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November 23, 1968 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-23

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The exhibition season is over at 1:30
p.m. today.
h Both Michigan and Ohio State
have dispensed with the formality of
defeating eight straight opponents, and
now meet today to find out just which
is the better team.
But as everyone who is still remotely
connected with civilization knows, there
is more than just the matter of dis-
covering the better team at stake in this
afternoon's contest. The victor will take
the Big Ten crown and get a bonus of?
the trip to Pasadena on New Year's
With the outcome of a whole season
riding on the results of one game the
match is a promotor's dream. 85,000
people will pack the Ohio State stadium
in Columbus, 12,000 more will watch via
closed circuit television in the Events
Building and countless others will be
glued to radios across the Midwest.
While the build-up" has reached a
fever pitch in the past week, people have
really been anticipating this game since
Oct. 19. The Buckeyes had dropped
Purdue from the top ranked position in
the country the week before and estab-

lie on
lished themselves as the Big Ten favor-
ites. But their prime opponent was de-
cided on the 19th when the surprising
Wolverines defeated defending cham-
pion Indiana 27-22. At that point Mich-
igan proved they were for real.
Ohio State was expected to have a
fine season but the jury was out onr
Michigan following the disaster of the
past few years. The Wolverines have
come on strong, though, and proved that
they will give the Buckeyes one big run
for the money.
Certainly neither team underesti-
mates the other. Woody Hayes has been
worried enough about Michigan to re-
main incognito for a week. All questions
have been directed to Esco Sarkkinen,
OSU's chief scout. Sarkkinen has no il-
lusions as to what the Buckeyes will be
facing today and says that Michigan is
"the best all around team we've faced
this year."
The respect is not one sided, though.
Bump Elliott admits that Ohio State is
"the toughest team we've seen this
And it is well that the opposing
squads should be leery of their adver-
saries, for there is really little to dis-



tinguish between the two squad
at the record books shows tha
gan has scored 29.2 points per g
Buckeyes 30.8. Points allowed
11.8 and 15.0 respectively and
of the statistics are in a simila
Just as the two are even in s
so too in star players. Ron John
Dennis Brown are both top fli
players but Rex Kern, Jim C
Bruce Jankowski are ready. t
Kern and Jankowski are sop
though, as are nine other Oh
starters and some observersf
could be crucial in a high
game. But the contending coac
For LINEUPS, See Page,
discount this. Elliott feels that
sure could possibly hurt the you
"it would have shown already
stance in the Purdue game."
The question thus arises as
would give a slight edge to on
One factor that immediatelyc
mind in football is the weath
ticularly at the end of the sea

s. A look the weather man last night predicted
.t Michi- mild temperatures with no chance of
ame, the rain.
average The only other possible physical dif-
the rest ference is injuries. However, says El-
r vein. liott, Michigan's injury situation "is as
tatistics, good as its been all year." The Buckeyes,
ison and on the other hand, do have one key
ight ball player who is arquestionable starter.
Otis and That is Dirk Worden, linebacker. co-
D match captain and most valuable player in
io State The Wolverines are an amazingly
feel this confident, business-like team. They
pressure have played each game one at a time
hes both and have always had the attitude that
they would win. They are not cocky, just
7 sure. They know what every sportswriter
in the country doesn't; that they really
if pres- are good. And no matter: what is said
ing stars about Ohio State's sophs, it must be
for in- remembered that they have never faced
a team with the confidence and determ-
to what ination of Michigan,
e of the Buckeye opponents have done well in
the second half while the Wolverines
comes to have shown a remarkable ability to hit
ter, par- hard right at the start of the half. Ron
son. But Johnson's amazing performance against

Wisconsin last week is a tribute to .this
One other factor that is also working
in Michigan's favor is that they are
underdogs, a position they have not ex-
perienced before during this season.
Even Sarkkinen admitted that it is bet-
ter to enter the game as a slight under-
dog. The Wolverines don't like to be
downgraded and the bookmakers have
only given them an added incentive.
Finally, there are also the many Ohio
players on the Michigan squad to be,
considered. Roughly one third of the
Michigan team hails from Ohio and
they'll be out to show Woody Hayes they
picked the right school.
So, who's going to win? That is really
about as smart a question as asking if
anyone has some tickets. The odds say
Ohio State by three, but the answer
given in Ann Arbor is a little different.
People in Columbus prefer to believe the
By five o'clock this afternoon the
question of the past month will be an-
swered and Southern Cal's opponent in
the Rose Bowl wil be decided. A bowl
of roses for the winner, a handful of
posies for the loser.





-Daily-Andy Sack
Will it be the Johnson Bowl?

VOL. LXXIX, No. 74

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, Nqvember 23, 1968

Eight Pages;

TUll inve
By STEVE NISSEN a prepared st
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter The Daily las
Krasny yesterday promised "a full Eugene Staud
and proper investigation"of the time," Krasny
charges against his department official know]
which prompted Justice Dept. of- or who the ace
ficials to order an FBI probe of Krasny's sta
several citizen's complaints. tice Dept. of
Krasny's remarks were made in information a




Krasny ji j




tatement released to surprised a United States Attor-
st night by Det. Lt. ney would release a story of this
denmier. "As of this nature to the press. We are always
stated, "we have no cautioned about prejudging a case
ledge of the charges by premature press releases," he
cusers are." added.
Atement blasted Jus-! The release of the story, Kras-
ficials for releasing ny claimed, "shows a lack of pro-
bout the case. "I am fessional courtesy on the part of
a U.S. Justice Dept. official."

!Kw 0 " I

Anti-poverty group
names new director
The Washtenaw Committee for and physical threats against
Economic Opportunity (CEO), un- himself and his wife made i
animously selected Beverly Poin- possible for him to continu
dexter Thursday night as their meWestmoreland refused to
new executive director. ment last night' on Mrs.
She will be the anti-poverty or- dexter's selection.
ganization's fourth director in 3 Mrs. Poindexter is an An
and dne-half years. bor resident, and assistant
The unanimous selection of tor of the Institute of
Mrs. Poindexter fills a two-month tinuing Legal Education, wh
vacancy caused by the unexpected co-sponsored by the Univ
resignation of the former director, Wayne State University, an
James W. Westmoreland. State Bar Association.
Westmoreland resigned Sept. . "I think the board mad
26, telling the Board 'of Directors best possible choice," said
that "friction" among the staff Wasson, who will take over
M--.-- .chairmanship of the board
day. "She's will qualified, t
At"I i~/ jhow to handle herself, and s

t im-
n . Ar-

The official, assistant U.S. At-
torney Ken McIntyre, disclosed
he had ordered the FBI to inves-
tigate charges by local citizens of
"illegal entry, illegalasearch and
harassment," involving the Ann
Arbor police.
If the U.S. investigation sub-
stantiates the charges, McIntyre
said, the civil rights division of
the Justice Dept. in Washington
would make the decision of
whether or not to prosecute.
McIntyre said the police, if in-
dieted, would probably be charged
with violation of a civil rights
act dating from Reconstruction,
which prohibits "persons acting

Seven 1pick Jai ter
over work project
184 participants in the welfare demonstrations and sit-
ins of Sept. 5 and 6 were sentenced yesterday by Municipal
Court Judge S. J. Elden. Seven of them chose jail terms over
work projects established by the court. One person was absent
from the sentencing for medical reasons and two- were
sentenced twice for trespassing on both days.
All of the sentences included fines of $15, a choice
between jail terms or county work projects of seven days in
length, 90 day probationary periods and payment of court
costs. The fines may be paid in three installments over the
90 day period.
The majority of those sentenced --

go to Templea
John G. McKevitt, assistant to
vice president and chief financial
officer Wilbur K. Pierpont since
1955, has been appointed assist-
ant vice president for campus
planning at Temple University in
While at the University, Mc-
Kevitt developed what Pierpont
described as "an excellent capital
t planning program." McKevitt has
also been instrumental in "ef-
fectively presenting these plans
to state and federal agencies,"
Pierpont said.
MoKevitt will assume his new
responsibilities at Temple in
February. His duties there will in-
volve capital planning, building
programming, and campus devel-

be able to do the job adequa
Mrs. Poindexter will take
the new position as soon a
can wrap up things on her cu
position. Mr. C. Elrie C
CEO's first director and
a worker for the Michigan
has served as interim directo
will remain on the job for
,more weeks to orient the
director to the CEO.
Election swit
LANSING (A) - A just-
pleted county-by-county che
the Nov. 5 election returns
apparent defeat for daylight
ings time in Michigan by onl
votes. Secretary of StateJ
Hare announced yesterday h
pects official verification o
results Monday.
Michigan and Hawaii wi
the only two states still
standard, time.

ich is under the color of the law" from r""' .chose to take part in the work
ersity, depriving citizens of due process ; projects although many did so
d the of law, stating they had "no other
If convicted, the officers could choice" since the jail sentence
e the face up to one year in jail, a would start immediately. Several
Paul $1000 fine, or both. "'of those sentenced said they would
t h e Three of the citizens who have * have gone to jail if the sentenc-
Mon- brought charges against the police ing had not been so near f in a1
knows are being represented by Donald examinations.
hould Koster, an Ypsilanti attorney. The Associated Press Seven students chose the jail
tely. Ann Arbor - Washtenaw County term over the county work pro-
over Chapter of the American Civil Pla iCiothes police0 suI i d ueprotesters jects. They were Thomas A. Ab-
s she' Liberties Union is also partici- bott '7 WiimA.Cp '7
rrent patine i on the case. a r Plainclothes policemen, using violence to "keep order," have apparently broken attempts to sustain David L. WilliamA lan Si'72,
irrnt atig i te cse.Davd . Duboff, '69, AlnSlver-
hrite, Larry Berlin of the Ann Arbor a class boycott at San Francisco State College. Classes resumed yesterday and a tense calm pre- man, '69, Steven M. Worth, '70,
now ACLU said yesterday he has sent vailed, although about 120 faculty members had voted Thursday night to oppose efforts to keep ;Gerald A Willing, Grad and Alan
OEO, a letter to city officials explain- classrooms open. AWild, '70. Those who chose the
'r and ing the nature of the charges. Hejaild'70.rThosedwhoelyseate
r two and Koster have, for the time 'FOREGONE CONCL jail term were immediately taken
neOW being, declined to comment of the intoUcustody and transorted to
specific allegations against the the county jail. Janet Handy de-
police. cided in court that she would go
City officials should receive Ber- 11to jail but changed her mind later
c lin's explanation this morning. Franceyo evalue ir nafter consultation with her law-
Berlin and Koster declined to .Lrt She said later she had ofnte
-com- ame the citizens involved in the togo to jail "in behalf of the
Eck of case, but Berlin said the group in- mothers" who she said didn't have
spk of case btBrlik rsidnts. group iifBy The Associated Press ever, was expected to hold off an- ulators when money marts re- a choice because of their respon-
t sav- "It is extremely important to Money speculators and econ- nouncing its moves until after a open on Monday. sibilities to their families. She con-
ly 413 find out whether the police de- omic weakness forced France into special cabinet session this after- But French newspapers and cluded, however, that she could do
James partment's internal machinery is devaluation of its franc yesterday, noon. West German Finance Minister more for "the movement" out of
1e ex- sufficient to handle this kind of a perverse gift for Charles de The meeting communique made Franz Joseph Strauss spoke of 'jail.
f the situation," Berlin said. Gaulle on his 78th birthday. 'no mention of French devaluation franc devaluation as a foregone Elden explained during the sen-
Krasny said the Ann Arbor The decision came in a meeting and dealt chiefly with a $2-billion conclusion. tencing that the court costs, which
ill be Police Dept. "will cooperate fully of 11 financial powers in Bonn, credit made available by the 10 ranged fom $50 to $85, were
using with the governmental investiga- West Germany. French allies to support the franc Guesses in Paris were that rate based on the number of appear-
tive agency in question." The French government, how- against any new assaults by spec- of the trimming would be any- ances before the court.'
- where from 7 per cent to 20 per Ron Rinker, a Washtenaw
cent.1The franc is now worth 20 County probation officer said
S.soriginal plans for the work pro-
France also has its gold and jects called for 90 men to work
M dollar reserves of nearly $4 bil- for the Washtenaw County Road
on. Commission, 20 in a parks and
on, lega1 test con tin u e U.S. economists said thatthe drecreation project and six to workI
valuation would probably be felt for the Washtenaw Council on
more arpn old bypreobay BrifetAlcoholism. The work for the road
pro- pending, were approved by the The building, which will be architect for the new Architec- more sharply by the shaky Brit- commission will involve clearing
ined committee two weeks ago. Pre- constructed on South Ingalls be- ture and Design School --ish pound than other currencies. c msion wh e c leaing
brush from the corners of inter-
unty sently the University's archi- hind Hill Auditorium, will be Swanson Associates - was ap- sections. Those who work for the,
the tects are drawing up the final financed with $5.4 million of proved by the State Building Boycott succeeds Council on Alcoholism will prob-
bid plans. State, and $1 million of federal Division.-t ably do clerical and maintenance
by "The University expects to funds. The written program, describ- All major supermarkets in work. The exact nature of the

I ,,'

heads, Nixon
task force
Prof. Paul W. McCracken, Ed-
mond Day professor of , business
economics at the University's
graduate school of Business Ad-
ministration, has been named by
IRichard Nixon to coordinate 10
task forces aimed at pinpointing
issues in specific problem areas
and suggesting possible solutions
to the President-elect.
McCracken has beein on the fa-
culty here for the last twenty
years, and was chairman of Pres-
ident Eisenhower's Council of
Economic Advisers from December
of 1956 until January 1959. He
has been an advisor to Nixon
throughout the campaign.
Ronald L. Ziegler, Nixon's press
spokesman, said Thursday that
the task forces were studying is-
cn and nnsLIbl answrs in such



Although court action on
Public Act 124 of 1965 is at a
standstill, construction on sev-
eral state-financed University
projects affected by the act con-
tinues as scheduled,
Last March the University an-
nounced that while it questions
the constitutionality of the 1965
statute requiring the State

Since instigating court1
ceedings, the suit has remai
on the docket in Ingham Co
Circuit Court waiting for
State to file a reply brief.
The only action taken
either of the parties involve
the dispute has been a req
by Bushnell for a sumn
judgement - an acceler
decision hv thej ineg

°d in

award the contract for con-
struction by next January.
Groundbreaking has b e e n
scheduled for next June with
cnmnletion anticinated by Fall.

In its capital outlay request
for 1969-70, the University has
asked for $12,852,000 in c o n-
struction funds to cover pro-
jects already authorized by the

ing the building specifications
for the Science and Mathe-
matics buildings are presently
being developed but has not
been approved by the State

the Detroit metropolitan area
announced yesterday that they
will stop selling California
grapes as of Tuesday. The
sv~nra n w~n t. ssacn tten 4n. -

parks project was not known.
Rinker- explained that the
women will be divided so that 20
will work for two days in the
county hospital and the remaining'

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