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November 14, 1968 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-14

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Page Ten


Thursday, November 14, 1968

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 14, 1968

Spock 1
Advocating a strategy of "pas-
sive" legal defense, in political
cases, Victor Rabinowitz, Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock's defense attorney in
the draft conspiracy trial, spoke
last night at the Law Club.
"When the person himself says
that he thinks the war is politi-
cally, socially, and religiously im-
moral and says he will do every-
thiig he can to' stop it including
burning his draft card, I wonder
if this doesn't present a stronger
case than the lawyer arguing that

awyer a
'my client says such and such.'
He suggested that perhaps the
lawyer should sit next to his client
in the courtroom while the client
presents his own case. The 6t-
torney would merely serve in an
advisory capacity.
Rabinowitz argued that the law-
yer does not necessarily have to
rely on the standard defense of
pointing out technical loopholes in
the opposition's case.
These loopholes would concern
such matters as whether the in-
dictmnent was properly drawn up
or if the defendant was actually
involved in the alleged crime. The
latter charge could pertain to the
Ann Arbor welfare sit-in trials
where the defense argued that
"bystanders" were charged with
Rabinowitz noted that some-
times in a trial based on,
a "technical defense," the client
will deny the charge, pointing out
"if I had been involved it would.
have been justified."

sks self-defense
posing a set of special findings "During the Spock trial no
and questions to the jury. He also client could talk to newspapermen,
felt the judge was wrong in choos- but I'm not sure if this is the way
ing a jury without any women. to run a case. There is nothing
"The method of picking the
jury, the special findings and doz- wrong with the client giving press
ens of other things will give us a interviews."
reversal," he said. Rabinowitz noted that the trial
"The lawyer has to do a public of Black Panther Huey Newton re-
relations job to make the com- ceived a lot of publicity because all
munity aware the case is going the Black Panthers stood outside
on," he continued. the courtroom.
NO EXCUSE. Grape workers in California average
less than $1500 a year and are denied the right to
unionize. NO EXCUSE.
Fight this injustice by refusing to shop at A&P until
it stops selling and profiting from California grapes.

By DAWN FLANNERY Rabinowitz stated that the law-
Although scheduled to speak yer undertaking such cases should For more information call 662-5834 evenings.
yesterday about labor relations, A. have some sympathies with his
H. Raskin, assistant editorial di- client and his positions. He also_________
rector of the New York Times, ap- alleged thathis was not the law-
pealed to his audience much more yer's duty to try to dissuade people y ourself
when he strayed from his assign- from taking such stands. J i JJ O)r-
ment. Rabinowitz also charged that
Raskin spoke in Rackham Am- the judge in the Spock trial pre- the Dail Staff Toda
phitheatre, the third speaker in judiced the case considerably by
the arserie of University lecturers in jdcd-tecsecnierbyb
journalism sponsored by the jour-
nalism department.
In answer to a question; Raskin
embarassedly admitted that the
Times hadn't intended to create
the stir it had caused with its ar-
tcedo ie rsdnteetSpiro ws
gnew s bne Pesident-elet home UNION-LEAGUE T E UNION-LEAGUE
state, Maryland. In a recent seven
inch editorial, the Times resur-
Agnew' involewsst iary con EUROPEAN CHARTER FLIGHTS
Agne's ivolemen in coflict!
of interest case while governor of
Maryland and commented upon it.
Times ran the story on a "slow" FLIGHT 1 May 4 DETROIT-LONDON Sabena
Saturday in an unobtrusive place June 1 BRUSSELS-DETROIT
an the edit page. However, the fol-
lowing day, they were besieged
with piles of criticism from both FLIGHT 2 May 8 NEW YORK--LONDON Sabena
Republican candidates and many Au. 17 BRUSSELS-NEWYORK
of their subscribers.
Despite the controversy t h e
Times raised on the Agnew issue, FLIGHT 3 June 29 NEWYORK--LONDON Pan Am
Raskin nevertheless maintained Aug. 14 PARIS-NEW YORK
that an editorial page does not
greatly influence people's support
of a presidential candidate. I Only flights backed financially by the U niversity
In the body of his speech, Ras- Only I.A.T.A. Charter to Europe this summer
kin didn't show much hope for the
future of publisher-labor union re- Fly with SCHEDULED, RELIABLE, experienced airlines
lationship. With ironic optimism Service-ALL jet-more leg room-Open bar-entertainment-
Raskin observed that the tragic plus much more
demise of four of the former sev-
en New York dailies, leaves only Sign up in UAC offices 2nd floor Union
three quarreling publishers to dis- Mon. thru Fri. 2-5 p.m.
agree. His principle fear is that "if
long disappearance becomes a way ANY QUESTIONS, CALL 662-4431, EXT. 23
of life for the newspapers, people
may stop looking for them even
when they are on the stands."






Department of Government

and International


University of Notre Dame

will speak on





Today: Draft Card Turn-in
(UGLI Multipurpose room in case of rain)
Following the rally:
1) Open House: 1-7 p.m. new resistors will be at 802 Monroe (basement)
to talk about noncooperation
2) Liberation classes:
a. The Draft 1-3 p.m. 825 Tappan No. 6
b. Prison 3-5 p.m. 825 Tappan No. 6
c. Resistance as a process 7 p.m. 802 Monroe (basement)
d. Racism 1 p.m. 819 S. State No. 3
e. Radicals and Philosophy 2 p.m. 802 Monroe (upstairs)
f. Drama 3 p.m. 439 S. Division No. 2 and No. 3
g. SDS and Socialism 4 p.m. 618 Church No. 1
h. Women's Liberation 7 p.m. 825 Tappan No. 6
i. Western Economic Impact on Asia and Africa 7 p.m. 819 S. State No.3
j.Anarchism 3 p.m. Canterbury House Lounge 330 Maynard
k. Authoritarian Classroom Roleplaying 2:30 p.m. N. Lounge
Michigan Union (First floor, turn right)
I. Ways of liberation: Zen, Yoga, Taoism, Vedanta, Psychotherapy 4



Friday, November 15




Michigan Union


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