OUR AMERICA? See editorial page Y L Bu1 t ilau :4!Ia it4 COLD TURKEY Hligh-40 Law-24 Colder, cloudy with snow flurries VOL. LXXIX, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 27, 1968 Ten Cents he great boycott: No grapes or .hanksgi By DAVID SPURR Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rap- important store in the campus way under pressure from the De- was willing to concede the moral Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavan- sities, Daily News Analysis ids, Muskegon and other cities area," Mills explained, "because troit boycott group. question," he said. agh not to buy grapes for city versity The Great Grape Boycott has around the state and the nation. we knew a lot of people shopping "We negotiated at each store," An entry in the Congressional operations was a key factor. Sup- Feldka finally hit Ann Arbor and the state Among the activists responsi- would be sympathetic to the boy- said Mills, "making it quite clear Record by Sen. Harrison Williams ported by the United Auto Work- tableg with full force. ble for the success of the boycott cott." that we were ready to go out and (D-NJ), states that grape pickers ers and legislators in Lansing, the Mic Since the beginning of last is a young instructor in the Eng- "For the first couple of weeks, picket." have been denied rights of union- Detroit group finally pressured terday week, virtually every major food lish department named Nicolaus it didn't work very well," said Kroger fell after A&P, and the izing and collective bargaining by major food chains into selling grapes chain in southeastern Michigan Mills. Betsey Hirschfeld, a research as- rest-including the area's three the growers, their existing stock of grapes and man o has stopped orders of California In September, Mills joined a sistant in the dental school who major independent markets-fol- Infant mortality rates among not ordering any more from Cali- tees, grapes under the pressure of what group of area residents who sym- also participated in the picketing. lowed suit last week. the workers are reported to be 125 fornia-.suppor is believed to the the largest na- pathized with the farm workers' "Then we started asking people Mills attributed much of the per cent higher than the national When the stock is sold out, it Stev tional boycott in American history. plight, led by the Rev. Patrick not to enter the store at all." group's success to the fact that rate. The average life expectancy will be virtually impossible to buy rector Behind it all is Cesar Chavez' Jackson of St. Thomas High the boycott is not a "University of a Southern California grape a California grape in southeastern Rob United Farm Workers Union, AFL- School. Simultaneously, a similiar That worked. Over 640 people thing." picker is only 49 years, and their Michigan, and very difficult in MSU CIO, which has struck all Cali- group with headquarters in De- turned around and walked away "We had support from the Dem- annual income is less than 3,000. other areas of the state. For ex- order fornia grape growers in protest troit, the Michigan Boycott Office when they saw the picketers there ocratic Party and the Building At the same time that the Ann ample, A&P, Kroger, B o r m a n becaus of the industry's refusal to co- of the UFW Organizing Commit- during the last few weeks. and Trades Council," he explained. Arbor group began to halt super- (Farmer Jack's), Great Scott, versy operate with unionized labor. tee, had been picketing stores in "It must have caused a fan- And yesterday the Ann Arbor ' market orders for grapes, a sim- Chatham, and Food Giant have But What began as walk-off-the- that area. tastic dent in the store's budget," Washtenaw Council of Churches iliar battle was being waged in all stopped orders in southeastern less,t field protests against 34 grape The Ann Arbor group began by said Miss Hirschfeld. also announced support of the Detroit. Leader of the movement Michigan. Allied Supemarkets goes o growers in Southern California's picketing the A&P on Huron St., It must have. After six weeks boycott. was Lupe Anguiano, a wdrker from (Wrigley, K-Mart, Packer), which strike San Joaquin Valley three years asking people not to buy grapes the A&P stopped ordering grapes Mills made it clear that the Delano, Calif. where Chavez' UFW is statewide, has also stopped nized ago has finally reached the pro- at the market. from its suppliers, and other stores only stopped stocking grapes has headquarters. orders. U.S. D duce shelves of supermarkers in "We wanted to pick the most supermarkets around -the city gave for economic reasons. "No store The decision in September by The boycott has hit the univer- Six' Pages .ving too. Two months ago, Uni- Housing Director John mp stopped the serving of grapes in residence halls. higan State University yes- decided to stop serving after Don Stevens, chair- f the MSU Board of Trus- issued a public statement 'ting the boycott. 'ens is also educational di- for the Michigan AFL-CIO. ert Herron, manager of the Food Store said, "I gave the today not to buy grapes . e there's so much contro- going on." even as families go grape- the struggle in California n. Despite the fact that the has been officially recog- as a labor dispute by the epartment of Labor and the See GREAT, Page 3 city attorney probes charge against police By STEVE NISSEN Ann Arbor City Attorney Peter W. Forsythe said yester day his office is investigating charges of illegal entry anc * search by members of the Ann Arbor Police Department. The investigation was prompted by the receipt of sev eral depositions from University students and other youth sent to the mayor and City Council by the local chapter o the American Civil Liberties Union. The case has attracted considerable attention followini a statement last week by an assistai't U.S. attorney that hi S- -had asked he FBI to investt gate the charges against th Estatepolice. Since that announcement, bot Justice Department officials an the FBI have declined commen isputes on the case. The specific complaints involv several persons whose apartmen was allegedly broken into an n ear' en d searched by about a dozen officer without a search warrant. The police allegedly kicked i The two oldest and most con- the front door of the apartmer troversial estate cases still open in before the occupants could ope Washtenaw County neared closing it and forced the youths to ope Monday. a strong box in the basement. The 17-year-old estate of Jos- The police were apparenti eph F. Buhr was ordered closed searching for marijuana or othe Monday despite the lack of clear- drugs, but found none and mad ance from the State Intangibles no arrests. Tax Division, the Detroit Free The police allegedly searche Press reported. Such clearance is the apartment three times in 4 required by law, three-week period, each time find A Free Press series indicated ing no drugs and making n that heirs of the Buhr estate and arrests. The last search came sev the 19-year-old Charles T. Bar- eral days after the Justice De thell estate had charged irregular- partment was contacted. he ities in the handling of the cases. Courts traditionally have heb Circuit Judge James R. Breakey tection a g a i n s t "unreasonab] and prominent Ann Arbor attor- search and seizure" means tha re ney Roscoe Bonisteel were invol- police cannot enter and searcl ved in the handling of the estates. premises without a warrant un Breakey, the administrator of less they have "probable cause the Barthell estate, has petitioned to believe a felony is being cor for a conference with the at- mitted within. torneys of a Detroit widow whose Probable cause in such cases ownership of part of the estate's determined by the courts. property has stalled the resolution The depositions from two of th of the case, residents of the apartment wer The Buhr trust, perhaps worth disclosed to City Council durin millions, and the more modest a closed session late Monday nigh estate, which have been pending At the insistance of several coun for 17 years, was "all but closed" cil members, the affidavits will b Monday, according to the Ann made public at the next regula Arbor News. council meeting. In a hearing before Judge Ross In the meantime, Forsythe ha W. Campbell, Bonisteel's final ac- assigned one of his assistants t counting of the Buhr estate, filed the investigation and exPects t in 1966 - 15 years after Buhr's reach a conclusion on the facts o death - was reviewed. Campbell the case within "a week to 1 then ordered the estate closed. days:" Campbell accepted the "first -~ - and final accounting" over the objections of Charles Trick, hus- band of Margaret Buhr Trick, one of the three beneficiaries of the r estate. Trick had demanded an annual each ii accounting of the estate, but Campbell said a single account is not unusual. Although at least one heir of the By °MARCIA ABRAMSON * $200,000 Barthell estate has The black ghetto is an alien charged Breakey with stalling the world for most University stu- closing of the estate, the judge dents, a unique society with has explained that delay has been different standards, different caused by difficulties in disposing customs, different food, differ- with two plots of Barthell's prop- ent language. erty. A parcel owned jointly by . How then can the Univer- the estate and Mrs. John Parsons sity, isolated in Ann Arbor, of Detroit is apparently still pre- adequately prepare students senting difficulties. ; who want to teach in the inner Saigon City asks 0' bus line to cut cost City Council has ordered t h e Transportation Authority to de- sign a less costly method of run- ning the city's bus line before Jan. 31. If such a plan cannot be devel- oped, council will recommend "im- mediate termination of the con- tract with Ann Arbor City Tran- sit, Inc." Council expects to receive a study of the bus line's problems in time for the Dec. 4 meeting of the Transportation Authority. On the basis of the study, the author- ity is to develop a plan for a self- supporting school bus system and city bus line with a maximum subsidy of $2500 per month. Both William Drake of the Transportation Authority and City Administrator Guy Larcom Jr. told council at a special work session Monday that the $2500 figure was ridiculously low. Lar- com predicted the necessary sub- sidy would be closer to $5000 per month. Currently combined expenses of the school and city services are running close to $14,000 monthly. When the city decided to subsidize' the bus line last summer, annual cost was projected at $2500 per month. f Ronald E. St. John, president of the St. John Transportation Co. From which is supplying buses and driv- E ers for Ann Arbor City Transit, Eldridge blamed the expenses on unexpect- to be ret ed unionizing by his employes, morning, 1 and an unwieldy school schedule his wherea which involves extra hours of pay Mrs.El for the drivers. d h h The Transportation Authority, saiderh created by council, consists of city turn "by; and University personnel familiar Cleaver wa with the field of mass transporta- conference tion. Their job is to advise the not know council and help administer the Her stat transportation system. after Just agrees to attend talks; elegation to participate No date announced for next conference WASHINGTON (R) - Saigon last night agreed to send a delegation to the Paris peace talks and will be the main spokesman on matters involving South Vietnamese internal affairs. The United States reserved the dominant role in decisions affecting U.S. military forces and troop withdrawals. The agreement was announced simultaneously in Wash- ington and Saigon. There was no indication how soon Saigon will begin talks with the United States, North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front. Saigon had balked at the inclusion of NLF representatives in the negotiations. However, yesterday's agreement was apparently made --Daily-Andy Sacks Eldridge Cleaver: Back in jail? eaver ordered to prison wire Service Reports in Washington turned aside with- 1958 after conviction on assault Cleaver was scheduled out comment Cleaver's claim his i charges. turned to prison this parole was revoked because of his Cleaver appealed Monday to but as of late last night political beliefs. Justice William O. Douglas, who abouts were not known. The California Adult Authority has jurisdiction over California revoked Cleaver's parole last April courts. Douglas turned the case sridge Cleaver yesterday following an Oakland incident over to Marshall to act in his usband should resist re- with police in which a 17-year-old place. Douglas' office said he had any means necessary." Negro youth was killed. Cleaver to leave Washington this morning as not at his wife's news and two policemen were wounded to fulfill a speaking commitment e and she said she did in the shooting. at Wisconsin State University. where he was. Cleaver had been on parole from Cleaver's lawyers said in their ement came a few hours a 13-year sentence, of which he application to Douglas for a stay possible by U.S. assurance thatO the NLF and Hanoi would be considered as one unit. As. made public here, the Sai- gon announcement by Foreign Minister Tran Canh Thanh said South Vietnam was prepared to join the talks to show its good will and "to test the good faith of Hanoi." President Johnson welcomed the announcement, but cautioned that hard bargaining and fighting still lie ahead. The U.S. statement which ac- companied Saigon's pledge to end its boycott of the Paris negotia- tions laid down a series of U.S. government assurances which had been negotiated by Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, the American representative at Paris. The assurances included: -a pledge that the United States will not recognize any form of government not. freely chosen through democratic and legal pro- cess by the South Vietnam people. It said. that the imposition of any coalition regime would conflict with this principle. -a pledge that in the talks with the North Vietnamese, the presence of the NLF would not be recognized. -a pledge to operate in the closest cooperation with South Vietnam in the new round of meetings and to consult with al- lied nations contributing military forces. The United States has not and will not agree to any four-sided conference, the statement said. It specified that the meeting will have only two sides. But it added that there would be separate U.S. and South Vietnamese delega- tions on the allied side. The U.S. statement reaffirmed that there cannot be productive $cholarships More than 200 vouchers for $30 increases in Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority (MHEAA) scholar- ships for the fall term are still unclaimed. Scholarship award- ees should pick up the vouchers in the Fellowship Office, 2226 CA anr te..hplrsc wm ih m- S. F. State president Jrei LOS ANGELES to)-Citing "in- ability to reconcile conflicts" and inherited financial shortages, Dr. Robert R. Smith resigned yester- day as president of strife-torn San Francisco State College. State college trustees, who for two days had been considering campus problems and Smith's future, accepted the resignation unanimously and named Dr. S.. I. Hayakawa, internationally known semanticist, to the post. He has been a faculty member since 1955. The resignation was the second of a president in one year at the college, which has a troubled his- tory. Dr. John Summerskill quit last spring after controversy'over his handling of demonstrations. Smith cited "inability to recon- cile effectively the conflicts be- tween the trustees and chancellor, the faculty groups on campus, the militant student groups, and political forces of the state." He also mentioned "desperate limitations in financial resources cast against the commitments made in the colleges prior to my assumption of the role of presi- dent." One such problem has been financing programs to aid minor- ity group students, a central issue in the current campus crisis. San Francisco State has been disrupted for three weeks while Smith tried to deal with sporadic violence, a student strike and var- ious protests. Much of the activity stems from demands of black students for special courses, and protests over the suspension of a Black Panther leader, George Murray, as a part time English teacher, after he reportedly advocated that stu- dents carry guns. After being closed for a week the school reopened, but teaching ice Thurgood Marshall had served eight years, imposed in STUDENTS ASK UNIFIED PROGRAM 1g teachers for inner city i i G i S dent, discontent with existing urban education programs. Student, faculty and commu- nity representatives are includ- ed in the group. The commission will develop an urban education program for presentation to the educa- tion school's graduate and un- dergraduate committees. The University currently of- fers no unified program, only various unrelated courses. This was one of the major criticisms of the students at Monday's and an upperclass year spent entirely in Detroit." Berends added that commis- sion members also seem to favor development of both four- year undergraduate and grad- uate programs. However, both students and the commission realize the ur- gent need for teachers and hope to set up a temporary pro- gram as soon as possible, Ber- end said. The students were asked to formulate the position paper Extension is located near WSU, and the group is seriously con- sidering using these facilities. Berends said administrators in the extension service seem re- ceptive to the idea. One member of the group asked if the University might be able to assist the students with housing in Detroit or transportation to the city. Otis Nelson, co-chairman of the commission, cited the prob- lem of militancy in the ghetto. that the black militant's parole was revoked without a hearing and without observance of his right to counsel. They added it was revoked "without cause and because of his political beliefs, opinions and ex- pressions as a member of the Black Panther Party of Self-De- fense." Their plea was to keep Cleaver free until they file a petition for review of the case with the court and the court acts on it. The justices took a recess Mon- day morning and will not be in public session again until Dec. 9. A week later they will begin an- other recess, one that will last four weeks. Action on an appeal by Cleaver, then, is highly unlikely before January. d6l d6l Q d6l cities? The best solution may be a total immersion in the black world, concluded a group of