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August 29, 1968 - Image 72

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-29

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Page Twelve


Thursday, August 29, 1968

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 29, 1968

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roughly as long as it takes to get through a homnework
Naturally, if you're not already an owner, we're hoping you ,sineti o o' nc orefot
WOrit :fail to otserve Bates Piping R; h Great American ColegePi ing Ruck in 18 collegescQfors. In szzx6; rwn, $1Q9; doud'Z,
Bedspread, draped or'made up on a bed near the contest area. $1.8;adbnk$9.PrcsaitmrinhWe.
Yo~ik-nw ho Piin~rRoc- 'or t i n11e~-ehedswe~c1?Matching draperies available,'
Yo kowhtw ibnRok t o e oleg bdsred a112 West 34 St,. Ni. 10001'

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