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November 14, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-14

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C I "

S4i i&au


Increasing cloudiness;
generally depressing

Vol. LXXiX, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 14, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

U.S. charges
IDMZ shelling






h win

may end talks LiVingston,

WASHINGTON (R) - The United States issued a new
warning yesterday that "serious talks" could not be conducted
with North Vietnam if the demilitarized zone dividing North
and South Vietnam were violated by North Vietnamese at-
tacks from the zone on allied forces.
A statement, authorized by Undersecretary of State Ni-
cholas -Katzenbach and cleared at the highest White House
level, emphasized "the serious view we take of the verified
instances since Nov. 9 in which North Vietnamese forces fired
on allied forces south of the DMZ from positions within the
Shelling of I.S. Marines at Con Thien on Sunday and
Tuesday's shelling forthe second time in three days of a
------- --- South Vietnamese army post
loc~tr ted ~ th DMZ hriht ,



asks new
,SGC role
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs recommend-
ed yesterday that Faculty Assem-
bly committees which decide to
allow student membership should
involve S t u d e n t Government
Council and Graduate Assembly
in the selection of those student

auut neuar e itc rougn
forth the firm language.
Anstatement by Secretary of
Defense Clark M. Clifford at a
news conference Tuesday reported
only one DMZ violation on Sa-
turday, Nov. 9.
Earlier yesterday, the number
two man on the delegation of the
Viet Cong's National Liberation
Front - NLF - challenged the
United States to come alone to
the peace talks if Saigon refused
to participate.
"If Saigon does not send a dele-
gation then the three parties -
The National Liberation Front,
North Vietnam and the United
States must meet without delay to
find a solution on the basis of
the program put forward by the
NLF," said the NLF official.

RosenbDaur, Farrell,
Keats also vietorious
Students defeated the Student Government Council
referendum yesterday which allows students to determine
the per capita funding of Council. The 6,438 voters also
elected six candidates to fill the vacant at-large seats on
Taking SGC positions are Larry Deitch, Mike Farrell,
Roger Keats, Mary Livingston, Howard Miller, and Mark
Rosenbaum. They will be formally seated at tonight's meet-
The other six candidates, Jack Brand, Bill Eldridge, Dale
Jurcisn, Mike Modelski, Doug Morris, artd Bruce Wilson, were
"Because of the recent contro-7--__:.
versy raised, it is difficult to tell
of SGC's past expenditures or a
whether the vote is against some
vote against a contractual incqr-
poration agreement with the Re-aLto C O I
genits," said Council president
Mike Koeneke. "I assume it means
the latter and therefore this vote
somewhat dampens our efforts to
arry out the contract with the

Four winners (l. to r.) Rosenbaum, Livingston., Farrell and Deitch

The referendum asked whether
nd The Pr e the Regents "shall contract with}
_. ... __ _. . r r t ,. n ,.n nil Tn

In its recommendation, SACUA Duong Dinh' Thao. --- - --U- - - Stu u overmet unciiuin-,
suggested the committees invite But there was no indication the i- order to permit the stu-
SGC and GA to appoint student United States would carry out T KEEP FILES: dues i
members. However, the appoint- Clifford's assertion Tuesday that dent body, acting in referendum,
ment of the students, cannot oc- the Americans would go it alone 'Cto determine (increase or de-
cur until the committees them- if President Nguyen Van Thieu ofacur bav e rease) the per capita rate at
selves have actually settled on a' South Vietnam persists in bo- ne which SC hl efne.
ctuefor including 'students. cotting econference. Thieu in- a iuneljvotedtoi SCshlb funde
A motion introduced last month sists that recognizing the NLF Sept. 26 when it instructed its ex-
by SACUA and passed by Assem- asan entity at talks would be By JUDY SARASOHN However, Mike Kahn, chairman ing. "We are not trying to legis- gents are expected to issue a state- ecutive board to organize SGC,
bly recommended student mem- tantamount to accepting its legitiof SOC's membership committee late friendship," he added. ment reaffirming their support of Inc. Under the terms of the in-
mmby S., nh ean S sponsored said it would be "difficult if not After Panhel passed itso i the elimination of all required or corporation proposal, the Council
vsryp committeesAuteithe But U. S. officials expressed I, night adopted an SGC- pnsorai twudbe"ifclti o ro ~ ie oritie ci- binding recommendations now exists in two forms - as a
SACUA nor the Assembly specified hope that the new statements is- resolution rendering ineffective all impossible" to determine if a proposal several t heoritm nations. h- exitin two form - as
eansfor actually imp ntin sued by Washington on the DMZ binding or required recommenda- recommendation from an alumna plained to S.C that the Panhel tew sorority nationals. nmave re-
means tor ac i emenhing would be helpful in bringing Sal- tions on the pledging of new , is discriminatory. It is possible,' motion was ineffectual. SGC then fused to recognize the authority ganization. Council members re-
wouldbe, hlpfu in bingin Sal I ased is ove membrshi com-of Pahel r SGCtoifrin tthetopresentth pbodyt and a alsos
student commi tee memersip. gon to the conference table In members. he said, for an alumna to writea as it orn- SC r to fres o ycomprise the board of directors of
However, in approving the Similar to Panhel's earlier res- blank veto on a possible new mittee to investgate sororities' amend sorority charters in any
SACUA recommendations, As- The 0olution, the motion requires all member without any explanationj membership selection processes, way. Any action on the part of
SThe 500-wsororities which have binding or to give a different excuse that Their investigation resulted in the the Regents approving the Panhel The referendum did not ask
sembly stipulated that any com- asrrte hc aebnigo ogv ifrn xueta
mittee restructuring to involve press officer Carl Bartch also re- required recommendations to keep would not sound discriminatory. ommission of the phrase "which stand on pledging practices would whether SGC should incorporate
students must be submitted to the Ted U.S. policy, them on file with Panhel's Mem- It was the membership commit- are discriminatoy on t asis o give official sanction to the elim- but whether the Regents should
Assembly for approval before it the first point was that the bership Committee and to obtain tee's opinion that all bindingi race, religion, color, creed or na-, ination of binding and required contract with SGC, Inc. to place a
UntdStates "refutes the claims tioa rgn"i eeec odrc eyo h tdn oy
is U dplsyesh lm waivers on all of them from the recommendations are potentially jtional origin, in reference to recommendations. direct levy on the student body.
employed, being made by North Vietnam 'h s binding or required recommenda- Students would have decided the
After Assembly approved this that we have agreed to a four- national organizations. dangerous so their solutionwass passed Jan Phleger. chairman of th amunt ou hae ied
resolution in October, several .aed have-areed to arfo Panhel's original motion, pas- "to render invalid or eliminate The SC esolution asPanhel membership committee amount of this levy in referend-
committee chairman indicated sided or four-party conference to sed October 16, required waivers all binding recommendations." -sTud said yesterday's Panhel resolution, um
their committees would begin ad- discuss peace. on only those recommendations Kahn explained that the SGC It would be very wise fo identical in effect to an eaier Presently, Council receives its
The statement affirmed that the which may be discriminatory on resolution gave the local chapters Panhel to adopt the SGC resolu- dGn ti nefectthaneaminemaPresnyfrountfeeslitd
justing their stiucture foi stu- U.S. proposal to North Vietnam the basis of race, creed. color or the chance to make their own de- tion before the Regents' meeting iGC effeactionthe national sororities. by the Regents the rate of $25
dents, but no committee has yet called for two sides in the Paris natioal oigin cision on a girl they were rush- this Friday," Kahn said. The Re- ee t dent at terto G.2
approached the assembly with a talks. But the passage of Panhel mo- pr
working proposal. "On our side there would be the tion does not mean all sororities
Two Assembly committees, the Republic of Vietnam and the Uni- AAni approve of the new stand, Miss REFERENDUM
Student Relations Committee and ted States," the statement said. Lr'111 I'bCIP eO pfl(1 111 p rob e Phleger said. Her own house. Pi YES-2,444
the Civil Liberties Board, had "In making this proposal we said A n n'Beta Phi, will now have to go NO-3,592
voting student members prior to that the North Vietnamese could 1 through the same procedure in AT-LARGE SEATS
the resolution. But the remaining include on their side whomever eb w h eMV
nie omitesth amusthywihe. X 10 0 1 81 1 city 0 1 8 SerV~iCC obtaining a wai'er whether it MARY LIVINGSTON ... 2,44
Planning and Development Coinm- "For their part the North Te'-rb-a i y us s'-' was for all binding recommenda- HOWARD MILLER......2,235
mittee, the Classified Research Vietnamese said that representa- Lions or not. LARRY DEITCH..2,223
Committee, the Educational Poli- tives of the NLF would be pre- By JIM NEUBACHER bus service would cost the city, to produce an estimate of the total MIK RRELLAU..2,027
cies Committee, the Research sent." The NLF is the National Clayton stood behind an estimate cost to the city for the rest of the The other changes in the Pan-; MARK ROSENBAUM ..2,008
Policies Committee, the University Liberation Front, political arm of Ann Arbor city councilmen, dis- of $18,000 to 30,000 dollars for the I year, including monthly and op- hel resolution were minor ones ROGER KEATS .........2,004
Relations Committee, the Econ- the Viet Cong. satisfied with bus service now period ending this summer. erational beakdowns. C 1 a y t o n for the purpose of clarity. The BrucedWilson.. . ... .1,739
omic Status of the Faculty Com- ,The statement added: "It was being provided residents by the in t s thr d promised to have the report for SGC membership committee re- Bil Eldridge...........1,306
mtetenrComittee,th1 understood that both sides wouldj St. John Transportation Company,! However,intheefs ihee and the Mayor sometime next week. SCmmesi omte e Mike Modelski.........1,194
the Tenure Committee, the organize themselves as they grlled company vice president Ar- a half months of the operating e structed it by making the para- Doug Morris ...........1,172
Bylaws Committee and the Coi- e thur Clayton in a grueling two year, the bus system, now called Clayton blamed the expenses on
mittee on the Proper Role of the chose. hour interrogation at Tuesday the Ann Arbor City Transit Cor- unusual circumstances. "WevegJk rcn.. .........097
University in the Educational "However, we made it clear h terogation, Ann A o t T it Cor- run into a lot of unanticipated , quired recommendations as de- Jack Brand ............r. 628
System of the States, have no stu - i from the outset arneeta that owed an viewed nI'son councilb meeting.ie ln poration, has cost the city more Winners in capital letter~
dyntep estatesuthanr$48000. On a yearlyprojec- expenditures," he said. "We didn't fined subsections.
dent representatives. this arrangement as two-sided 'and ,"I'm going Huer utold lay-, tion, the cost would come to near- expect that our drivers would un- -
we continue to regard it that Mayor Wendell Hulcher told Clay- 1 ionize, but they did. We have a
U QUUU.V i -I,

The Regents will vote Friday on
a proposal supporting Panhellenic
Association's move to eliminate
discriminatory pledging practices.
The proposal accepts Panhel's
finding that sororities' binding
and required recommendations
may be in violation of regents'
Bylaw 2.14 whidh prohibits dis-
crimination in student organiza,-

tion membership on the basis of
race, creed, religion, or national
"What we're trying to do is to
tell the national organizations of
the sororities that the University
backs Panhel in their actions,"
Mrs. Barbara Newell, acting vice
president for student services said
yesterday. Mrs. Newell will pre-
sent the proposals to the Regents,
Several nationals have pres-
sured local chapters not, to co-
operate with Panhel concerning
the organization's regulation of
pledging activities because na-
tionafs question Panhel's author-
ity to establish regulations.
On October 17, Panhel passed
a motion requiring all sororities
still using a system of binding or
required alumnae recommenda-
tions on prospective members to
keep those recommendations on
file with Panhel's membership
Binding recommendations give
alumna veto power over the ad-
mission of any new members to
the sorority. Required recom-
mendations make it necessary for
the sorority to obtain the approv-
al of at least one alumna of the
sorority for each prospective new
The proposal would clarify the
University's role in the event that
any sorority was thrown out of
Panhel because it refused to
comply with Panhel's regulations
on discrimination.


Contract vote
Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County
and Municipal. E mployees
(AFSCME) will hold member-
ship votes on the proposed con-
tract with the University today.
Nigit shift personnel a r e
asked to meet in the University
Events Bldg. at 1 p.m. Day shift
personnel will vote at 7:30 p.m.

way." ton, "this is the worst perform-
There was no i'eference to Clif- ance on any contract I've ever'
ford's statement that if S o Clt h seen, here or anywhere."
Vietnam did not agree soon to After over 50 days without bus
participate in the Paris talks, the service last summer, the city con-
United States might decide to go tracted the St. John Transporta-
ahead without them. tion Company to povide bus ser-
Meanwhile the U.S. Command 'vice on a "cost-plus" basis.
announced today that "five in- This means the city pays all the
cidents were reported early this expenses of the bus company. plus
morning involving enemy activ- a fee of five per cent of the gross
ity in the southern portion of the revenues of the bus system.
demilitarized zone" between North At hearings early this summer
and South Vietnam. to determine just how much the

ly yIDUv
Fifth Ward Councilman Brian
Connelly termed the cost "totallyI
and completely unacceptable."
Fourth Ward Councilman John
R. Hathaway agreed. "It's getting
to the point now where some of
my constituents are telling me
'Don't subsidize the buses any
j longer, just appropriate a certain
amount of money to each citizen
to ride taxi cabs.' It's beginning to
seem feasible."
The council requested Clayton

good contract with them, but its
an expensive one."
1 Clayton emphasized another
reason for the unexpectedly high
cost of the system so far: The
bus system not only serves the
city in general, but also povides
transportation for nearly 1500 Ann
Arbor school children.
This year. for the first time,
Ann Arbor High School is oper-
ating on a two shift basis due to'
overcrowding. Completion of a
new high school next fall is ex-
pected to relieve the tight situa-
tion. At present however. the
school day is spread over nearly
12 hours instead of six.
The councilmen are finding
themselves in a tough spot-the!
bus service is becoming a financial
albatross quickly, yet is still

Regents hearing to discuss
R C financing methods


initiates exchange

A Regental decision to use
$3 million in residence hall re-
venues to renovate East Quad-
rangle for Residential College
use will come under fire today in
a public hearing.
The hearing, to be held in
the Regents' room of the new
Administration Bldg. at 2 p.m.,
was requested by Jack Myers,
president of Inter-House Assem-
Myers objects to funding the
renovation solely from dormi-
tory revenues because the crea-
tion of academic facilties -
classrooms, faculty office space
and auditoriums - are includ-
ed in renovation plans.
He has proposed to the Re-
gents that funds for RC aca-

rangle or Alice Lloyd Hall called
for by the present financing
"This hopefully will free money
for use to begin work on ap-
proximately $3.5 million worth
of delayed maintenance, modifi-
cations and improvements ur-
gently needed throughout the
residence halls to maintain the
status quo," Myers says.
University Housing Director
John C. Feldkamp denies in-
sufficient funds have been re-
served by the Housing Office for
upkeep on other housing facili-
ties besides East Quad.r
University housing and fin-
ance officials have objected to
Myer's proposal because t h e
Michigan state legislature has
ruled University residence halls

sions between Myers and the
University officials.
Feldkamp says the direct
pledging of fee money to the
RC would be "unwise at this
time." He points out that $500,-
000 of general fee money is al-
ready pledged to the college un-
der the present financing plan
from the Student Facilities Fund
Residential College Dean
James Robertson has indicated
he feels separation of support
for housing and academic fa-
cilities within the Residential
College is "equitable in princi-
However he contends that int
practice it is difficult to separate
these expenses. He points out
that the University presently
pays for heat, light and power in

Universities have made a bit-
ter game of competing with one
another for the best students,
teaching fellows, and profes-
sors. However, three programs
now being sponsored by the
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies are offering a peaceful,
nve-n - -e - - .a 1% f11 1

sity campus, doing research and
* The Michigan Scholars Pro-
gram: College seniors who are
potential university graduate
students undergo an orientation
program including discussion of
career options and introduction
to the University and the con-
faar n the manr~nhlpmcof

Hope and Kalamazoo colleges
in Michigan: Wabash, DePauw
and Earlham colleges in Indi-
ana: and Dennison, Kenyon,
Oberlin. Wooster, Wesleyan and
Antioch colleges in Ohio.
The universities participating
in the exchange are Cincinnati,
Case-Western Reserve, Indiana,
Mui(.hierogn State. Ohio State. nnd1

faculty members and are ex-
pected to work toward their dis-
The best qualified applicants
are recommended by the Uni-
versity to the colleges. who then
select the most capable of those
remaining for the Teaching As-
sociates Program.
The Michigan Scholars Pro-

Arendt to lecture
at Rackhami
Dr. Hannah Arendt, renowned
political theorist and philoso-
pher, will deliver a lecture at
8:00 p.m. this evening at Rack-
lka T.Poiiv allnn "Th


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