Wage Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 29, 1968 NO REGION IMMUNE' FBI indings show crime increase vr Ar rer? *' WASHINGTON ()-The FBI reports a continued upswing in serious crime in the United States, acounted for largely by an increase in crimes of violence. No city, state or geographic region appeared immune from part of the hefty 16 per cent boost in serious crime, said FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. At the same time, he noted a drop of 8 per cent in the num- bers',of offenses solved. The figures were from the FBI's 1967 Uniform Crime Re- ports, a bulky volume of police statistice gathered across the nation each year. Even more startling than the comparative figures for 1967 and 1966, however, were/ those for the current decade. These showed an increase in serious crime since 1960 of 89 per cent, with a rise in crimes of violence of 73 per cent. The new figures convinced some of the most respected critics of the FBI's statistics that serious crimes are rising in number and extent. Although the bureau has re-_ ported' crime increases during each annual period since 1961, many academic experts have tended to discount the reports. FBI critics pointed out that crimes of violence had barely increased, while the huge an- nual rise in petty property of- fenses inflated the overal fig- ure. But the increase this year was led by a 28 per cent jump in robberies, which, includes muggings, stickups, bank rob- beries, and thefts involving a threat of bodily harm. Hoover said he is most con- cerned with a pattern that has emerged linking youth with violence, particularly in the large, metropolitan areas. And the long-time FBI head made what has become almost an annual appeal "for greater so- cial action to prevent and abort more careers in crime." More than 3.8 million serious crimes were reported during 1967, 494,000 of them crimes of a violent nature, Hoover said. Prof. Lloyd E. Ohlin of the Harvard Law School, a crimino- logigist and outspoken critic of some of the FBI's statistical methods said the jump in rob- beries "makes me shake a bit." Ohlin said robberies are con- sidered a bellwether of violent criminality because robberies indicate a tendency to use vio- lence on strangers. "Although I'm pretty good at explaining crime increases away, I simply do not have an explanation for this," he said. "Some part 'of it must reflect a change in readiness of people to resort to armed attack against strangers." Prof. Marvin E. Wolfgang of the University of Pennsylvania, also a critic of F.B.I. statistics, agreed that "the violent crime increase is accurate. A summary of the statistics for 1967 compared with 1966 year, an increase since 1960 of 71 per cent. Providing a group of "crime clocks", the FBI report showed the rate of various types of crime as each minute ticked by. Serious crimes occurred at a rate of 7 a minute; someone was being murdered every 43 minutes and a woman was being raped each 19 minutes. Aggravated assaults occurred at the rate of one every 2 min- utes while there was a robbery every 2% minutes. Somebody's house was being burgled every 20 seconds while cars were being stolen at the rate of one every 48 seconds. Every 30 seconds, property other than a car was being stol- en. -Robbery, up 27 per cent with an increase in the bank robbery rate of 45 per cent. -Crimes against property up 17 per cent. The arrest figure showed that the crime rate for Negroes was about four times that of whites with a murder rate eight times that of the general population. Although Negroes make up only 13 percent of the U.S. pop- ulation, more Negroes t h a n whites were arrested in 1967 for murder, aggravated assault, carrying concealed weapons, prostitution and gambling. The report concluded that almost two people in every 100 ran the risk of becoming a victim of serious crime last Bureau cites gunshot in 63 per cent of U.S. WASHINGTON WP)-The FBI reported Monday the gun is gain-, ing favor as a murder weapon inI the United States. It had a role in 63 per cent of the nation's more than 12,000 homicides last year. This is a sharp 17 per cent in- crease over 1966. But the figures compiled by the FBI show that states with some form of gun control generally had a lower proportion of gun deaths than states that did not. The big surge in killings by guns was by handguns, which accounted for 48 per cent of the total of alli murders committed in this coun- try. Shotguns were used in 9 per cent' of all slayings and rifles in 6 per cent, the FBI statistics showed.+ Detailed figures on te number of persons murdered by gunfire in the United States since 1962 were given for the first time in thel FBI's annual Uniform Crime Re-l ports, a compilation of data from: law enforcement agencies across the nation.3 A total of 59,015 homicides were recorded for all states from 1962+ through 1967. Fifty-eight per cent of these were firearms murders. Four Northeastern states with strict gun control laws wereI among the lowest in the incidence of murder by firearm. Rhode Is- showed these trends: -Crimes of violence increas- ed 16 per cent, the same as the incidence of all serious crime. -Firearms were used in 63 per cent of all homicides, a 17 per cent increase over 1966. There were 11 per cent more murders in 1967 than in the previous year. -Serious crime trends were consistent to all areas-16 per cent higher in the suburbs, 17 per cent higher in the large cities and 12 per cent up in the countryside. -Narcotics arrests up 60 per cent, attributed largely to an -increase in marijuana cases. -Police solutions of serious crimes, down 8 per cent. -Forsible rape, up 7 per cent. ounds murders land had 34.1 per cent; New York 34.9 per cent; Massachusetts 39.9 per cent; and New Jersey 41.2 per cent. Three of the five states with some form of control also were well below the average-Hawaii 48.6 per 'cent; Michigan 52.4 per cent; Illinois 57 per cent. Missouri 67.1, and North Carolina 70.2, were the exceptions. Vermont, with 83.3 per cent, had the highest per cent murder by firearm between 1962 and 1967 followed by Kentucky, 77.3. The states with the highest numbers of homicides between 1962 and 1967 were: Texas, 5,104; California, 4,857; and New York, 4,835. New York's gun deaths, however, ran only" 34 per cent while in the other two states, neither of which have gun control laws, the rates were 70 per cent for Texas and 52 per cent for California. Last year, as in 1966, firearms were the predominent murder weapons in the Southern states, thereport shows, with guns used, in more than seven of every 10- actual figrue 72.2 per cent-homi- cides. In the north central states near-c ly 66 per cent of all illegal killings were with firearms last year, com- pared with 59 per cent in the West and 44 per cent in the North. east. -Daily-Thomas R, Copi Pigs' versu s yippies "Pigs" means police to the Yippies, members of the Youth International Party, who descended on Chicago last weekend to begin a week of protest against the Democratic convention. On Sunday night police clubbed several Yippies as they cleared the protesters out of their "free motel" in Lincoln Park. CountyMcCarthyC* supprters to cnvere o stae covenio 95% of the Reading Population Reads Only 250 to 300 Words Per Minute or less /i Ui I 1 f T LEARN All those who completed courses held this past year at the Bell Tower Inn achieved speeds of 800 to 2000 w.p.m. with the same or increased comprehension they had at their slower reading rates. U CUSTOM SANDALS Individually Fitted and Designed 35 Styles-all $1 5.00 218 E. Washington 663-9400 -- t) -) t--y o oc -- c > o v;<---> --><-->)<.- Put Your Car on A DirtFree Diet You know it's clean because you do it yourself t 2 T r f t c x t t c t Washtenaw County's delegation to the Michigan Democratic Con- vention tomorrow and Saturday will be spearheaded by an entour- age of Eugene McCarthy support- ers. McCarthyites won 38 of the delegation's 50 seats at last week's county convention. At the marathon county con- vention, which lasted i n t o the dawn hours, liberal resolutions concerning thie Vietnam war and marijuana laws squeaked by the mixed convention. Also among the convention sur- prises was the upset victory of Bunyon Bryant over the "estab- lishment" candidacy of J o h n Toomey in the race for permanentf convention chairman. Bryant is former Ann Arbor chapter leader of the Congress of Racial Equality and Toomey is t h e Democratic candidate for Washtenaw County prosecuting attorney. A left-wing colation of the Black Caucus and the local chapter of, the Michigan Committee of Con-1 cerned Democrats pushed throughx a resolution endorsing Abe For- tas as Supreme Court Justice. Reacting to a more conservative the upcoming convention include resolution from the majority re- nominations of candidates for port of the convention's resolu- University Regent, M i c h i g a n tions committee, party doves tal- lied 56 votes to the opposition's State University Trustees and 55 for a substitute resolution call- Wayne State University gov- ing for: ernors. -The orderly but prompt with-; drawal of U.S. troops from South Vietnam. -Amnesty for those in South Vietnam desiring it. -Self - determination for the Vietnamese people, including ex- panded peace negotiations to hear the views of t h e South Vietna- mese people and of the National Liberation Front. Since the resolution was passed only as a substitute and not as a major resolution, county Demo- crats still remain divided o v e r 'V Strategy for the upcoming gen- eral election campaign is also expected to be discussed at the session. Aid sought for Biafra victims A drive to aid victims of the Nigeria-Biafra civil war has col- lected over $6,000 in the Ann Ar- bor area. The fund drive is being co-sponsored by the.Newman Stu- dent Association and the Campus Ecumenical 9enter. Funds, collected by mail dona- tions and bucket drives, are being sent to the Church World Services and Caritas, two organizations which haye been providing relief for Biafrans.The money is used to purchase food and medical sup- plies for victims for the war. An agreement on use of land and air corridors for delivery of relife supplies to Bialra reached in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia last week-end has aided hopes for swift delivery of aid. independent vote over to the Dem- ocratic ticket. Opponents said such a m o v e would engender factionalism with- in the party. The state Democratic Party already accomplished most of its election year business at a ;con- vention in Detroit in early June, Topics remaining for action at whether it should be the conven- tion's official resolution on Viet- nam. Tension mounted again when a i Wash, Rinse and Wax! WA5 t4rot4 S-7 - 5 Minutes - 25c sery LIBERTY ' CAR WASH -' i 4 HOURS A move to endorse McCarthy as resolution calling f o r "a crash the Democratic presidential can- program of scientific evaluation of iate fell one vote short of pass- . marijuana and revision of ing - 71 to. 71. Supporters of the "current laws so punishment for Minnesota Senator argued such the possession and usage of mar- a resolution would show the na- j uana f i t s the crime." Sheriff tional Democratic convention.in Douglas Harvey and the Ypsilanti Chicago that party members want Township delegation walked out a change from- present adminis- after the passage of the resolu- tration policies and that McCar- tion. thy is the candidate most capable The state convention starts Fri-j of swinging the all - important day in Grand Rapids.I I. 318 W. Liberty St. OPEN 2 SEE HOW EASILY YOU CAN: -save hours, use your time more efficiently -learn to read 3 to 10 times faster than you do now -improve your comprehension and increase your enjoyment of leading material ZeQ 0 t .i ,.. C ala cost less than HALF that of other commercial reading courses offered in this area. Bring a book to a free, live demonstration of the reading skills which will be taught in a GUARANTEED course offered this semester. o ,R° Fo a 5 h 5 , , S , S s The Crown House of Gifts everything you'll need to perk has up your dorm room or apartment. Come in soon . . . and choose from a wide selection of groovy items priced to suit your budget. Open Monday nights for your conven- ience. II