Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 20, 1968 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Wednesday, November 20, 1968 music """ Maestro? Not from music school By JENNY ESSERS Gifted graduate musicians as- piring to assume the baton will have to give up hope for a music! school doctoral program in con- ducting for the time being. Prob- lems of finance, lack of suitable ensemble groups for practice work, and the basic theoretical problem' of how to "train" an artist have joined to block a plan for sucha program. Combined with work in theory and music literature, the program, considered last year, would have been offered for 30 credits to a! select group of students with the greatest conducting potential. The outstanding feature of such a plan, according to Assistant Dean Roger Jacobi, would be the opportunity fr extensive practicef " conducting ensembles of high cali- bre. Existing undergraduate con- ducting classes, he says, provide limited experience in directing small groups comprised of class members, resulting in poorly bal- v anced and incomplete instrumen- tation. Groups such as the University's Philharmonia and Symphony have too heavy a performance schedule TRAINING FOR NEW conductors won't be coming from the music school. Pictured above is Chicago to allow time for additional re- Symphony's Jean Martinon, hearsals. The school also feels an ------ - - - - obligation, says Jacobi, to give the undergraduate students in these theatre orchestras the best training it can t i nder the hired professional con- ductors, instead of with student " icorder, then, to provide au- a w a see h s work thentic conducting experience, musicians would have to be hired Pending the permission of the under the auspices of the Uni- rector Robert Schnitzer in a re- at huge expense from outside the Czechoslovakian government, versity's Professional Theatre cent letter that he felt permis-, cilmu ihol. The shool'soinan- Czech playwright Ivan Klma Program. wal imitatis mtake hiringfnan willbe allowed to leave hi ig sion to travel to the U.S. for entire orchestra for rehearsal sev- country this week to attend the Kima was last out of Czech- two weeks would be granted. eral times a week impossible, says rehearsals and the American Rehearsals for the play, which Jacobi, and the Regents are not premiere of his play, "The Cas- was in London, to discuss a pos- will be the fourth PTP produc- expected to provide additional tIe," in Ann Arbor sible Royal Shakespeare Com- tion of the current season, have fundstfr such a project in the The State Department has ny production of his p 1 a to already begun in New York, un- near future. aThoeSaeD eprmn a When the Soviet intervetion aed der the bni direction of the r- Underlying the whole problem authorized the American em- occurred in Czechoslovakia, he gr Mhrcdir Ciney. The of feasibility of such a program bassy in Prague to issue a trav- returned to his family there. ast andMa ellaCisney wle iof feasiquetio of het a nya el permit for Klima, a leader of cs n isCse ilb is the question of whether any the recent reform of the Czech Travel restrictions on Czech coming to Ann Arbor Sunday training program could be really Writers' Union. Should the artists, teachers, and doctors are to begin final rehearsals for the producing first rate Czechoslovakian government is- currently quite stiff, but Klima play; to be staged in L y d i a conductors Every musician ha sue an e x i t visa - Klima is expressed to PTP executive di- Mendelssohn Theater. at one time or another, delusions -o-p-mist-i-lai of hmsel on he odiu, asAs-optimistic -:he will arrive here L of himxself on the podium, as As- next 'week to join the company sociate' Dean! Allen' P. Britton1 lybigp sne points out, but few have the need- for hshe p ed inspiration and comprehensive, understanding of all facets of mu- sical expression and interpretation to be good conductors. S u e ls p a Britton makes an analogy of a conducting class being "like a A ic course on how to become a movie IA r star." Training in the specific! skills and techniques can be val- The American Institute of Ar "i/I uable only when the natural tal- chitects student forum will be 4.. ent and inspiration a r e already held here from Saturday through there, he says. next Wednesday (Nov. 23 - 27). Few participants, says Britton, The theme is "Turmoil/ Educa- ever become very pominent and tional Evolution.'Iem 'GA most of the outstanding conduc- Students from all accreditedIb tors around the country never eV- schools of architecture have been' by en. formally studied their art invited to attend. William Shakespeare . ..... .. ... Police halt Panthers in SF shooting battle SAN FRANCISCO Q - Three and Inspector Michael O'Mahon- policemen were shot yesterday 100 ey in the right index finger. yards from a police station in a gun battle with eight men, includ- Creedon underwent surgery at ing several Black Panthers lead- Mission Emergency Hospital and ers. was reported in serious condition. -.-i V- - - - ----'---------- , A(y r Meet UNI( )N-LEAGUE PRESIDENT FLEMING Police said the men jumped out of the back of a panel truck nearE the police station and opened fire on the three officers who had stopped to question them about ae robbery wthich occurred minutes earlier. Police said the license plate numbers of the truck had been reported by the operator of a serv-! ice station that had just been! robbed. The eight were charged with robbery and assault with intent to! murder. One policeman was reported in, serious condition. The other two were listed in satisfactory con- dition. The truck, emblazoned with El- dridge Cleaver for President stick- ers, bore the sign "The Black Panther Black Community News Service." Police identified one of the ar- rested as Ray Lewis, 28, of San. Francisco, editor of The Black Panther, the group's publication. Wilford Holiday, 35, of Oak-: land, a well known Panther and frequent contributor to the paper, also was arrested, police said. Also arrested were two men on' the authorized visiting list f or Black Panther leader Huey New- ton while he was awaiting trial on charges of murdering a white policeman. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, Sept. 27.' Police identified them as Sam Napier and John Bowman, 21, both of San Francisco. The three officers stopped the truck at 7th and Harrison Streets, about 100 yards from the police station. After the gun battle, some 40 policement converged -on the scene. Police said Lt. Dermott Creedon was shot in the chest, Sgt. Robert Flynn in the groin iFlynn and U Mahoney were list- ed in satisfactory condition. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. OPEN HOUSE Friday, November 22, 1968 4-6 o'clock 815 South University Ave. i 1o NATIONAL GENERAL CORPO RATION, FOX EASTERN TEEATRES FQX VILLR5E 375 N.MAPLE RD. -769.1300 ENDS TUESDAY_ MON.-TH URS.-8:00 FRI.-6:30-9:15 SAT.-3:45-6:30-9:15_ SUN.-1 :00-3:45-6:30-9:15 MIRISCH PICTURES presents (WE' 1 I LITTLE CLUB featuring the WQBMB4 for listening or dancing Friday, Nov. 22 9-12 at the Michigan League - Meet Your Mate through the Daily Classifieds THE U. S. PREMIERE OF I LAST FILM OF A FESTIVAL BY LUIS BUNUEL, WORLD-FAMOUS PIRECTOR OF "BELLE DE JOUR" "Seldom in cinema realized with such power,"-Time has the nature of revolution profundity and expressed with' been such -Next- BA RBARELLA 11 SHOWS AT 7:10 & 9:20 1-3 5 6th WEEK Grand Prix Winner 1961 Cannes Festival "SNEAK PREVIEW" ends tonight 6:30, 10:00 I e a s -71 N rr r TONIGHT 8:00 New British Drama -E4 a mwS STARTS TOMORROW THUR. & FRI.-7:00, 9:00 0 11 fl hear the poets "SHOCKING! A violent and admittedly shocking film; we go beyond homosexuality into perversion and sadism!" -Judith Cris", HNeaid Tribune directed by VdIgot Sjoman " screenplay by Lars Gorling released in association wih Peppercorn-Wormser, I. FORIGINAL UNCUTVERSION 1O ONE UNDER I YEARS Of AGE Wilt RE ADMTTW i READ THEIR THING you've . read it in generation NOW hear them read it STUDENT-FACULTY POETRY READING Professor Radcliffe Squires I Ticket Office Open Weekdays 10 a.m. -1 p.m., 2 p.m. -5 p.m. A ~I mlad iiiari'vn is sexy.9 FESTIVAL AT GULFSTREAX PAR Md Marvin presents: Underground Films at The Vth Forum 5th Avenue at Liberty 761-9700 Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 11 p.m. Separate admissign required. AThousand Wonders and a Three IDy Collaue of Peautiful Music SATURDAY, DEC. 28.1 pm -10 pm MONDAY, DEC. 30-1 pm -10 pm _In, Felici,.ano ranned at s *The rmemememagmmmm ssa''"m 15% DISCOUNT COUPON UMI IMIAMI POP FESTIVAL.r_ _ I I ,i