"He is the president of every place that does not have a bookstore."
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,-Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
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Cabinet appointments:
Good-bye, George
RUMORS are afoot that Gov. George
Romney is really on his way to Wash-
ington this time.
Many people thought that the Gover-
nor was doomed to living out his political
life in the isolation of Lansing after his
ill-fated attempt to win the Republican
presidential nomination.
But the talk among political analysts
is that George Romney has earned his
ticket out of Lansing and will take a berth
in the new Nixon administration as Sec-
retary of Commerce.
Destiny now seems fulfilled that George
Romney, businessman and sometimes
prophet, has risen a b o v e the spiritual
oblivion of Lansing, Michigan. And al-
though it will be difficult to preach for
the return of family living from the pul-
pit of the Commerce Department, at least
Romney will be back in the nachine of
American commerce.
DURING the days of fasting and soul=
searching that preceded Romney's an-
nouncement'that he was running for gov-
ernor in 1962, few people thought that the,
financial wizard of American Motors was
destined only for the statehouse.
And two short years later, he was re-
soundingly returned to office by the vot-
ers of Michigan even in a Johnson land-
slide. The state had been saved from fis-
cal disaster generated by precedirng "/pro-
fligate" Democratic administrations.
Then in 1966, he won re-election again,
this time bringing Robert Griffin along
with him. It was now clear to everyone
that George Romney w a s going to be
Romney will be going to Washington
but will be quite a few heartbeats away
from the Presidency. His crusade to re-
turn America to the virtues of moral liv-
ing fell apart in New Hampshire, and un-
fortunately a minor cabinet position is
the best he could get.
THE SECRETARY of Commerce is hard-
ly a figure that is in the public eye.
How many people know who the Secretary
of Commerce is now? How many people
remember the dynamic leadership of Lu-
ther Hodges?
Clearly, the post does not have much
political sex-appeal.
The only consolation of being in the
Commerce Department is that Romney
will be back at home With the business
community, he will be out of statehouse
politics, and he will lave a new audience
in Washington to inspire by his example
of decent living.
Romney is well-prepared for his post as
the very-nominal head of American in-
dustry. After his much-heralded tenure
with American Motors, Romney took the
corporate reins of the state of Michigan.
For eight years he has run the state like
it was a business. A balanced budget took
precedence over state programs like high-
er education. His crowning achievement
came- this year, w h e n he managed to
squeeze a profit out of state operations.
ROMNEY'S BUSINESS ability is unques-
tionable. Except for a minor question
like will his underinvestment in facilities
such as higher education lead to a similar
long-run set-back like American Motors
experienced when he left?
Many state programs have suffered be-
cause of Romney's lust for the balanced
budget. His occasional evangelist efforts
have not taken the place of the need for
improving educational facilities.
And although the Secretary of Com-
merce is not the most envious position in
Washington, we should second Mr. Nix-
on's nomination of George Romney for
that position.
....:a;. i'URRAY KE PTON
Two nations:
The non-readers take over
6 - We are two nations of
equal size. At this moment there
are 44 million votes on the board
and the difference between the
candidates is 31,000 votes.
Richard Nixon's nation is white,
Protestant, breathes clean air and
advances toward middle-age.
Hubert Humphrey's nation is
everything else, whatever is black.
most of which breathes polluted
air, pretty much what is young;
Vice President Humphrey holds it
as trustee for Edward Kennedy.
And all last night, Hubert Hum-
phrey's nation, divided, and dis-
membered as it was, bloodied
Richard Nixon's nation.
He seems, of course, likely to
arise sometime this afternoon and
occupy Hubert Humphrey's na-
tion. And, God, how he will hate
us when he does.
RESENTMENT IS the motor of
Mr. Nixon's life. Humiliation is its
history. You have to have lived a
life like Mr. Nixon's before you
understandrwhy his guardsthrow
out of his meetings any persons
who look as though they might in-
flict upon him the wound, of a
boo. He would rather dare a bul-
A Hare-raising experience
JAMES M. HARE, Michigan's ever-vigi-
lant Secretary of State, yesterday cred-
ited himself with averting tragedy at the
polls on election day.
The man with his hand on the pulse of
student unrest had warned local law and
order agencies that they would be tepted
as never before by lawless activist groups
such as Students for a Democratic Socie-
ty, who were preparing disruptions - ev-
en bombings - at polling places.
Police were quick to mobilize officers
and auxillary men at most voting areas.
They officiously searched all large brief-
cases, purses and even books in the vain
hope of finding grenades, MACE, or brass
knuckles. But t h e y ,reported failure to
Hare, who personally headed a Lansing
command post.
Hare mounted the podium yesterday
and made his solemn pronouncement:
"The polls were mostly free of rebellious
elements." Loyal citizens and their child-
ren heaved a sigh of relief.
A FEW voting machines had backfired,'
the fault of human error, but voters
casted their ballots unmolested.
"Alertness by authorities, students who
policed their own campuses, plus public
awareness" thwarted open violence at the
polls, Hare explained. Cheers" and shouts
faded away.
The Republic is saved for apathy.
News Editor
let than endure an insult. And
Mr. Humphrey's nation kept him
up all last night; it will pay for
And he wanted so dreadfully to
be accepted as an hereditary ruler.
The official briefing early last
night ran heavily to references to
the Eisenhowers;sMrs. Eisenhow-
er had called to say how gratified
Gettysburg had been to see Tric-
ia's and Julie's deportment on TV;
The General had been particularly
proud of David's rendition of his
own message of encouragement.
One may, quite early, throw up.
B u t by 11:40 the coronation
wreaths were going toward the
yellow leaf. Herb Klein came
downstairs to say that things,
would not become significant un-
til the Western states came in, an
observation invariable when things
have fallen a little apart. The
plans, he said, were still to make
a victory statement in the Grand
Ballroom tonight.
BUT THE HOURS went and
produced no. circumstances in
proper conjunction for the vic-
tory statement; and by then it
was better so. Mr. Nixon's security
force had limited those in attend-
ance at the ballroom to the trust-
worthy - the drearily, the grimly,
lower-middle class trust-worthy-
and as the night went on, they
were getting drearily, grimly and
lower middle-classedly drunk.
Lionel Hampton worked mag-
nificently to keep them conscious,
sending them once into a conga
line with a Red army song, but by
midnight they had settled into
glum and sodden endurance.
By 3:30 the room was still full
and Hamp was working very softly
with the brushes, the only man in
the room with a smile on his face.
THE BAND LOOKED indescrib-
ably haughty; there was the sus-
picion that Hamp w a s playing
tricks last night. When the board
announced that Maryland . had
flopped to Humphrey, he played
"He's Got the Whole World in His
Hands." Who knows?
It is now 4 o'clock and there
will be no victory statement this
night. Miraculously the Wild hope
endures that instead the band will
stand up at some moment, ambas-
sadors from the other nation, and
all together shout "Black Power."
Bu~t it is very quiet and Hamp
smiles aloneand works the brush-
On the 35th floor, that dear
little family huddles still and frets
at the delay in the tender of the
Mr. Nixon has lost New York
and Pennsylvania. There seems to
be no city larger than Peoria from
which he has not been beaten
back. He is the President of every
place in this country which does
not have a bookstore.
STILL HE HAD company. One
of his incense bufners came down
to report that Sen. Javits h a d
come by to tender his fealty to Mr.
Nixon and then had sat down to
watch the returns with Sen. Thur4
"I think," the incense burner
said, "that you would find this
scene an amusing little footnote."
Ha, jolly ha. Storm Thurmond
occupies Jacob Javits. Richard
Nixon occupies us. If that is the
name of the game, that is the
game we will play. This morning a
battle slumps exhaustedly to its
end. This afternoon the war be-
gins. To the knife.
(Copyright 1968 N. Y. Post)
More random
political notes
' 1HEELECTION wasn't really that bad. I didn't want any of the
three candidates to be elected President, and two of them weren't.
Two out of three isn't bad."
It is pretty difficult to say anything terribly profound about an
election that inspires such optimism.
An it is even harder to detect any popular mandate in an election
that prevented the computers from calling a winner until almost 18
hours after the polls closed.
But at least election year '68 is finally over. And the demlse of an
event of this magnitude is worth at least a few random comments.
IF ONE BURIES the emotions of almost two decades, the election
of Richard Nixon doesn't really seem that bad. After all, having the
Democrats in opposition promises to be fun.
Almost the entire Senate Foreign Relations Committee will return
to grace the 91st Congress. If Dean Rusk was afraid of facing a Foreign
Relations Committee composed of members of his own party, you can
imagine the kind of reception the Nixon Administration will get.
The Democrats may become so convincing as the opposition party
that critics of the. Johnson Administration will totally forget about
party reform. For even the Humpzrey wing of the party might shine
in comparision to the Nixon Administration.
As the absentee ballots dwindle in Oregon, it unfortunately looks
like the end of Wayne Morse's career in the Senate. Morse's defeat will
mean that the Senate has lost both of the Senators who oppsed the
original Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and voted consistently against war
The other Senator, Ernest Gruening of Alaska, was defeated in
the Democratic primary last September. And a write-in campaign fell
far short of its goal of returning him to the Senate.
Morse's apparent defeat is especially regrettable because the icono-
clast from Oregon especially shines/in opposition. Just try, for instance,
to picture him leading a filibuster against a Nixon proposal for a
"thick" anti-ballistic missile system?
THE FORTHCOMING Nixon Administration should provide a test
of how much control over both domestic and foreign affairs still poten-
tially resides on Capital Hill.
Recent myths about the comparative bliss under the benignly im-
potent Eisenhower Administration will also be tested by the Republican
victory. For like his elderly mentor, Nixon will also be blessed by having
to contend with a Democratic Congress.
While comparisons will be made during the next few months with
the stultifying style of the Eisenhower Administration, it is important
to remember that there are differences between the two as well.
Eisenhower possessed a congenitally passive view of the Presidency.
Nixon, chafing under the relative inaction of the past 16 years, is not
likely to emulate the General. Rather, what we are more likely to see is
the spectacle of Nixon-striving to be an activist President-stymied by
a recalcitrant Democratic Congress.
WHILE IN the next few weeks, everyone will be retelling the epic
political comeback of Richard Nixon, it is in a way fitting to take a
look at Hubert Humphrey's roller-coaster career.
He rose from the depths of defeat in West Virginia in 1960 to hold
a powerful Senate post during the Kennedy administration and uti-
mately to become Johnson's running mate against Goldwater.
With characteristic luck, Humphrey picked the wrong four years
to serve as Vice President. By early 1968, he was despised by many of
his former liberal friends and there was even talk that he would be
dumped from the Democratic ticket in the fall.
But, with the Democratic Party in shambles at the end of August,
Humphrey emerged as their standard bearer anyway.
There is talk that this defeat means the end of Hubert Humphrey.
Don't bet on it. With Richard Nixon in the White House, fate needs
someone to kick around.
PROBABLY two of the happiest men in America after the
election results were Michigan's Lt. Governor William Milliken and
New York's number two man Malcolm Wilson.
According to most reports, George Romney and Nelson Rockefeller
are, at long last, getting their eagerly awaited trips to Washington.
And while it won't be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, these moves will leave
two Governor's mansions conveniently empty.
In the lobby of the Americana Hotel in Miami Beach during the
wee hours of the night when Nelson Rockefeller lost his battle for
the Republican Presidential nomination, talk among the young "Rocky"
backers began to focus on New York's iayor John Lindsay.
Many of them promised to "start working for John in '72 the day
after this year's elections are over."
One suspects these Lindsay backers spent a very somber and
quiet Wednesday.
THE POLITICAL FUTURE of California's citizen-governor is
even bleaker. Most reports claim that Reagan is bored and was only
contemplating rinning for re-election to put him in a favored position
for a shot at the Presidency in 1972.
A Nixon victory certainly put an end to those dreams.
And unlike Lindsay, it's unlikely_ that a suitable niche can be
found for Reagan in the Nixon Administration.For the only post for
which Reagan seems even remotely qualified is Postmaster General
in charge of Walt Disney commemoratives.
Will success soil Spiro Agnew?
THERE WERE many who predicted that
high office would silence the irre-
pressible Spiro Agnew.
The pundits predicted that when
Agnew was only a heartbeat away from
the Presidency, he, would curb that imp-
ish sense of humor that has made amus-.
ing headlines throughout the long
Many insiders claimed knowingly that
Agnew would cease referring to "Po-
lacks" and "fat Japs." The crystal ball
gazers promised that never again would
Agnew say anything like, "If you've seen
one slum, you've seen them all."
But never fear. There definitely will
be levity in the Nixon Administration.
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will see
to that.
AGNEW PUT to rest the fears of many
when he issued his statement follow-
ing the early morning victory of the
Nixon-Agnew ticket.
After thanking everyone connected
with the successful campaign, Agnew put
in a few special words of gratitude for
his running mate, Richard Milhaus Nix-
Sounding a trifle reminiscent of Yogi
Berra, the Vice President-elect said, "Mr.
Nixon showed a restraint and confidence
in me that few people have exhibited."
THROUGHOUT the campaign many
theories were presented purporting to
explain the rationale behind Nixon's
choice of this modern Mrs. Malaprop as
his} Vice Presidential running-mate.
Learned theories to the contrary, the
choice of Agnew had nothing to do with
Strom Thurmond or Nixon's Southern
As Nixon undoubtedly knows all too
well, Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy
and Johnson tried futilely to elevate the
importance of the number two spot to
meet the competence of the, Vice Presi-
Nixon has realized that you cannot
alter the office to fit the man. So in
choosing Agnew, Nixon came up with
the one man clearly worthy of the office.
Jacob Javits
Strom Thur mond
With Spiro Agnew as Vice President, the next four years promise
best a good bit of political amusement. At worst, they promise to
at least highly different from the five years under dear old LBJ.
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________ W ES lo. THE MlINUTS..,
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&tyer £ir~igan &zitg
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mfhigan,
420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.
WALLACE IMMEN .................... News Editor
CAROLYN MIEGEL ...... Associate Managing Editor
DANIEL OKRENT.................Feature Editor
PAT O'DONOHUE...................News Editor
WALTER SHAPIRO...... Associate Editorial Director
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