES TATI "MR. HULOT'S HOLIDAY" "FRACTURED FLICKERS" CRAZY WORLD OF LAUREL & HARDY One Show Nightly - at 7:20 NATIONAL GENERAL CORPORATION FOX EASTERN THEATRES=GI FOK VILLa5E 375 No. MAPLE RD. -769-1300 LAST TIMES TODAY "SHALAKO" 7:20-9:30 presented by the UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY IN HILL AUDITORIUM, ANN ARBOR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 8:30 P.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7,8:30 P.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8,2:30 P.M. J HNPHiIPLA MbARDR6A N(nmK) GC)O STARTS TOMORROW 11 kiiI i1 11 I :.. ..: .::r: _ :z:I1 :' -