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November 20, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-20

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Cloudy and cold,
chance of snow

VOL. LXXIX, No. 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, November 20, 1968 Ten Cents
Course evaluation: Proress andprob
By ROB BEATTIE up to individual faculty members. pointment of a faculty committee explanation of what was to be shortage in staff and will be cor- terial as feedback for individual quest
A student course evaluation pro- Several instructors have indicated to maintain liaison with the stu- done with the material collected. rected next time," he added. faculty members. proce
gram will be conducted this term they will ask students to complete dent association and provide tech- However both indicated their Frank Biviano, '69, the evalua- Viviano said the association de- Thei
although Senate Assembly has de- the survey outside class on their nical assistance. support of the spirit of the evalu- tion's other co-chairman, said signed its program with the dual of th
layed consideration of a report own time. In addition, the committee rec- ation and agreed to participate in that the group has worked very purpose of aiding faculty and pro- quest
which endorsed the project. Re- Joel Stocker, '69, co-chairman ommended submission of evalua- the project, closely with the assembly com- viding information for students. dents
sults will be available prior to pre- of the SGC committee, said he tion material directly to faculty mittee on course evaluation and "The evaluation is being made with avers
registration next term for fall urged faculty to allot class time members for personal use. Literary college dean Willam plans to follow the philosophy of both interests in mind, following the q
1969. for completion of the question- The assembly tabled the report Hays explained yesterday that op- its report as much as possible. the spirit of the assembly commit- the d
The assembly tabled the report naire since other evaluation pro- since members did not have suf- position to the program was not The committee report conclud- tee report," he explained. "
of its Committee on Student Eva- grams have shown that results ficient time to give it complete significant. He said he had re- ed course evaluation was valuable The questionnaire which is cur- othe
luation of Courses on Monday aft- differ if the forms are collected consideration. During discussion ceived a few complaints, but these to three groups in the University, rently in use is designed to collect stud
er several faculty members raised in class. of the report, several objections were strictly technical in nature. including the teaching faculty and two kinds of data. The first sec- instr'
objections to the project proce- Evaluations which must be turn- were raised to the procedure being "The faculty reaction which we departmental administrators as tion asks students to react to a They
dure. The assembly may re-con- ed in by the student voluntarily used by the evaluation association. have received has been entirely will as students. number of statements about the high4
sider the report at its Dec. 18 tend to underrate the instructor Two assembly members objected positive," Stocker asserted yester- Faculty members could use the course, instructor, and assign- said.
meeting. since more students with com- to the short notice which was day. "they have been impressed information to evaluate their ments/exams on a multiple choice instr
An 'evaluation of more than 570 plaints return their question- given to the faculty about imple- with the depth in which we are classroom performance, while ad- scale of strongly agree to strong- ment
sections of literary college courses- naires. mentation of the program. Prof. approaching the project." ministrators can apply the results ly disagree. an i
currently is being carried out by The assembly committee's re- Jacob Price of the history depart- "There have been some ques- in studying departmental quality The second section of the ques- hisc
the Association for Academic port, released Monday, recom- ment and Prof. Bernard Galler of tions concerning procedural as- and structuring the department, tionnaire gives students a chance T
Evaluation, a committee of Stu- mended that faculty members allot the mathematics department ex- pects of the program which we However, the report cautions to answer a series of open-ended ques
dent Government Council. 20 minutes of class time this term plained that they believed the have been happy to answer. We against such use of evaluation questions about several aspects of eval
Questionnairesf will be distrib- to the student association for col- program was being instituted too did have some problems concern- data as the sole criteria for judg- the course and the instructor's of t
utd in these classes. However, lection of evaluation data. quickly without adequate consul- ing time of faculty notification ing faculty performance. Primary teaching. pare
compliance with the project is left The report also called for ap- tation of the faculty or sufficient this semester. This was due to a emphasis is placed on such ma- Resuts of the multiple choice

Eight Pages
ions will be tabulated by data
ssing early next semester.
results will give the average
e students' responses to the
ion, the number of respon-
, and the relation of the
ge to the average response to
uestion for all instructors in
e have learned from studying
evaluations programs that
rnts do not tend to rate their
uctors on a bell-shaped curve.
r cluster their ratings in the
er part of the scale," Stocker
"Therefore the relation of the
uctor's average to the depart-
average will indicate where
nstructor stands in relation to
e results of the open ended
tions will be coded by the
cation association. A resume
he opinions will then be pre-
See COURSE, Page 8

HRC supports
black theatre
The Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission last night
agreed to the establishment of a Black 'Theatre group for
the city. HRC will ask City Council to release $10,000 from
the HRC budget to establish the theatre group for a trial
period of six months, starting in January.
HRC will also request $15,000 for the group in the new
budgetary period beginning in June pending favorable
evaluation of the project.
The Black Theatre program* would be aimed at the
15-20 age group and would concentrate on reaching young

Voice studies
rental strike
Voice-SDS moved last night toward backing a rent strike,
contingent on the suport of Ann Arbor tenants. If tenant
support proves to be strong, Voice probably will undertake
support of the strike.
The aim of the strike, which would start next fall, would
be reduction of rents in Ann Arbor.
"The issue is the right of people to determine their own
rents," said Peter Denton, Grad.
A committee led by Denton was formed to investigate

Draft delay
allows gads
to finish termE
lective Service system has offic-
ially suggested to its state direc-
tors that graduate students draft-+
ed during a school term be allow-I
ed to finish the term before re-
porting for service..
The move may help lessen the
impact of the draft both on stu-:
dents who are no longer eligible
for deferment for graduate study,f
and on the graduate schools, at
least during the current academic

blacks who had been alien-
ated by other programs.
The theatre group will include
about 50 participants, two pro-
fessional directors and an assist-
Two "polished professionals"
have been, interested in the pro-
ject, explained Mrs. Stanley thay-
er , chairman of the community
relations committee, which pro-;
posed that HRC support a Black
HRC committed itself to tlhe
conditional $15,000 extension be-
cause the possible directors want
to be "guaranteed of summer em-
The directors will receive a
salary of $2500 and the assistant
$1500 as part-time leaders.
The major point of debate dur-
ing the HRC meeting was over
the cost of the plan. Several mem-
bers of the commission' felt that

the extent of support for such
The committee plans to deter-*
mine possible support on the
issue among residents of
ghetto housing as well as mid-
dle class and student tenants.
suDenton stressed that the aim of
F such a strike would not be to force
landlords to make necessary re-
pairs, but would be the actual re-
duction of rents. He suggested
cutting rents by one-third as a
possible demand.
"There's never been a real rent
strike in the United States," said{
The debate over the rent strike
issue followed a discussion on thef
necessity of ongoing programs for
SDS. There was much criticism of1
the "crisis-oriented" view the or-
ganization has taken in the past.
--Daily-Beinie Baker Many speakers pointed; out that
SDS must be able to carry on1
long-range programs.
"Revolution isn't coming soon.
If need be, we can even wait till
fer Christmas," said one student.
. ~ iec. wa htcud edn oso
* major issue at the meeting
war research at the University.
early registration will be success- No conclusion was reached, but'
ful. However, he admitted, "We most of those present appeared to
don't know how many students to favor some form of confrontation,
expect., probably in the form of a sit-in
"If there's a line when you get ;at a research building.
there, leave," he said. "There's Majority sentiment was strong-
plenty of time." ly in support of some form of
active protest againstwa re-
Before last January, there was search in the n war re-
heated criticism of registration sac h near future. Some
heatd citiismof egitraionspeakers pointed out the urgent
procedures, mostly the long, long need for educating students as
lines. to the extent of this research be-
The process was speeded up ing carried on on campus. It was
somewhat last year by splitting up noted that few students are aware
students who had preclassified of the nature of the research, and,
from those who did not. Waiting consequently, few might join in
times were substantially cut. protest.

Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, selective the $10,000 expenditure and the
service director, had said early in subsequent allocation of $15,000
September that such postpone- were much too high in light of
ments could be .granted, but there the priorities which they believed
was no official policy at that time. should be placed on other pro-

End of an era? Register early and avoid the crush

Registration opens Dec. 4

The new policy, issued as a grams.
one-paragraph advisory on Oct. The HRC operated this year on
24 and announced today in the a budget of $100,000. Commission-
Selective Service system's month- er Harold Katz argued throughout
ly newsletter, apparently leaves consideration of the Black Theatre
postponement decisions up to each project that a total expenditure
state director. of one-quarter of the budget was
It says: "When college students much too high in view of other
are ordered to report for induc- projects the commission is in-
tion during a school term in volved in.
which they are satisfactorily pur- Other members of the commis-
suing full time postbaccalaureate sion, including Mrs. Thayer said
courses, consideration should be that it was not realistic to con-
given, on an individual basis, to a sider ithe expenditure as one-
postponement of induction until quarter of the budget since the
the end of the term quarter, tri- initial $10,000 would be taken
mester or semester." See HRC, Page 8

For the first time ever, the Uni-
versity has set up early registra-
If you have preclassified for
next term. you won't have to
freeze in line outside Waterman
Gymnasium in January or cut off,
your vacation to make it back to
Ann Arbor to register before class-
es begin.
Early registration will be held
from Dec. 4-20 in the basement
lobby of the LS&A Bldg. from

8:15 to 11:45 a.m. and from one
to 4:30 p.m.
"All currently enrolled graduate
and undergraduate students who
have preclassified may register
early," said Ernest Zimmerman,
assistant to Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith.
"We believe early registration is
the way to make things looser, to
take the pressure off winter term
registration Jan. 6-8." Zimmer-
mann said.
Students in the literary college;

Non-making of a vice-president

Acting Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs tBarbara Newell
may be acting vice president for
a long time.
Although President Robben
Fleming made initial moves to-
ward the creation of a search
committee for a new vice presi-
dent last August-less than one
month after Mrs. Newell suc-
ceeded now Special Assistant

for Urban Affairs Richard Cut-
ler-the committee has not yet
been formed.
The delay has been caused by
a dispute beteween Fleming,
faculty members and students
over the composition of the
committee. And after almost
three months, there is no solu-
tion in sight,
The dispute centers around
Fleming's insistence that an ad-
ministrator chair the committee,
though without voting power,
and that the president be al-
lowed to choose committee
members from slates of candi-
dates proposed by Student
Government Council and the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs.
While SACUA has complied
with the president's proposal,
SGC members have argued that
they must be able to pick their
..« . +. iv .4'f1 r' fm_-

The first task the newly ap-
pointed committee chose for
itself was to attempt reconcili-
ation with SACUA on the issue.
Council members believed that
if faculty joined students in
initiating a separate search,
Fleming would be forced to con-
cede on the question of the
committee's composition.
And for several weeks, SGC
members were optimistic about
the chances of forming a joint
student-faculty committee with-
out official University sanction.
Earlier this month, however,
SACUA met with Fleming and
came away convinced that his
arguments were sound.
The president gave "pretty
persuasive reasons" for reserv-
ing the right to choose commit-
tee members from lists submit-
ted by the student and faculty
groups, says SACUA Chairman

dent must be able to work with
the existing administration.
Copi says he left word of
SACUA's sentiments at the resi-
dence of one of SGC's ap-
pointees, Bruce Levine, over two
weeks ago, but has not heard
from his since.
Meanwhile, Acting Vice Presi-
dent Newell is completing her
fourth month in office and al-
ready her actions have stirred
some controversy and disfavor
among SGC members.
Notable among these was the
dispute which surfaced last
month wnen Mrs. Ne w e l1
blocked Council appropriations
to form SGC, Incorporated.
But despite this action, and
despite the potential length of
Mrs. Newell's "interim" appoint-
ment, none of the parties in-
volved appear anxious to find a
Council members continue to

and the education school can pick
up their materials beginning Dec.
2 in the LS&A Bldg. basement lob-
by. Students with hold credit must
obtain a receipt indicating the
hold has been released.
Other students should check
schedules in their respective school
or college offices for times.
Students who have scholarships
or grants and who register early
are asked to obtain their awards
at Waterman during the regular
registration period. They will be
able to use the north entrance of
Barbour Gymnasium.
No course or class changes will
be permitted during early regis-
tration. However, students may
make changes during the regular
registration period. S e c t i o n
changes usually are not permitted
until classes begin.
Foreign students should have
their registrationnaires stamped
at the International Center if they
plan to register early.
Zimmermann warned that stu-
dents who advance classify on
Dec. 1 should not expect to have
their materials ready for early
registration on Dec. 4. "We're not
quite that fast," he explained.
Advance classification closes
Dec. 3.
A $15 dollar late registration fee
also will be instituted next se-
mester, although Zimmermann
said the penalty 'is not tied. to
early registration."
All students who register after
closing time on Jan. 8 will be
fined $15. The fee was decided
upon after the registrar's office
found that it costs $19,000 annu-
ally to process the 6000 students-
mostly graduates-who register
late each year.

a strike among local tenants
dent Robert Smith told San Fran-
cisco State College students and
faculty yesterday that police pro-
tection will be necessary when
campus reopens today as orde'ed
by state college trustees.
Boos and jeers filled the audi-
torium when Smith said:
"It is crucial that we turn more
tor te AommuIty --Plw en-
control violence on this cam-
eo MClathy Aadec
csnate Cirangrabbuedntane
microphone and sternly told the
crowd of 800 filling the auditor-
"You will give him the courtesy
of your attentions This is a digni-
fied meeting."
Smith closed 'the campus last
Thursday after violent confronta-
tions involving police, campus ac-
tivists and black power leaders,
The violence stemmed from
protests against an order by Dr.
Glenn Dumke, state college sys-
tem chancellor, that George Mur-
ray a Black Panther, be dismis-
sed from his faculty post as part
time Instructor. Murray reportedly
guons inovnga ps. , apu c
tidistsgaddblack pswerdenst ary
The state college trustees In a
special meetgingt Los Angeles de-
ben toleraenn state college s
se rmiconferred in his office
about 40 minutes with Mayor
Joseph Alioto before addressing
the faculty and student body. ir
campus by closed circuit televiI-
About 150 students poured from
aStudents for a Democratic So-
ciety meeting anLjeered Aloto as
he left the sool.
They shouted, "Pigs off campus.
Pigs off campus.
Alioto turned once and tried to
talk to the crowd.
"Why don't you people try to be
responsible?" he challenged. Jeers
came in response
Alioto later said, "If it taked the
police force to open State tomor-
row, I assume we should it
California Highway Ptrol of-
ficers said the patrol's Bay Area
officers were prepared to support

Closed circuit!
The Game for
The Big Ten Championship Game with Ohio State will be
televised to the Events Bldg. via a special closed-circuit tele-
vision hook-up.
Tickets for the television showing will go on sale at 8:30
a.m. at the Ticket Office at State and Hoover. Tickets will cost
three dollars each and' will be sold on a' first-come basis. All
tickets will be sunreserved and no identification is required.
The broadcast will begin at 1:15 Saturday afternoon and
will be on two large screens located in opposite corners of the
Ticket holders-should arrive early Saturday to get good seats
for the game, which will determine the Big Ten representative
to the Rose Bowl.
Gov. George Romney urged the Big Ten Athletic Conference
to televise Saturday's game but as of now no broadcast is
He sent telegrams to the governors of the other six states
with Big Ten school and to the presidents of the universities.
"Thousands upon thousands of football fans nationwide
eagerly want to watch Saturday's decisive game matching two of
the nation's ton-rnked teams for the Big Ten Championship


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