Page Ten -THE MICHIG~AN DAILY Friday, November 22, 1968 Welfare protesters get light sentences i~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :.... v....:...r........................................................... I I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- vember 22 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 2277 School of Music, Chairman: A. P. Brit- ANNOUNCEMENT: Applications for last NSA test are due1 (Continued from page 1) consist of a work program and a fine. Both he and another attorney in the case, Kenneth Cockrel, said they would be surprised if there was any distinction made in the amount of fine or time to be served between those who pled guilty or nolo contendre (no coi- test) and those who went through the jury trial process. However the court costs for these pleas would be different. Speculation, both official and unofficial, is that the sentences still to be given will follow this pattern. Of the 187 to be sentenced 43 have been found guilty, 118 pled nolo contendre and 26 pled guilty. With those already sentenced, this accounts for 191 of the 244 people arrested. The remaining 53 in- clude 36 whose cases are pending appeal to federal district court, three whose cases are still pending Stores to, join ban on grape S (Continued from page 1) ing rights from the nation's large farms. Commenting on why Krogers will not restock California grapes after they are sold out, J. Beavis, a Krogers spokesman said, "Ob- viously the boycott of 'the A&P in Ann Arbor had some bearing on the decision, but I can't say why we have changed our policy. "As soon as we sell out the pres- ent stock of grapes, Krogers will not restock them," he added. An A&P spokesman was not available for comment. Beavis 'said only the Kroger Supermarkets in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are affected by the boy- cott. As of now, all other stores in the Kroger chain will continue to sell California grapes. The national UFW strike was evidently not a factor in the local decision to stop selling Califor- nia grapes, because when asked if it could be assumed that Krogers would refuse to sell the grapes as long as the UFW con- tinued its strike, Beavis could not recall what the UFW is and what it had to do with grapes and the boycott. This supports Mills' Monday statement that it was in a store's self-interest-to support the grape boycott. t. r t i t before municipal court as a result of mistrial, two who forfeited bond, seven whose cases were dis- missed for insufficient evidence and five who were found not guilty. A primary effect of the sen- tences may result from the 90 day probationary period. Miss Schla- mowitz called the probation "very lenient." Under the criminal tres- pass statute the maximum pro- bationary period is two years. Probation law stipulates that, in addition to not breaking any criminal law during the period, those under probation must not associate with "undesirable char- acters" nor may they engage in "anti-social conduct" which would demonstrate to the court that the' ' probation should be revoked. Per- sons under probation will also' be subject to search at any time without a warrant, however such a search must first be cleared by the probation office. If the probation is revoked those under it must serve the remainder of the sentence provided by law. It has been speculated that this may have a substantial effect on the planned rent strike. Many of the same ADC mothers who were convicted in the demonstration trials had planned to participate in the rent strike. The details of the work program were not released yesterday by probation- officer Ron Rinker on grounds that it would be un- ethical for him to say what sen- tences others would be given be- fore they were pronounced by the Sjudge. He did, however, describe the programs given to the four already sentenced, and said there is a total of six different pro-I grams. He said assignment to a pro- gram was purely by chance except that there were three programs for men and three for women. Miss Schlamowitz has been as- signed, if she chooses work rather than jail, to day care and tutorial work for ADC families in the county. She will be required to work two or three days in the next two weeks with the remain- ing work to be done before the end of the probation period. Miss Lipman was assigned to a similar project, the only change being that she will work the first three days in the county hospital. . Thomas and Lahr were both as- signed to assist the Washtenaw Council on Alcoholism for seven! days during the 90 day period. They will be used for "any legiti- mate need" of the council. Speculation suggests the other programs will be of a similar na- ture. The probation department anticipates that most of those sentenced will choose the work program over jail. sity of Michigan for which The ton. today, test on Dec. 7. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Alice Ellen Swope, Anatomy, Dis- Current Position Openings, not in- ial responsibility. Notices should be sertation: "Cytology of the Rat Adeno- terviews on campus, call 764-7460 foir sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to ( hypophysis In Vivo and In Vitro," on application information. These are to Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 Friday, November 22 at 9:30 a.m. In be filled soon, therefore December p.m. of the day preceding publi- Room 4558 East Medical (Anatomy graduates are welcome to apply. cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Library,) Chairman: R. H. Kahn. Saturday and Sunday. General No- Kathryn Bullington Clark, Education, State of Michigan, Biostatistician, tices may be published a maximum Dissertation: "Oral Business Commun- ME in state, math, and 4 years experi of two times on request; Day Cal- ication Needs As a Basis for Improv- in biostatistics res., consulting or endar items appear only once. Stu- ing College Courses," on Friday, No- teaching. Dental Aide, several loca- dent organization notices are not vember 22 at 10 a.m. in West Council, tions in state, two-year course in dental accepted for publication. For more Rackham; Co-Chairmen: J. W. ,~Lan technology. Information call 764-9270. ham and J. M. Trytten. International Atomic Energy Agency, Harold Ralph Jones, Busines Ad- Wash, D.C., positions abroad: Medical FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 ministration, Dissertation: "Constraints applications of radioisotopes, clinical biochemistry, Univ. of Singapore. Food to Product Development and Market- preservation, PhD in biochem. andI Da, "Calendar ing of Medical Electronic Equipment." exper. in Manila. Activation Analysis,' on Friday. November 22 at 10 a.m. in radiochemist. in Colombo, Ceylon. Room 816 E'usiness Administration, Durations of 12, 3, and 6 months re- Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- Chairman: W. M. Hoad. spectively. linar: "Management of Managers, Pro- Johann Gottfried Paasche, Sociology, Time - Life Broadcast Service, WOOD gram No. 72": North Campus Commons, Dissertation: "Organizational System T.V., Grand Rapids, Mich.: Television 8:15 a.m. and Social Change: School Desegrega- News Photographer, exper. working Programmed Learning for Business tion in Three Southern States, 1954- with 16 mm film. Workshop: "Instructional Design": 64," on Friday. November 22 at 10 City of New York: Asst. Director of Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. a.m. in Room 3026 L.S.&A., Chairman: Lab, PhD, 8 yrs. lab work, some supv. sCenter for Souh ad Southeat Asian s rA. J. ReissC Jr. Youth Guidance Project Supervisor, de- Studies: T. R. V. Murti, Visiting Pro- Sister Francetta Coughlin, Educa- gree in soc. wk., MSW, and 4 years ex- fessor, Brock University, St. Catherine's tion, Dissertation: "A Study of the Ef- per. Laboratory Aide, some courses inr Ontario, and former Professor of Phil- fectiveness of a Modified Liberal Arts biol., or chem, or 1 year exper. Asst. osophy, BenaresHind BUniversity, Mathematics Coursei n the Mathemati- Chemist. BS Chem or Pharm, and 1 "Philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism": cal Preparation of Prospective Elemen- year exper. 4:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater. tary Teachers," on Friday. November City of Coopersville, Mich.: Engineer, 22 at 11 a.m. in Room 3019 U.H.S., Municipal Engr-Manager position, AstrMomanlrson,lasburmDr Chris- Chairman: J. N. Payne. starting position of considerable chal- tory, University of Wisconsin, "The In- William Mac Sanders, Education. Dis- lengC terstellar Extinction of Stars in H II sertation: "An Appraisal of the Under- Lever Brothers Company, Chicago, Ill.: Regions." Room 296 Physics-Astronomy graduate Physical Education Profes- Process Supervisor for Dentifrice Man- Bldg., 4:00 p.m. sional Preparation Program for Menat ufacturing Division, must have exper as The University of Michigan, 1950-1962." supv. in industrial manuf. organization. Cinema Guild: Grigori Chukari's Bal- on Friday, November 22 at 1 p.m. iwn iill consider person with 2 years of lad of a Soldier: Architecture Auditor- Seminar Room, PEM Bldg., Chairman: college chemistry minimally, have tui- ium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. G. C. Reiff. tion refund plan. Opera: Puccini's La Boheme: Josef Daniel Newell Bull, Chemical En- Servomation, Ypsilanti, Mich.: Mer- Blatt, Conductor; Ralph Herbert, Stage gineering, Dissertation: "Kinetics of chandising and sales, 2 positions, need Director. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, not have completed degree, sales ex- 8-00 .m the Conversion of Glucose to, Gluconic per. helpful. 8:0pm Acid by Pseudomonas ovalis," on Fri- prhlfl University Choir: Maynard K l e i n , day, November 22 at 2 p.m. in Room Rand McNally Corporation: Chicago. Conductor: Hill Auditorium. 8:00 p.m. L l' Representative for professors and University Players (Department ot3201 East Engineering, Chairman: L uniersities to promote text book sales. Speech): Shakespeare's The Tempest: L. Kempe. Mich. and Indiana territory, BA in Trueblood Theater, 8:00 p.m. Harry Valentine Leland, Fisheries, lib. arts area, no exper necess. Inter- Dissertation: "Biochemical Factors Af- views held Nov. 21-22, Holiday Inn fecting Toxicity of Parathion and Se- West, call 665-4444 for appts., Leo General Notices lected Analogs to Fishes," on Fri- Daley. day, November 22 at 2 p.m. in Room Voice and Music Corporation, Benton 1036 Natural Resources, Co-Chairmen : Harbor, Mich.: Mechanical and Elec- Early Registration for Winter T e r m , F. F. Hooper and K. F. Lagler. trical Engineers, 8 openings presently. 1969: Students who are currently en- Denis Joseph Carville, Education & ME and EE, all level degrees. rolled and who have advance classified Psychology, Dissertation: "Liking Re- City of Minneapolis, Minn.: Deputy may register early, between December 4 Ilationships and Attitude Balance Director, Home Health Services. MPH, and December 20, in Room 514 of the Among Upper Elementary S c h o o 1 Masters in. Public Health Nursing, or Literature, Science and the Arts Build- Children," on Friday, November 22 at nursing education, and 5 years exper. ing. Students enrolled in the College 3 p.m. in Room 215 Lloyd House, West Nursing Consultant, Maternal and; of Literature, Science and the Arts, and Quad: Chairman: T. M. Newcomb. Child Health, Masters in this area, and the School of Education, will get the William Warnell Craig, Geography, necessary materials in the basement Dissertation: "Recreational Behavior in "" I lobby of the Literature. Science and the the Scotlandville, Louisiana Commun- Arts Building beginning December 2. ity-A Spatial Study," on Friday, No- 0T I I N Other students may pick up their mater- vember 22 at 3 p.m. in Room 4040 ials in their respective counseling of- L.S.&A., Chairman: J. D. Nystuen. fices. Students who register early will Gerard Francis Carvalho, Business not need to return until the first day iAdministration Dissertation: "R lle of classes. Conflict and Role Ambiguity in Re- search and Development Organiza- ~ . . . . . . Please Note! A late registration fee tions," on Friday. November 22 at 3:15.... ................ ... of $15.00 will be in effect Winter Term, Ip.M. in Room 316 Business Admin- Student Religious Liberals: will meet1 1969. Anyone registering after Wednes- istration, Chairman: G. S. Odiorne. on Sunday, Nov. 24th, at 7:00 p.m. to day, January 8, will be required to pay hear Assist. Prof. John Hagen and Joan this fee before they are permitted to Zweben, a graduate student lead a register. Placemntdiscussion on "Positive Psychology, Bes-, I couses in consultation, teaching or supervision, 4 years respon. exper in maternity or pediatric nursing. State of Utah. Air Pollution and Ventilation Specialist, degree with coursework in chem., physics, math. Public Health Educator degree and min. 1 year grad work in public health, 2 years in pubs. health education. SarkeseTarzian, Inc., Bloomington Ind.: Technical Illustrator. Engineer- ing- Assistant. Metallurgical and Chem - ical engrs., Semi -conductor engr., Chief Engr. Head R&D Lab for semi- conductor lab. Physicist. Broadcast Equip Sales Engr. Jr. engr., EE areas. General Reporter. Sports editor, min. 2-3 years exper. Starr Commonwealth for Boys, Al- bion, Mich.: Cottage Child Care Work- ers for groups of 10-12 boys, min. 2 years college, B9 pref. Possible to work while attending classes, 4 day week normally from 4 - 10 p.m. average 22-30 hrs, week SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lower Level ,Jobs Abroad: ISIS. agency based ini N.Y. and Brussels, will be interviewing at SPS, 212 SAB, on Nov. 25 and 26. 1 for information and literature. Holding group discussions open to all on eve- nings at 25 and 26 Nov. from 5-6 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. in Room 3516 SAB, third floor Now is the time to have all those! questions about working abroad an- swered. XEROX COPIES Fast-Cheap 211 S. State 1217 S. Universitv 769-0560 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 8 P.M. EASTERN EUROPE: Land in Transition Dr. Zvi Gitelman, Asst. Prof. of Political Science, U-M Dr. Ladislav Matejka, Prof. of Slavic Studies, U-M. (Dr. Matejka was in Czechoslovakia during the recent troop move- ments and will report his personal experiences. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SOCIAL HALL 1432 Woshtenow Sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus Center and the Interfaith Council for Peace. -- - --- - * 4 r 1 __ FRIDAY 12:00 noon Michigan Union I (through doors along south side of basement cafeteria) CAMPUS ISSUES DISCUSSqO:N with Prof. Henry Bretton CLASSROOM AUTONOMY Bring your lunch; Buy your lunch; or just come talk DISCUSSION FREE AND OPEN TO'EVERYONE If ybu have other issues you would like to discuss please contact one of the sponsors listed below. OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS, 2282 S.A.B. OFFICE OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, S.A.B. 4 i i Broadcasting Service: WUOM (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Friday 11 :00 a.m. The Eleventh Hourl (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts, an hour of news and conversation about the arts and literature. Feature: A tribute to John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Friday 1:00 p.m. From The Midway: "A Psychological Analysis of Two Christian Doctrines", with Dr. Paul W. Pruyser, Menninger Foundation. Fri- day 5:00 p.m. Focus on Students, pro- duced by students in the department of speech. 5:15 p.m. Business Review, with Prof. Ross Wilhelm. Friday 8:00 p.m. U-M Choir and Symphony Or- chestra Concert, broadcast live from Hill Auditorium. Maynard Klein con- ducts. Saturday 1:15 p.m. U-M vs. Ohio State Football Game, with Tom Hem- ingway reporting the play-by-play from Columbus. Saturday 5:15 p.m. Jazz Re- visited, with Hazen Schumacher pre- senting Duke Ellington from 1929 to 1936. 7:30 p.m. Record Collector, with Prof. Warren Good. TV Center Program: On Sunday, November 24 the following program produced by the TV Center will have its initial telecast in Detroit: 12:00 Noon, WWJ TV, Channel 4: "An Ear, for the Troubled." Dr. Philip Mar-# golis, Director of the Washtenaw Co. Community Mental Health Center, and staff members discuss the operation of their Csis Service. Doctoral IExaxi ifltitis GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. EROS FESTIVAL NO. 1 UNDERGROUND at the Vth Forum THUR. thru SUN.--11:00 P M. NEXT WEEK ANDY WARHOL'S "NUDE RESTAURANT" Topless anti-war film sell to Esalen" at the First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw. Coffee and donuts, everyone welcome. Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., Fri., Nov. 22nd, 4:45 p.m. - Traditional Ser- vices, 7:15 p.m. Hill Student Services: Sat., Nov. 23rd 9:00 a.m. Traditional Services. ' . r Michigan migrants (Continued from page 1) ally, has simply gone out of the national consciousness," Sklar says. "As the population has be- come more urbanized, farm is- sues have become less pressing. No one really thinks about these people unless he happens to pass a truck of workers 'on the turn- pike." The National Labor Relations Act,- passed in 1935 as part of the New Deal legislation, estab- lishes procedure for communica- tion, negotiation, arbitration, and settlement between em- ployer and employes. Farm workers were specifically ex- cluded from the original bill, and although Congress has amended NLRA four times, bringing coverage to additional groups of workers, ilt continues to exclude those in agriculture, due, in large part, to a powerful farmers' lobby. In many ways, Sklar says, the effort by the farm workers to unionize nationally parallels the civil rights movement in the rest of the country. "As the blacks developed a political conscious- ness, these people did as well. The farm workers are probably easier to ignore than the minor- ities in the ghetto, but their economic and social conditions are equallyndeplorable. "Like the civil rights move- ment, the struggle for 'justice in the fields' has been nonvio- lent and is supported by many clergy men and other people on the outside. The farm work- ers' demands have been aroused and will remain so until they're met," he says. "Whatever the philosophical or psychological foundations of such a movement, there's no question that it's with us and will continue strongly for years to come," Sklar continued. "These people, in the best American tradition, are only trying to do what every group has done in the past.' r I i i x E I f I Sell a POT Phi Kappa Alpha: Open house, Nov. 23rd, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., 1923 Geddes; open house in honor of receiving charter from the national fraternity. COME RIDE WITH US on a SHORT WAY BUS frequent departures to $1.85 METRO AIRPORT $2.60 TOLEDO $2.65 FLINT $3.10 LANSING $ .60 YPSILANTI Connections for all points from MICHIGAN UNION 530 S. State 662-4431 or Greyhound Terminal 116 W. Huron 662-5511 Alexander Cyril Brown, Geology, Dis- sertation: "Zoning in the White Pine Cope or Deposit, Ontonagon County, Michigan," on Friday, November 22 at 9 a.m. in Room 2051 Natural Sci- ence, Chairman: W. C. Kelly, Beulah Blanche Eisenstadt B I u m , Music, Dissertation: "Solmization in Nineteenth -Century AmericantSign- Singing Instruction," on Friday, No- in Daily Classifieds S __ i - -- -- ---- ---- Subscribe to The Michigan'Dail till your wardrobe \save u o O9i Now, all of those wonderful things you love to wear, the shirts and skirts and slacks and dresses and coatsand all of the other country-inspired things are on sale. Fill your wardrobe with their warm colors and their gentle styles. But hurry for the very best ones, you can wear them now and right through winter. Isn't that great. 4o I. . THE BAGPIPER 1200 S. University 0 Ann Arbor FINE IRADITIONAL(I) LHING 0 GRAND RAPIDS * KALAMAZOO 9 GRAND HAVEN --- . \ t\ 1 r 1/ - 4 *I - r " I .' i DRYCLEANING SPECIAL GIRLS-Clean 4 sweaters and 8 skirts or 4 dresses and 2 suits $2.00 MEN-Clean 4 pairs slacks and 4 sweaters or 3 suits $2.00 SAVE about $7.00 each 8 Ibs. r !k 4 t 1 t REMEMBER COURSE EVALUATION Bring 2 no. 2 PENCILS today ,i Graduating in December? A limited supply of graduation announcements are ON SALE TODAY THROUGH TUES. from 9:00 to 4:00 in the lobby of