Wednesday, November 20, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 9:30-12:30 Complaints only 1:00 - 3 '57 i:00 Mon. - Fri. The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of 'Mich-; .gan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- Irimination in the University com- miunity. Questions 'should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400 FOR RENT UPSTAIRS OF HOUSE - furnished 2 T bdrm. apt., all utilities incl., sublet $180 per month. Available immedi- ately. Call 761-8055 C12 SUBLET-need 4th man for apt. With 2 grads, 1 -senior. Modern, furnishd, 2 min. walk from UGLI. Avail Dec.-I Aug. My rent is $62.50, enjoy a good haggle. Call Larry, 769-0565. Best time 4:30-7:00. C15 2-3 MAN modern Turn. apt. fan.-Aug., $175, 4 mo. lease avail. 761-7433. 014 SUBLET Dec. 18-June 22. New 1 bed- room furnlished apt. Carpenter Road. $160. 764-0309 or 971-1752. C 3 BD-RM. APT., 2 baths,, on campusr $190. Avail. Jan. 665,5405. C16j 2-MAN furnished apt. $150 plus eloc. Lease to Aug. 769-0623. 04 FURN ISHED APTS: ON-CAMPUS LOCATIONS FOR 3-5 PEOPLE 1 & 2 BDRM. APTS. PRICED FROM $180 CALL Summ it, /-SS C. * Open Mn.-Sat. -- 9:30-5:00 \! 761-8055 042, VAUGHN STREET 2 bedroom furnished apartment available immediately. Pro- fessional Manag ment Associates. 769- 2608, evenings 769-4297. C50 ROOM FOR RENT-Single, clean, quiet, for nman, arag avail. References re- quired. 723 Paci~ard, near state. 04r6 1 BEDRM. APT. avail. Dec. Air-condi- tioned, Turn, off St. parking. .1 '/ blocks U. Hosp. Grads or couple pre- ferred. Less than $135/mo. for 1 yr - 769-2845' after 5. C47 FOR RENT BRAND NEW one and two bedroom furnished and unfurnished apts. For information call 761-3998 or see man- ager at 426 Kellogg Apt. 103. C19 LUXURIOUS 2-bdrm., furnished apt., air-cond., garbage disposal, balcony, dishwasher, close to campus. Avail. immediately. 663-5284 or 761-8055. 09 GRAND OPEN ING of ARBOR MANOR TOWN HOUSES A fine newhcooperative community. Gracious hillside living-just 10 minutes from Ann Arbor. Own your own 1. 2, or 3 bedroom home. Both 1 and 1% bath units including custom crafted Hotpoint appliances. from $97 FOR RENT HOUSE-3 door sports model with red sidewalls needs 4th grad student next term, within stones throw of new CIA office, priyate room, $50/mo. 665- 6263. C27 4th GIRL NEEDED Jan.-April or Aug: to share very Lod. bi-level apt, close to campus. 769-1844. C29 NEED GIRL for reasonable apt. near campus and St. Joe's. 761-3815. C30 VERY CLEAN 1-man apt., a/c, mod. elec. appliances, 3 min, walk to cam- pus. Avail. Feb. 20, 761-2584 or 764- 7335, ask for Dom. C31 2 SENIOR GIRLS need third roommate' for winter term. Older, high ceilinged apt. with fireplace. Reasonable rent, S. Division and Liberty. 769-1533. C32 1-BDRM. FURN. APT. 1 blk, fronm A&D. Avail. Jan.-Aug. Reasonable rent. Ideal for 2. 761-9014 after 5. C33 HELP WANTED BUSBOYS (10) Wanted at the Pretzel Bell. H43 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Students who have three nights a week from 2-10 p.m., are ambi- tious, aggressive, and need money. For interview, call Mr. Thompson at 761-4917 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . H19 HELP WANTED: Waitresses, Dishwash- ers Full or part time Apply in person Tues or Thurs 10-3 Purple Pickle Res- taurant, 120 E Washington 663-8242, H15 INTERESTED in a quick $10,000? Call 663-5179. Legal, fast, no initial invest- ment. H49 SALESMAN, full and part time days for home entertainment equipment sales. Stereo consoles, components, t.v., photographic equipment, etc. Stereoland, Detroit and Livonia. Call Mr. Leinback for appointment, BR 3-8921. H3 MALE GRAD to share 6-room3 wvith 2. others, convenient, own $70/mo. 663-4375. house room. C34 per month, including except electricity. all utilities FULL TIME, PART TIME male help. MALE ROOMMATh WANTED. 4-man Two nights and one Sat. per week, bi-level close to campus. Dishwasher, $62.50. Must be 21, bondable, neat in air cond, modern. $60/mo. Avail. now appearance. Call 761-6606. Hl1 or Jan. 761-8781. C35 - --- 2 GIRLS NEED 3rd roommate. Close to FOR SALE campus, inexpensive. Avail. immed.- __ - 769-3638. C36 KENMORE 'Automatic Dishwasher: $40. Snow tires 7:35-14, Firestone tubeless, DEC-APRIL,: Large, two bedroom; 3 or excellent condition: $25 for the pair. 4 man apt.; top floor of house-off- Desk, $25; Danish modern desk, hand street parking-$275. Campus Corners rubbed walnut, $97; other items reas- area. Call 761-2312 after 5. CD onably priced. 769-5498 after 4:00 DEC.-APR., . 4th man needed for apt. p.m. Keep trying. BF 406 Packard. Call Don, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. FOR SALE: 1 pair Dynastar RG 10, 207 ft69-4318. Will dicker. c m. slaloms. Perfect-$130 w/out bind- DESIRE FEMALE to complete 3-man cn. GS usedyKase Snow 6ng, 205 apt, near campus & hospitals 668- bindings. Call Dave Manson after 11 6906. days; 761-251C, arter 6 p.m. 022 p.m. 769-0896. BB WANTED TO RENT PIANO-Brand new Wurlitzer Interlo- ___ _ _ _chen, $700. 663-1167. BF WANTED: Single apt, or room with BEETHOVEN'S 9 SYMPHONIES by Otto kitchen facilities starting now or Jan. Klemperer and Philharmonia Oiches- Call 769-3724 mornings or any hour of tra. Virtually new. $25. 665-7558. 7-10 the night, ask for Marty. LF p.m. B9 BUSINESS SERVICES THESIS AND TERM PAPERS typed in my home. 769-5441. J49 PROFESSIONAL TYPING done prompt- ly and accurately at reasonable rates.1 Call 434-1121 after 12 noon. J37 TYPING DONE in my home. Manu- scripts, papers, etc. 663-7894. J48 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS STEREO COMPONENTS-KLH model 17 speakers. Used only 8 mos. Superior quality at low price. Pair $125. 662- 6015. X5 FOR SALE: KLH stereo-includes ams,' speaker,' charger, new needle. $170. Good cond. 665-0707, X11 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Acoustic, electric instrumtnts, acces- sories, David lessons - repairs. Gibson, Harmony. 209 S. State. 665-8001. 10-7 p.m. X FOR SALE - Brand new Wurlitzer In- terlochen, $700, 663-1167. XE 2 STEREO SPEAKERS in cabinets and Magnavox stereo equip. Reasonable, 769-2231. X9 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO for sale. Black ebony in ex. cond. 769-5647. X6 FOR SALE:dPortable or plug-in record player radio. Cheap, $25. NO 8-8574. X50 BABY GRAND, beautiful tone. Paid $800 3 months ago. Will accept $600 or best offer. Call Bob, 764-7128 or 483-9669 after 5. X38 STRING BASS, full size, wood, flat back. 662-5946 after 6 p.m. X35 USED CARS 1962 VW CONVERTIBLE. Good cond. Best offer. Call Jeff, 662-3261 or after 9, 769-4213. N19 DARK BLUE 4-DOOR 1960 CHEVY hard-top with snow tires and spare. Dependable. $200 or best offer. Call Bob at 761-4442. N26 FOR SALE: 1962 Mercedes. 2 tops, good condition. Call 665-0842 or 761-0433. B5 1966 SUNBEAM ALPINE, 2 tops, new tires, low mile, exc.., cond., 662-1312. N25 MGB ROADSTER-1966. AM-FM, Wire I wheels. Call 662-2970. N6 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 SUZUKI 150, good cond., $250. 19681 Honda 90, like new, $275. Call 769- 0046. Z35 BMW 1960 R60. $450. Leaving AA, must sell. 663-7072. Z SUZUKI '66 250cc X6 Hustler. Extras. $350, 6-9 p.m. 662-4274. Z33 1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star. Perfect, cond., 3000 mi. 663-3856. Z6 TRANSPORTATION NEEDED: 2 riders to Calif. for Christ- mas Vacation. Call 761-4450. G NEED RIDE to Chicago Nov. 27. Return Sunday. Call Mike, 761-0454. G18 RIDE WANTED for 2 to UP Nov. 27. Share expenses. Call Ralph 761-7126. G16 NEEDED a ride to Benton Harbor Wed., Nov. 27, afternoon or evening. Will share expenses. Call Tom, 769-3032 after 7 p.m. GB PERSONAL AM RENTING a car to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving. Need desperate riders. Round trip $20. (or less if I get more people). 761-2235. FA "THE PATH .TO PERFECTION" is the subject of The Theosophical Society's open discussion class led by Winifred Wylie, Fri., Nov. 22, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. in the basement small confer- ence room of Ann Arbor Public Li- brary. F DISTURBED WITH RC? come to din- ing room 2 East Quad, 6:30 Wednes- day. P50 DISTURBED WITH RC? come to din- ing room 2 East Quad, 6:30 Wednes- day. F50 DISTURBED WITH RC? come to din- ing room 2 East Quad, 6:30 Wednes- day. P50 DISTURBED WITH RC? come to din- ing room 2 East Quad, 6:30 Wednes- day. P50 WILL BUY Wallace, McCarthy, Nixon, Humphrey Reagan Rockefeller etc. 68 campaign buttons. 761-7673. FI WORLD WHOOPEEI! International par- ty at the International Center. Nov. 22 9:00-midnite, free admission. ,F2 KAREN. Trauma may destroy our little worlds. So as not to dissilusion you, you may continue to believe that Harvey is straight, virgin and forever uncorruptable. FC ATTRACTIVE GIRL bartender avail. for private parties, pledge formals, etc. Call Jan, 769-2518 for info. FA4 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES Buy Qual- ity Diamonds! Austin Diamonds, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F EUROPE 9 weeks, 12 countries, $999. Call STUDENTOURS, 764-0819. F47 You don't have to be Jewish to love Claudine Longet. Love, The Gang! F1. CALIFORNIA BOUND? Go to Pasedena in your own Volks- wagen from Dan Burkitt at Ypsilan-, ti's Suburban Imports. See VW's 5 ways to GO BLUE! 665-0173 or 482- 2175. F46 MICHIGAN ARTISTS We will display & sell your paint- ings, etc. for you. Sometimes we buy, THE ATTIC 204 N. Fifth Ave. Ann Arbor 761-8550 F31 PERSONAL WILL THE AKRON MOLE please re- ENGAGE in flower power-plant your- turn our steak. We're hungry. self in our sauna. Larry,'Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200 I had a nice long talk with Flo about F her no-no's. F47 -~~-----~~~~-~~-~~~~-NEED!-Playboy Center foldouts from PUZZLED about finding a good place to 1953-1964. Will buy, bargain or bar- eat? Solve your eating problem and ter. Call 761-6971 after 7'' FB this logic problem at 611 S. Forest: A - king had ten men minting gold coins, WANTED: Good home for 8 wk. old every day each man minted 100 coins puppy. Cute & affectionate. 662-1312. weighing% oz. each. However one F31 man kept 1/16 oz, of gold from coins - he minted. How could the king dis- TV RENTALS $10.00 per month. FREE cover in one way which man was Service and delivefy. Call NEJAC TV stealing his gold? F Rentals. 662-5671 today. F39 SALE! Ultra expensive clothes at absor- WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- bitantly low prices, Jr. sizes, 7 and 9, tes? Why ruin your papers with skirts $5, slacks $5, sweaters $5, dress- smudees? Why not? Because you can es $10 Saturday, Nov. 23, 1-5 p.m. 721 now Xerox your original at onlyB e S. Forest, No. 309. No checks please. per copy. Two locations: 211 State St., ' F48 769-4252 and 1217 S. Univ., 769-0560. F PUZZLED ABOUT finding a good place WANTED-Male 'Roommat'e for 2-mad to eat? Solve your eating problem and aptE8mleaseCtl660120o this logic problem at, 611 5. Forest : apt.78mo6eae.Cll66-10 o If you had 9 billiard balls, one of 71-7697. -40 which was 1/8 oz. heavier, and a bal- A ance scale, how do you fifd in two WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone ways, the heaviest ball? F ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE 'WANTED: 1 male roommate, tol over 1/3 of a 12 month lease. 769-0665. take Call C38 PERSONAL r'' 6 Total lawn and garden care, snow removal, trash removal, and all exterior painting included in monthly charge. Throw away your rent receipts and come to Arbor Manor today. Build an equity in a home of your own. Take I-94 east to first Ypsilanti exit (Michigan Ave.) - U.S. 12) continue east on Michigan to Second, turn right to models. Open daily and Sunday from noon till 8, 'Saturday, noon till 5. closed Thursday. For further information call FCH Services, Inc. 483-7562 C45 NEEDED IMMED.--one mature, young woman to complete 3-man/ apt.) $68/ mo. 5 blocks from campus. 662-2789. C7 SPACIOUS 2-bdrm. apt. Jan.-4ug., Air- cond., carpet, di h-washer, pool, conv. location, call 665-6578. C39 NEAR HOSPITAL Beautiful. 2 bdrm., bi-level apt. for 2 to 5 people. Call 665-01k4. C14 GARAGE SPACES FOR RENT. 214 E. Lawrence. $10/mo. 665-9405. 036 GARAGE FOR RENT. Lease. 723 Pack- ard near State. 665-5802. C45 SINGLE APT. beg. Jan. 1 block from Frieze Bldg. Call 764-5367 after 7 p.m. 039 FOR RENT: Luxury apt, right on cam- pus for two people. Willing to bar- gain. Four or eight month lease. Start now or Jan. 769-3724 anytime. CF SPACIOUS Arbor Forest 4-man apart- ment, 2 blocks from campus. Avail. Jan.-Aug, Call 769-0225. C37 GRAD OR WORKING GIRL to share modern bilevel apt. close to campus and hospitals. Now or Jan. Call 665- 3179. C10 i ROOMMATES Call Charter Realty at 66548825, C16 SWING A LITTLE - In Ann Arbor's finest new apartment building. Lux- ury 2-bdrm. furnished apt. w/dish- washer. Acc. for 2-5 persons. Call CHARTER, 665-8025 or Resident Man- ager, 665-0432. 012 3-4 -MAN APT. to sublet $190/mo. 415 E. Hoover, No. 204. 663-3819. 040 BARGAIN CORNER Sam's Store LEVI'S Galore For Gals and Guys! LEVI DENIMS: ButtonFly. .$5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrink) Super Slims...... $5.50 Pre-Shrunk Dungares......$5.79 .Now Levi Denims for Gals........$6.00 GOING on Sabbatical? Responsible professional couple will rent and care for your house. 663- 4972. L19 OWN BDRM. for male grad in apt. on campus 'immed. or Jan.-spring. 668- 9553 eves, ask for Jules, Rm. No. 1. L-7 GRAD GIRL seeks apt. or rm. w, kitch- en, campus, winter tm. Joyce, 761- 3815. L18 FACULTY MEMBER with infant wants 2 bdrm. furnished apt. or house be- ginning Dec. 22-Jan. 1. For 8 months. 764-0309 or 971-1752. L13 FEMALE wants single room Jan.-April prefers west side, near Thompson. Call evenings 761-0354. LF WANTED-Own room in house or apt., rent must be reasonable. 769-2056. LF ONE-MAN EFFICIENCY APT. Either Jan.-Apr. or Jan.-Aug. Call Ellen, 663- 3614, after 8. LF COUPLE WANTS to sublet apt. Dec.- Aug., campus location preferred. Call Julie, 769-2836. L3 HELP WANTED' ARE YOU a serious amateur or semi- - professional photographer interested in having your color work done local- ly, tailored to your personal style? If so, call 769-0130. H FIVE PHYSICIANS practicing in a syl- van setting seek full time, wide awake, full of fire receptionist with brains for Chelsea Medical Clinic. Phone Mr. Roy Clemens for interview. 475-3931. (Local call) H25 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES (MALE and FEMALE) TO TAKE ORDERS FOR ROSE BOWL TOUR CALL 665-4444 ext. 325 Between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. D NEED ONE MAN to take over lease (Winter, Spring-Summer sem) in three-man, modern apt. Two bedroom, carpeted, air-cond., close -to campus, parking lot. Call Drew at 764-1260 from 1-5 p.m. LD RESPONSIBLE ASSISTANT for medical study, some statistical and coding exp. preferred. 20 lire. per week. $2.50 per hr. and up depending on exp. Must be avail. at least till Sept. '69. Call 662-8537 or 764-5450 between 9 p.m. and midnight. H24 WANTED-student: few hrs. daily, must have knowledge of foosball game (table soccer) & ability to meet lead- ers in rec. field, own trans. 662-0215. H23 INSURANCE INSPECTOR: Need 20 hrs. weekly during business hrs. Handle insurance inspections. No sales or col- lecting. Must be 21, need auto. Call Mr. Bates at 662-6517. H20 DRIVERS WANTED, several part time. Hours flexible. Apply anytime after 4 p.m. 761-0001. H17 I HEADS 6'6" Head standard skis, 1 yr. old; Henke buckle boots, size 8; poles; etc. $100. Call 761-4880 before 11 a.m. Bil STEELCASE 4-Drawer Filing Cabinet with lock. Excell. Cond. $85. 761-6789 B7 NEW 5 buckle ski boots, Italian made, 8% medium. $35. 662-1755. B3 FOR SALE-2 formals, exc. cond. Size 8-10. 764-2812. B2 AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS. Excellent with children; good watch dog and for hunting. Beautifully marked. Call 483-5973. B MISCELLANEOUS PARKING BY SEMESTER, near S. Univ. & Forest. Area paved. $10/mo. Phone 662-2557. M12 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Male's Hamilton wristwatch. Ini- tials WGR on back. 769-3064. A12 LOST-Post slide rule in vicinity of UGLI Sun. Mike Young, Sigma Nu. Please call 663-5611. A13 LOST-Cat. Long, dark hair, flea col- lar, stripes on nose. Hill and Church. 761-2341. All FOUND: Calico kitten. Call Ann or Debby, 761-4281. A8 LOST: Tabby kitten,. much loved. Call Ann or Debby, 761-4281. A9 FOUND: Blk cat with green eyes & white collar. Division St. 764-9672. A5 LOST DOG: Large, all-white, male hus- kie. Reward. 665-2186. A2 LOST: one silver bracelet with shell or mother-of-pearl leaves, has senti- mental value, please call Virginia, 665-5377, after 5 p.m., or 764-8210 days. A49 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE-U.S. Divers Scuba Outfit. Like new. Reasonable. 769-2475 after 5. BIO r t C i P l r 3 1 s r , i 9 MGB ROADSTER-1966. AM-FM, Wire Wheels. Call 662-2970. N6 BUICK SPECIAL, 1965 convertible: Bucket seats, blue streak tires. Must sell-less than $400. Call 769-2625. N14 1964 FIAT 1100D, 29,000 miles. Exc. transportation. $400. Call after 7. 769- 0042 or 449-4221. N42 1966 MUSTANG, air cond., stereo tape, Iradio, 4 barreled carb., '289 cc, V8. auto trans., tinted glass, black vinyl top, mag wheels, wood steering wheel. Call 769-5669 after 5. N47 197 AUSTIN 7, 45,000 mi., runs per- fectly, beautiful condition. 665-5522. N31 '65 MG 1100 Sesan. uMst sell. $500 or best offer. 665-6051. N10 BIKES AND SCOOTERS USED BIKE SALE '67 Triumph, 500 cc, $750. '67 Triumph TT, new motor, $950. '67 Honda 160 Scrambler, $300. '67 Yamaha 305, new engine, $350. '63 Triumph 650, custom, $695. '68 Triumph Bonneville, demo, $1295. Nicholson Motorcycle Sales, 224 South First St., 662-7409. Z24 1966 HONDA Super Hawk, exc. cond. $425 w/helmets. Dave-665-9741, ext. 368. Evenings call Bart, 1-227-3540. HONDA 305, 4000 mi., custom work extras, helmet $410. Call Steve, 761- 6327. Z21 NEED PAIR of UM-OSUJ football tick- ets. Call 761-8574. PD DEAR HAROLD OSEFF: Ann Arbor loved you, but the Army loves you more, alas. Just remember, when it wises up we're still around. We miss you. Everyone. },B 'HELP! Desperately need tickets to Ohio State gan e. Call Andy, 769-5206. FE FO CLASS OR WORK -- AGAIN. TE4EPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES: he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page. Two locations: 211 State St,., 769-4252, and 1217 & University, 769- 0560. F17 -a R. H, PhIipp, Owner 1031 E. Ann, near the h9spitals DELICIOUS SANDWICHES, SALADS, SOUPS 95c DAILY SPECIAL Open Daily 1 1 :00 a.m. 'til 6 :00 p.m. CLOSED SATURDAY and SUNDAY /, STROBE LIGHT FOR RENT 761-0195, F11 THE WHISTLE STOP wants to stuff their customers-for Thanksgiving. Turkey, stuffing, sweet and mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, dessert and coffee. All you can eat, $2.50. For re- servation 662-2270. F THINK AHEAD ! Next term meet people you're com- patible with. Change your scene! For some information and a questionnaire please send a postcard with your name and address to: THE INTERPERSONAL DATING SERVICE P.O. BOX NO. 2137 ANN ARBOR, MICH. 48104 P49 EAT AT THE WHISTLE STOP, the mini-delicatessen, 611 S. Forest, next door to the laundromat., Featuring the following sandwiches: roast beef, 69c; corned beef and pastrami 89c; chopped liver, 75c; bagel and lox, 60c. Open 7 days a week, 10 a.m. to mid- night. Take-out service, 662-2270. F i EBOX COPIES: Fast-Cheap 211 S. State 769-4252 1217 S. University 769-0560 Di ,1 LEVI'S STA PREST "White" Levi's (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack "Stitches" S-T-R-E-T-C-H $6.98 $8.00 $6.98 $6.98, "White" Levi's . . . . $4.98 (5 Colors) 100% LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS-V or Crew Neck-$5.95 CPO SHIRTS Solids and Plaids $6.95 & $7.95 Over 7000 Pairs of Levi's IN STOCK Sam's Store 122 E. Washington "GIVE ME A RIDDLE" A film about confrontation overseas. 4:00 Thursday CANTERBURY HOUSE Sponsored by THE PEACE CORPS 1-MAN APT. Winter term, by IM bldg. 769-4912 or 764-3446 days. Bruce. C38 4TH GIRL needed for deluxe apt. close to campus. Avail Dec. 5. Call Arlene at 769-0986. CE 1 BDRM. UNFURN. APT. Lvng, dng, rms., kitchen bathroom & dressing rm 2 balconies. $85/mo. Call 761- 9098 after 9 p.m. C40 GIRL NEEDED to sublet Jan-April or longer. 3 bdrm bi-level near hosp. & campus. 665-4626. C41 Winter Term The Elegant New Heritage House 2-bdrm. Apts. Every Modern Convenience 829 Tappan, 761 -3920 CF 4th GIRL NEEDED to take over lease Jan.-Aug.: $405. Arbor Forest Apts.; spacious, modern, friendly atmos.; 769-1883. 024 MOD. FURN. 2-BDRM., 4-man apt., dishw., disposal, covered parking, bal- cony, a/c, opp. S. Quad, sublet Jan.- Apr. 769-4318. C25 FREE RENT for 1 mo.Am getting wed. Take my lease in 4-man Jan.-Aug. 6 gain, walk to campus and hospital;" Linda 761-8910. C26 1I Creative Photography WEDDINGS, CANDID and formal por- traits, or any assignment. Profes- sional quality at student rates. Call John Evans at 769-0868. J NEED EDITING &/or typing assistance? Phone 761-0522 9-4. J2 PAPERS, ESSAYS, EPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 7c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 7c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents on request). Im- mediate service during business hours only 8e per page. Two locations: 211 State St., 769-4252 and 1217 S. Univer- sity. 769-0560. JJ WE TYPE and duplicate term papers, thesis, etc. We also take dictation for conferences. Now's the time, call us soon, 665-3767. J calfskin and sheepskin at 402 Maynard St. 663-4540 l o<---->o<----- >< = -->o -->< ---->< ----->><----><---->o---->0<-oe.: GOODYEAR SUBURBANITES 4-Ply NYLON CORD WH ITEWALLS 90 EA. 650 x 15 Whitewalls F.E.T. $2.05 Fits Following Cars: Volkswagen-Simca Volvo-MG's Jaguar-Hillman LOOK FOR Playtexinvents the first-day tampoiT (We took the inside out to show you how different it is.) Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy). Inside: it's so extra absorbent even protects on your first day. Your worst day! In every lab test against the old cardboaedy kind..., the Playtex tampon was always more absorbent. _ Al RPORT . III