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November 20, 1968 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-20

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PGge Eight


Wednesdnv_ Nnve har gn l go;R


Yc'uflGJuuy, IVVYCirluer 4vt 1 7u0


Land grant colleges establish
urban problems 'clearinghouse'

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nation's colleges and universities
have taken a "finger in the dike"
approach to solving the "urban
crisis." Individual institutions have
developed projects with little or no
knowledge of what others are
doing. This isolation and ignor-
ance has prevented regional or na-
tional cooperation in higher ed-
ucation's attack on urban ills.
Now the National Association of
State Universities and Land
Grant Colleges (NASULGC) has
established a Committee on Urban
Problems to serve as a clearing-
house for inner-city projects.
Announcement of the new com-

solutions to urban problems, and versities can make the greatest.
because of the Association's his- contribution.

NASULGC president-elect Fred
H. Harrington of the University
of Wisconsin explained that the
land grant system was established
in 1862 to provide special oppor-
tunity for the poor people of that
time-farmers and mechanics.
The old land grant association,
which merged in 1963 with two
other state university groups to
form the NASULGC, was the main
representative of schools involved
in solving the problems of an
agricultural society.

First, he said, they- can helpz
improve lo c a l government by
stimulating and training man-
power. Universities can work to
make citizen participation in ur-
ban affairs more effective. And
they can conduct basic inquiries'
into the concept of urban develop-
ment, helping to answer the ques-;
tions about the kinds of cities we
The state universities and land
grant colleges are getting a late
start in providing answers to ques-
tions about the quality of Amer-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent, in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2
p.m. of the day pieceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General No-
tices may be published a maximum
of two times on request; Day Cal-
endar items appear only once. Stu-
dent organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Tl _ _ 4I _ -__ _t _

in receiving more information should
attend a meeting on Thursday, Novem-
ber 21, 5:10 at the Women's Athletic
Building. Applications will be available
at that time.
Botany Seminar: Dr. M. Bazin, School
of Public Health, will speak on "Evi-
dence for Sexuality in the Blue Green
Algae", Thursday, November 21, 1968 at
4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg.
Broadcasting Service: WUOM (91.7
Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh,
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows
hosts an hour of news and conversa-1
tion about the arts and literature.
Guest: Dr. John Pollard; on "LSD and

day. November 20 at 9 a. in Room
2014 U.H.S., Chairman: M. J. Trippe.
John Harry Vanderineer, Zoology, Dis-
sertation: "The Structure of Com-
munities as Determined by Competi-
tive Interactions: A Theoretical and.
Experimental Approach," on Wednes-
day. November 20 at 1 p.m, in West
Lecture Room, Rackham: Chairman:
N. G. Hairston,
William Carl Gallups, Business Ad-j
ministration, Dissertation: "Install-
ment Lending by Commercial Banks: A
Cost and Yield Analysis," on Wednes-
day. November 20 at 3 p.m. In Room
816 Bus Ad., Chairman: D. A. Hayes.
John William Heyt, Mechanical En-
gineering, Dissertation: "The Laminar
Boundary Layer in Two Component'
Mist Flow," on Wednesday, November'
20 at 3 p.m. in Room 2026 G. D. Brown
Fluids Engineering Bldg., Co-Chairman:
V. S. Arpaci and P. S. Larsen.

'Tenmple University, Intern Teaching
Program, leading to Masters degree in
Ed uation. professiotnal certilication,
placement and tenure. Begin studies,
June?, '69, and work in Sept. in city;
or suburban schools as full-time salar-
ied teachers.
Phillips Exter Academy, Exper Sum-
mer School, Teaching Intern Program
invites about 15 college juniors and
seniors to this educational laboratory
of people eager to teach and learn. In-
terins do substantial amount of teach-
ing, close association with one instrue-
'tor and joint effort mak ethe resources
of Exter a stimulating exerience to the
intern. Interns are required to live in
and take turns of dormitory duty as
well as athletic duty. Salary and addi-
tional financial assistance are avil-
ble to qualified applicants, apply early
because of competition in this small

Ma y .Aatendal Wednesday 1:00 p.m. U-M Conference
on Againg: Dr. Herbert Shore, Exec.
Dir., Golden Acres, The Dallas Home
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- for Jewish Aged, Texas, on "Family
inar: "Management of Mngrc Pro.1-

mittee was made at NASULGC's Withthe advent of urbaniza-
annual convention here last week. tion, the land grant association
A good deal of the meeting's pro- gradually moved into the area
gram dealt with the university's of urban problems. It has had a
role in urban change. number of committees dealing
The group's officials attached with various aspects of cities and
special significance to the estab- minorities. "Now," said Dr. Har-
lishment of the clearinghouse be- rington, "we must tie them all to-
cause of the agreed necessity for gether, and view the enormous
present and future problem of
higher education's relationship to
the city."
Chairman of the NASULGC
committee' is Martin Meyerson,
0 president of the State University
of New York at Buffalo. He is a
UV II 1V UR 11 city planner who was the first
director of the MIT-Harvard Joint
Center for Urban Studies. Meyer-
P! ti son feels that state and land-
grant institutions have a special
opportunity to develop "an intel-
(Continued from page 1 lectual and research base without
which future urban decisions could
The statistical results and the be blind"-because they educate
opinion resumes will be available 60 per cent of the nation's doctor-
to students in-an evaluation as- ates and have close ties to state
sociation office. This office tent- governments which could imple-
atively is scheduled to be located rnent scholarly work.
in thej counseling offices of the
literari college. Other committee members are
The association also plans to William Garrison, head of the
make some form of presentation Urban Studies Program at the
of findings on a departmental University of Illinois' Chicago
basis. The format of these pre- Circle campus; Charles Vivier, vice

;rx iangemn o vanagers, rq- Attitudes and Societal Expectations".--
ican urban life gram No. 72": North Campus Commons, Wednesda 4:45 p.m Campus News Community Career Opportunity Con-
NASULGC officials talk about 8:15 a.m. produced by students in the department ktl f lI ferences, or Operations Native Sons,
producedd byarstudentsBsiinstheofdepartment00held during Xmas Holiday's (most Dec.
coordinating urban projects, but Programmed Learning for Business of speech. 5:00 p.m. The Press and 3200 S.A.B. 26-28, some 30-31). Both residents and
they didn't bother to consult the Workshop: "Instructional Design": World Affairs, with Prof. Ben Yablon- GENERAL DI ISION 6other students welcome to meet with
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. ky. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. U-M Phil- I o the aea, bowse or h
American Association of State Anatomy Seminar: Allen R. Beaudoin, harmonia Concert, broadcast live from ANNOUNCEMENT: mployers o the area, browse, r hold
Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Department of Anatomy, "Six in Swe- Hill Aud., Theo Alcantara, conductor. Application for the final NSA (Nat'l. mingsand . ndividualtpgser2sufro
which was meeting with it. The den": 2501 East Medical Building, 1:10 Thursday 1:00 p.m. U. S. Foreign Security Agency) qualification exam .eetings and individual posters from
pm Policy: The Next Decade: "Projections: are due November 22, for the test on ara on ifle in the career Planning
NASULGC clearinghouse commit- Civil Engineering Transportation Sem- Africa", with Arnold Rivkin, of the Dec. 7. All students except Math ma- Library area of Placement Services eA
tee could have gotten its thing inar: George Bacalis, "Transportation World Bank. jors must take this test before the oral Eistration We will list areas as we re-
together with AASCU's Urban Ar- for New Towns-Columbuia": Multi- interews held in Feb. 69. rtceive individual notices, watch this
Purpose Room, Undergraduate Library, The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire- Rand McNally representative, L e o lumn, nd come noce c th
airs Task Force, which has essen- :00 p.m. land, again offers an exchange scholar- 1IDaley, will be interviewing for a Re- olumn and come in to check the na-
tially the same goals. Zoology Seminar: Dr. Jack Gorski, ship for a University of Michigan grad- presentative for the area based in An nposter.
It wants to end isolation in ur- Professor of Physiology, University of uate. The scholarship will provide fees, Arbor. A representative contacts pro- Greater Chicago Area: December 27
ban problem-solving, but it begins I Illinois, Urbana, "Studies on the Mole- board and lodging for the Academic fessors and officials of colleges and uni- and 28, Sherman House, registration
b npro em-sov ing, but it htbegins clar Mechanisms of Estrogen Action": year 1969-70. A married student re- versities for text book usage, flexible cards appreciated, pick these up at the
by ignoring an existig group that 1400 Chemistry Building, 4:00 p.m. ceives 250 pounds in lieu of board hours, fine advancement opportunities. Career Planning Library, 3200 S.A.B.
could be helped by close ties. If Black Ethnic Music Lecture: Frank and lodging. A grant of $400 will be Call 665-4444 for appointments, being Kamaaina Employment Interviewing
Fields, Composer, "The Derivations of made by the Graduate School to par- held at Holiday Inn West, on November Program, University of Hawaii Campus.
the clearinghouse is to make a Black Ethnic Musical Forms and Their tially defray the cost of travel. Study 21 and 22. Honolulu, Hawaii. Complete employer,
meaningful contribution, it can't Growth": Auditorium C, Angell Hall, may be carried on in any of the Several Currently received announce- directory at Placement Services, and
be just another finger in the dike. 8:00 p.m. academic disciplines offered at the ments are available in the Career Plan- upon request from Hawaiian students
The Forum: Film and Discussion: Queen's University. Further informa- ning Division of Placement Services, attending universities on the main-
James Agee's The Quiet One; Discussion tion and application forms are available dealing with opportunities for work- land. December 27, 1968.
Leader, Harold Collins, Consultant to at the Graduate Fellowship Office, study, financial aid, MAT, MEA, PhD Birmingham, Alabama, December 30,
the National Council on the Mental Room 1014, Rackham Building. Deadline or other programs of further study. Birmingham Southern College. Contact
j A Health of Children: Architecture Audi- for receipt of applications is January Corium, 8:00 p-m..15, 1969..--
H I ekstorium, 8:00 p.m. 15, 1969. -_ -----_ _
University Philharmonia: Francisj{-____
Bundra, Guest Violinist: Angel Reyes, Academic Costume: Can be rented
Guest Violinist; Theo Alcantar, Con- at oMe Sport Shop, 711 North Univer-
lacoeatre ductor: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. sity Avenue. Orders for Winter Cam- j.
University Players (Department of mencement Exercises should be placed .KF O
(Continued from page 1) Speech): Shakespeare's The Tempest: immediately, and MUST be placed be-
from this year's budget and the Trusbiood Theater, 8:00 p.m. fore November 29.
additional sum, which would be Gr s Regents' Meeting: December 20, 1968.
addiionl sm, hichwoud b (t"ereratl N oticcs Communications for consideration at!

Birmigam Area C of C. for complete
listing of empoyers
Minnesota Careers, ;Minneapolis and
St. Paul. Mini.: December 26 and 27,
College of St. Thomats Armory. Post-
cards to send for complete listing of
Ctinpan ie ' participating.
Greater Springfield, Mass.: December
27 and 28, iiicorrectly listed in Na-
tional Chamber of Commerce listing as
Dec. 30 and 31), Springfield College,
Woods Bil
Current l'oition Openings received
by General Division by mail and phone,
not interviews on campus, contact
Placement Services, 764-7460 for ap-
plication procedures. Since these posi-
tions need to be filled in the near fu-
ture, they are of interest to December
City of Chicago, Wll.: Positions fur
new graduates of 1-2 years exer in areas
of Biol.. Chem., Bus. Admin., Math.,
Soc., Poli. Sci.. Psych., Engl., Soc. Wk.,
Hist., Med. Tech., Nursing Engrg.
Eastern Airlines, Detroit, Mich.: Sales
Representative for position involving
small degree of travel, calling on out-
side travel executives. Any degree
bckrnd, no exper required.
State of Oregon: Revenue Auditor,
BA in Bus. Ad. with considerable au-
diting or acctg. exper. Research Ana-
lyst. degree with course work in stat.,
econ., or related areas, 3 years of work
in econ research or stat related work.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Indianapolis,
Ind.: New graduates and persons with
little exper for positions in EDP, Syst.
Anal.. Acctg., Claims, Finan., Anal..
Professional relations, external audi-
tors, Trainer coordinator, communica-
tions analysis.
Joif The Daily
Sports Staff






gea'u u it te ilrst iod fUproved
! successful, from the budget. for

this meeting must be in the President's
bands no later than December 5.


sentations has not yet been de-
After the association has com-
piled its data, it plans to turn
copies of the statistical results and
the original questionnaires over
to individual faculty members for
their own use.
The questionnaire being used
by the association was developed
in a joint effort by the association
and the assembly committee. Both
groups ran tests of questionnaires
before deciding on a final form.
The course evaluation will cover
most literary college courses ex-
cepting those taught by teaching
fellows which are unavoidable re-
quirements. Plans for expansion
of the program will dep nd on
success of the present effort.

chancellor of the University of te
Wisconsin at Milwaukee; Mark
Ferber, special assistant to the ab
president of the University of to
California at Berkeley; Jerome us
Weisner, provost at the Nas- ed
sachusetts Institute of Tech- tL
nology; Paul A. Miller, head of the ar
extension program at the Univer- m
sity of North Carolina; William wo
R. Keast, president of Wayne e
State University; and Harold
Syrett, president of City Univer- re
sity of New York (Brooklyn Col- cc
lege). R
One urban specialist on the con- ov
vention program was Robert C. je
Wood, undersecretary of the U.S. 1
Department of Housing and Urban C
Development. He mentioned sev- to
eral areas where he believes uni- co

W omen Students: A course in Re-;hnsn ae ta eebr5
ext year, creational Leadership will be offered in-.,Student Accounts: Your attention is
Mrs. Thayer explained after the the iWnter Term. Students interested called to the following rules passed by
eeting that there had been sub- the Regents on February 28, 1936:
antil dvison i he com it ~ ~'~:' Students shall pay all accounts due
;antial division in her commit- "© ; Sthe University not later than the last
e over the cost of the project. RA ZA 7AT Z T I ON day of classes of each semester or sum-
Most of the cost for the group, mer session. Student loans which are
ove the salaries for the direc- not paid or renewed are subject to this
QT Eregulation; however, student loans not
rs and the assistant, would be yet due are exempt. Any unpaid ac-
ed to pay the youths who work- counts at the close of business on the
on the productions. Several of %s ::::::::::::.;;: ,,;:;s: . : :;;. :::last day of classes will be reported to
Le mmber of he ommitee ad Ut'e Cashier of the University and
e members of the committee had Young Democrats meeting, Nov. () All academic credit will be
gued that the project would be 21, 1968, at 8:00 p.m.. D Union, Elec- withheld, the grades for the semester
ore meaningful if the youths tion of Officers - Terms to expire Oc--f or summer session just completed will
orked as volunteers, Mrs. Thayer tober, 1969. not be released, and no transcript of
UM Chess Club Meeting, Nov. 20th, credits will be issued.
plained. 7:30 p.m., 3B of the Union, weekly "(b) All students owing such ac-
Mrs. Thaysr also revealed that meeting. counts will not be allowed to register
presentatives of the b l a c k American Culture Students Associa- i in any subsequent semester or summer
mmunity who were invited to tion: MPSS meeting, all students in session until payment has been made."
American Culture. Weds. Nov. 20th.

.e meetings of the Community
elations Committee did not give
erwhelming support for the pro-
Mrs. Thayed warned that City
ouncil may "look at the cost fac-
r very carefully" when members
nsider the HRC proposal.

i%.., . t ,
2225 Angell Hall; at 4:00 p.m.
UM Scottish Country Dance Society,
dance meeting, Weds., 8:00 to 10:30
p.m., W.A.B. Lounge, instruction given, Ex ami m a n s
beginners welcome.
Sigma Theta Tau lecturship: 8:00
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre:' speaker: Edward Thomas leck, Education &
Martha E. Rogers, Dean, Division of Psychology: "A Description of S o m e
NurseEducation, New York University. Learning Characteristics of Minimally I
"Idealismi vs. Realism in Nursing." Brain Damaged Children," on wednes-

_ ,..

_.. __


"It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of inquiry have not
yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from
stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom . ..It is a very grave mistake to think that the
enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty."
-Albert Einstein
Forcing students to take undesired courses is not only academically unsound, but is
also a direct violation of a student's right to conduct his academic life as he chooses.
The LS&A College deprives students of this right by imposing foreign language and
distribution requirements.







Then March to the LS&A Building to Present Our Petitions.



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