See editorial page
ititr an
Partly cloudy
and cool
Vol. LXXIX, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 16, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Dental school
program of ii
By LORNA CHEROT upon the successful corm
Freshmen dental students in $17.5 million in building
fall 1969 will be getting to the Dental School complex.
base of their studies two years ear- Doerr hopes that by
Her than ever before. missions for: dental stu
They will begin receiving clin- be increased from 105 to
ical experience in their first, for dental hygenists frt
rather than their third year of 80. This will mean in i
study. 60 new faculty member
The School of Dentistry plans The school's Curricul
major changes including n e w mittee has proposed a:
teaching techniques and imple- gram including these g
mentation of a ninth semester be- jectives:
tween the third and fourth years. - Earlier introductio
These innovations, which As- dents to clinical experier
sociate Dean Robert Doerr termed er than making themv
a "radical departure" from the their third year;
present program, are dependent - Expansion of the (
ban on
apletion of
gs for the
1975 ad-
dents can
o 150, and
rom 40 to
Increase of
um Com
new pro-
eneral ob-
n of stu-
nces, rath-
wait until
concept of
EMU faculity group
seeks bargaining unit
In what may be an unprecedented move at a four-year
state university, a faculty group at Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity has announced plans to secure collective bargaining
w rights with the school's administration and Board of Regents.
Prof. ,Thomas Dodd of EMU's education school and
president of the university's chapter of the Michigan Associa-
tion for Higher Education said the group "is actively seeking
an election through the State Labor Mediation Board to as-
sure faculty members collective negotiation rights."
"The faculty would begin negotiations by considering
working conditions," Dodd explained, "but discussions could
* hopefully expand to include questions of academic freedom
teaching comprehensive patient
care to bring the students into
contact with more and varied
- Development of civic and so-
cial responsibility through studies
of the liberal arts and other hu-
- Integration of basic and
clinical sciences, rather thanse-
parating them into upper and
lower divisions;
- New stress on individualized
learning withteaching teams con-
sisting of subject matter specialist,
an educator, an audio visual spec-
alist, a graphics specialist and
computer programmer providing
special assistance in fields in
which a student is deficient;
Allocation of faculty instruc-
tional time on the basis of class-
room needs rather than conven-
tional time blocks.j
Moves for a change started in
January, 1963, but the Dental
School was not actively engaged
until January 1965. Doerr said
the five year time lapse arose
from attempts to use "the most
democratic" format to bring about
academic reform.
The first two years were dedi-
cated to an evaluation of the old
curriculum. Questionnaires were
distributed to faculty, students in
the four classes, and alumni mem-
bers from the classes of '53, '56,
'59, and '62. Students comprised
and chaired the subcommittees
which presented their suggestionsj
to the Curriculum Committee.
The most significant change
will be in scheduling and selecting
of subjects. The basic, applied, and
clinical sciences will be integrat-
ed, instead of sectioning off the
first two years 'to basic sciences
and the last two to the clinical
The crhznooi p ne mnprxwil
Contend use violates
:discrimination bylaw
The Regents yesterday declared the further use of binding
and required recommendations by sororities to be in viola-
tion of University Bylaw 2.14 which forbids discrimination in
student organizations.
. The Regent's motion, in effect, makes Panhellenic As-
sociation's resolution prohibiting use of these recommenda-
tions official University policy.
As official policy, all national chapters must recognize the
Panhel resolution as binding. Without this University sanc-
;,. tion, implementation of the resolution would be left to the
discretion of the national chapter.
"The Regents' action can only help all those sororities
that don't recognize ethe authority of Panhel to establish
regulations," said Ellen Heyboer, president of Panhel.
Any chapters not complying with
the ruling will not be permitted to
rush this January. Rushing privi-
leges are to be restored upon com-
pliance with the conditions of
Panhel's resolution.
At yesterday's meeting, Regent
Frederick Matthaei, Jr. questioned
whether eliminating recommenda-
x tions was the correct way to elim-
inate discriminatory practices.
"I don't want to tell local sor-
norties that national chapters can-
fnot have any say," he said. "We
-Daily-Eric Pergeau:
Regents discuss Panhel resolution
S .J
F. State
ma ire-open
on Tuesday
dent Robert D. Smith yesterday
set Tuesday as the target date for
resuming classes at strife-torn
San Francisco State College, but
said, "We don't want to reopen
with a massive police force on
Smith closed the 18,000-student
college following a clash Wednes-
day in which striking students
threw rocks and bottles at police.
The incident climaxed a week
of violence and vandalism led by
the Black Students Union.
Smith told some 700 of the 1,300
faculty members that they must
decide whether the college can be
run as an education institution or
must be run "with clubs."
He acknowledged that he could
not be sure about reopening un-
til after a special meeting of the'
State College Board of Trustees in
Los Angeles Monday.
The Black Students Union
strike began Nov. 6 after the sus-
pension of Black Panther George
Murray, 23, a graduate student
and part-time English instructor
of special minority students.
Glenn S. Dumke, chancellor of
the 19-college state system, or-
dered the suspension pending in-
vestigation after Murray urged
Negroes to bring guns to school
and to "chop off" President
Smith's head if he did not accede
to an assortment of Negro de-
At the faculty meeting yester-
day, Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, noted se-
manticist and a faculty member
for 14 years, urged reopening of
classes even if it had to be with
police aid. "We must permit no
one to disrupt or dismiss our class-
es," he said.
and the university's decision-
making processes."
"This is a pioneer step for the
organization as there are no four-
year state supported institutions
in the nation presently bargaining
with faculty," Dodd said.
Although faculty groups at
Western Michigan University and
Northern Michigan University
have thought about seeking col-
lective bargaining rights, D o d d
feels Eastern's efforts display
"more organization than anywhere
else in the nation."
Despite the establishment na-
tionally of several "quasi-unions,"
Dean William Hays of the liter-
ary college says the establishment
of a faculty union here, or at any
"big, rather prestigious univer-
sity," is unlikely.
"Professors are in such demand
that they are almost in a union,"
explained Hays. Faculty members
are practically able to set their
own terms," he added.
However, professor Scott W.
Street, also of EMU's education
school, and a backer of the move
for bargaining rights, feels EMU's
"merit pay plan" prevents faculty
involvement in bargaining for
The pay plan allows the univer-
sity president and EMU's Faculty
Council to determine wages on the
basis of faculty merit. Scott wants
faculty to become involved in
defining teaching merit.
However, he said many faculty
members feel it is "beneath the
dignity of a college professor" to
To discern faculty opinion on
the matter, Dodd said a faculty
"opinionaire" has been distribut-
ed by the organization. The survey
is polling views on bargaining,
matters of academic freedom and
involvement of the university com-
munity in decision making.
"We feel three groups on cam-
pus (faculty, students and admin-
istrators) should be able to sit
down and bargain on any and
all issues," Scott said.
EMU President Harold Spon-
berg declined comment yesterday
on the moves by the faculty or-
leaders reject
he schools new complex will
include four buildings. One will
house a library and self-study
center with 44 carrels. A high-risegov im e t c n es o s
building will be used for labora-
tory research while a third build- MEXICO CITY (A) - The so- Although no member at Thursday They said that although some
ing will house a $470,000 closed called National Student Strike night's news conference identified schools have voted to end t h e
circuit color television system. Council set aside Thursday night himself by name, one representa- strike, return to classes and be-
This system will be connected un- results of a student plebiscite and tive f r o m a polytechnic school gin final examinations, the vote
derground to a fourth building announced that its four-month said: "If we ask a stop to repres- was not representative enough and
containing student labs and class- strike would continue. sion, we ourselves ought to first therefore was invalid.
rooms. Hopes for settlement of the of- stop provocations."j At one college the vote was 118
Doerr said he is receiving "ex- ten bloody strike were raised ear- Late yesterday t h e Canadian in favor of returning to class and
cellent fiscal support" from t h e lier in the day by announcement embassy announced that two Ca- 116 for continuing the strike. The
administration, and does not for- of a government offer to give stu- nadian newsmen were being held council set the result aside and
see "any serious problems". dents a role in restructuring the by Mexican authorities for depor- said it appeared the overwhelming
There will still be some "phy- police department and redefining tation to the United States. sentiment was for continuing the
sical limitations," however, parti- t h e policemen's role in dealing The Ministry of the Interior struggle against t h e regime of
cularly with regard to laboratory with students - one of the stu- announced it deported two Cana- President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.
space. Presently facilities must be dents' original complaints before dian journalists because "they The government, as of yester-
shared with medical and nursing the strike started on July 31. made contact with groups of stu- day seemed to have opened chan-
tudent The council rejected the offer dents with whom they initiated nels to deal with the students' or-
Sdand said the strike would not end the. filming of scenes in which it iginal six demands.
Doerr emphasized that full im- until the government stopped all is feigned that some youths are Besides asking for disbanding of
plementation of the academic forms of repression, released all subjected to torment by supposed the riot police and firing of three
changes is dependent upon the schools s t i 11 occupied by police, police officers." police officials, the students had
construction of the four new and released all students arrested They were identified by embassy sought repeal of anti-subversion
buildings in the Dental School since the strike began. officials as Richard Quinn of To- provisions of the constitution now
complex. But the council seemed divided. ronto and Peter Churchill, an Aus- being debated in the National
trailian, who were freelancing for Congress; release of arrested stu-
* the Canadian Broadcasting Com- dents and teachers whom the gov-
panry, ernment has been freeing sporad-
The embassy said it had been ically in small numbers; reaffir-
informed the two were being de- mation of student autonomy -
ported "on grounds they broke which the government already has
Me x i c a n regulations regarding reaffired; and indemnification of
O H 1d r g uisfilms destined for export." those injured or killed in clashes
The students s a i d the police with authorities - a matter the
TIE amounts of drugs religiously and confisticated photographs, movie government has said it will con-
By JIM BEATToE fmdicintsallydrugexmpleig yn dfilm and tape recordings from the sider upon presentation of proof in
Refusing to discredit the use of medicially as examples n which pair individual cases.
drugs on a religious basis, Father the purpose for use outweighs the T h e strike council, originally Of the demands stated yester-
Albert S. Moraczewski, who is danger involved. But he also my
both a Dominican priest and a stressed the importance of careful composed of 210 members - three day, the one for an end to re-
drug use. t from e a c h of the 70 striking pression is vague enough that the
pharmacologist, outlined social ng ts t.e . schools in the federal district, has council could continue the strike
criteria for determining the mor- "A person must determine been depleted by arrests during indefinitely citing acts it consid-
ality of drug use, last night. whether or not he can function as various demonstrations and fights ered repressive.
"The reason for taking drugs constructively using drugs as he with police and soldiers. As far as the call for release of
as opposed to the dangers involved can without them," he said. "If Council spokesmen held the all schools concerned, only one
must determine whether drugs the use of a drug will help to re- news conference at the National school is still occupied - Voca-
are being 'used' or 'abused,' Mor- establish physical, psychic, and University of Mexico after a day tional School No. 7, where police
aczewski said to about 40 students spiritual powers by relaxing a of balloting at various schools stand guard beside the Plaza of
at the Newman student center. person, then it is good." around the city as well as in de- the three Cultures, in which at
He cited the use of small "It is felt widely that people partments of the university it- least 35 persons died in a gun bat-
---- --atake drugs simply for pleasure," self, E tie with troops Oct. 2.
the priest said, "and most people -- - - -
GE base their moral questions on this'
. .. o..--_ . - , ., _, 1/T TA
should be against discriminatory
procedures but not against recom-
However, Regent Lawrence Lin-
demer countered that "Panhel has
indeed ascertained that letters off
recommendation can be mechan-
isms for discrimination."
The motion was termed a "re-
iteration of existing legislation"by
Regent Otis Smith.
Under terms of the Panhel
resolution, a sorority has three op-
- Sign the Panhel resolution
stating they do not use binding or"
required recommendations in the
membership selection.
- Submit to SGC or to the Vice
President for Student Affairs a
copy of their national membership
policy showing their local chapter
does not utilize a system of bind-
ing or required recommendations.
- Continue to accept the re-
commendations as long as the sor-
ority obtains a waiver blocking
their use. All recommendations re-
ceived by the sorority must be
kept on file with Panhel as evi-
dence in case discrimination is
The third option is valid untilj
ah byaw in pon vtin sin
a sorority can amend their na-
the Panhel resolution.
The Regental action culminates
over ten years of efforts to elim-
inate discrimination in sororities
and fraternities.
In 1958, following a refusal by
the Regents to suspend Sigma
Kappa sorority for maintaining a.
discriminatory membership pol-
icy, it became evident that soror-
ities and fraternities might be out-
side of the University's jurisdic-
A year later, the Regents ac-
cepted SGC's recommendations
that fraternities and sororities
should be recognized as student
organizations and thus subject to
all University policy - including
the newly passed Bylaw 2.14.
However, it wasn't until 1965,
when Panhel began to demand
See REGENTS, Page 2
Ellen Heyboer
tenure for
T SR staff
The Regents yesterday unani-
mously approved a resolution
giving tenure privileges to senior
staff members of the Institute for
Social Research (ISR).
The action is intended to im-
prove the recruiting of new staff
members for the institute, and to
clarify the "faculty perogatives"
open to the senior staff.
University President Robben W.
Fleming said the need for tenure
provisions in this case was "much
more symbolic than real." He said
the tenure arrangemept was psy-
chologically" necessary to assure
the senior staff members that
they were on the same level as
other professorial faculty mem-
The new tenure provisions ap-
plicable to senior staff members
of the ISR include:
-Program Directors of the ISR
not holding tenure professorial
appointments in any other Uni-
versity department may be granted
appointments greater than one
year or for an indefinite period.
Program Directors, staff members
who plan and direct the individual
research projects of the ISR, were
previously limited to renewable
one year appointments.
-The Program Directors are
now covered under Regents Bylaw
5.10 which limits the reasons for
dismissal, demotion or terminal
appointment of a saff member.
--In the event of cessation of
funds from the, special sources
which support the salaries of ISR
senior staff members, the unen-
cumbered funds of the institute
will be used for salaries until they
are exhausted.
The Regents also passed a reso-
lution which requests the Medical
Faculty examine means of ex-
panding the school's enrollment
and to report these findings to
the Regents by their December
Dean William Hubbard of the
Medical School told the Regents
that two steps toward enlarge-y
mar of tho umi grhnnI se, .'
Hand lettered signs proclaiming FREE
TORING signal the efforts of University
dents tutoring community college students.
"Students at Washtenaw Community College
have great potential," says Miss Eileen Herridge,
a counselor at the college. "But some have been
away from school for awhile and need some
extra help."
Thirty-five members of the Tutorial Project
at the University and 15 pledges of the Eta Kappa
Nu, an engineering school scholastic honorary
society, have been spending two or three hours a
week at the college since early October, aiding
preparation. How
The communi
an open admiss
high school gra
transfer progran
preparing for tec
"One problem
been solved is me
back has been
"Students like go
Miss Herridge
University finish
one of the great
is personal satisf
'belief."He added that there often
is an acceptable purpose for drug
"People use small amounts of
them and make them better able
iever, they are highly motivated." to go back to work. Or they take
ty college, with 3400 students and barbituates to help them sleep,
scons policy, accepts all county Moraczewski said."In such cases,
,duates to its two-year ,college- the morality is good."
d. Aou t halfth tuentsae- When the use of the drugs be-
n. About half the students aregins to impair judgment and a
hnical work. person becomes a useless slave to
in the program which has largely drugs, he abuses them, he said.
atching tutors with tutees. "Feed- "Abuse of this nature is not limited
excellent," Miss Herridge says to drugs, for when excessive work
od tutors." impairs a man's functional ability
who is a graduate student at the it is as immoral as drug abuse,"
, wh is grauatestudnt a th the priest asserted.'
ing her thesis in education, says the ditiassersm
benefits of the tutoring program In addition, Moraczewski sum-
neio he ng r marized the history and develop-
a- __n-ment of drugs and the nature
Although prices continue to
increase, consumer demand will
be good in 1969 because real
incomes are growing, Professor
George Katona, director of the
Economic Behavior Program in
the Institute for Social Re-
search, said yesterday.
Katona, speaking at the 16th
annual Conference on the Eco-
nomic Outlook, suggested there
will be small purchase increases
in automobiles and other dur-
hl gnnd comnnred with 1968
spread uncertainty," Katona
added. However, the amounts
consumers save will remain
high," he said, because of "hesi-
tancy and the postponement of
some discretionary expendi-
Katona said surveys of con-
sumer attitudes yield insights
concerning economic activity in
relation to future world de-
velopments. If there is progress
toward peace in Vietnam, for
example, Katona said consumers
accustomed to it although aban-
donment of the tax would have
a "stimulating" effect on con-
sumer demand.
Similarly, Katona said inter-
est rates which were "substan-
tially reduced" would stimulate
a willingness to buy.
He invalidated the notion that
American consumers will be
"saturated." He said satura-
tion is an attitude dependent on
disappointment of optimistic
vncotatinnne uncrtninty and
U' economist says lemand
to cause growth in economy