AFSCME CONTRACT: IMPROVING RELATIONS See editorial page Y Sir og~ :Iaiti GRAY High-50 Low-46 Cloudy and warmer, chance of rain Vol. LXXIX, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 15, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pages $2 MILLION PACKAGE: AFSCME ratifies U' seeks $)75.9 million agreement with U' appropriation By JIM HECK The campus' largest union last night ratified a contract with the University for a total package in excess of $2 million with pay; raises as high as 53 cents per hour. The contract, which runs until December, 1970, gives exclusive bargaining rights for more than 2600 University employes to Local No. 1583 of the American Fed- eration of State, County and Municipal Employes, AFL-CIO. AFSCME has been fighting for collective bargaining rights at the University since April 12, 1956. The union represents "most of the University's non-academic,l non-secretarial personnel. The contract gives the union "closed shop" powers. This means all employes under AFSCME's jurisdiction must pay union dues and must allow the union to rep- resent them. In addition the contract in- cludes: -A grievance procedure setting up 64 union stewards who would conduct union business on corn- pany time. The grievance ma- chinery allows for impartial arbi-p tration as soon as 15 days after' the grievance is mhde. -A $100 "back-pay" compen- sation to be given all AFSCME employes Dec. 6: from state Budget wouild cover i only austerity needs By LESLIE WAYNE of of The University yesterday submitted to the State Bureau the Budget a general operating fund appropriation request $75.9 million - only $100,000 more than asked in 1967-1968. Last year the Legislature appropriated $63.3 million, nearly $13 million less than the University requested. Even with an increase of $12.6 million over the 1968-69 fiscal year, the request does not provide for any major new programs, explained Arthur Ross, vice-president for. state relations and planning. "All the programs listed are ur- Asworiated Press Protesters arrested gent needs," he said. The appropriation request an- ticipates that the University will receive $41.3 million in student fees, indirect cost reimbursement, and other income. Thus, the total operating budget would be about $13 million over the current total budget. The University's budget re- quest asks for nearly twice the ac- ceptable increase provided by Gov. Romney's austerity guide- lines. The guidelines, based on current revenue projections for the coming fiscal year, did not allow for any new programs or pro- jects. A seven per cent general faculty salary increase, $805,600 for Den- tal School expansion, $328,000 for operation and maintenance of new facilities and $429,600 for F Ii n t College enrollment increases are permitted by the guidelines. a i a i i I i -Daily-Andy Sacks Burns draft notice Larry Sheilds burns his induction notice before a Diag audience as part of yesterday's fourth national day of resistance to the draft. Six others turned in their draft cards as over 300 watched the ceremony. Leaders of the demonstration said approximately 3500 people around the country have turned in their draft cards since the first day of resistance last year. -A longevity clause that al- Fifteen Colorado State University stude lows from between two and eight Dow Chemical Co. recruiters on the FortI per cent of the employes' yearly in the College of Agricultural Bldg. until th salary to be given as a Christmas! handcuffs on the students. bonus. starting next year; -Two additional paid holidays - the day after Thanksgiving and PLAN QUICK ACTION: the employe's birthday; -Twelve sick-days per year with full pay; nts were arrested yesterday after attempting to disrupt Collins campus. The students had barricaded themselves he police arrived to. haul them away. Police used plastic 1"440 end of -A seniority system in which L 7V T "1 11 1 " promotion or lay-offs are deter- w v -vW Ww svw vW W" vThe proposed faculty wage hike. J e eo io n ist 1sees G +mined on the basis of the em- would cost the University more ploye's time with the University; than $5 million and might put the delltueffrm the employe's pay check. Amte ri sia tblUishbyte ise u n enm p lo v ie in t Univesity ll duct uon dues bathk crieera As taio of Uner- IA "Special Conference" clause By NADINE COHODAS should have control over their supposed not likely to cause bond sity Professors. By PHILIP BLOCK gross national product - the sum which sets up machinery for con- Student Government * Council academic lives and that compul- to be forfeited." i With the con- These four programs will be off- tinuing negotiations b e t w e e n v sion is the "least effective" meth- sent of Council the Board can set by a required one per cent in- inftio ndamepessed oth ud ed of $909 g bidln, eses tn AFSCME and the University dur- dat d it to te od for education. It contended allocate more than $150 if "spec- crease of teaching output p e r inflation, and a depressed growth d cent higher tan te $85 ing the 20-month term of the con- LSA curriculum committee de- ' that the Literary College require- ial conditions" surround the re- faculty member, Ross said. How- rate in t969 were predicted yester- sixpectedighrhthhe ract. Landri um ments directly violate these two quest ever, the method for distributing day by Prof. Daniel Suits the billion expected for this year.m that it propose to the T b econo . dani n is na Since 1965 the growth rate has ex- The University has signed sim- Literary College faculty for vote, principles The bail policy considers as a this increase has not been calcu- tioiialmiysfdmousannual economi ceeded nine percent annually. ilar agreements with two other "no later than December" the Council also established a Bail good risk a person who is lated. forecast Suits further predicts that the unions, the International Associ- abolishment of the language and Board last night consisting of the -currently enrolled at the Uni- ! In its program statement, thej The forecast predicts an aver- inflationary price rise of four per 'ation of Operating Engineers and distribution requirements in the SGC treasurer and one at-large versity: University criticized these guide- age unemployment rate of ',b-cent per year now experienced by the Washtenaw County Building college. member appointed by the Execu- --has been enrolled at the Uni- Lines as "stopping short of non- tween 4.3 and 4.5 percent, in con- the economy will continua despite Trades Association. The two The letters will express "direct tive Board with the consent of versity the semester preceding his salary inflation needs and normal trast to the below-four-per-cent the drop in the growth rate. unions represent about 350 em- support of the rally SGC is spon- Council. The Bail Board is charged bail request; program development of the type level that has marked the past Suits is director of the Uni- ployes. soring with Radical Caucus Thurs- with administering the SGC Bail. -is a member of the faculty of which is customary in public edu- four years of economic growth. versity's research seminar in Thomas Fitzpatrick, AFSCME day." explained Mark Hodax, Fund in accordance wt specific the University: cation throughout the country." The report anticipates a 1969 quantitative economics, a group of international representative call- sponsor of the motion. He added principles. -is an employe of the Univer- In light of this statement, the --, graduate students who prepared ed the package "the best in any' if the abolishment proposal is Council's Bail Fund policy re- sty, University also requested a seven the forecast. University or college in the state." brought before the faculty in De- leases funds to any person who per cent wage increase for non- cember, they will vote on it' at makes a request i his bail has p -is otherwise gainfully eni- academic emplyes to cover an in- the University's 16th Annual Con- No. 1583, called the vote last night their January meeting. not been set at more than $150 poyn A flationary adjustment of non- erence on the EcoomicOutlook,"an historic vote." The motion stated that studets ad if e may easonably be salary items as well as increases in --is a permanent resident of social security, staff benefits and i /'ence which hosts economists and busi- The operating engineers union Ann Arbor or its environs, protective security. scieRCB L aSSmen from a llover the coupn-rs dmaded the ollective bar-VOt ,S t10 SRee mccrdng o e tenoicy "stte Thenserequesets,-totalin g 8 gaining rights with the Universityeu meat mone belon'ging to the million, were not included in the " 'Suits told the conference that if almost a year ago, claiming Public Fund only will be used for the iter i/t1IIj the government,takes measures to Act 124 gave them this right. £ I* I @. .inipurpose of posting bond. Money guidelines, but were deemed by the halt inflation it will probably The University has since been a i iiifui 4 TJ ie for advertising or "blicity fr te Uxiernal causes,eRoss said. Science is rapidly reaching its cause unemployment to surpass challenging the law in the courts. Bail Fund will be appropriated by An ncases o said limit of discovery, Dr. Hannah the five percent level of the 1950's. The case is now in the Court of Council from its general operat- An increase for non-acadmic mt fdcveyD.HnnThcsesno mthCur fBy BILL LAVELY Some Caucus members feared; fn employes is needed "in ther face of Arendt told a Rackham Lecture "Purely fiscal measures to re- Appeals and it is not known how thLtYSom acus meme d fe ing fund. eabo eeeds"inth ae of Hall audience last night. "I'm gulate the economy work either the outcome of the court battle Radical Caucus voted last nght that, SDS affiliation would give labor demands," Ross added. This the outome ofthe cortheaCaucusdia"aCbads name"labynias-,Outgoing at - large member pleading for the realization of the by buying price stability with high would affect the agreements with to seek affiliation with national sociating it with the local SDS eSharon Lowen explained the Bail projectedt wage hike is expected factual imitatio s of hum n be- 1 nemployFund oisynotyilimited stoa"radicawits t etooccostS thecUniversityers'$388,681.1 factual limitations of human be- unemployment, or by paying for the unions. SDS, and also announced plans chapter. Fund is not mited to radicals Other items requested as "es- ings," she explained. more jobs with higher inflation -- for a Diag rally Thursday on the and red necks but can be used to Os a Dr. Arendt, currently a profes- rates." said Suits, "either way, question of distribution require- Members of the Caucus also bail out a person charged with sential priority items to maintain sor of philosophy at New School somebody gets hurt for the benefit ments. mentioned the question of a pos- drunkeness or not paying his park- the quality of the University" in- for Social Research in New York of somebody else." IAskdassetsible regional conference of SDS ing tickets." clude $75,0001 for the Residential City, said that science, in its fury Suits went on to warn, "Unless dent Government Council voted members during Thanksgiving or In other action SGC seated its Schoolmn, $8o for t im unin u find w anto ' rsv the - * .support for the rally and pledged new members, Mike Farrell, Roger the General Library and $742,000 it is there, is rapidly running out flict, w cannot expect to hold the financial aid. ' Chester said that the Wayne Keats, Mary Livingston, and Mark for the computing center of mountains. economy together. The problem is g The rally, will attempt to dra- State University chapter of SDS Rosenbaum. Leaving Council lastfthecfingcetnrd The real problem, as Dr. Arendt a major political challenge. Let us natize opposition to distribution had refused to host the conference night were Sharon Lowen, E. O. The final allocation of funds to explained, is that science's pen- hope the new administration will The Ann Arbor Housing Com-:.and laguositiont.i sh dCbuKsogn th eie e U' Page 1 the chantfor ifinie undrstading ccep it."missin thashedout seris ofand language requirements. It will unless the Radical Caucus is al- Knowles Paul Milgrom. and Tom Iteeieswl e~cddb h ngaccept it." mission thrashed out a series of nc lowed to participate. Westerdale.SeeU', Page 10 is self-defeating from the outset. President-elect Richard Nixon policy decisions last night aimed -- endbitamarc ttos poffice Man simply is not an infinite has already said he would not re- Iat .peedingcontract negotiationsi to submit petitions supporting cratr-h wl nve e bl o ewte 0 e cntsrcarenetwith the proposed developer of ;elimination of the requirements. RECOMMENDATION KILLED creature-he will never be able to new the 10 par cent surcharge nextI "If Faculty Assembly does not live long enough to explore the July but Suits said this measure 151 new low rental units. If ty Arseml o nt infinite void of the universe. would not prevent increased un- According to present plans, the act on the proposal to eliminate Therefore, being blighted in the employment during the next sev-I new housing will be built on nine distribution requirements befoe . Archimedian effoit to get a van- ral years.' 'sites scattered across the city. Jngarytive lresons e said Eric L tage point further and further Suit issued two forecasts, one 'The negotiations, which have Chester. Grad. away from the earth, he will and' based on the expectation that the lbeen proceeding off and on forCheGa On the question of affiliation must at some point re-concentrate surcharge would not be renewed more than three months, have with National SDS, concern arose By DAVID SPURR Both the subcommittee report mittee proposals for appointing a his attention back on the earth, and another based on the sur- bogged down over what Commis- on two points: the possible cons The Students Relations Com- and the SRC criticism are to be single person in charge of campus hoping to gain power over it to charge being continued until 1970. sion Chairman Lyndon Welch de- fusion of identity between Radical mittee (SRC) last night effective- passed on to Senate Advisory protection and law enforcement, meet human needs. The report says that inflation scribed as a "vicious circle." Rep- and Ann Arbor SDS, and ly killed a subcommittee reco- mmittee on University Aff and for relocating the responsi- Many laymen think that it is will continue "largely because the resentatives of the city do not Caucusand AAronSn-ymeda subor t e e sme for action. bility for police relations to Presi- a humanist's duty to stop science" backlog of higher costs have not want to enter into a contract until tPeen iRadical Cacos bN- mfeni r themstblie nrtd dent Robben Fleming's office. and bring it back to the realm of yet worked their way into the price they see some complete plans. twonadi a campus p oic o ie or It is doubtful, however that reality and practicability. "They' level."Thbuleoteohrhad tional SDS. a campus precinct of the Ann SACUA will approve a subcommit- Currently, that responsibility lThe builder, on the other hand tee recommendation that has been lies with the office of Wilbur K. will see how impossible this ven- This means that increases in insists that he cannot commit Arguing for affiliation. Bruce Arbor police.Lrvhn te uredo ndaytit on atmhas been.e Pierpont, vice president and chief ture is," she said. wages over the past several years 1 himself to a set of plans until he tional SDS ideology, no ta- 49-pgee o f herS b- tue donabyits wnfcmmi. "The glory of science has been are only now being passed on toI gets a contract with terms of local chapters make their cwn Relations had recommended UniversitymPetee..a ffr, its objectivity," she claimed, and, the consumer through rising pric- building and specification of ma- pomake"mn had a rThe committee does not believe dent-faculty committee to deal in general, its detachment from es. Suits' report states that "three terials to be used. politics.mCampu precinceasehscifred that the presence of large num- fut omtteetoaseal practicalityyar The decisions made last nht tThe meeting of the Caucus was service, increased,specializedsd with police matters was also re- patclt.yasa'reurdbf'ersn Thedcsosmd atngtatne by six members of uD seivice or a campus force not re- bers of armed police on campusomedd Critics hit f iii i iii . for RC By JILL CRABTREE Plans to finance East Quad- rangle renovation f or the' Resi- dential College from residence hall revenues came under attack at an open Regents' hearing yesterday, but apparently no minds were changed. Representatives of Inter-House Assembly and the Board of Gov- ernors of Residence Halls spoke to the Regents at the hearing, which was requested by IHA Pres- ident Jack Meyers. Meyers maintains that such a funding proposal will use money needed for maintenance in other residence halls. He has requested that academic facilities for the Residential College (RC) such as classrooms and office space be financed with non-housing funds. Although no action was taken at the hearing and consideration of the issue is not on the agenda for today's Regent's meeting, it was the consensus of University administrators and Regents who replied to the objections that the present plan is the most equitable one possible. Vice President and Chief Fi- nancial Officer Wilbur K. Pier- pont pointed out that $1 million to be taken from the Residence Hall Reserve Fund and the Stu- dent Facilities Fund for partial financing of the RC project are pledged for one*year only, and will be available for dormitory maintenance purposes next year. Several Regents stressed the concept of the University as a "family" committed to academic progress and necessarily balanc- ing the competing interests of its members against one another in the interests of the whole. Prof. Frank Braun, speaking as a member of the Board of Governors, pointed out that a number of academic projects in other residence halls may also be hurt financially by the present plan, and said he would "deplore" thwarting "this wave of educa- tional enthusiasm." Steve Schwartz, Grad, chairman of the student advisory committee to the Acting Vice President for Student Affairs objected to seg- mentation of the University for. any reason, and stressed that the various University units should cooperate on finances. olice t°