Thursday, November 21 , 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, November 21, 1 96S THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three 'Dissident's' campaign, f ails to WASHINGTON (P)-A cam- paign by dissidents to disrupt the Army and draw large num- bers of soldiers into antiwar activities has fizzled so far, Army officials said Tuesday. They claimed efforts to get many servicemen to join protest demonstrations during what was called "National GI Week" just before election "didn't get off the ground." "The antiwar people distri- buted a few leaflets around Army posts, but nobody paid attention to, them," one officer said. Officials said that the last six months have seen an inten- sification of "dissident-type disrupt activities directed at the sol- dier." The dissidents are, telling GIs to stay in the Army and raise as much cain as possible, one of- ficer said. Antiwar dissidents are con- centrating on encouraging sol- diers to speak out against the the war and to protest. "It could be a problem, but not yet," officials said. Army intelligence and local police are keeping an eye on the activities which officers said ap- pear to be sparked by the Na- tional Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and Students for a Democratic So- ciety. Why did they Ear?" Because call this an ear in movie "A Flea In Her' her flea sounds stupid! Army To date, the matter has been left in the hands of local com- manders, who have authority to declare off limits any places where activities harm the mo- rale or well-being of troops. Last summer, the Army began checking on three coffee houses sponsored by antiwar groups. They were the UFO at Co- lumbia, S.C., near Ft. Jackson, the Mad Anthony at Wayne- ville, Mo., near Ft. Leonard Wood and Oleo Strut at Killeen, Tex., near Ft. Hood. "The commanders took a look at these places and decided they were not so significant as to re- quire calling attention to them nationally by declaring them off limits," Army officials said. "We would be concerned if there was any real campaign to encourage desertion, for exam- ple," one officer said. "But we don't have any real firm knowledge or proof of any such campaign." In recent weeks, officer said, some civilian opponents of the war have attempted to distrib- ute literature inside of Army posts. Two girls and a man did this jat a snack bar in Ft. Myer, Va., They were asked to leave and no other action was taken against themofficials said. Most military bases have mil- itary police at the gate, but peo- ple are usually permitted to pass back and forth into the post without interference, Army sources said no thought has yet being given to tight- ening gate security to bar civil- ians who might be carrying anti- war literature. Beside personal distribution, Army officials said some anti- war activists have tried to pur- suade soldiers to give them unit rosters so they could mail liter- ature to all the men on those rosters. Irate Italians rush barricades Waves of club-swinging student demonstrators rushed police barricades set up around the Greek Embassy in downtown Rome. They protested the sentencing of Alexander Panagoulis, who has been sentenced to death for an attempt to murder Greek Premier George Papandopoulos on Aug. 13 CODE OF ETHICS: 91st enate first to demand disclosure of outside income WASHINGTON ()- The new Senate convening in January will be the first whose members have to make even a partial disclosure of their outside sources of income. Under a code of ethics incor- poratedrinto the Senate rules last March, the first financial reports will have to be filed by next May 15. The disclosure requirements, developed by the Select Com- mittee on Standards and Con- duct-the ethics committee- grew out of the cases of Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.), and Robert G. "Bobby" Baker, for- mer secretary to the Senate's Democratic majority. Dodd was censured by the Senate in June 1967 after a finding by fellow senators that he had used at least $116,083 in political funds for personal purposes. Baker, who became a millon- aire while on the Senate pay- roll, was convicted in January 1967 of income tax evasion, theft and conspiracy. He has appealed. Under the new code of ethics, two types of financial reports must be filed each year by all members of the Senate and by Senate officials and employes whose salary is over $15,000 a year. Aides to individual se-na- tors are included in its pro- visions. A confidential statement, in- cluding a copy of the federal income tax return for the pre- ceding year and a listing of assets, liabilities, client fees, gifts and other data, must be filed in a sealed envelope with the comptroller general. The other report, to be filed with the secretary of the Senate and to be available for public in- spection, must list contributions received during thepreceding year and the use to which they, are put. It also must give the amount and the source of each honorarium of $300 or more. The code sets out specific limits on the contributions a senator may accept and the use he may make of them. It provides that a senator or a candidate for the Senate may accept a contribution from a fund-raising event in his behalf if he expressly gave his approv- al for the event and receives a complete accounting of the source, amounts and disposition of the money. Similarly, he may accept a contribution from an individual or an' organization if he ac- counts for it completely. Contributions also may be ac- cepted from a political party even if the funds were raised at an event for which he did not give his express approval, pro- vided the event was sponsored by the party to raise money for its candidates. Except for campaign ex- penses, contributions may be used only for specifically desig- nated expenses related to the operation of a senator's office. The confidential statements to be filed with the comptroller general must include not only income tax returns but also all fees of $1,000 or more from clients, business connections, property interests of over $10,- 000, beneficial interests in trusts with a value of more than $5,000 and gifts of $50 or more. These financial statements are to be kept sealed by the comptroller general unless the bipartisan ethics committee, by majority vote, requests access to them. Within a reasonable time aft- er that, the senator or employe involved must be told of the na- ture and scope of the inquiry into his affairs. The rules also provide that a sealed report may be first open- ed and examined only by mem- bers of the committee in ex- ecutive session. the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service CZECH LEADERS appealed to students yesterday to end their masive sit-ins protesting Russian-forced re- strictions. In a joint declaration broadcast by the presidiums of the Communist party, the government, the National Assembly and the Trade Union Council, officials asked students to "stop in time the damage which is threatening us." The broadcast added "irresponsible people" were attempting "to divide the working class." Students initially said they would prolong the three-day old strike for 24 hours however. The strike had been scheduled to end yesterday evening, but after a late compromise yester- day students said the strike would end at noon today. NORTH VIETNAMESE TROOPS attacked a U.S. camp north of Saigon yesterday in their second strike within a week. The attacks apparently reinforced the view that fighting in South Vietnam will continue regardless of what goes on at peace negotiations in Paris. Officials said it was likely that yesterday's attack and a Nov. 14 assault were reactions against the allies closing in on Viet Cong bases along infiltration routes to Saigon. The South Vietnam government said it sent a letter of protest to the International Control Commission calling on it to condemn North Vietnam for the attacks. ITALY'S.CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS appealed for quick formation of a new cabinet yesterday to end the country's government crisis. Party Secretary Mariano Rumor, considered the likeliest man for premier, told the party's national congress the es- sential thing is "to get moving." He asked for an end to in- decision and for "serious and constructive dialogue with the real nation." Rumor spoke less than 24 hours after ,Premier Giovanni Leone resigned his minority government to force the Social- ists into a coalition with the Christian Democrats. However, for the past five months the Socialists have boycotted any coalition. AN ESTIMATED 78 men trapped deep in a West Vir- ginia coal mine have little hope of being rescued. Leslie Ryan, inspector at large for the West Virginia De- partment of Mines, said there is "not a chance in the world" to save the miners who were trapped after a chain of explos- ions rocked the mine early yesterday morning. Heat, fire and smoke prevented rescuers from entering the shafts where workers reported a dangerous rise in the concentration of methane gas. COMMUNIST STUDENTS in Calcutta demonstrated yesterday against' Robert S. McNamara, world bank pres- ident. Students and police clashed at the airport when McNa- mara, former secretary of defense, landed. Demonstrators also set fire to three trolley cars and a shop near Calcutta University and paraded through the streets shouting "Go back McNamara. Hangman McNamara go to hell." Students hurled stones at the police during the demon- strations, and took refuge on the roofs of university buildings. Officials reported more than 60 pers.ons including several senior police officers were injured in the fighting. ITALIAN STUDENTS battled police yesterday in front of Turin University. Demanding basic university reforms, students tried to break through police cordons surrounding the school. At least 30 persons were injured in the ensuing fight and twenty stu- dents were arrested. Authorities said this was the worst clash in the demon- strations which began four days ago. - - - THE VENEZUELAN NAVY yesterday captured a Cu- ban vessel traveling in territorial waters. The Venezuelan Defense Ministry s a i d two gunboats shelled the Cuban fishing boat Alecrin about 100 miles off the Venezuelan coast. The boat was finally seized about 240 miles east of Caracas, well inside Venezuela's territorial Va- ters. The Venezuelan government has been trying to thwart landings of Havana-trained guerrillas, .and president Raul Leoni s a i d it was "possible" the Alecrin was on a Cuban guerrilla mission. I ..a 4 CV C" 'r. ab f f^V01EXC65 Sri 0A 1 0-7 iitovt 1"Nkc- lox t), AABV oR M BAR aHN ,0\iR p,5t- Rcg O creenPNl KppER POo tNd byJ AG'QU AG 1ER " iustc by 6J op5 by OeL"xa N AR paecte NpER R Pa suspA p d byRQdaO AgS vAC App\t tE , Dial 8-5415 I r I~f~lt~lY ;ouspl i presents DAVID ACKLES Elektra Reds Recording, Artist Poet-Songwriter-Singer "VERY HEAVY" -U.S. Dept. of Standard Weights and Measures Fri., Sat., Sun. eats gratis doors open 8 P.M. shoes optional $1.50 M TONIGHT at Is Liberalism Dead!I Speaking-PROF. ARNOLD KAUFMAN U. of M. Philosophy Department 1421 Hit St. 8:30 P.M. I I I FRIDAY- Thursday and Friday BALLAD OF A S SOLDI ER Directed by Grigori Chukari, 1959 Considered by the N.Y. Herald Tribune to be one of the 10 best films of 1960, Ballad of a Soldier stands with the films of Eisenstein, Pudovkin, and Dov- BOB MAC LEAN songwriter, singing original and contemporary folk music, and JOHN CAMPBELL singing city blues, old and new SATURDAY- THE THREE PENNY OPERA (folk-trio from Oberlin, Ohio) singing contemporary folk music, ballads, and ragtime-accompanied by 6 and 12 strings guitars, and fiddle. mad marvin is sexy: I Mad Marvin presents: Underground Films at The Vth Forum 5th Avenue at Liberty 761-9700 Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 11 p.m. Separate admission required. CDAC Ell tL.A nftDADAkA 1 LITTLE CLUB WAR HERE AND ABROAD featuring the WORMB