Page Six
Friday, November 8, 1968
Iday.- November - . t1968
._._ _._ . a _ ------ __ ._ _ _._ .
with "The Phaedra~
9-12 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 8
802 Monroe
FRIDAY, NOV. 8 Noon Luncheon 25c
"Critical Education Issues"
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2
p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General No-
tices may be published a maximum
of two times on request; Day Cal-
endar items appear only once. Stu-
dent organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Shepard Memorial Symposium: Dr.
Harry Helson, University of Massachu-
setts and Dr. Viktor Sarris, Psycholo-
gisches Institut, Universtat .Dusseldorf,
"Current Status of Adaptation Level
Theory in Psychology"°: Amphitheater,
Rackham Building, 2:30 p.m.
Astronomical Colloquium. Friday,
Nov. 8, 4:00 p.m. Room 807 Physics-E
Astronomy Bldg. Dr. Sidney W. Mc- made by calling Mrs. Towle, 40312 or 1 TV Center program: On Sunday, No-
Cuskey, Warner and Swasey Observa- in person in 1223 Angell Hall. vember 10 the following program pro-
tory, will speak on &'The Local Struc- Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio duced by the TV Center will have its
ture of the Galaxy." initial telecast in Detroit: 12:00 Noon,
Dept. of Biological Chemistry and (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. WWJ TV, Channel 4 - "The Aphasia
Cancer Research Institute Colloquium: Friday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour Story." An account of a tragic disease
Dr. William Rutter, Dept. of Biochem- Ed Blurrows hosts an hour of news and and efforts to rehabilitate victims at
istry, University of Washington, "Mul- conversation about the arts and liter- U-M Speech Clinic.
tiphasic Regulation in Cytodifferentia- ature. Subject: Persian poetry and
tion," 6330 University Hospital, 4:00 music. Friday 1:00 p.m. U. of WINTER COMMERCEMENT
p.m. (Coffee will be served at 3:30 Chicago Lecture - "The Role of the EXERCISES
p.m. in M5410 Med Science Bldg.) Hospital in the Inner City", with Dr. December 14, 1968
Cinema Guild: Orson Welles, Trevor H. Jack Geoger, Tufts U.; Dr. Robert S. To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Audi-
Howard, and Joseph Cotten in The Dane s U of Chicago; and E. Duke Mc- torium. Exercises will conclude about
Third Man: Architecture Auditorium, Neil, Chicago attorney. Friday 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. All graduates of the 1968 fall
7:00 and 9:05 p.m. Focus on Students, produced by speech term may attend.
School of Music Concert: University department students. 5:15 p.m. Busi-s
ness Review, with Prof. Ross Wil- Reception for graduates ,their rela-
Chamber Choir - Thomas Hi:bish, hepEtiveand friends in Michigan League
Conductor; Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p~m. es.srevFriday7:00r' p.m. The Elections in tvsadfinsI ihgnLau
CSndchool Hof MuiDereem Recil: W Perspective - Dr. Angus Campbell, dir. Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please enter
haD d Psio Degree Recital: Wi- Survey Research Center moderates an League at west entrance.
SS-aDaviPiano;School of Music alysis broadcast simultaneously over 6 Tickets: Four to each prospective
Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m. Michigan educational stations at U-M, graduate, to be distributed from Mon-
MSU, WSU, EMU, WMU, and Flint, day, December 2, to 1:00 p.m. Saturday,
General Notices Friday 8:00 p.m. U-M Chamber December 14. at the Diploma Depart-
Choir Concert, broadcast live from Hill ment, 555 L. S. & A. Building, except on
Auditorium. Thomas Hilbish conducts. Saturday, December 7, when office will
A representative from New York Friday 9:45 p.m. Dimensions of Loneli- be closed. Saturday, December 14, office
University School of Law will be on ness - "The Roots of Loneliness", with will be open from 9:00 a.m. to,1:00 p.m.
campus today to discuss admission poli- KennethL. Paton, Unitarian minister, Academic Costume: May be rented at
cies and procedures with prospective Ridgewood, N. Y., recorded in Detroit. Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
applicants. Appointments may be Saturday 1:15 p.m. Football - U-M Avenue. Orders should be placed im-
vs. Illinois, with Tom Hemingway mediately, and MUST be placed before
broadcasting from Ann Arbor. 5:15 p.m. November 29.
Jazz Revisited - Hazen Schumacher Assembly for Graduates: at 1:00 p.m.
presents Standards. Saturday 7:00 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium. Mar-
U-M and Illinals Men's Glee Clubs shals will direct graduates to proper
Concert, broadcast live from Hill Aud. stations.
University of Michigan and Univer- Programs: will be distributed at Hill
sity of Illinois Men's Glee Clubs Joint Auditorium.
Concert: Saturday, Nov, 9, 1968, Hill Candidates who qualify for a doe-
Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. toral degree from the Graduate School
First," Part I, Multipurpose Room, will be presented a hood by the Uni-
UGLI, Saturday, Nov. 9, 8:00 p.m. versity at the ceremony.
I Examinations
«. Dina Joan Finck Caroline, Philoso-
phy, Dissertation: "Pyrimidine Syn-
thesis in Neuropora crassa," at 9 a.m.,
Friday, November 8 in Room 1139 Nat.
Sci., Chairman: R. H. Davis.
Di Grant Lorns Berggren, Jr, Education,
Dissertation: ''- The Development of
Militancy During the Student-Teaching
Experience," Friday, November 8, 1968,
45 10:00 a.m., Room 3206 UHS, Chairman:
F. W. Bertolaet.y
Albert Asher Friesem, Electrical En-
gineering, Dissertation: "Three Dimen-
b'1'e h. isional Recording Media in Holography,"
Friday, November 8, 1968, 3:00 p.m.,
d in to see Room 1114 IST, Chairman: E. N. Leith.
"Thomas Charles Beattie, English
day Collec- Language and Literature, Dissertation:
'From Pride and Prejudice to Emma:i Lib. Arts, Hist., Jonrn., Poll. Set. and J7)
A Study of Jane Austen as Moralist," Law, for positions in Government.
on Friday. November 8 at 3:30 p.m. in Continentalw National American
Room 7638 Haven Hall, Chairman: A. Group, Nationwide and Canada: All
W. Allison. day, men and women. Bach in Lien,
Lib. Arts, and Bach. and MVasters In
Educ. and all degree levels in Math. for
111isurances areas of claims, home of-
3200 S.A.B. flice, sales, statistics and actuarial.
Opportunities for Further Study, Fin-
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ancial Aid, and or Work Study Pro-
Federal Service Entrance Examina grams, contact Placement Services for
tion, (FSEE) applications for next test further information on these pro-
on Jan. 18 will be due on Dec. 11. Test grams, Often application aresent 1to
given this mo. on Nov. 16 has to havefI us, addresses are given. These areon
been already applied for, a few excep- file in Career Planning Library Area.
tions may be made, contact Miss Web- University of Chicago, Graduate Lib-
ber for information, 764-7460. rary School, announces scholarships
Peace Corps regularly scheduled test and fellowships for study in librarian-
given at downtown branch at the oPst ship and information science leading
office on Nov. 16 at 1 p.m The Peace to MS and PhD degrees. Pre and post
Corps recruiting team is visiting cam- doctoral traineeships for medical lib-
pus however the week of November 18- rarians also. Stipends do not require
22. Applications should be completed any service in return and do not pre-
bef2 tAstin solre comlet vent recipients from accepting part-
Plc, these are avail, at time employment. Apply before Feb. 1,
Placement Interviews: '1 he following Sith College Summer Intern-Teach-
organizations will interview at Place- ing Program, Northampton, Mass., of-
e to Services, the representatives ex-fers Liberal arts graduation preparation,
pet to see at least a vita sheet on in- toward careers In secondary sc h 0o1
terviewees, therefore, if you are not teaching. Seve as intern and earn up
already registered with the General to 8 graduate hours applicable to MAT
Division, please stop in and let us pro- degree. Apply before May 15, 1969.
vide you with the proper materials University of Denver Graduate School
Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- of International Studies and Social
ment is by phone, or stop in and make Science Foundation, Denver, Colorado,
appt. in person. Make appts 4 as soon offers programs leading to MA and PhD
as possible, none accepted after 4 p.m. degrees for prospective college teachers,
day preceding visit. government careers, and other level
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1968 teachers.Fellowships range in value,
THURDAYNOVMBER14, 968 applications should be received before
American Hospital Supply, Evanston, Feb. 15,, 1969.
Ill.: All day, men. BA and Masters de- Syracuse University College of Busi-
gees in Biochem., Chem., Econ., Educ., ness Administration offers program of
Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., 48 hours leading to MBA, Financial
Law, Libr. Sci., Math, Microbiol., aid in form of graduate assistantships,
Pharm., Philo., Psyth., Public Health, scholarships, and resident advisor
Speech, Soc. and PhD degrees in Econ., appts. are available. Application should
Journ, Microbiology and Psychology. be filed before Feb. 15, 1969.
LLT. nr.r - - - - -
or JD Law. For positions in
Inside and Territ. Sales.
Computer Sciences Corporation, El
Segundo, Calf.: All day. Men and wo-
men. Advanced (masters and PhD) de-
grees only in Computer Sciences for
EDP and Programming, Electronic
Fireman's Fund American Insurance
Companies, Detroit and throughout.
U.S.: All day, men and women. Bach. in
Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist.,
Journ., and Soc. for Mgmt. Trng.
Defense Supply Agency, Wash. D.C.:
All day, men and women. Bach. in
Econ., Educ., Engl., Foreign Langs., Gen.
128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
NOVEMBER 15, 1968 .
Atlantic Richfield Co.
Research & Development
Chemical Construction Corp.
Control Data Corp. - Ph.D.
MIT - Lincoln Lab.
Sandia Lab.
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
U.S. Gov't.
Naval Air Systems Comm.
Naval Facilities Engrg. Comm.
Naval Ordnance Systems Comm.
Naval Facilities Engrg. Comm..
------ -. -
Featuring the SIX OF SPADES,
Come to
1 '
"Hmm-1 wonder if my Mother
will be at the Mich.-Ill. Glee
Club Concert Saturday eve-
Rent your
Roommate with
a Classified Ad
FRI., NOV. 8
at the Michigan League
TONIGHT at 7:15 P.M.
Hillel Student Services
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