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December 03, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-12-03

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411 i C tgaYt

D a itomomul.

Mostly cloudy, windy
chance of drizzle

VOL LXXIX, No. 78 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday,.December 3, 1968 - Ten Cents

Twelve ,Pages

U S. study
CHICAGO () - Daniel Walker, author of a report criti-
cizing Chicago police for their handling of bloody street vio-
lence during the Democratic National convention yesterday
called for "prompt and severe" action against offending mem-
bers of the force.
In a 345 page report to a presidential commission investi-
gating the August disorders, Walker described the nights of
melees as a "police riot."
"The suspension or dismissal of a handful of policemen
will not be enough," Walker said, to prevent a recurrence.
"This community should not settle for less than prompt and
severe action against these offenders."
He told a news conference he understands 8 or 10
policement have been suspended or dismissed. "More than a
handful were involved," he observed. "Their lieutenants and
sergeants know who they are."
Walker admitted that demonstrators who massed on
Chicago during the convention period provoked police.
But "the weight of violence was overwhelming on the
side of the police," Walker added. He said there was no avail-
able estimate of how many policemen may have participated
in violence.
In the summary of the report, Walker identifies some
of the provocation and the ensuing reaction. The provoca-
tion, the report says, "took the form of obscene epithets, and .
of rocks, sticks, bathroom tiles and even human feces hurled
at police by demonstrators. Some of these acts had been
planned; others were spontaneous or were themselves pro-
voked by police action. Furthermore, the police had been
put on edge by widely published threats of attempts to dis-
rupt both the city and the convention."
Walker explains that was "the nature" of the provocation.
The response, however, "was unrestrained and indiscrimin-
;ate police violence on many occasions, particularly at night.
"That violence was made all the more shocking by the
fact that it was often inflicted upon persons who had broken
no law, disobeyed no order, made no threat. These included
peaceful demonstrators, onlookers, and large numbers ofT
residents who were simply passing through, or happened to
live in the areas where confrontations were occurring."
Mayor Richard Daley termed the over-all report excellent !
but criticized the summary as misleading. "If used alone
the summary would mislead the public and be a disservice
to those who prepared the report," the mayor said.
He noted the report criticized a minority of the police- ,
men and added the majority of policemen "did act respon-1
sibly." "I am proud of them and so, I am sure are the peopleI
of Chicago," he said.
Walker disagreed with Daley's view of the summary, how- '
ever. He said the entire report was his opinion and "I stand 3
unequivocally on the entire report."P
Walker further declared in the summary the police "have
not been properly trained. They are trained for a one-on-one.
situation and they do not function as a unit as the National p

scores Chicago police

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

- Daly - Daniel Okrent
The Mayor of Chicago

(Chicago's finest: On the defensive
HUAC shuns commission report


Student renters
plan to organize
A meeting to organize a rent strike to force Ann Arbor
landlords to bargain collectively with a proposed student
union will be held tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Union.
The meeting has been organized by an ad hoc committee
which hopes to establish a renters' union to bargain collec-
Otively with the Ann Arbor Property Managements Association.
The proposed union would, it is hoped, be able to measur-

From wire Service Report
Un-American Activities Committee
yesterday refused to accept into
its record the report on the Chi-
cago riots by the President's Com-
mission on Violence.
Tom Hayden, co-ordinator of
the National Mobilization Commit-
tee's activities in Chicago and
former Daily editor 1960-61 at-
tempted to introduce the report as
part of his testimony for the corn-
mittee yesterday.
However, Rep. Richard Ichord
(D-Mo.), said he considers the
report, made public Sunday night,
to be only collateral to the pur-
pose of the hearing.
During yesterday's hearings,
Hayden testified that p o 1 i c e
charged into the crowds and hit
people in a disciplined way.

-ably aid student tenants by Guard does."
. a h iarn i o~iio nai __

Clash its
'S. F. State
reo ening
W SAN FRANCISCO (0) - Classes
resumed yesterday at long-troub-
led San Francisco State College
despite a scuffle involving its new
president and an abortive inva-
sion of the administration build-
The invasion was accompanied
*by a flurry of rock throwing that
shattered two of the building's
Two students and one nonstu-
dent were arrested as police con-
fronted but made no physical con-
tact with a handful of Negro and
white demonstrators.
Dr. S. I. Iayakawa, newly nam-
ed acting president, fulfilled his
promised 8 a.m. opening of the
college, which had been disrupt-
ed by violence and vandalism
since the Black Student's Union
strike Nov. 6.
Hayakawa climbed onto a sound
struck operated by the Students
for a Democratic Society, a n d;
jerked .the wires from one of its
About 150 students pulled and
shoved at him and snatched his
Police arrested Ernest Brill, 23,.
a student, and Juan Rivera, 24,
a nonstudent who were operating
the truck. Police drove the truck
Meanwhile most of the college's
18,000 students and 1,100 faculty
members resumed classes quietly.
4 About 200 strikers picketed'
building entrances but most stu-
dents ignored them.
At lunchtime the Black Students
Union organized a rally on the'
campus, opposite the administra-
tion building.
One speaker asked for a show
*f hands for support of the strike.
About 150 in a crowd of 1,000 re-
A broadcast from the building
ordered the crowd to disperse.
rncta th a-rt- - - --ar 2ar n

-acniev~ing ignnncantL1l reduc- In the report Walker adds, "Fundamental police training
tions in rent,gi was ignored; .and officers when on the scene, were unable
-establishing the right of the ' to control their men."
leasee to determine the length of T
of the lease, The report cites a study made by an inspector from the
-eliminating damage deposits. Los Angeles Police Department, present as an official observ-
-getting all complaints to be er, who says: "There is no question but that many officers
handled promptly and efficiently, acted without restraint and exerted force beyond that neces-
--gaining free parking for each sary under he circumstances. The leadership at the point of
apartment. conflict did little to prevent such conduct and the direct con-
The ad hoc group recognizes trol of officers by first line supervisors was virtually non-
certain difficulties in establishing existent."
a renters' union as a recogzed Reviewing a Wednesday evening confrontation (August
bargain agent. Members of the 28), Walker's report relates the following remarks from
group hope to use the rent strike 'nte bevr
as a lever to force landlords to another observer.
recognize the union. It seems.to me that only a saint could have swallowed the

I think they were ordered into
action by Mayor Richard Daley
to get the yippies off the streets,"
he added.
Hayden testified on the first
day of a renewed series of hear-
ings on the street riots that ac-1
companied the Democratic con-
vention in Chicago last August.
The hearings, which started be-
fore Congress adjourned, are in-'
tended to determine whether sub-
versive influences were present in
organization of the anti-war pro-
tests which sparked the rioting. '
Daley made an anti-Semitic re-
mark to Sen. Abraham Ribicoff,
(D-Conn.), at the convention.
Hayden claimed, "and used all the
language to him that we are
accused of using and he's still
mayor of Chicago."
Hayden said his group did not
want a violent demonstration at
the convention. However, he said
the situation became violent "be-
cause of the Chicago police de-
partment, of which this committee
is an extension."
The Chicago police were part
of overly-elaborate preparations
for security at the convention thats
would have caused a disruption no1
matter what the demonstrators
had done, he maintained.-
Hayden also revealed he once
"xc as a dupe of the Central-Intel-
legence Agency.
"I was hired to go to the Youthf
Festival at Helsinki, Finland toj
carry Old Glory into the heart-
land of Communism."
He said he learned later that het
was part of a CIA plan in which
students were unknowingly used
to spread the message of democ-;
racy among international youtht
Hayden said he later changed!
his mind, after having been hired.;
He said the plan had been for
him to "publish a little news-r
paper" for distribution at the .

The CIA had no comment on
Hayden's assertions.
Hayden, the only witness most
of the first .day, said he and other
youth leaders visited North Viet-
nam in 1965. Under questioning"
by subcommittee counsel Frank
Conley, he said the trip was to
"learn the North Vietnamese view-;

point on the war and prospects of urine than by mace," he re-
for peace."
Capitol police stood guard both plied. Mace is a chemical some-
inside and outside the hearing times used by police.
room but no demonstrations oc- Hayden said he considers he
curred in contrast to earlier hear- likely will be jailed for carrying
ings wheome ersotes appere out his views. He is being prose-
ejected from the room. cuted in Chicago on charges grow-
"Since when. is obscenity a rea- ing out of the disorders.
Lit faculty ostones
requireet ebat
The literary college faculty yesterday made the discussion
of language and other course requirements a special order of
business for its next meeting.
At the same time, the faculty sent back to its Curriculum
Committee petitions signed by 3,500 students to abolish var-
ious course requirements.
Included with the petitions is a letter from Student Gov-
ernment Council President Michael Koeneke, '69, urging the
faculty to consider ending the college's language requirement.
Professor James Gindin of the &-- '-


son for policemen to hit you on
the head," Hayden asked in an ex-
change with Rep. Albert W. Wat-
son, (R-S.C.).
Watson asked Hayden about
bags of urine and other objects
thrown during the demonstra-
"I would rather be hit by a bag

Spokesmen said that the rents
would be placed in an escrow fund,
the details of which have not yet
been worked out, until the unior
gains recognition from the Prop-
ertp Management Association.
The strike will originally focus
on some of the major managemeni
companies within the Associatior
said Mark Schreiber, a spokes-
man for the ground and Student
Association chairman.
Schreiber did hint, however,
that there was a possibility that if
the renters' union gains strengtL
it might unite with similar move-
ments within the Ann Arbor com-
Spokesmen we re optimistic
about the meeting citing the fact
that about 35 people attended or-
ganizational meetings during the
Thanksgiving recess and that ten
pledges to withhold rent have al-
ready been received.
Peter Denton, another group
spokesman, said last night the rent
strike would not begin until 2,000
pledgesdto withhold rent had been
SU.S. accepts
holiday truce
SAIGON (AP - The U.S. Com-
mand and the South Vietnamese
government have announced that
the allies will observe a 24-hour
cease-fire in Vietnam for Christ-
The U.S. announcement came
this morning, hours after Presi-
dent Nguyen Van Thieu said last
night that his forces would ob-
serve a cease-fire from 6 n m

vile remarks to the officers. However, they went to extremes
in clubbing the Yippies. I saw them move into the park,
' swatting away with clubs at girls and boys lying on the grass.
More than once I witnessed two officers pulling at the arms of
a Yippie until the arms almost left their sockets. Then, as the
officers put the Yippie in a police van, a third jabbed a riot
stick into the groin of the youth being arrested. It was evi-
dent that the Yippie was not resisting arrest."
A Federal legal official reports in the study that while
walking with several officers, he watched them confront a
stumbling derelict: -

English Department, chairman of
the committee, had passed the
petitions on to the faculty from
his committee without recommen-
dation. Referring to the commit-
tee literary college Dean William
Hays said, "It's their essential job
to look at these things. The fac-
ulty is not dodging the issue."
The Curriculum Committee is
not expected to make a recom-
mendation concerning distribution

tU gradls
555 suit

festival, held in 1962, which was
described by subcommittee coun-
sel as communist controlled.

Daniel Walker


A 15-man. surgical team at
University Hospital sucessfully
completed the state's second
heart transplant operation last
night-one year to the day after
the world's first human heart
The recipient in yesterday's
operation was Donald Kamin-
ski, a 38-year-old Alpena man
who had been awaiting a trans-
plant in University Hospital
since Sept. 27. Kaminski had
been slowly dying of cardio my-
opathy, a degeneration of the
muscle fiber of the heart.
Without the operation, Kan-
inski's heart muscle would have
lost its resiliency, eventually be-
coming too weak to keep him
Kaminski's condition was sim -
ilar to that of the University's
first heart traon.nlant noant

tors complete

tranR splant

requirements until next March. By RICK PERLOFF
"Even though we're not ready Four second-year University law
with our report yet, we wanted to students filed suit yesterday in a
give the faculty the opportunity Detroit federal district court
to discuss requirements in gen-aantSlcieSrieDrco
eral," Gindin said. against Selective Service Director
The motion to send the peti- Gen. Lewis B. Hershey.asking that
m wascertain graduate students be de-
made by Prof. Jacob Price ofrth duntil thepen of the t-
history department and passed demic year.
unanimously. A pre-trial hearing-.will be held
Prof. George Piranian of the Dec. 10.
mathematics department made thel The suit also asks the court stay
motion to discuss course require-I the induction of plaintiff Timothy
ments at the January meeting. Sisson for at least 30 days pending
In the course of discussion, Prof. the outcome of the case. Sisson,
William Cressey of the romance a second-year law student, who
languages department suggested was denied a I-S deferment, has
a special committee should be been ordered to report for duty in
formed to study the language re- January.
quirement. The suggestion, how- The students maintain that

old Robert Pushman. Pushman,
a senior at Central Michigan
University, was fatally injured
in an automobile accident in
Flint early Sunday morning.
A Flint doctor learned of
Pushman's condition Sunday
morning and called officials at
University Hospital, notifying
them of the potential donor.
Pushman was unconscious, the
Flint doctor said, however, Push-
man's parents indicated their
son had always desired to "help
someone else."
Pushman's parents gave tenta-
tive permission for the trans-
plant operation Sunday, and
.University Hospital doctors pro-
ceeded with tissue and blood
typing tests to determine if
Pushman's heart would be com-
patible with Kaminski's system.
The use of a "trauma case"
victim for a transnlant donor

operation, Nelson said the 15-
man team performing yester-
day's operation was adequate.
He explained that the difference
was due to use of only one heart
pump machine, instead of the
two used in the last operation.
He also said it was possible to
trim the team because the pro-
cedure was better known and
more expectable the second time
Five men removed the donor's
heart, while ten worked on the
Doctors took one hour and
fifteen minutes to sew the new
organ into place in Kaminski's
chest. The recipient was "on the
heart pump for a span of two
hours and twenty minutes" al-
lowing doctors to cut off the
operation of the diseased organ.
Following the final link-up of
the new heart, Kaminski was

However, anti-rejection drugs
have at times proved to be "too
successful," inhibiting all of the
body's self-defense mechanisms
and leaving the patient prone to
simple infections and diseases
he would normally be able to
One newly developed anti-re-
jection drug, named anti-lymph-
ocyte globulin, (ALG), has been
found to work successfully in
preventing rejection of the new
organ while reducing the pos-
sibility of infection to a mini-
University Hospital doctors
refrained using ALG in Bar-
num's case, relying on Immur-
an and steriods completely.
Barnum has experienced no
symptoms of rejection during
his ten-week recovery. He did,
however, fall victim to -a short-
lived lun infection.

ever, was not put to a motion.
Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of the
history department suggested the
college should offer a different
diploma to those students unable
to fulfill the language require-
ment. Prof. Irving Copi of the

Congress provided an absolute
statutory right to a I-S deferment
for graduate students as long as
they did not have an undergrad-
uate II-S since June 30, 1967.
Col. Arthur Holmes, State Se-
lective Service Director, Chester

philosophy department, however, J. Chastek, Washington State Se-
argued that such an arrangement lective Service Director and Local
might diminish the value of a Board No. 48 in Adrian were nam-
University diploma. ed as defendants, in addition to
Regarding language require- Hershey.
ments in general, Hays said, "I Washington is the home state of
think it's likely some sort of plaintiff Stephen C. Ellis while
change will be made." panifSehnC li hl
The Curriculum Com ittee is Adrian is Sisson's local board.
cTet conserinm nmber fI The other two plaintiffs named
curently considering a number of '- -, .. ' -- - _ 0,...,,

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