Sunday, November 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, November 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sbopoksbooksbooksbooksb /Studeint power, evaporating in a nightstick 's thud By URBAN LEHNER Crisis at Columbia: Report of the Fact-Finding Commission Appointed to Investigate the Disturbances at Columbia Uni- versity, by Archibald Cox, et. al. Vintage, $1.95 (paper). The Cox Commission Report will not be one of the best-selling books of 1968. This is true not so much because it lacks intrinsic merit, but because commission reports in general attract a unique 4 and limited readership. Only those who derive a certain smug pride from quoting such documents, or those who for one reason or another have a special interest in the subjedt discussed, will undertake to wade through the morass of minutiae which commission reports typically com- prise. I guess I fall under both categories, but-especially the latter. Since childhood, Columbia University has always held a certain mystique for me, for reasons as irrational as my preference for Tobin Rote over Bobby Layne, or the Brooklyn Dodgers over the St. Louis Cardinals. I was tempted to apply for enrollment there my senior year in high school, but was dissuaded by the expense. As a reporter on The Daily, one of my first stories was a telephone cover of the draft-ranking demonstrations at Columbia. I remember being puzzled by President Kirk's attitude at the time. He was more than willing to withhold rankings (a demand which had been adamantly refused by the administration here) but he steadfastly denied that student opinion in any way influenced his decision. Even Nicholas in the October Manifesto as much as credited his capitulation to the demands of the people! LATE LAST APRIL, hitchhiking through the East between the winter and spring semesters, I spent a day at Columbia observing the "liberation" of five buildings. I'll never forget the enthusiastic sympathizer who ;charged through the police fines ringing Low Library, scrambled up the wall, and was hoisted into the window by the cheering demonstrators inside. Thus, from all of this, I brought to the Cox Commission Report an especial curiosity, indeed, a feeling of vital involvement in what- ever transpired at Columbia. I expected to be enraged by the report's unfairness or delighted by the Commission's willingness to embrace the guilt of, the establishment. In either case, I was sure the report would misunderstand a situation which I too had been unable fully to comprehend. I sensed I would have to look elsewhere for the real answers. Curiously, Crisis at Columbia sated my interest. Having read it, I somehow feel that I will never be able to face another news- paper account of conditions at Morningside Heights. For in some way I am unable to understand, the Cox Commission Report con- firmed some of my deepest suspicions and prejudices. The report circuitously acknowledges the Kirk administration was autocratic in its relations with faculty, students and the neighboring Harlem community. Selfishly defending its own prero- gatives, it kept the faculty at bay in disperse little groups in order to minimize the professors' voice and influence; it denied students any say in matters affecting their interests, callously rejecting joint student-faculty advice, (nay, refusing even to release student- faculty committee reports for community scrutiny), denying ac- cused students public hearings, and perpetuating intolerable living conditions; it ravaged the outlying black community, gobbling up scarce housing for its own expansion plans, tightly and legalistically, calculating its own narrow self-interest against the utility of action which, if pressed too far, could provoke violent reactions. CRISIS AT COLUMBIA portrays the Kirk administration as inept (remember the Strickman filter) and oblivious to rapidly changing social conditions. Indeed, in one particularly gratifying paragraph, the Commission underscored the need for liberal uni- versities to reappraise their real estate dealings in the black ghettos. Much of the difficulty appears to be traceable to the con- flict between, on the one hand, the older commercial philosophy that the acquisition of land is purely a matter of financial power in the market place and, on the other hand, the newer emphasis upon community renewal, egalitarianism, and social coopera- tion. The two are not easily blended, and we cannot predict the ultimate accommodation. But Columbia's policy-makers pursued the older philosophy too exclusively and long after it ceased to the viable. The approach exemplified in the publica- tion quoted above is not only socially and morally wrong- which is enough to condemn it; it is also unworkable in the social and political climate of 1968,.. AND THE COMMISSION condemns explicitly the lack of any semblance of democracy on the Columbia campus: "At a time when the spirit o'f self-determination is running strongly, the adminis- tration of Columbia's affairs too often conveyed an attitude of authoritarianism and invited distrust." Yet while deploring this authoritarianism, the report finds that "student power" was the main issue not for the core of real radicals in Columbia SDS, but for the liberal and moderate students who sympathized with the occupation of the buildings. The ac- curacy of this observation is self-evident; the identical point has been made by Mark Rudd repeatedly in his comments to the press and in his speaking tours. Rudd and the more militant factions of SDS across the nation (including what is now Voice here) have given up on student power. Now the catch phrase is "movement-building." The role of the student radical is not to democratize his campus, for this merely serves to emphasize the distinctions between the classes of the oppressed. Democracy (whatever it now means in this new radical canon) must be achieved throughout society. The obliga- tion of students who objectively perceive this requirement is to participate in the establishment of a permanent radical movement. And how is that movement to be built? Not through "bullshit rapping" (shorthand for education and persuasion), for rapping has been demonstrably ineffective in the past. Instead, the move- ment must capitalize on the inate radical consciousness with which most students are imbued ("look as their sex, their music"). That subconscious radicalism is elicited by confrontation: Colum- bia, Chicago confrontation. Await the arrival of the police, fully - aware that the police will be unnecessarily, stupidly brutal. And that nothing engages the horror of subconsciously radical students like brutality., Whether this ideology, fully developed in all of its nuances, motivated those who occupied Low Library (Hamilton Hall was eventually under control by the black Students Afro-American Society, which seemed interested primarily in the gymnasium issue; Avery by architecture and Fayerweather by graduate students, "The people taking part in the rebellion that led to the shut- d o w n of Columbia aimed to strike at larger issues concern- ing the corporate, ex- ploitive make-up of the university." -MARK RUDD Ann Arbor Oct. 25' both of which groups seemed to have highly specialized internal grievances) is not the point. What is relevant is that their demands were not couched in the rhetoric of student power; that many of them saw Columbia as one front in a general revolutionary struggle -not necessarily a struggle for democracy. INDEED, THE COLUMBIAS and Chicagos may have been the " progenitors of the philosophy of "movement-building." Although student power had little to do with Columbia, movement-building seems more a rationalization after the fact. The Commission cor- rectly observes that the demonstrators in Low and Hamilton were completely unwilling to compromise on any of the issues, and that those in Low encouraged the Ad Hoc Faculty Group's efforts to mediate not because they had any attention of bargaining but on the hope that they could "politicize" AHFG. The Cox Commission Report will not generate controversy for its findings. Rather, the major point on which dispute will arise is the Commission's assumptions. They include'a regard for the university and a preference for reason and civility. I find these values attractive, especially compared with the general disregard for them evinced by some of the more militant factions of SDS. Still the Commission leaves a major question begging. What con- stitutes reason and civility? If the Commission is willing to admit that the Kirk administration was authoritarian and unresponsive, how would the Golden Age of reason and civility come about, as- suming that a decent respect for the opinions of the university community constitute some part of reason and civility in a uni- versity administration? I ___ ____ ____ ____ What hands form a Past for By BRUCE WHITE The Progressive Historians, by Richard Hofstadter. Alfred A. Knopf, $8.95. One of the omnipresent cer- tainties in the minds of my graduate school contemporaries in the early 1960's was that our Ph.D. preliminary examinations would contain an historigraph- ical question on the reputation of Frederick Jackson Turner or Charles A. Beard. It was a cer- tainty which, in my case, never came to pass, but it struck fear into our hearts and had us half- convinced we would soon be sell- ing shirts at Sears. It was at that time already a formidable task to acquaint oneself with the life, scholarly publications, and subsequent reputation of these historical giants, and it is one of the virttes of Richard Hof- stadter's new book, The Progres- sive Historians, that he pro- vides us with admirable sum- maries of their careers and re- putations up to the present. In addition, he has included the less well known but also in- fluential Progressive scholar, Vernon Louis Parrington. All three of these scholars were Midwesterners, and they came of age at a time when the disparities between new indus- trial realities and prevailing in- tellectual presuppostions in America could no longer be reconciled. Before the 1890's history had been written by the gentleman amateur from the Northeast, who entertained the "gentle reader' with romantic, nationalistic n a r-r a t i v e s, of America's past. One had to be independently wealthy to be an historian; George Bancroft, for example, spent about $100,000 of his own money on research in his lifetime, and even by 1880 there were only 11 professors of American history teaching at the college level. Nineteenth century scholarship was, above all, formalistic, dealing with timeless and abstract verities. This was most observable in le- gal theory, where the prevail- ing concept was that the courts should simply compare legisla- tive acts to! the fundamental' law, discarding- them if they did not properly fit; but the' formalistic a ethic p e r v a d e d ica and its grand destiny no longer seemed so certain. His- torians who ,incorporated the ideas of the possessing classes about social and economic is- sues, who wrote reassuringly about the achievements of white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture in America, and who, above all, seemed monumental- ly unconcerned about the prob- lems most Americans worried about, now seemed outmoded. The generation of scholars who came of age in the 1890's could not overlook such turmoil, especially if, like Turner, Beard, and Parrington, they. did not share the prevailing Eastern complacency and denigration of the importance of the' West in American history. History, for them, had to be relevant to the social and economic issues of the day, and it must try to reconcile a continued belief in progress with the current Amer- ican crisis. What seemed most evident to Turner and Parring- ton, reacting to the Populist re- volt, was that the "common man" had been ignored by scholars, so they set out to rec- tify the situation. Turner placed his emphasis on the Western frontiersman; he revolutionized the historical profession by arguing that American individualism, dem- ocracy and nationalism had re- sulted from the frontier expe- rience, rather than having been the result of the transplantation ' of essentially Anglo-Saxon ideals and institutions across the Atlantic. Parrington, an English pro- fessor at the University of Washington, was essentially concerned with the moral and social function of literature. In his Main Currents in Amer- ican Thought he presented -a d u a 1i s t i c interpretation of American political literature. It resulted in the apotheosis of those he considered dissenters, democrats, liberals, and human- itarians, and the vilification of those in the tradition of Puri- tanism, Federalism, Brahmin- ism, or modern conservatism. Both Turner and Parrington neglected urban problems be- cause of their restrictive defi- n,iinn orf theomnf mla" creasing advocacy of isolation- ism and his obsession with for- eign policy in the 1930's and 1940's blinded him to pressing domestic concerns. Like Turner and Parrington, Beard was de- termihed to penetrate to the hidden fore, the basic substance of history. Ideas, he believed, were merely masks for the real and essential economic motives of historical actors. In his most influential work, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, Beard applied this belief to a study of the Early National period of Amer- ican history, concluding that the movement for the Consti- tution had been initiated and implemented by the upper classes, whose investments had been unfavorably affected un- der the Articles of Confeder- ation. To many Americans, this was carrying the revolt against romantic nationalism too far. Warren G. Harding's Marion (Ohio) Star, for example, was scandali zed that "SCAV- ENGERS, HYENA-LIKE DE- SECRATE THE GRAVES OF THE DEAD PATRIOTS WE; REVERE." Beard always claimed, not very satisfactorily, that he in- tended no moral condemnation in this and subsequent works. The problem was that, like Turner and Parrington, he was influenced by both the post- Darwinian trend toward "scien- tific history" and by his desires to make history an active in- strument of self-recognition and self-improvement. The greatest shortcoming of all three scholars was their inability to reconcile the two. The result was an imperfect escape from the mistakes of their predecessors. The eternal verities were still there, al- though couched in economic terms. In their concern to make the past relevant to the present they distorted it in a different way. Beard, for example, could not envision the concept of democracy in eighteenth cen- tury terms, but only as it ap- plied or ought to apply to post- industrial America. Parring- ton's dualism prevented him from having any feeling for the movement and mutation of of their errors and tos their stereotypes. A "con school of historians, ledk niel Boorstin and Louis arose during the 1950's, downplayei the magnit conflict in America's past more recent historians shown, were meaningful1 torical actors, and self-i was never perceived obje But as Hofstadter observ fact that Turner and have been criticized fors and so 'belligerently isi dication of their enduri portance, as , well as th that their categories sti vide the frame of ref ere the ,attack. Their most tant contribution to th torical profession, he con was that they transform writing of history froml and narrative accounts analytic, problem ap This led to the prolifera historical monographs,i unmixed blessing, a ju to which those who hav a good many doctoral d tions will readily attest. Hofstadter points oul the tension between the tific ideal and the de draw moral lessons, to truth useful, is still a dilemma in the writing tory. As the Progressiv torians have shown (a implication in this accou the New Left historian activist historian "who he is deriving his polic his history may in fact riving his history from1 icy. ." The result may1 he will "lose his respect integrity, the independen pastness, of the past." On the other hand, H ter sees a danger in the7 positivistic inquiries oft cial sciences, as well as nihilism of much of ourc literature. Historians, b cludes, should strive to the past in all its com to show man in his whol his triumps, his defeats,F aspirations. The result, plies, may be increased ness and - insight into V man condition. History remain the most hum among the arts." America? shatter lease only by venting his anger sensus" on Roosevelt. by Da- The book is suggestive in more Hartz, ways that Hofstadter makes ex- which plicit. The extent to which all rude of of the main ideas of the Pro- Ideas, gressive historians were in the have intellectual ' air at the time is to his- striking and suggestive for interest those interested in the socio- ctively. logy of knowledge. Otis Gra- ves, the ham's stimulating treatment of Beard the Progressive reaction to the so long New Deal in An Encore for Re- an in- form has made us aware of the ng im- extent to which there may be he fact a dialectic of reform in Amer- ill pro- ican history, and Hofstadter's nce for new book suggests Graham may impor- be correct. The Progressive his- ie his- torians were quickly transform- ncludes, ed from being considered avant- ied the garde to being regarded as literary completely outmoded. to the proach. Hofstadter too quickly dis- ition of misses the New Left historians, not an who have reminded us how far dgment we have gone toward smooth- ve read ing out the most creative and isserta- original bumps in American history. Ie admits that when writing The American Political it that Tradition in the 1940's he was scien- unduly influenced by the idea sire to of an American consensus, but make this is not his only historical critical distortion. The Age of Reform, of his- while a creative and important ve his- book, nonetheless submerges the nd, by real social and economic issues nt also of the period by concentrating is), the on the psychological reactions thinks and reactionary desires of the y from Populists and 'Progressives. The be de- conformist bent of psychiatry his pol- in the 1950's bears out the be that dangers inherent in such an for the approach. nce, the Finally, after I finished read- ing The Progressive Historians ofstad- the first question my wife asked narrow was what Hofstadter had had to the so- say about Mary Beard. Upon re- in the flection, I had to answer that he current had said nothing, nor had he he con- h reveal mentioned Mrs. Turner' or Mrs. plexity, Parrington. She, of course, re- eness- minded me that behind every and his famous man there is a woman. a war- Richard Hofstadter, take note At your newsstand NOW Today, there is anew collection of love poems and lyrics by America's most interesting young :1 A" ~c ue ,poet. More on the War Against the Young: Martin Duberman Isays thosein power in our universi- ties are blind to student principles. James Dickey on Allan Seager and Theodore Roethke. No More Vietnams? Is it even realistic to insist on this? . Where does the Vietnam ex- perience leave us in our rela- tions with the U.S.S.R. and China? (The first of two ex- cerpts from a conference at the Adlai Stevenson 'Institute in' Chicago.) 4 vim...IILE MUMERTop3 LATE --UNDERSTANDING COMES FASTER WITH CLIFF'S NOTES! OVER 175 TITLES $1 EACH AT YOUR BOOKSELLER II the hu- y "may ianizing Today's'writers . . . $3.95-Now, at your bookstore. 135,000 first printing. I I