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November 23, 1968 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-23

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Page Seven,

Saturday, November 23, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Bef ore



showdown, Johnson


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article gives some of Captain Ron
Jotnson'g thought abut today' am ervith Ohio State and the seasonk
on Thursday morning.)
as told to

day the wet field gave me an edge over the Wisconsin defensive He's also great because even though he's all bandaged up week
backs, but Ohio State is faster than they were. 'after week and suffering a lot of pain, he still gives you 100 per cent.

This is as close a team as I've ever played on. We're together
because of the personalities of the guys on the team. We're all giving
a lot more of ourselves this year.

He's one indication of why our team is winning this year. Nobody
is selfish: everybody looks toward the team goal first, and their
personal goals second.

Another factor is that more guys are getting into the games this You can say tnt~iri n r oooais erox u
JOEL BLOCK year and that helps a lot in bringing the team together. It's a lot gether on the road and once I lent him a sport jacket when he
I have no worries about the Ohio State game. They're just the different from my sophomore year' when the line-up was pretty stable. needed one. He says things that build you up like telling me one Sat-
same as we are; they're not supermen. They eat the same food, We're also getting terrific performances from a lot of sopho- 'urday morning before a game. "We gotta spring you for a couple
breath the same air as we do. I'm tired of all this talk about how 'mores like Dan Dierdorf. Dan Parks. Henry Hill. and Ed Moore. long ones because you haven't been getting too many lately."
much better they are. Dierdorf may be an All-American by his senior year. He's a tremendous person and I can't say enough about him.
I don't like the way people will pose the question: Do you think We're not the rah-rah type of football team. The only sign we . . . I like punt coverage a lot because it's the only time I get to
you have a chance to beat OSU? They seem to imply that Ohio have in the locker room before a game is a "Go Blue Go" sign right tackle. In high school I played both ways and enjoyed all aspects
State is much tougher than we are. They haven't been tested except near the door which we all slap when we leave to go on thc field. We -of the game. Now, up in college, you have to specialize and you
for Purdue. But we played Indiana and Minnesota and they didn't, don't have to put up a lot of signs to get ourselves "up." can't do everything you want to.

Somehow people have put Ohio State on the top of the world and
they don't belong there.
I don't think it will be anything difficult to run against them.
They won't stop Us if we execute our plays properly.
All the publicity in recent weeks hasn't bothered me or the team
very much. We're all wrapped up in just winning this game. We know
we've got to win this one or there won't be any looking ahead to the
Rose Bowl.
About the home advantage for OSU, I don't think the crowd
noise will bother me; it never does. It is all part of the environment
of a football game and I'd probably be more affected if there wasn't
any crowd at all.
I don't know how the weather will affect the game. Last Satur-

I usually say a few words to the team before a game but gen-
erally keep it short. You loose a lot of your effect if you talk a lot.
-..I owe a great part of my success to Garvie Craw. He's in on
a lot of plays and it's like having an extra lineman out in front of
you. I'm confident running with the ball with Garvie out in front I
of me because I know he'll complete his assignment.
It takes a tremendous guy to put out week after week even ,
though he's not carrying the ball a lot. I'd have trouble working at|
his position if our roles were reversed and he would be carrying the

I'm a headhunter on the punt coverage team which means its
my responsibility to get the ball-carrier. It's my only chance to hit
instead of getting hit and I love it.
...When I'm running, after I hit the hole, my instinct takes
over; I don't know why I make certain cuts or use a stiff-arm, they're
all automatic reflexes.
I'm also more comfortable going to my left than my right on
running plays, I guess it's because we run a lot of our plays that
way so I'm used to It more.
When It comes to going inside or going outside. I'd say I get
more personal satisfaction out of carrying the ball up the middle,
You get a more authoritative feeling when you're power running.
I hit the line at varying speeds according to the play we're run-
ning. If it's a short yardage situation I just think about getting up
enough power to make it. If we're running a trap or a counter I have
to vary my speed to set up the blocking.
..That nickname they gave me in the papers. "R.J.", was made
up by the guys on the team to counter the 0. J. thing.
I guess my .real nickname Is "Flipper," because It's the one my
close friends at the fraternity call me. It first started when the guys
named me "Dolphin'' because of my middle name. Adolphus. Then
they called me "Porpoise," then "Neptune" and finally. "Fllppers"
Te hue-ups

Crimson set to



UCLA and Southern California.
Kansas and Missouri. Nebraska
and Oklahoma. Ouside of the Big
Ten title tilt in Columbus, most
everyone would say that one of 1
these pairings is the nation's num-
ber one collegiate football clash.
Most people would be wrong.
This week, THE game, the one
stiring more hatred and violence
in the hearts of fans and player s
alike is the earth-shattering col-
lision between the Bulldogs of
Yale and the Crimson of Harvard.
Now one might take this build-
up as unmerciful sarcasm direct-
ed toward two teams in a con-
ference that has produced more
excitement during its halftime
shows than In its football games.
The jibes still fit the rest of the
Ivy League, though; they still
stink. But Harvard and Yale are
good. Both are undefeated and
untied. An experienced Yale squad
has bombed opponents all year
and sees no reason to stop because
of the approaching conflict.
Quarterback Brian Dowling re-
turns from last year's once de-
feated Bulldog squad to lead the
most potent offense in the Ivy
League. The offense averages 467.5
yards and collects 36 points in
every outing.
Dowling likes to pass to ends
Bruce Weinstein and Rick Lussen,
but their real effectiveness is in
the option. Tailback Calvin Hill
throw. The Bulldogs have slit al-
most evenly their offensive work
between running and passing, and
exactly what they will do when
be a probilem for the Crimson.
Harvard, though, has the na-
tion's number one defense against
scoring, yielding only 7.6 points

cross-town rivals, UCLA. But this
year, the contest should be a cake-
walk for the number one ranked
The Bruins are injury-ridden
and are depending mostly on the
desire of the players to defeat
their arch-rivals. The biggest of-
fensive the Uclan's have is run-
ning back Greg Jones.
With Gary Baban graduated to
the Washington Redskins of the
NFL, the Bruin signal caller will
either be Bill Boden or Jim Nader.
Boden is an excellent runner and
an accurate passers while Nader
makes most of his way with his
It's no guess as to what the Tro- I
jan offensive will be. 0. J. Simp-
son will be in the backfield and he
will again key the offense. The
running of Simpson will open up
the passing game for quarterback
Steve Sogge. It's gonna be a long
day for the Bruins'.
The Big Eight championship
could well be decided as Kansas
meets Missouri at Columbia. Bothi
have lost in the conference to
Oklahoma and could gain at least
a tie by winning this afternoon.


Jim Mandich (215)
Bob Penksa (225)
Dick Caldarazzo (210)
Dave Denzin (220)
Stan Broadnax (226)
Dan Dierdorf (245)
Bill Harris (195)
Dennis Brown (175)
John Gabler (208)
Ron Johnson (196)
Garvie Craw (218)
Tom Goss (225)
Henry Hill (200)
Dan Parks (235)
Cecil Pryor (218)
Phil Seymour (193)
Tom Stincic (217)
Ed Moore (200)
Jerry Hartman (170)
Tom Curtis (184)
Bob Wedge (193)
George Hoey (169)



Jan White (216) LE
Dave Foley (255) LT
Tom Backhus (207) LG
Muhlbach (192) C
Alan Jack (215) RG
Rufus Mayes (245) UT
Bruce Jankowski (192) RE
Rex Kern (180) QB
John Brockington (216) LH
Larry Zelina (195) RH
Jim Otis (208) PB
Dave Whitfield (185) LE
Paul Schmidlin (224) LT
Jim Stillwagon (218) MG
Brad Nielsen (222) UT
Mike Radtke (200) RE
Mark Stier (204) LB
Doug Adams (214) LB
John Tatum (202) UB
Ted Provost (182) LH
Tim Anderson (194)'- RH
Mike Sensibaugh (188) S



( 3)

-Associated Press
Missouri goal line in last week's 28-14 victory for the Sooners.
Both teams are in key contests this week, as Oklahoma faces

Nebraska and Missouri takes on I
per outing, and could well de-
cipher the offensive puzzle thrown
at them by Yale.
Linebackers John Emery and
Garry Marino are an excellent
pair and have been befuddling
opposing signal callers all year,
and defensive back Tom Wynne
has stngle-handedly thwarted
many a passing game. ,
Offensively, the Crimson are not

Kansas has Bobby Douglas and
the top point producing outfit in
the nation. While Douglas calls
the signals, he also throws the
passes and does some of the run-
ning. The rest of the ground game
is Donnie Shanklin and big John

I as strong as the Bulldogs but Cap-
tamn Vic Gatto has been known
to break close games apart. At
the other halfback slot, Ray Horn-
blower provides worries for op-
posing defenses. If this duo Is not
dynamic. Yale will make the Crim-
son bleed..
|Southern Cal would have, In
any other year, a tough assign-
Sment in trying to defeat their


Purdue heads also-ran finale,;
4State tries to even year s mark

'The also rans of the Big Ten
meet today in clashes of little
consequence to thefiselves. While
Michigan and Ohio State t a k e
care of important matters, the
rest of the conference will carry
on the more mundane business of
playing out the schedule.
Purdue and Indiana clash for
the Old Oaken Bucket and prom-
ise to put on one of the after-
noon's better games. Purdue has
Leroy Keyes, jack of all trades
and master of them all, to spark a
potent Boilermaker offense. Mike
Phipps is recovered from injur-
ies and will lead a Purdue team

that desperately wants to leave
a disappointing season on a win-
nling note.
Indiana, wonder men that they
often are, will have many prob-
lems this afternoon. John Isen-
barger Is injured and his loss has
made the potent Hoosier offense
sluggish. On defense, though, is
where the game will be decided.,
Purdue's defense is solid, whereas
Indiana's is not. The Hoosiers
should not be too disappointed,
though, Gonso and sidekicks still
have a year left to play.
The other encounter of Big
Ten loosers that might produce
such spectator thrills is the Mich-
igan State - Northwestern tilt. The
Wildcats have been expectedly

bad and have a record to prove it. b
They have lost six tough contests, k
dropped an easy one and barely I
slid by Wisconsin. The Evanston- i
ians have a one man offense in ,
running back Chico Kurzawski t
and little defense.
The Spartans, on the other I
hand, have been unexpectedly t
bad. They have a scrawny 4-5 re-
cord with only one of those tri-
umphs coming in conference play.
But the record does not tell the
entire MSU tale. .The Spartans
have managed victories against
Syracuse and Notre Dame and
looked brilliant doing so.
Soph signal caller Bill Trip-
lett came off the bench at mid-
season and has put some life into
the Spartan attack. Tom Love
does most of the running but
little Charlie Wedemeyer is al-
ways a threat.
The other conference conflicts
do not promise much excitement.
Iowa travels to I[llinois in what
should provide the Hawkeyes an
excellent starting point for a big
offensive show.
With the advent of sophomore
quarterback Larry Lawrence, Iowa
has been able to shift Ed Podolak
to tailback to make better use of
his fine running abilities. With
Al Bream out on the receiving
the Hawks to set aew Bigk Ten
record for scoring and total of-
Rounding out the day's games Is
the encounter' between Minnesota
and Wisconsin, for, one would
suppose, the championship of the
nmv,+h wieknnQin'e nrmhlom in th

But while Kansas may have the
ig offense, Missouri has the big
efense. The Tigers have given
ip only 11.7 points per outing on
he way to a 7-2 season record.
~afety Rodger Wherli has been
antastic for Missouri and leads
~n over-all fine defensive back-
ield. But it will take more than
fine defensive game if the Tigers
xpect to win. Look for Kansas
o go to the Orange Bowl on a
winning note.
Nbrakatrvel to Noman to
Cornhuskers have had a poor year
,ut could make life worth living
~y upsetting the Sooners. The of-
ense isn't tough but the defense
s, with defensive end Sherwin
Jarmon and linebacker Jerry Mur-
augh leading the way.
An opening day loss to Notre
Dame took 'a lot of the wind from
,he Sooner sails as the Oklaho-
mans were knocked in following
weeks by Texas and Colorado. But
def eat is not the Sooner way as
they came back for two straight
upsets against Kansas and then
The Sooners have a fine quar-
;erback In Bobby Warmack and
have well oiled offense to sup-
tort him. Steve Owens does the
running and flanker Eddie Hinton
and tight end Steve Zabel do the
r'eceiving. With all of this punch,
don't expect the Sooners to lose.
at the Vth Forum
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