THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Tuesday, November 26, 1968' ARCHITECTS' CONV ENTION: Draft law: Unfair to everyone By ERIKA HOFF "In order for a voluntary army to be feasible in the United States, we would have to change the way American children are raised,' a manpower expert warns. "We would have to educate them to believe that fighting is better than negotiating, that war is better than peace." Betty Vetster, executive director of the Scientific Manpower Com- mittee, speaking Sunday to an American Institute of Architects convention on "You, Your Coun- try, and the Draft," also said, "There is no way to make t h e draft fair." Her conclusion, she admitted, was unique, but was not illogical. . "Let us look for moment at that segment of our citizenry to whom the deferment of graduate students or young scientists, teachers and engineers was as- sumed to be unfair-the un d e r - privileged, the unmotivated, and the unskilled. "Will we have improved their lot? Both the number and the quality of teachers will decline-. And yet good education surely is the principle key to helping the disadvantaged. "The Department of Defense operates the biggest single educa- tional' enterprise in the nation. But without the pressure of the draft on the 19-year-old who is neither in college, apprenticeship, or a trade school, the major im- petus to enlistment is lacking. "We will further delay solution of many of the problems of the underprivileged. A massive inflow of new funding cannot solve in- ner city problems alone. "By removing the most creative, the most idealistic, the most hu- manistic part of our populat 9n from the environment which sti- mulated their creativity and their understanding, and by forfeiting their professional contribution for at least the years of their serv- ice, we will further postpone the aspirations of the underprivileged. "It will, be difficult to explain to them that the delay was ne- cessitated by the need to be 'fair' to them." She also considered in depth other implications of the draft law. The 1967 Draft Act provided deferments for all full-time un- dergraduate students, but limited graduate deferments to those that were in training for occupations SCommttee of LSA hears ROTC views necessary for the national health, safety or interest. Those occupations, to be deter- mined by the- President and the National Security Council, includ- ed only those already designated by law-medicine, dentistry, vet- erinary medicine and osteopathy- and no others. One person in the audience ask- ed why architects cannot get oc- cupational deferments when Pres- ident Johnson has declared that a national housing shortage exists. "Now youre trying to introduce something the selective service did not-logic," Mrs. Vetter replied. She did say, however, that uni- versities must take a major share of the responsibilities for today's draft rules. During the lgng de- bate on the draft, not one pro- fessional university group was willing to stand up and state that the product of its graduate schools was essential to the na- tion's "health, safety, and inter- est." But the consideration of the long range effects of the draft weren't her only concern. T h e more immediate effects of the draft on the professional ateas were also considered. "The decision to suspend defer- ment for graduate study as well as for skills-shortage occupations was made on the basis .that such deferments were unnecessary and were unfair." Mrs. Vetter said that. graduate school enrollment has also been affected. "Some universities over- admitted. Many students applied to institutions of higher caliber than they might otherwise h a v e chosen, thus filling the spaces in the best schools, but diluting the quality of students at every level below them. "Before, February of this year, one out of every 25 draftees was a college graduate. In general, graduates who faced military ser- vice preferred to enter officer training programs. However, most officer programs have been filled since early March, and the choice has narrowed down to enlistment in one of the other services for a longer period of time, or induction as a draftee. "By August, one of every 7 draftees had a college degree. In September, 1 in 5 was a graduate, in October, 1 in 4; and as we move into the spring of 1969, the pro- portion of dratees who are grad- uates and graduate students may reach 90 per cent or more. Po i Sci meeting All political science majors have been asked to attend a meeting to discuss the restruc- turing of the department. The meeting is slated for to- night at 7:30 in 231 Angell Hall. Publishing: The way up (Continued from page 1) "As long as we view ourselves as a quality school," he concludes, "we want people who are leaders in their field." The emphasis on reputation raises . two substantial points: What that reputation means and where it takes the University. Despite Hays' emphasis on na- tional reputation or image, a num- ber of professors don't put very much faith in that image. And they say the flavor of the aca- demic marketplace and the de- mand to keep up with the aca- demic Joneses may be less than functional for the University. "There is a tremendous over- emphasis on publications," P r o f . Jack Walker of the political sci- ence department says. "It's really crazy. It's dysfunctional for the University." Prof. Donald Stokes, one of the political science department's big names nationally, finds fault with the system as well. "There a r e some favorable aspects to the academic marketplace," he says, "but what has moved deans and executive committees is quite un- aesthetic - the moving up in the standings in the academic league." "The University has no con- trol-a lot of people are oriented nationally and care just about the University aiding, their own re- search." Walker adds. "This is a research machine," he concludes, "Everyone is very anx- ious to keep up." The greatest danger in this ap- proach is., the hollowness of the meaning of a high standing na- tionally. More than one profes- sor typifies it as a careless-but very powerful--assessment of how good a University department is. "The determinants of reputa- tion are terribly vague at best," says Prof. Suits, "and irrelevant at worst. The whole business is ridi- culous." Butthe effect of that national ranking is great indeed, so much so that it sometimes determines individual appointments because of the effect they would have on that standng. "There a±'e cases when consid- eration of the implications for na- tional status of a new appoint- ment has taken precedence over the man's qualifications for the job," Suits says./ "The University is not, "one critic concedes, "a 'publish or perish mill' like Berkeley," But it does operate on a system where "research clearly dominates," as another asserts and Hays admits. Further, it is not just a differ- ence of values-the relative im- portaPce -of research vs. teaching --but depends upon a realistic as- sessment of what reputation really means, an assessment which, per- haps, is yet to be done either by the college or the University. ADC sit-ns come to legal end (Continued from page 1) which allows search without a warrant. Asked about this provis- ion, Elden said that, to his know- ledge, it had never been used in his court. There was speculation that the probation could have serious ef- fects on the planned student rent strike and mother's utility strike. Sources close to the mothers in- dicated however, that there would be other mothers, not on proba- tion, to carry out the utility strike. There has been no indication from the court or the probation office as to what "anti-social con- duct" means. As one student described what he had been told by the proba- tion officials "legally, of course, all of the probation contract re- mains in force." But, he said, "I don'tranticipate they will make any trouble about it." Following their session with Rinker, who explained the provis- sions of the work programs, one group of students was considering refusing to complete their work program after the Christmas va- cation and serve the jail term. They did not make any definite plans at that time. Others commented on ,the "shrewdness" of the court in de- signing the womens' projects so that they would be helping t h e mothers. All of the girls on the work projects will be working, in one way or another, with the ADC mothers who they originally de- monstrated in support of. Difficulties may arise in this area of the work project due to the fact that several of the moth- ers have now taken full time jobs and two others are now students. The probation department did not anticipate this situation and is presently trying to revise i t s work schedule to accommodate the mothers. Work schedules for the other women's programs will also have to be revised since sev- eral of them were to involve day care for the children of the moth- ers during the time the mothers were scheduled to work at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Other complications may result from the refusal by several moth- ers to have "college girls" take care of their children. Initial reactions to the men's work program came yesterday from Barry Cohen, '70, who work- ed his first day for the Washtenaw County Road Commission. He cleared brush from the sides of the road and intersections f o r eight hours with a half hour break for lunch. He and the others on the project provided their own transportation and lunch. He de- scribed the work as "heavy man- ual labor." The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 p.m. of the day preceding pubi- cation and by 2 p.m. Friday fort Saturday and Sunday. General No- tices may be published a maximum of two times on request; Day Cal- endar items appear only once. Stu- dent organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Da Calendar Wind Instrument Department Reci- tal: Echool of Music Recital Hall,. 12:30 p.m. Computer and Communication Lec- ture Series: Professor William Ogden, Case Western Reserve Wniversity, "Con- text-free Language and Inherent Am- biguity," Michigan Union, Room 3C, Coffee 3:30, Lecture 4:00. Center for Russian and East Euro- pean Studies: R. V. Burks, Professor of History, Wayne State University, "The Future of Eastern Europe": 200 Lane Hall, 4:10 p.m. Opera: Puccini's La Boheme: Joseph B'latt, Conductor; Ralph Herbert, Stage Director; Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. General Notices Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to it p.m. daily; Tuesday 1:00 p.m. U-M Department of Philosophy Lecture: -Dr. Wilfred Sel- lars, Prof., Univ. of Pittsburgh, on "Towards a Metaphysics of the Per- son". Tuesday 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story, with Jack Hamilton. Wednesday 1100 a.m. The Eleventh Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts an hour of news and conversation about the arts and literature. Guests: Gourmet Panel with Thomas Warbur- ton and Peg Key. Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. U-M Conference on Aging Lecture: The Hon. William D. Bechill, Commissioner on Aging, HEW, Washington, on "Community Patterns for the Care of the Aged". Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Opera Night: Puccini: "Ma- dame Butterfly"; Prokofiev: "War and Peace" (highlights). The University of Michigan 1 Intramural Sports Department SPORTS BUILDING HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years 1968-1969 Close Wed., Nov. 27, at 6:03 p.m. Closed Thurs., Nov. 28th thru Sun., Dec. 1. Regular hours Dec. 2 thru Dec. 13th. Open: Sat., Dec. 14 - 8:00 n.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon., Dec. 18 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tues., Dec. 17 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 18 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 19 - 10:00 a.m.' to 4:00 p.m. Fri., Dec. 20 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Sat. & Sun., Dec. 21 and 22nd. Open: Mon., Dec. 23 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tues., Dec. 24- 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Wed., Dec. 25th. Open: Thurs., Dec.26 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. Fri., Dec. 27 -10:00 4:00 p.m.. Closed Sat. & Sun., Dec. 28 and 29th. Open: Mon., Dec. 30 -10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tues., Dec. 31-10:0 to 4:00 p.m.' Closed Wed., January 1st. Open: Thurs.. Jan. 2 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fri., Jan. 3 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Regular hours begin Mon., Jan. 6th. K. J. Granibeau, Intramural Director Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents on February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or sum- mer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation: however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid ac- counts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be Iwithheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made." Academic Costume: Can be rented at oMe Sport Shop, 711 North Univer- sity Avenue. Orders for Winter Com- mencement Exercises should be placed immediately, and MUST be placed be- fore November 29. Center for Russian and East Euro- pean Studies and Dept. of Journalism Lecture: John Scott, Special Correspon- dent, Time Magazine, "The Soviet Economy - and the Soviet Empire," Rackham Amphitheater, Monday, De- cember 2, 4:10 p.m. Foreign Visitors The following individuals can be reached through the Foreign Visitor (Continued on Page 6) ..S"i S .... .. ... . . . . . . .. ......-. .. :..: . . . .. . . . * * **... ............ L. S. (Continued from page 1) "Suppose," Cohen challenged one ROTC student, "we offered a degree in plumbing. Would that be appropriate for the Univer- sity?" Don Tucker, '71L, finally ad- mitted, "Yes, I suppose we could have a School of Plumbing." Roger Keats, '70, also defended the ROTC program. Keats com- pared the quality of certain ROTC courses to introductory psychol- ogy courses and the laxity in grading. "I never heard of anyone who didn't get an 'A' in Psych 101," he said. "I did," SGC president Michael Koeneke volunteered. i Cohen attacked the students' testimony concerning the quality of ROTC instruction. "Military instruction is terrible instruction' because it cramps the mind. And I know, I taught in the military." Ron Landsman, '70, a Daily night editor who last, year in- Court, denies H ACcase (Continued from page 1) lan-wanted to hear the case, but four members of the court are needed to accept an appeal. The search warrant question in- volving the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search resulted from a California burglary case. The high court, in recent years, has upheld the power of police- men to make searches. But, at the same time, the court has compel- led officials to justify their actions and to limint the scope of their quest for evidence when they operate in a man's own home. vestigated ROTC, said he had found the academic quality of the courses' offered "spotty at best." He told the committee the program emphasized "manipula- tion ,of mechanical devices" and "socializing people into army life." Charles Esterl, '69E, another ROTC student, said the issue was one of "academic freedom." He also challegend Landsman's sug- gestion that ROTC is a "boot camp" for college students. Esterl said, "In ROTC a student can get parts of his education that aren't offered anywhere else in the University." Landsman countered his argu- ment, saying that the "granting of academic credit hardly amounts to the stifling of academic free- dom." He also called the pro- gram's courses in leadership a "farce nothing short of astound- ing . . . Their concept of leader- ship concerns only the appearance of leadership." He also criticized the Univer- sity's failure to pass judgment on' new ROTC instructors, since the University's contract with all three services includes such power. Cohen ended the discussion by stating, "Our discussion today has not shown that ROTC courses are of a low academic level." WOMEN'S RUSH REGISTRATION FISHBOWL December 2,3,4, & 5 10:00-4:00 SOUTH QUAD, STOCKWELL, LLOYD, MARKLEY December 2 & 3 i 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30 JORDAN, COUZENS, BURSLEY - December 4& 5 JUMBOY I Fp REMEMBER W M-M-m-m-m, yummie! A giant hamburger of % lb. U.S. Govt. pure beef topped with let- tuce, tomato, mayonnaisT, onions, pickles and ketchup . ALL THIS FOR ONLY 49c QMILING PEEOY @QERVICE West of Arborland COURSE EVALUATION a pefc size7 lookperfect onlyC2l dags evermonth? 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