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J .. ...... . .. .... . ........ .... , ,.. .....,. .. . ,... . ... . ..... ..4 , , ~ ,.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ...... ........t,... .. ...... . . . . . . ..... _____...........................................---. ---.- ....................................................................................................... The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 p.m. of the day pteceding publi- cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General No- tIces may be published a maximum of two times on request; Day Cal- endar items appear only once. Stu- dent organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Da Calendar gan: First Baptist Church, 8:30 p.m. I sembly's Committee on the Proper Role to open meetings, that members would of the University of Michigan in the feel intimidated by students, is tell- Educational System of the State, Wil- ing commentary on the deliberations of General No ices liam E. rown, Jr. 5. Report of the that committee, and WHEREAS: It is Senae Advisory Committee on Uuniver- obnoxious that decisions be made be- ---- sity Affairs on its role as advisory to hind closed doors that directly affect Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio the President - Irving M. Copi. 6. Mo- the lives of students, THEREFORE, BE (91.7 Mc.) 12 noon to 11 p.m. Satur- tion to amend Article I, Section 4(2) of IT RESOLVED: That SGC immediately day; Sunday 12 Noon to 6 p.m. the Rules of the University Senate, draft and submit a letter to the Cur-, Saturday 1:15 p.m. U-M vs. Ohio Senate Assembly, and Senate Advisory riculum Committee of the Lit. School; State Football Game, with Tom Hem- Committee on University Affairs. 7. demanding that all meetings of the ingway reporting the play-by-play from Faculty Salaries - Report by W. Kaplan. committee be open to anyone. BE IT Columbus. Saturday 5:15 p.m. Jazz Re- 8. Old and new business. 9. Discussion FURTHER RESOLVED: That SGC shall visited, with Hazen Schumacher pre- from the floor. take any action that it deems appro- senting Duke Ellington from 1929 to The Vice Presidents of the Univer- priate to insure that these meetings be 1936. 7:30 p.m. Record Collector, with sity are invited to attend the Sen- open. Prof. Warren Good. ate meeting to discuss matters of con- Approved: To allocate $60.00 to the Sunday 2:00 p.m. Cleveland Orchestra cern to the University community. Hog Farm. Concert, George Szell conductor. Mo- Approved:''WHEREAS: Council mem- zart, Wagner. 4:00 p.m. Ernest Bloch: Dr. Ronald Freedman, Director of Aroved: amaERng Coucil merds The Man and His Music. the University of Michigan Population berhwm AnlIne n tward ..thiC *LUILJi b ,~i d Ot '4 d iUt t pi StndiPr, Canter Vwill lead~ A +diren Onn s TV Center Program: On Sunday, on "Opportunities for Fellowship Sup- University Players (Department of November 24 the -following program port and Later Careers in Population Speech): Shakespeare's The Tempest: produced by the TV Center will have Studies" at 4:15 on November 25 in the Trueblood Theater, 2:30 and 8:00 p.m. its initial telecast in Detroit: 12:00 Assembly Hall of the Rackham Bldg. . Noon, WWJ TV, Channel 4: "An Ear This is pertinent for seniors and first Hill Auditorium, 4:00 pm for the Troubled." Dr. Philip Mar- year graduate students in sociology, piin .,.golis, Director of the Washtenaw Co. economics, mathematics, zoology, na- Degree Recital: Susan Schoen, Cello: Community Mental Health Center, and tural resources and related fields. School of Music Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m. staff members discuss the operation of Cinema Guild: Hodse Committee on their Crisis service. SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY Un-American Activities' Operation UNIVERSITY SENATE MEETING STUDENT GOVERNMENT CPUNCIL Abolition: Architecture Auditorium, Monday, November 25, 1968 at 4:00 p.m. AT ITS MEETING NOVEMBiR 21, '68 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. The regular fall meeting of the Uni- Approved: SGC endorses the efforts of Opera: Puccini's La Boheme: Josef versity Senate will he 'held Monday, Professor Galler of Faculty Assembly Blatt, Conductor; Ralph Herbert, Stage November 25, at 4:00 p.m. in Rackham to include students on the SACUA Ad- Director. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,. Lecture Hall. The agenda is as follows: visory Committee to Vice President 8:00 p.m. 1. Consideration of the minutes of Smith. However, SGC strongly urges Unversity Jazz Band: Larry David- the regular Senate meeting of April 15, that a minimum of (4) voting student, son, Conductor: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 1968. 2. Report from President Fleming members be appointed to this advisory pm. - on Current Matters. 3. Vice President board. Organ Recital: Robert Noehren, Or- Ross, remarks. 4. Report of the As- Appointed: Marty Ayers, Chairman of the ad hoc Committee on Student r Approved : That SGC recognize the Paddle Ball ClubFall '68' as a student ORGANIZATION NOTICES organization.That SGC recognize the French Student Association - Inter- national Center as a student organi- zation. I I omer members ana owaras constiu. ents, and WHEREAS: This insensitivity cuts down communication of essen- tial information, and WHEREAS: De-# cisions should never be made on the basis of insufficient data, MOVE: That, Council direct Gayle Rubin to set up sensitivity/leadership training for the Council members. Approved: WHEREAS: SGC and SGCF members have consistently talked about high book prices, and WHERE- AS: SGC has done nothing about these high book prices, and WHEREAS: Any, further delay in establishing a book mart will mean a delay of at least a year, THEREFORE' MOVE: (1) That SGC (and its Student Consumers Un- ion) move immediately to establish a student used-book mart. (2) The SGC establish a select committee on a book mart. (3) To appoint Bob Nelson, Carol Hollenshead, Mark Rosenbaum, Gene Smith, Mark Hodax, Chris Dabrowski, Jim Morgenstern, Mary Livingston and Dennis Webster to the select commit- tee. Approved: To allocate up to $20 to Mrs. Samuelson for purchase of a heater for her office. Approved. That SaC hold its .Jan- uary 23rd meeting at Bursley. Approved: To establish a select com- mittee on S.A.B. Office Additions. Appointed: Charles Kao, Chairman of the select committee on S.A.B. Of- fice Additions Approved: That. SOC adopt the policy that only Council members be allowed to sit at the table unless a non-member is specifically invited to the table. Placeimwnt GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. Community Career Opportunity Con- ferences, or Operations Native Sons, held during Xmas Holidays (most Dec. 26-28. some 30-31). Both residents and other students welcome to meet with employers of the area, browse, or hold interviews. Poster listing over 200 such meetings and individual posters from areas on ifle in the career Planning Library area of Placement Services. A few request postcards for advance re- gistration. We will list areas as we re- ceive individual notices, .,watch thisj column, and come in to check the na- tionwide listings on the poster. Greater Grand Rapids, Mich.: Dec. 30, noon to 8 p.m., Exhibition Hall, Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium. Columbus, Ohio, December 26, 27,. 28. Sheraton - Columbus Hotel. Re- quested to register Thursday, Dec.26, noon - 5 p.m. Central Illinois Industrial Associa - tion, Peoria, Ill., December 26 and 27, Hotel Pere Marquette. Registration cards available, Current Position Openings, not in-s terviews on campus, call 764-7460 for application information. These are toa be filled soon, therefore December graduates are welcome to apply. Kenyon and Eckhardt Advertising Co., Detroit, Mich.: Assistant Product In- formation Specialist. some imechanical drawing exper.. writing, c rntact work withi clients, some copy exper. aecess. ,John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Boston, Mass.: Economis. forecast work with long term lwxe t- ments, familiar with macro and micro ecen. theory, quantitative work. PhD pref., or equiv. exper, several years research exper, pref. Local Museum: Resemch Assi ant,. chemictl work with organ cultl re. ml- lucks and invertebrates. BS in Ch-m.,' Biol., Zoo., of Physiol., no exper. necess. Michigan Cancer Foundation, Detroit,. Mich.: Librarian for small collection,; mo tly journals, fairly medically tech- nical, BA degree level, no part icular field, 1 or more yeas exper in a lib- rav. State of Nebaska, Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska: Civil or agricultural en- gineer with exper in watershed plan- ning. Bell Aeosystems, Buffalo, N.Y.: Posi- tions in Elecromechanical Syst. Engrg., Structural Syst.. Manuf. and Research, Finance positions. Most mid-level mgmt., exper from 2-5 yrs., adv. degrees, few EA level entrance positions. Kankakee State Hospital, Special Educational Services, Ill.: Positions for persons without spec. ed. certification, trainee positions with salary and tui- tion grants, specially interested in graduates in home econ., math, sci- ences, reading, and speech and hearing. [ IT TI Y I I I I IZ T S'MMR PLACEMENT1 SE:RVICE- 2l:? S.A..,1 I ower I.eel .Jobs Abroad: ISIS. a e hcy Uasd in N.Y. and Brussels, will b interviewing at SPS, 212 SAB. on Nov. 25 and 26 for information anad literature Holdk)in group discussions open to all on eve- n1ings at 25 and 26 Nov. from 5-6 P.M and 1-8 P.M. in Roomb 3516 SAB. third 110,,. Now is the tim to have all those qluestions abimit working abroad an- svered While home for Christmas Vacations, the following stores will interview for their college boards: Shillito's of Cincinnati, Ohio: Dec. 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, and 28. for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Jrs. I Magnin and Co. of San Francisco. Dec. 20, 21 and 23, Sophomore, Jr. or Sr. Th " ONLY $.8 On a SHORT WAY LINE "JETPORT COACH" 72 DEPARTURES WEEKLY tram MICHIGAN UNION 530,5. STATE 662-4431 OR GREYHOUND TERMINAL 116W. HURON 662-5511 S! EUROPE ON ZERO$ PER DAY If you are looking for a low cost, living and learning experience in Europe this summer or year-round, visit the ISTC ISIS representative for information and appli- cations on November 25 and 26. Group meeting for ques- tions and answers will be held on November 25 and 26 at SA. B. in Room 3516 from 5 to 6, and 7 to 8. The repre- sentative will also be available during the day in S.A.B. 212 0 i 1 College Republicans meeting, on Nov. 26th, 7:30 p.m. UGLI Multi-purpose room, Election of at-large members to executive board. Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., Sun., Nov. 24th, 6:00 p.m., Deli House, fea- turing a talk at 6:30 by Rabbi Sherwin Wine of Temple Birmingham (Mich.) on "Intermarriage and the College Stu- dent"; Mon., Nov. 25th, 8:00 p.m. Prof. Herbert Kellam of the Psych Dept., speaks on "Ethical Problems in Social Research". Rabbi Max Ticktin will moderate and react to both speakers. Student Religious Liberals will meet on Sunday, Nov. 24th at 7:00 p.m. to hear Assistant Prof. John Hagen and Joan Zweben, a graduate student lead a discussion on "Positive Psychology - Ressell to Esalen", at the First Unitar- Ian Church, 1917 Washtenaw. Coffee and . donuts, everyone welcome. * * * * Phi Kappa Alpha: Open house, Nov. 23rd, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., 1923 Geddes; open house in honor of receiving charter from the national fraternity. Urban Educational Committee, Stu-, dents for Educational Innovation. Mon- day, Nov. 25th, 9:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Monroe St. Development of a position paper to be presented to and discussed by the Commission on Ur- ban Education. Bach Club meeting: Weds., Nov. 27th, Guild House, 802 Monroe St., 8:00 p.m. John Harvith speaks on "Out of Des- peration." Jelly donuts and fun fol- lowing. $University Lutheran Chapel: 1511 Washyenaw. Sunday service at 9:30 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Nov. 24th. Guest speaker Rev. Eugene Krentz, Assistant to the President of Concordia Luth- eran Jr. College. Communion in 11:00 service. S * * * Gamma Delta: Lutheran student or- ganization. Suppei- program at 1511 Washtenaw on Nov. 24th at 6:00 p.m. Speaker: Melvin Kieschmick, formerly with Lutheran Church's educational mission in Hong Kong for 10 years (1956-65) - "Eduction in Hong Kong, a cultual Synthesis". Come! Approved: WHEREAS: The issues of concern of the Cirriculum Committee of the Lit. School directly affect the lives of the students, and WHEREAS: It is a central doctrine of education that one possess an influence in mat- ters that directly affect his life, and WHEREAS: The major objection of the Curriculum Committee of Lit. School ~ EROS FESTIVAL NO. i UNDERGROUND of the Vth Forum THUR. thru SUN.--1 1:00 P.M. NEXT WEEK ANDY WARHOL'S "NUDE RESTAURANT" Topless anti-war film A Ramsey Lewis Interpretations.' z 0 m w z x 0 [51 LJ 15]1 L11I L11Lc- 1511L5 1 -5 PRiCES AR, "ABO T. Current scholars major in classics freshly translated by John Meyer for a great young look. The accommodating littlecoat has a convertible collar, detachable hood and huge pockets $40. The slim, straight slacks come in wool tartan $21. Their companion is a long-sleeVed cable pullover in six-plv shetland wool and Lady Madonna Les Heur /Yi...V n The Heat Of The Night .1i ',- X,. Eternal Journey Do You Know The Way To San Jose CADET LPS 8L